205 research outputs found

    Interplay among spin, orbital effects and localization in a GaAs two-dimensional electron gas in a strong in-plane magnetic field

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    The magnetoresistance of a low carrier density, disordered GaAs based two-dimensional (2D) electron gas has been measured in parallel magnetic fields up to 32 T. The feature in the resistance associated with the complete spin polarization of the carriers shifts down by more than 20 T as the electron density is reduced, consistent with recent theories taking into account the enhancement of the electron-electron interactions at low densities. Nevertheless, the magnetic field for complete polarization, Bp, remains 2-3 times smaller than predicted for a disorder free system. We show, in particular by studying the temperature dependance of Bp to probe the effective size of the Fermi sea, that localization plays an important role in determining the spin polarization of a 2D electron gas.Comment: Published in the Physical Review

    Total Angular Momentum Conservation During Tunnelling through Semiconductor Barriers

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    We have investigated the electrical transport through strained p-Si/Si_{1-x}Ge_x double-barrier resonant tunnelling diodes. The confinement shift for diodes with different well width, the shift due to a central potential spike in a well, and magnetotunnelling spectroscopy demonstrate that the first two resonances are due to tunnelling through heavy hole levels, whereas there is no sign of tunnelling through the first light hole state. This demonstrates for the first time the conservation of the total angular momentum in valence band resonant tunnelling. It is also shown that conduction through light hole states is possible in many structures due to tunnelling of carriers from bulk emitter states.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    The R-Process Alliance: Chemical Abundances for a Trio of R-Process-Enhanced Stars -- One Strong, One Moderate, One Mild

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    We present detailed chemical abundances of three new bright (V ~ 11), extremely metal-poor ([Fe/H] ~ -3.0), r-process-enhanced halo red giants based on high-resolution, high-S/N Magellan/MIKE spectra. We measured abundances for 20-25 neutron-capture elements in each of our stars. J1432-4125 is among the most r-process rich r-II stars, with [Eu/Fe]= +1.44+-0.11. J2005-3057 is an r-I star with [Eu/Fe] = +0.94+-0.07. J0858-0809 has [Eu/Fe] = +0.23+-0.05 and exhibits a carbon abundance corrected for evolutionary status of [C/Fe]_corr = +0.76, thus adding to the small number of known carbon-enhanced r-process stars. All three stars show remarkable agreement with the scaled solar r-process pattern for elements above Ba, consistent with enrichment of the birth gas cloud by a neutron star merger. The abundances for Sr, Y, and Zr, however, deviate from the scaled solar pattern. This indicates that more than one distinct r-process site might be responsible for the observed neutron-capture element abundance pattern. Thorium was detected in J1432-4125 and J2005-3057. Age estimates for J1432-4125 and J2005-3057 were adopted from one of two sets of initial production ratios each by assuming the stars are old. This yielded individual ages of 12+-6 Gyr and 10+-6 Gyr, respectively.Comment: 30 pages, includes a long table, 5 figure

    Influence of the single-particle Zeeman energy on the quantum Hall ferromagnet at high filling factors

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    In a recent paper [B. A. Piot et al., Phys. Rev. B 72, 245325 (2005)], we have shown that the lifting of the electron spin degeneracy in the integer quantum Hall effect at high filling factors should be interpreted as a magnetic-field-induced Stoner transition. In this work, we extend the analysis to investigate the influence of the single-particle Zeeman energy on the quantum Hall ferromagnet at high filling factors. The single-particle Zeeman energy is tuned through the application of an additional in-plane magnetic field. Both the evolution of the spin polarization of the system and the critical magnetic field for spin splitting are well described as a function of the tilt angle of the sample in the magnetic field.Comment: Published in Phys. Rev.

    Quantum critical behaviour of the plateau-insulator transition in the quantum Hall regime

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    High-field magnetotransport experiments provide an excellent tool to investigate the plateau-insulator phase transition in the integral quantum Hall effect. Here we review recent low-temperature high-field magnetotransport studies carried out on several InGaAs/InP heterostructures and an InGaAs/GaAs quantum well. We find that the longitudinal resistivity ρxx\rho_{xx} near the critical filling factor νc\nu_{c} ~ 0.5 follows the universal scaling law ρxx(ν,T)exp[Δν/(T/T0)κ]\rho_{xx}(\nu, T) \propto exp[-\Delta \nu/(T/T_{0})^{\kappa}], where Δν=ννc\Delta \nu =\nu -\nu_{c}. The critical exponent κ\kappa equals 0.56±0.020.56 \pm 0.02, which indicates that the plateau-insulator transition falls in a non-Fermi liquid universality class.Comment: 8 pages, accepted for publication in Proceedings of the Yamada Conference LX on Research in High Magnetic Fields (August 16-19, 2006, Sendai

    A Field Theory for Partially Polarized Quantum Hall States

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    We propose a new effective field theory for partially polarized quantum Hall states. The density and polarization for the mean field ground states are determined by couplings to two Chern-Simons gauge fields. In addition there is a σ\sigma-model field, \mh, which is necessary both to preserve the Chern-Simons gauge symmetry that determines the correlations in the ground state, and the global SU(2) invariance related to spin rotations. For states with non zero polarization, the low energy dynamics is that of a ferromagnet. In addition to spin waves, the spectrum contains topological solitons, or skyrmions, just as in the fully polarized case. The electric charge of the skyrmions is given by Qel=νPQtopQ_{el}=\nu P Q_{top}, where ν\nu is the filling fraction, PP the magnitude of the polarization, and QtopQ_{top} the topological charge. For the special case of full polarization, the theory involves a single scalar field and a single Chern-Simons field in addition to the σ\sigma-model field, \mh. We also give a heuristic derivation of the model lagrangians for both full and partial polarization, and show that in a mean field picture, the field \mh is necessary in order to take into account the Berry phases originating from rotations of the electron spins.Comment: RevTex, 9 page

    SIT for African malaria vectors: Epilogue

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    As a result of increased support and the diligent application of new and conventional anti-malaria tools, significant reductions in malaria transmission are being accomplished. Historical and current evolutionary responses of vectors and parasites to malaria interventions demonstrate that it is unwise to assume that a limited suite of tools will remain effective indefinitely, thus efforts to develop new interventions should continue. This collection of manuscripts surveys the prospects and technical challenges for applying a novel tool, the sterile insect technique (SIT), against mosquitoes that transmit malaria. The method has been very successful against many agricultural pest insects in area-wide programs, but demonstrations against malaria vectors have not been sufficient to determine its potential relative to current alternatives, much of which will hinge ultimately upon cost. These manuscripts provide an overview of current efforts to develop SIT and identify key research issues that remain

    Unintentional high density p-type modulation doping of a GaAs/AlAs core-multi-shell nanowire

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    Achieving significant doping in GaAs/AlAs core/shell nanowires (NWs) is of considerable technological importance but remains a challenge due to the amphoteric behavior of the dopant atoms. Here we show that placing a narrow GaAs quantum well in the AlAs shell effectively getters residual carbon acceptors leading to an \emph{unintentional} p-type doping. Magneto-optical studies of such a GaAs/AlAs core multi-shell NW reveal quantum confined emission. Theoretical calculations of NW electronic structure confirm quantum confinement of carriers at the core/shell interface due to the presence of ionized carbon acceptors in the 1~nm GaAs layer in the shell. Micro-photoluminescence in high magnetic field shows a clear signature of avoided crossings of the n=0n=0 Landau level emission line with the n=2n=2 Landau level TO phonon replica. The coupling is caused by the resonant hole-phonon interaction, which points to a large 2D hole density in the structure.Comment: just published in Nano Letters (http://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/nl500818k