82 research outputs found

    Untersuchung zur niederfrequenten Variabilität der Meeresoberflächentemperatur im Nordpazifik

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    Ein hochauflösendes ozeanisches Zirkulationsmodell wird mit beobachteten monatlich gemittelten Winden angetrieben, um die niederfrequente Variabilität der Meeresobeı'fllächen= temperatur (SST) im Nordpazifik zu untersuchen. Der Einfluß anomaler Kalt- bzw. Warmluftadvektion auf den turbulenten Wärmeaustausch zwischen Ozean und Atmosphäre wird mit Hilfe eines advektiven Modell der Lufttemperatur parametrisiert. Die beobachteten ersten beiden Empirischen Orthogonal= funktionen (EOF) zeigen großräumige Muster, die Zentren negativer Korrelation liegen ca. 2500-6000km auseinander. In der Simulation werden sehr ähnliche Muster gefunden und auch die zugehörigen simulierten Zeitserien stimmen im Winter gut mit den Beobachtungen überein. Die lange Lebensdauer der winterlichen Anomalien (etwa vier bis sechs Monaten) sowie die erheblich geringere Persistenz sommerlicher Anomalien werden im Modellexperiment ebenfalls wiedergegeben. Auch lokal zeigen sich gute Übereinstimmungen zwischen beobachteten und simulierten SST-Anomalien: Die simulierte winterliche SST ist signifikant mit den Beobachtungen korreliert, und die beobachtete hohe Variablität nahe 40oN wird reproduziert. Die numerischen Wärmeaustausch Ursache der ist. Nur in Transporte im ein Drittel). Ozean auf die Experimente zeigen, daß der turbulente zwischen Ozean und Atmosphäre die wesentliche niederfrequenten SST-Variablität im Nordpazifik der Kuroschio-Region tragen auch advektive Ozean nennenswert zur SST-Änderung bei (etwa Die Wirkung turbulenter Mischungsprozesse im SST ist vernachlässigbar. Wird das Modell mit einem trieben, in dem das dominate synthetischen Windfeld ange= tropische BL Nino-Südliche Oszillation (Enso)-signal isoliert wurde, so ergeben sich großräumige SST-Anomalien, die hoch mit dem dazu gehörigen Index (SOI: Index der Südlichen Oszillation) korreliert sind. Das Muster der Korrelation zwischen simulierter SST und SOI reproduziert sehr gut die Beobachtungen. Die durch ENSO erklärbare Varianz im Bereich des Nordpazifiks ist allerdings gering, sie liegt bei 10% bis 20%

    Monte Carlo experiments with frequency-wavenumber spectra

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    Rossby wave dynamics of the North Pacific extra-tropical response to El Niño: importance of the basic state in coupled GCMs

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    The extra-tropical response to El Nino in a "low" horizontal resolution coupled climate model, typical of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change fourth assessment report simulations, is shown to have serious systematic errors. A high resolution configuration of the same model has a much improved response that is similar to observations. The errors in the low resolution model are traced to an incorrect representation of the atmospheric teleconnection mechanism that controls the extra-tropical sea surface temperatures (SSTs) during El Nino. This is due to an unrealistic atmospheric mean state, which changes the propagation characteristics of Rossby waves. These erroneous upper tropospheric circulation anomalies then induce erroneous surface circulation features over the North Pacific. The associated surface wind speed and direction errors create erroneous surface flux and upwelling anomalies which finally lead to the incorrect extra-tropical SST response to El Nino in the low resolution model. This highlights the sensitivity of the climate response to a single link in a chain of complex climatic processes. The correct representation of these processes in the high resolution model indicates the importance of horizontal resolution in resolving such processes

    Ocean colour changes in the North Pacific since 1930

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    In this paper we present an analysis of historical ocean colour data from the North Pacific Ocean. This colour is described by the Forel-Ule colour index, a sea colour comparator scale that is composed of 21 tube colours that is routinely measured since the year 1890. The main objective of this research is to characterise colour changes of the North Pacific Ocean at a timescale of decades. Next to the seasonal colour changes, due to the yearly cycle of biological activity, this time series between 1930 and 1999 might contain information on global changes in climate conditions. From seasonal independent analyses of the long-term variations it was found that the greenest values, with mean Forel-Ule scale ((FU) ̅) of 4.1 were reached during the period of 1950-1954, with a second high ((FU) ̅ = 3) in the period 1980-1984. The bluest ocean was encountered during the years 1990-1994. The data indicate that after 1955 a remarkable long bluing took place till 1980

    Motion processing with wide-field neurons in the retino-tecto-rotundal pathway

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    The retino-tecto-rotundal pathway is the main visual pathway in non-mammalian vertebrates and has been found to be highly involved in visual processing. Despite the extensive receptive fields of tectal and rotundal wide-field neurons, pattern discrimination tasks suggest a system with high spatial resolution. In this paper, we address the problem of how global processing performed by motion-sensitive wide-field neurons can be brought into agreement with the concept of a local analysis of visual stimuli. As a solution to this problem, we propose a firing-rate model of the retino-tecto-rotundal pathway which describes how spatiotemporal information can be organized and retained by tectal and rotundal wide-field neurons while processing Fourier-based motion in absence of periodic receptive-field structures. The model incorporates anatomical and electrophysiological experimental data on tectal and rotundal neurons, and the basic response characteristics of tectal and rotundal neurons to moving stimuli are captured by the model cells. We show that local velocity estimates may be derived from rotundal-cell responses via superposition in a subsequent processing step. Experimentally testable predictions which are both specific and characteristic to the model are provided. Thus, a conclusive explanation can be given of how the retino-tecto-rotundal pathway enables the animal to detect and localize moving objects or to estimate its self-motion parameters

    Frequency and Prognostic Impact of ALK Amplifications and Mutations in the European Neuroblastoma Study Group (SIOPEN) High-Risk Neuroblastoma Trial (HR-NBL1).

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    In neuroblastoma (NB), the ALK receptor tyrosine kinase can be constitutively activated through activating point mutations or genomic amplification. We studied ALK genetic alterations in high-risk (HR) patients on the HR-NBL1/SIOPEN trial to determine their frequency, correlation with clinical parameters, and prognostic impact. Diagnostic tumor samples were available from 1,092 HR-NBL1/SIOPEN patients to determine ALK amplification status (n = 330), ALK mutational profile (n = 191), or both (n = 571). Genomic ALK amplification (ALKa) was detected in 4.5% of cases (41 out of 901), all except one with MYCN amplification (MNA). ALKa was associated with a significantly poorer overall survival (OS) (5-year OS: ALKa [n = 41] 28% [95% CI, 15 to 42]; no-ALKa [n = 860] 51% [95% CI, 47 to 54], [P < .001]), particularly in cases with metastatic disease. ALK mutations (ALKm) were detected at a clonal level (> 20% mutated allele fraction) in 10% of cases (76 out of 762) and at a subclonal level (mutated allele fraction 0.1%-20%) in 3.9% of patients (30 out of 762), with a strong correlation between the presence of ALKm and MNA (P < .001). Among 571 cases with known ALKa and ALKm status, a statistically significant difference in OS was observed between cases with ALKa or clonal ALKm versus subclonal ALKm or no ALK alterations (5-year OS: ALKa [n = 19], 26% [95% CI, 10 to 47], clonal ALKm [n = 65] 33% [95% CI, 21 to 44], subclonal ALKm (n = 22) 48% [95% CI, 26 to 67], and no alteration [n = 465], 51% [95% CI, 46 to 55], respectively; P = .001). Importantly, in a multivariate model, involvement of more than one metastatic compartment (hazard ratio [HR], 2.87; P < .001), ALKa (HR, 2.38; P = .004), and clonal ALKm (HR, 1.77; P = .001) were independent predictors of poor outcome. Genetic alterations of ALK (clonal mutations and amplifications) in HR-NB are independent predictors of poorer survival. These data provide a rationale for integration of ALK inhibitors in upfront treatment of HR-NB with ALK alterations

    Subdivisions of the Auditory Midbrain (N. Mesencephalicus Lateralis, pars dorsalis) in Zebra Finches Using Calcium-Binding Protein Immunocytochemistry

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    The midbrain nucleus mesencephalicus lateralis pars dorsalis (MLd) is thought to be the avian homologue of the central nucleus of the mammalian inferior colliculus. As such, it is a major relay in the ascending auditory pathway of all birds and in songbirds mediates the auditory feedback necessary for the learning and maintenance of song. To clarify the organization of MLd, we applied three calcium binding protein antibodies to tissue sections from the brains of adult male and female zebra finches. The staining patterns resulting from the application of parvalbumin, calbindin and calretinin antibodies differed from each other and in different parts of the nucleus. Parvalbumin-like immunoreactivity was distributed throughout the whole nucleus, as defined by the totality of the terminations of brainstem auditory afferents; in other words parvalbumin-like immunoreactivity defines the boundaries of MLd. Staining patterns of parvalbumin, calbindin and calretinin defined two regions of MLd: inner (MLd.I) and outer (MLd.O). MLd.O largely surrounds MLd.I and is distinct from the surrounding intercollicular nucleus. Unlike the case in some non-songbirds, however, the two MLd regions do not correspond to the terminal zones of the projections of the brainstem auditory nuclei angularis and laminaris, which have been found to overlap substantially throughout the nucleus in zebra finches

    Mutagenesis and Functional Studies with Succinate Dehydrogenase Inhibitors in the Wheat Pathogen Mycosphaerella graminicola

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    A range of novel carboxamide fungicides, inhibitors of the succinate dehydrogenase enzyme (SDH, EC is currently being introduced to the crop protection market. The aim of this study was to explore the impact of structurally distinct carboxamides on target site resistance development and to assess possible impact on fitness