4,660 research outputs found

    Entanglement, Mixedness, and Spin-Flip Symmetry in Multiple-Qubit Systems

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    A relationship between a recently introduced multipartite entanglement measure, state mixedness, and spin-flip symmetry is established for any finite number of qubits. It is also shown that, within those classes of states invariant under the spin-flip transformation, there is a complementarity relation between multipartite entanglement and mixedness. A number of example classes of multiple-qubit systems are studied in light of this relationship.Comment: To appear in Physical Review A; submitted 14 May 200

    Herstellung und Untersuchung der protonenueberschuessigen Plutonium-Isotope 232 bis 235

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    Large phenotype jumps in biomolecular evolution

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    By defining the phenotype of a biopolymer by its active three-dimensional shape, and its genotype by its primary sequence, we propose a model that predicts and characterizes the statistical distribution of a population of biopolymers with a specific phenotype, that originated from a given genotypic sequence by a single mutational event. Depending on the ratio g0 that characterizes the spread of potential energies of the mutated population with respect to temperature, three different statistical regimes have been identified. We suggest that biopolymers found in nature are in a critical regime with g0 in the range 1-6, corresponding to a broad, but not too broad, phenotypic distribution resembling a truncated Levy flight. Thus the biopolymer phenotype can be considerably modified in just a few mutations. The proposed model is in good agreement with the experimental distribution of activities determined for a population of single mutants of a group I ribozyme.Comment: to appear in Phys. Rev. E; 7 pages, 6 figures; longer discussion in VII, new fig.

    A multi-photon Stokes-parameter invariant for entangled states

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    We consider the Minkowskian norm of the n-photon Stokes tensor, a scalar invariant under the group realized by the transformations of stochastic local quantum operations and classical communications (SLOCC). This invariant is offered as a candidate entanglement measure for n-qubit states and discussed in relation to measures of quantum state entanglement for certain important classes of two-qubit and three-qubit systems. This invariant can be directly estimated via a quantum network, obviating the need to perform laborious quantum state tomography. We also show that this invariant directly captures the extent of entanglement purification due to SLOCC filters.Comment: 9 pages, 0 figures, Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Определение условий перехода вязкой суспензии в вязкопластинчатый материал на сите виброгрохота

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    На підставі рішення рівнянь Нав’є-Стокса для установленої течії в’язкої сировини, що не стискується, по похилій ситовій поверхні аналітично визначені умови переходу вугільної шламової суспензії у в’язкопластичний матеріал при зневоднені на ситі віброгрохота.На основе решения уравнений Навье-Стокса для установившегося течения вязкой несжигаемой жидкости по наклонной ситовой поверхности аналитически определены условия перехода угольной шламовой суспензии в вязкопластинчатый материал при обезвоживании на сите виброгрохота

    Clustering and Non-Gaussian Behavior in Granular Matter

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    We investigate the properties of a model of granular matter consisting of NN Brownian particles on a line subject to inelastic mutual collisions. This model displays a genuine thermodynamic limit for the mean values of the energy and the energy dissipation. When the typical relaxation time τ\tau associated with the Brownian process is small compared with the mean collision time τc\tau_c the spatial density is nearly homogeneous and the velocity probability distribution is gaussian. In the opposite limit ττc\tau \gg \tau_c one has strong spatial clustering, with a fractal distribution of particles, and the velocity probability distribution strongly deviates from the gaussian one.Comment: 4 pages including 3 eps figures, LaTex, added references, corrected typos, minimally changed contents and abstract, to published in Phys.Rev.Lett. (tentatively on 28th of October, 1998

    The Diguanylate Cyclase SadC Is a Central Player in Gac/Rsm-Mediated Biofilm Formation in Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a Gram-negative opportunistic human pathogen and a threat for immune-compromised and Cystic Fibrosis patients. It is responsible for acute and chronic infections and can switch between these lifestyles upon taking an informed decision involving complex regulatory networks. The RetS/LadS/Gac/Rsm network and the c-di-GMP signaling pathways are both central to this phenomenon redirecting the P. aeruginosa population towards a biofilm mode of growth, which is associated with chronic infections. While these two pathways were traditionally studied independently from each other, we recently showed that cellular levels of c-di-GMP are increased in the hyperbiofilm retS mutant. Here, we have formally established the link between the two networks by showing that the SadC diguanylate cyclase is central to the Gac/Rsm-associated phenotypes, notably biofilm formation. Importantly, SadC is involved in the signaling that converges onto the RsmA translational repressor either via RetS/LadS or via HptB/HsbR. Although the level of expression of the sadC gene does not seem impacted by the regulatory cascade, the production of the SadC protein is tightly repressed by RsmA. This adds to the growing complexity of the signaling network associated with c-di-GMP in P. aeruginosa. While this organism possesses more than forty c-di-GMP-related enzymes it remains unclear how signaling specificity is maintained within the c-di-GMP network. The finding that SadC but no other diguanylate cyclase is related to the formation of biofilm governed by the Gac/Rsm pathway further contributes to understand this insulation mechanism

    Silicates in D-type symbiotic stars: an ISO overview

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    We investigate the IR spectral features of a sample of D-type symbiotic stars. Analyzing unexploited ISO-SWS data, deriving the basic observational parameters of dust bands and comparing them with respect to those observed in other astronomical sources, we try to highlight the effect of environment on grain chemistry and physic. We find strong amorphous silicate emission bands at 10 micron and 18 micron in a large fraction of the sample. The analysis of the 10 micron band, along with a direct comparison with several astronomical sources, reveals that silicate dust in symbiotic stars shows features between the characteristic circumstellar environments and the interstellar medium. This indicates an increasing reprocessing of grains in relation to specific symbiotic behavior of the objects. A correlation between the central wavelength of the 10 and 18 micron dust bands is found. By the modeling of IR spectral lines we investigate also dust grains conditions within the shocked nebulae. Both the unusual depletion values and the high sputtering efficiency might be explained by the formation of SiO moleculae, which are known to be a very reliable shock tracer. We conclude that the signature of dust chemical disturbance due to symbiotic activity should be looked for in the outer, circumbinary, expanding shells where the environmental conditions for grain processing might be achieved. Symbiotic stars are thus attractive targets for new mid-infrared and mm observations.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figures, 5 tables - to be published in A