17 research outputs found

    Засоби масової інформації як політичний інститут (на прикладі регіональних періодичних видань)

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    Стаття присвячена дослідженню засобів масової інформації, їхній ролі та значенню у формуванні виборчого процесу. Здійснено комплексне дослідження впливу ЗМІ на політичний виборчий процес в суспільстві на основі аналізу комунікаційного процесу. Зазначено, що ЗМІ можуть бути охарактеризовані як особлива підсистема (інститут) політичної системи, які є одночасно каналом інформаційного обміну який пронизує все суспільство, і змістом каналу - інформацією (The article is dedicated to determination and research of the mass-media, role and importance in electoral process in Ukraine. Complex research of mass-media infuence is carried out on electoral process in the society on the basis of analysis of communication processes. It is marked that mass-media can be described as a special subsystem (institute) of a political system which is both a channel of informative exchange that pierces all the society and contents of the channel that can be identifed as information


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    This article contains the main principles of dietary nutrition in tuberculosis, which will promote the increase of body resistance and decrease of intoxication. Also an important task of dietary nutrition must be the promotion of tissues recovery, that are affected by tubercular infection.У статті міститься основні принципи дієтичного харчування при туберкульозі, які сприятимуть підвищенню опірності організму і зменшенню інтоксикації. Також важливим завданням дієтичного харчування при туберкульозі має стати сприяння відновленню тканин, які вражені туберкульозною інфекцією

    Analysis of taking of inventory of hotbed gases extrass from burial-places hard domestic wastes in Ukraine

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    Систематизовано дані про параметрі метаноутворення на полігонах твердих побутових відходів (ТПВ) та запропоновано шляхи зниження невизначеності розрахунків при проведені національної інвентаризації парникових газів з полігонів ТПВ в Україні.Data on methane generation parameters while municipal solid waste (MSW) disposal are systemized. As a result, the ways to reduce uncertainty of greenhouse gases emission inventory while MSW disposal were suggested.Систематизированы данные о параметрах метанообразования на полигонах твердых бытовых отходов (ТБО) и предложены пути снижения неопределенности расчетов при проведении национальной инвентаризации парниковых газов (ПГ) с полигонов ТБО в Украине

    Formation of narrow-leaved lupine productivity depending on seed inoculation and fertilization

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    Информационные технологи в обучении иностранному языку студентов-аграриев

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    У статті обґрунтовано доцільність використання інформаційних технологій ід час вивчення іноземної мови, що значно підвищує якість знань студентів, вказано на необхідність розробки дидактичних матеріалів нового покоління та використання комп’ютера як технічного засобу навчання.The paper gives proves of efficiency of using information technologies in foreign language training to improve quality of students' knowledge. It is indicated that it is necessary to develop new-generation training materials and to use computer as a technical teaching aid.В статье обоснована целесообразность использования информационных технологий во время преподавания иностранного языка, что значительно повышает качество знаний студентов. Указано на необходимость разработки дидактических материалов нового поколения и использования компьютера в качестве технического средства обучения

    Optical effects at projection measurements for Terahertz tomography

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    Optical aberrations like refraction, diffraction and edge effects have an influence on Terahertz measurements. They can produce image artifacts which make it difficult to detect and resolve material defects inside the samples. We used a geometrical optical ray tracing approach to analyze the optical effects at Terahertz projection measurements which can be used to perform 2D or 3D THz images. We measured plastic samples with different shapes and compared them to simulations which are realized with the software ZEMAX. Furthermore, different methods to overcome the impact of edge effects will be introduced

    Research the Effectiveness Micro-1 Biopreparation Against the Spring Barley Diseases Under Polissya Conditions

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    The antagonistic activity of strain B. amyloliquefaciens subsp. plantarum IMB B-7404 (Micro-1) with the titer of 1-3x107 СFU/ml in relation to the spring barley leaf spot and root rot has been studied in the field and laboratory conditions. It has been found that the treatment of seeds with biopreparation Micro-1 reduces the development of the ordinary root rot by 51,3 %.It has been determined that a single spraying of crops with the biopreparation during the tillering phase reduces the development of barley Helminthosporium by 42,5 % and double application during the phase of tillering and earing – by 55,0 % respectively.A single spraying of spring barley with preparation Micro-1 with the titer of 1-3x107 CFU/ml during the tillering phase provides the technical effectiveness against Helminthosporium at 43,8 % and double application during the tillering and earing phase – at 46,8 % respectively.The application of biopreparation Micro-1on plantings increases the yield of spring barley grain by 0,35–0,45 t/ha as compared to the contro

    Determining the Dynamic Loading on an Open-top Wagon with a Two-pipe Girder Beam

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    To ensure the structural strength of open-top wagons, it has been proposed to introduce the concept of a traction device that could be implemented in open-top wagons with bearing elements made of round pipes. Feature of the concept is that the console parts of the girder beam are filled with a viscous substance with damping and anticorrosive properties. To convert the shock kinetic energy into the dissipation energy, the concept design includes a piston with two throttle valves (inlet and outlet).In order to determine the dynamic load on the bearing structure of an open-top wagon equipped with a concept design of the traction device, mathematical modeling was performed. A mathematical model of the open-top wagon dynamic load during shunting collision has been constructed. It was considered that the frame of an open-top wagon is exposed to a longitudinal load of 3.5 MN. Differential equations were solved in line with a Runge-Kutta method in the programming environment Mathcad. It was established that the maximum magnitude of acceleration that acts on an open-top wagon, taking the improvement into consideration, is about 30 m/s2. The proposed technical solutions make it possible to reduce the magnitude of dynamic load on a open-top wagon's bearing structure at shunting collision by 25 %.The software CosmosWorks was used to perform computer simulation of the dynamic load on an open-top wagon. The finite element method was applied as a calculation technique. In this case, maximum accelerations amounted to about 37 m/s2 and were concentrated at the console parts of a girder beam.Adequacy of the developed models of dynamic loading on an open-top wagon's bearing structure was tested against the Fisher criterion (F-criterion). The optimal number of measurements was defined based on the Student-Gorset criterion. The results from calculation have demonstrated that the hypothesis of adequacy is not rejected.This study will contribute to a decrease in the dynamic load on the bearing structures of open-top wagons in operation, as well as bring down the cost of unscheduled repairs. The current research enables the compilation of guidelines on designing innovative rolling stock with improved technical and economic indicators