6,004 research outputs found

    A Dramatistic Analysis of Manhunt Unabomber

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    Research Idea: Analyze Discovery Channel’s show Manhunt Unabomber for evidence of a change in modern opinion regarding Ted Kaczynski’s action

    In Search of Communication Satisfaction at the State Bar of Georgia

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    It has long been established that “communication is of fundamental importance in the operation of all organizations, and a knowledge of the efficiency of the general communication system is vital to achieve high levels of organizational effectiveness” (Greenbaum, Clampitt, & Willihnganz, 1988, p. 245). With this in mind, over the past forty years many organizations have turned to communication audits to identify strategies to improve their organizations’ communication practices. One such organization is the State Bar of Georgia. Using Downs and Hazen’s (1977) Communication Satisfaction Questionnaire, this study assessed the health/effectiveness of the Bar’s formal and informal communication channels, identified problems and made recommendations for improvement. In addition to gaining a better understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the Bar’s existing communication channels, the audit showed how communication practices at the Bar relate to employee job satisfaction

    Chinmo Function During Cyst Stem Cell Establishment in the Drosophila Testis

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    Stem cells are crucial for organogenesis and maintenance of healthy tissues. They also have potential use in stem cell therapies and regenerative medicine. Yet, our understanding of how stem cells develop during organ formation is limited. Drosophila testes provide one of the most tractable, and thoroughly characterized systems for studying stem cell behavior. The stem cell niche that forms in the testis is a model for the microenvironments present in other organs where there is an asymmetrically dividing population of stem cells. In the testis niche, cyst stem cells (CySCs) and germline stem cells (GSCs) are arrayed around somatic hub cells. Signaling from hub cells regulates the equilibrium of stem cell maintenance and differentiation. The Wawersik Lab has shown that the Jak-STAT signaling pathway is necessary and sufficient for CySC maintenance shortly after GSC establishment (Wawersik et al. 2012). However, the function of downstream mediators of the Jak-STAT pathway are not entirely known. One of these downstream mediators is chinmo (Bach et al, 2011). In the adult Drosophila testis, chinmo has been shown to be required for maintenance of cyst stem cells (CySC) (Bach et al, 2011). Additionally, chinmo is responsible for maintenance of male sexual identity of CySCs in the adult testis (Ma, Wawersik, Matunis, 2014). Prior studies have not assessed chinmo expression or function during development. This thesis will study chinmo\u27s role in CySC maintenance and the initial determination of male sexual identity in Drosophila gonad during the embryonic and larval development. Specifically, the temporal and spatial expression of chinmo was characterized in developing gonads. Loss and gain of function studies were also performed. Results indicate that chinmo is both necessary and sufficient for establishment, but not maintenance, of functional CySCs in the developing testis. These data suggest that chinmo has a different function in CySCs during development then in an adult Drosophila testis

    Tension-Compression Fatigue of Hi-Nicalon/SiC Ceramic Matrix Composite at 1200°C in Air and Steam

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    The primary tenet of the aircraft survivability discipline is threat definition. In order to deliver relevant capabilities and protection to the warfighter it is imperative; therefore, to provide timely, accurate, and actionable threat data to the survivability community. In an attempt to identify the evolution of aircraft threats in today\u27s combat environment, an analysis of fixed-wing aircraft battle damage was conducted. This analysis reports battle damage incidents from OPERATIONS ENDURING FREEDOM (OEF) and IRAQI FREEDOM(OIF). Additionally, reported damage incidents were then validated by crosschecking aircraft maintenance records from this period to eliminate non-hostile fire data points. This revolutionary approach uncovered discontinuities, which were further explored to identify their root cause. As a result, significant Air Force policy changes in the realm of battle damage reporting procedures were suggested. In the end, lives will be saved because the acquisition community at large will have valuable threat data in which they can be confident


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    The purpose of this thesis is to interpret the ichnotaxonomy, paleoenvironmental distribution, and paleoecological ramifications of trace fossils from the Frasnian to Famennian Catskill Formation (CF), north-central Pennsylvania, USA. The CF contains a suite of approximately 14 traces, 11 of which represent animal behavior, and 3 of which represent preservational styles and morphologies of plant roots. CF traces occur in paleosols and strata exhibiting no evidence of pedogenesis. Paleosol traces represent terraphilic to hydrophilic soil biota. Traces in strata with no evidence of pedogenesis represent aquatic organism behavior. Backfilled burrows--Beaconites antarcticus and B. barretti--represent dwelling and feeding by soil-dwelling arthropods. Rhizoliths represent shallow to deep rooting by plants with terraphilic to hydrophilic affinities. Backfilled burrows and rhizoliths form a characteristic ichnofabric that is superimposed on all pedogenically modified deposits. Lungfish estivation burrows--Hyperoeuthys teichonomos--are commonly superimposed on and subsequently overprinted by the dominant ichnofabric. Diplichnites gouldi is present in weakly developed paleosols and represents locomotion of an arthropod of unknown taxonomic affinity. In situ stump casts occur in paleosols of differing maturity and likely represent the life position of an arborescent plant. Camborygma eumekonomos and C. litonomos represent dwelling burrows of terraphilic to hydrophilic arthropods and are also overprinted by the dominant ichnopedofabric. Bivalve resting (Lockeia siliquaria), locomotion (Lockeia ornata), and escape traces, as well as fish swimming traces (Undichna multiloba), and Sagittichnus lincki--the resting trace of an unknown organism--represent aquatic organism behavior. The presence of terraphilic to hygrophilic and hydrophilic traces in CF paleosols indicates that Late Devonian soil organisms exhibited nearly as much behavioral complexity as Mesozoic to recent soil organisms. The abundance and degree of trace crosscutting increases in increasingly mature paleosols, indicating that CF paleosol ichnoassemblages, despite being controlled by paleohydrology, also represent ecological succession. Continental organisms are known exhibited behaviors that beneficially modify their environment (ecosystem engineering) by modulating resource flow paths (allogenic engineering) or modifying their bodies in ways that create new habitats for themselves (autogenic engineering). The idea that middle Paleozoic continental organisms were ecosystem engineers has not been examined. Our data suggest that the inception of allogenic ecosystem engineering in continental environments had occurred by the Late Devonian

    Training Online Physical Educators: A Phenomenological Case Study

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    Online physical education (OLPE) presents a unique set of challenges in translating traditional physical education to a digital space, all while meeting the same benchmarks, curriculum, and assessment standards of traditional courses. Currently, limited research exists investigating how physical educators are formally trained to deliver content online. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to describe the experiences and perceptions of students and instructor of a graduate-level OLPE teacher education (OLPETE) methods course. A phenomenographic research design was employed to examine the social phenomenon of one OLPETE methods course at a midwest midmajor college. Participants in this study were an instructor of OLPETE methods course and former students who had completed the course. Data for the case study were collected through semistructured interviews and inductive content analysis was employed to analyze the qualitative data. Results revealed four categories describing the lived experiences of those involved: (1) Modeling Online Instructional Practices, (2) Instructor and Student Interactions, (3) Transitioning Pedagogical and Content Knowledge Online, and (4) Navigating Instructional Tools and Technology


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    The genetic traits that an Angus bull possesses convey the reproductive and economic value of the animal to potential buyers. This paper examines and draws comparisons between the value of actual production weights and production EPDs, while also establishing values for ultrasound EPDs. Results indicate that only one EPD, birth weight, was valued by buyers more than its corresponding actual weight, though actual weights and EPDs significantly impacted price. Ultrasound EPDs were also found to be significant, suggesting buyers of Angus bulls consider carcass information when purchasing bulls.Angus Bulls, Birth Weight, Carcass, EPDs, Hedonic Model, Livestock Production/Industries,

    Estimating the Economic Value of Specific Characteristics Associated with Angus Bulls Sold at Auction

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    The genetic traits of a purebred bull convey the reproductive and economic value to buyers. This study examines and compares the value of actual production weights (birth, weaning, and yearling weight), production expected progeny differences (EPDs) (birth, weaning, milk, and yearling), and ultrasound EPDs (carcass quality predictors) for purebred Angus bulls sold at auction. One EPD, birth weight, was valued by buyers more than its corresponding actual weight, though both actual weights and EPDs significantly impact price. Predictors of carcass quality were important in determining price. Finally, several individual animal factors and sale characteristics were significant in determining price.Angus bulls, carcass characteristics, EPDs, marketing factors, production factors, Agribusiness, Agricultural and Food Policy, Agricultural Finance, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Livestock Production/Industries, Q10, Q12,