623 research outputs found

    The examination of archaeometallurgical remains; some recent examples and conclusions

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    This paper starts with a description of the investigational techniques now being used and goes on to discuss some of the problems and results. Examples have been taken from such finds as mattes and slags, litharge and speiss, native copper and crucible melting, edge tools, copper and bronze ingots, and oxidation enrichment in wrought iron

    Moldes para puñales en la Península Ibérica durante la Edad del Bronce. El caso de Camp Cinzano (Vilafranca del Penedès, Alt Penedès, Barcelona)

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    The Bronze Age settlement of Camp Cinzano (Vilafranca del Penedès, Alt Penedès, Barcelona province) yielded a riveted dagger stone mould in a funerary context C14 dated to c. 1850 cal BC. We examine the characteristics of the mould (typology and raw material) and the metal artifact found at the site and relate them to the metallurgy of the 2<sup>nd</sup> Millennium BC in the Northeastern Iberian Peninsula. We present the few comparable dagger moulds existing in the Iberian Peninsula and the Western Mediterranean and discuss the possible reasons for their rarity in the archaeological record. The data indicate two possible places of origin for the mould studied: the East coast of the Iberian Peninsula and Northern Italy (the Polada group). The latter is an area which exhibits greater interaction and relationships with the Northeastern Iberian Peninsula in the metallurgic sphere.<br><br>Un molde lítico para puñales fue localizado en un contexto funerario fechado mediante C14 en c. 1850 cal ANE en el asentamiento de la Edad del Bronce de Camp Cinzano (Vilafranca del Penedès, Alt Penedès, Barcelona). Se estudian la tipología y materia prima del molde y las características del artefacto metálico moldeado en el, relacionándolas con la metalurgia del II milenio del nordeste de la Península Ibérica. Se exponen los escasos paralelos de moldes para puñales existentes en la Península Ibérica y en el Mediterráneo Occidental, así como las posibles razones de su ausencia en el registro arqueológico. Los datos sugieren dos lugares de origen para el molde estudiado, el Levante ibérico y el norte de Italia (grupos de Polada). Esta última zona mantiene mayores relaciones e interacciones en el ámbito metalúrgico con el nordeste de la Península Ibérica

    Prices in Motion: Towards a Schumpeterian Price Theory

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    To Schumpeter, endogenous development is an essential characteristic of capitalism that disrupts the equilibrium of the circular flow of the economy. Price equilibrium in the circular flow is displaced by an analysis of prices in motion. The diversion of productive inputs from their existing employment through competition from entrepreneurs and the process of creative destruction both impact on prices throughout the economy and generate business cycles. While Schumpeter's theory of the business cycle and, implicitly, his price theory, have been heavily criticized, this article suggests a way forward to a revised theory of prices in motion