82 research outputs found

    Functional divergence of microtubule-associated TPX2 family members in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    TPX2 (Targeting Protein for Xklp2) is an evolutionary conserved microtubule-associated protein important for microtubule nucleation and mitotic spindle assembly. The protein was described as an activator of the mitotic kinase Aurora A in humans and the Arabidopsis AURORA1 (AUR1) kinase. In contrast to animal genomes that encode only one TPX2 gene, higher plant genomes encode a family with several TPX2-LIKE gene members (TPXL). TPXL genes of Arabidopsis can be divided into two groups. Group A proteins (TPXL2, 3, 4, and 8) contain Aurora binding and TPX2_importin domains, while group B proteins (TPXL1, 5, 6, and 7) harbor an Xklp2 domain. Canonical TPX2 contains all the above-mentioned domains. We confirmed using in vitro kinase assays that the group A proteins contain a functional Aurora kinase binding domain. Transient expression of Arabidopsis TPX2-like proteins in Nicotiana benthamiana revealed preferential localization to microtubules and nuclei. Co-expression of AUR1 together with TPX2-like proteins changed the localization of AUR1, indicating that these proteins serve as targeting factors for Aurora kinases. Taken together, we visualize the various localizations of the TPX2-LIKE family in Arabidopsis as a proxy to their functional divergence and provide evidence of their role in the targeted regulation of AUR1 kinase activity

    VII Jornadas de Expania

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    Sección: Noticias. Noticias externasLos días 27 y 28 de mayo se celebraron en Santiago de Compostela las VII Jornadas de Expania, la Asociación de Usuarios de Ex Libris en España.N

    A homolog of <i>blade-on-petiole</i> <i>1</i> and <i>2</i> (<i>BOP1/2</i>) controls internode length and homeotic changes of the barley inflorescence

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    Inflorescence architecture in small-grain cereals has a direct effect on yield and is an important selection target in breeding for yield improvement. We analyzed the recessive mutation laxatum-a (lax-a) in barley (Hordeum vulgare), which causes pleiotropic changes in spike development, resulting in (1) extended rachis internodes conferring a more relaxed inflorescence, (2) broadened base of the lemma awns, (3) thinner grains that are largely exposed due to reduced marginal growth of the palea and lemma, and (4) and homeotic conversion of lodicules into two stamenoid structures. Map-based cloning enforced by mapping-by-sequencing of the mutant lax-a locus enabled the identification of a homolog of BLADE-ON-PETIOLE1 (BOP1) and BOP2 as the causal gene. Interestingly, the recently identified barley uniculme4 gene also is a BOP1/2 homolog and has been shown to regulate tillering and leaf sheath development. While the Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) BOP1 and BOP2 genes act redundantly, the barley genes contribute independent effects in specifying the developmental growth of vegetative and reproductive organs, respectively. Analysis of natural genetic diversity revealed strikingly different haplotype diversity for the two paralogous barley genes, likely affected by the respective genomic environments, since no indication for an active selection process was detected

    Extreme Suppression of Lateral Floret Development by a Single Amino Acid Change in the VRS1 Transcription Factor

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    Increasing grain yield is an endless challenge for cereal crop breeding. In barley (Hordeum vulgare), grain number is controlled mainly by Six-rowed spike 1 (Vrs1), which encodes a homeodomain leucine zipper class I transcription factor. However, little is known about the genetic basis of grain size. Here, we show that extreme suppression of lateral florets contributes to enlarged grains in deficiens barley. Through a combination of fine-mapping and resequencing of deficiens mutants, we have identified that a single amino acid substitution at a putative phosphorylation site in VRS1 is responsible for the deficiens phenotype. deficiens mutant alleles confer an increase in grain size, a reduction in plant height, and a significant increase in thousand grain weight in contemporary cultivated germplasm. Haplotype analysis revealed that barley carrying the deficiens allele (Vrs1.t1) originated from two-rowed types carrying the Vrs1.b2 allele, predominantly found in germplasm from northern Africa. In situ hybridization of histone H4, a marker for cell cycle or proliferation, showed weaker expression in the lateral spikelets compared with central spikelets in deficiens. Transcriptome analysis revealed that a number of histone superfamily genes were up-regulated in the deficiens mutant, suggesting that enhanced cell proliferation in the central spikelet may contribute to larger grains. Our data suggest that grain yield can be improved by suppressing the development of specific organs that are not positively involved in sink/source relationships

    Cellular plasticity in response to suppression of storage proteins in the Brassica napus embryo

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    The tradeoff between protein and oil storage in oilseed crops has been tested here in oilseed rape (Brassica napus) by analyzing the effect of suppressing key genes encoding protein storage products (napin and cruciferin). The phenotypic outcomes were assessed using NMR and mass spectrometry imaging, microscopy, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, lipidomics, immunological assays, and flux balance analysis. Surprisingly, the profile of storage products was only moderately changed in RNA interference transgenics. However, embryonic cells had undergone remarkable architectural rearrangements. The suppression of storage proteins led to the elaboration of membrane stacks enriched with oleosin (sixfold higher protein abundance) and novel endoplasmic reticulum morphology. Protein rebalancing and amino acid metabolism were focal points of the metabolic adjustments to maintain embryonic carbon/nitrogen homeostasis. Flux balance analysis indicated a rather minor additional demand for cofactors (ATP and NADPH). Thus, cellular plasticity in seeds protects against perturbations to its storage capabilities and, hence, contributes materially to homeostasis. This study provides mechanistic insights into the intriguing link between lipid and protein storage, which have implications for biotechnological strategies directed at improving oilseed crops

    Dosage-Sensitive Function of RETINOBLASTOMA RELATED and Convergent Epigenetic Control Are Required during the Arabidopsis Life Cycle

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    The plant life cycle alternates between two distinct multi-cellular generations, the reduced gametophytes and the dominant sporophyte. Little is known about how generation-specific cell fate, differentiation, and development are controlled by the core regulators of the cell cycle. In Arabidopsis, RETINOBLASTOMA RELATED (RBR), an evolutionarily ancient cell cycle regulator, controls cell proliferation, differentiation, and regulation of a subset of Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 (PRC2) genes and METHYLTRANSFERASE 1 (MET1) in the male and female gametophytes, as well as cell fate establishment in the male gametophyte. Here we demonstrate that RBR is also essential for cell fate determination in the female gametophyte, as revealed by loss of cell-specific marker expression in all the gametophytic cells that lack RBR. Maintenance of genome integrity also requires RBR, because diploid plants heterozygous for rbr (rbr/RBR) produce an abnormal portion of triploid offspring, likely due to gametic genome duplication. While the sporophyte of the diploid mutant plants phenocopied wild type due to the haplosufficiency of RBR, genetic analysis of tetraploid plants triplex for rbr (rbr/rbr/rbr/RBR) revealed that RBR has a dosage-dependent pleiotropic effect on sporophytic development, trichome differentiation, and regulation of PRC2 subunit genes CURLY LEAF (CLF) and VERNALIZATION 2 (VRN2), and MET1 in leaves. There were, however, no obvious cell cycle and cell proliferation defects in these plant tissues, suggesting that a single functional RBR copy in tetraploids is capable of maintaining normal cell division but is not sufficient for distinct differentiation and developmental processes. Conversely, in leaves of mutants in sporophytic PRC2 subunits, trichome differentiation was also affected and expression of RBR and MET1 was reduced, providing evidence for a RBR-PRC2-MET1 regulatory feedback loop involved in sporophyte development. Together, dosage-sensitive RBR function and its genetic interaction with PRC2 genes and MET1 must have been recruited during plant evolution to control distinct generation-specific cell fate, differentiation, and development

    PIN2 Turnover in Arabidopsis Root Epidermal Cells Explored by the Photoconvertible Protein Dendra2

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    The steady state level of integral membrane proteins is dependent on a strictly controlled delivery and removal. Here we show that Dendra2, a green-to-red photoconvertible fluorescent protein, is a suitable tool to study protein turnover in plants. We characterized the fluorescence properties of Dendra2 expressed either as a free protein or as a tag in Arabidopsis thaliana roots and optimized photoconversion settings to study protein turnover. Dendra2 was fused to the PIN2 protein, an auxin transporter in the root tip, and by time-lapse imaging and assessment of red and green signal intensities in the membrane after photoconversion we quantified directly and simultaneously the rate of PIN2 delivery of the newly synthesized protein into the plasma membrane as well as the disappearance of the protein from the plasma membrane due to degradation. Additionally we have verified several factors which are expected to affect PIN2 protein turnover and therefore potentially regulate root growth

    Dissection of developmental programs and regulatory modules directing endosperm transfer cell and aleurone identity in the syncytial endosperm of barley

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    Endosperm development in barley starts with the formation of a multinucleate syncytium, followed by cellularization in the ventral part of the syncytium generating endosperm transfer cells (ETCs) as first differentiating subdomain, whereas aleurone (AL) cells will originate from the periphery of the enclosing syncytium. Positional signaling in the syncytial stage determines cell identity in the cereal endosperm. Here, we performed a morphological analysis and employed laser capture microdissection (LCM)-based RNA-seq of the ETC region and the peripheral syncytium at the onset of cellularization to dissect developmental and regulatory programs directing cell specification in the early endosperm. Transcriptome data revealed domain-specific characteristics and identified two-component signaling (TCS) and hormone activities (auxin, ABA, ethylene) with associated transcription factors (TFs) as the main regulatory links for ETC specification. On the contrary, differential hormone signaling (canonical auxin, gibberellins, cytokinin) and interacting TFs control the duration of the syncytial phase and timing of cellularization of AL initials. Domain-specific expression of candidate genes was validated by in situ hybridization and putative protein–protein interactions were confirmed by split-YFP assays. This is the first transcriptome analysis dissecting syncytial subdomains of cereal seeds and provides an essential framework for initial endosperm differentiation in barley, which is likely also valuable for comparative studies with other cereal crops
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