14 research outputs found

    To be present, share and nurture: a lifeworld phenomenological study of relatives’ participation in the suicidal person’s recovery

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    Source at http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17482631.2017.1287985 In today’s health care, participation is acknowledged as important. However, there is limited research on how relatives of patients at risk of suicide experience their opportunities to participate in care during periods when their close ones are subject to inpatient care. The aim of this study was to describe the phenomenon of participation, as experienced by relatives of persons who are subject to inpatient psychiatric care due to a risk of suicide. The study was conducted through a reflective lifeworld research (RLR) approach, based on phenomenological philosophy. Eight relatives of patients receiving care from professionals in a psychiatric specialist health care context in Sweden participated in phenomenon-oriented interviews. Data were analysed to elucidate a meaning structure of the phenomenon. The findings show that the phenomenon of participation was more associated with patients’ recovery processes than with the caring process, and means “being actively involved in a process in which the person regains the desire to live”. The meaning of participation is further described by its meaning constituents: struggling for being able to be present for the person at risk of suicide, being able to share everyday life, and nurturing sources for vitality. These insights into the meaning of participation highlight the importance of allowing supportive relatives to be a part of the patient’s life, while the person is cared for in an inpatient hospital setting. Thus, participation enables relatives to be acknowledged as resourceful human beings in the patient’s recovery process, and thereby facilitates a sense of being able to manage and share life itself together with the person. This means that mental health nurses need to recognize individual variations of relatives’ participation processes, and take on the responsibility of acknowledging relatives’ lifeworlds

    Accumulated coercion and short-term outcome of inpatient psychiatric care

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The knowledge of the impact of coercion on psychiatric treatment outcome is limited. Multiple measures of coercion have been recommended. The aim of the study was to examine the impact of accumulated coercive incidents on short-term outcome of inpatient psychiatric care</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>233 involuntarily and voluntarily admitted patients were interviewed within five days of admission and at discharge or after maximum three weeks of care. Coercion was measured as number of coercive incidents, i.e. subjectively reported and in the medical files recorded coercive incidents, including legal status and perceived coercion at admission, and recorded and reported coercive measures during treatment. Outcome was measured both as subjective improvement of mental health and as improvement in professionally assessed functioning according to GAF. Logistic regression analyses were performed with patient characteristics and coercive incidents as independent and the two outcome measures as dependent variables</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Number of coercive incidents did not predict subjective or assessed improvement. Patients having other diagnoses than psychoses or mood disorders were less likely to be subjectively improved, while a low GAF at admission predicted an improvement in GAF scores</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results indicate that subjectively and professionally assessed mental health short-term outcome of acute psychiatric hospitalisation are not predicted by the amount of subjectively and recorded coercive incidents. Further studies are needed to examine the short- and long-term effects of coercive interventions in psychiatric care.</p

    Estimated Time for Occurrence of Smoking-Related Consequences among Pregnant and Non-Pregnant Women

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    Objectives: To study time estimates by women smokers for when smoking-related consequences will occur given continuing or quitting smoking. The relationship of these estimates to pregnancy and intent to quit smoking was also investigated. Methods: Over a two-week period, eighty women, selected to constitute four subgroups formed by pregnant vs. non-pregnant and trying vs. not trying to quit smoking, rated times at which they would expect smoking-related consequences to occur given continuing or quitting smoking. Results: Somatic health consequences were estimated to occur later than consequences related to mood and social relations. All consequences were estimated to occur later given quitting smoking. Pregnancy had an effect on the estimated time that consequences would occur, with pregnant women estimating earlier occurrence of consequences related to mood and social relations than non-pregnant women did. Conclusion: Health messages should stress consequences for somatic health in quitting smoking, since outcomes later in time might have too low a value to exert a positive effect on decisions to quit smoking

    Compulsory Psychiatric Care: Perspectives from the Swedish Coercion Study : Patient Experiences, Documented Measures, Next of Kins’ Attitudes and Outcome

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    The use of coercion in psychiatry involves clinical, legal, scientific, ethical and emotional considerations. This thesis represents an attempt to further increase our understanding of some empirical aspects of this phenomenon. Interviews with 202 involuntarily admitted psychiatric patients and 201 voluntarily admitted patients and 295 of their next of kins were performed and analysed together with data from records and assessments made by professionals. Data was collected during two different periods of time with a compulsory psychiatric care law reform in between. Experience of at least one coercive measure was more common amongst patients who had been committed during the most recent legislation. Otherwise there were no differences in patient experiences during the different laws. Subjective short-term outcome was associated with having a contact person at the ward and being subjectively treated well. There were no relationships between subjective and assessed outcome or between legal status, perceived coercion at admission and subjective or assessed improvement. The changed legislation had no clear effect on the attitudes of patients and next of kins towards coercion. A majority of patients were able to accurately answer the question whether they had been restrained by belt or not during a specific treatment episode. Nineteen of 115 patients reported they had been restrained by belt. Eleven of these cases were true positive and 8 cases were false positive. In conclusion, the main results were first that when it comes to issues related to psychiatric coercion there are typically considerable differences between how these are perceived and interpreted by the professional and by the patient, and second that efforts made to change the face of psychiatric coercion in the minds of patients as well as the public on part of public policymakers have had limited effects

    Patients’ and next-of-kins’ attitudes towards compulsory psychiatric care

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    The introduction of a new Civil Commitment Act in Sweden in 1992 involved a shift of emphasis from medical to judicial authority. Little is known about general patient attitudes to compulsory care. The aim of the study was to study possible differences in attitudes, before and after the mental health law reform, among involuntarily and voluntarily admitted patients and their nextof- kins towards involuntary psychiatric admission. Samples of 84 committed and 84 voluntarily admitted patients in 1991 and 118 committed and 117 voluntarily admitted patients in 1997-99 were interviewed within 5 days from admission and at discharge, or after 3 weeks of care. Samples of 64 next-of-kins to the committed patients and 69 next-of-kins to the voluntarily admitted patients in 1991, and 73 and 89 next-of-kins, respectively, in 1997-99 were interviewed approximately 1 month after the admission. Few changes in attitudes were found between the two study occasions. A majority of all patients stated that it should be possible to compulsorily admit patients, and a great majority of the patients and the next-of kins stated that decisions regarding compulsory admission should be taken by doctors. Most patients and next-of-kins regarded decisions about involuntary psychiatric care mainly as a medical matter. Strong support for coercion in order to protect the patient and others was found among next-of-kins. The law reform was not reflected in attitudinal differences

    Caring for the suicidal person: A Delphi study of what characterizes a recovery-oriented caring approach

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    More research is needed for supporting mental health nurses in their caring for suicidal individuals. This study aimed to describe what characterizes a recovery‐oriented caring approach, and how this can be expressed through caring acts involving suicidal patients and their relatives. Delphi methodology was used, and research participants were recruited as experts by experience to explore a recovery‐oriented caring approach in a dialogical process between the experts and the researchers. The results highlight that it is important to acknowledge the view of the uniqueness of each person and reflected understanding of each individual person and experience. The results also reveal that a recovery‐oriented caring approach is characterized by a ‘communicative togetherness’. This communicative togetherness is associated with enabling a nurturing and caring space for suicidal patients to really express themselves and to reach for their own resources. The recovery‐oriented caring approach has thereby potential to facilitate a mutual understanding of the complexities of the patient's situation, and supports patients in influencing their care and regaining authority over their own lives. Accordingly, mental health nurses need to listen sensitively to what suicidal patients really say by acknowledging their lifeworlds and being open to individual variations of their recovery processes. This includes recognizing available and supportive relatives as capable of contributing to the patient's life project to continue living

    Sensory Clusters of Adults With and Without Autism Spectrum Conditions

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    We identified clusters of atypical sensory functioning adults with ASC by hierarchical cluster analysis. A new scale for commonly self-reported sensory reactivity was used as a measure. In a low frequency group (n = 37), all subscale scores were relatively low, in particular atypical sensory/motor reactivity. In the intermediate group (n = 17) hyperreactivity, sensory interests and sensory/motor issues were significantly elevated in relation to the first group, but not hyporeactivity. In a high frequency subgroup (n = 17) all subscale scores were significantly elevated and co-occurrence of hyper- and hyporeactivity was evident. In a population sample, a cluster of low scorers (n = 136) and high scorers relative to the other cluster (n = 26) was found. Identification of atypical sensory reactivity is important for targeting support