56 research outputs found


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    Characterization and Study of the Spectra of Some Compounds of Benzohydrazide Derivatives Synthesized by Microwave Irradiation. A Synthesis, characterization and study of the spectra of some compounds of benzohydrazidc derivatives which arc salicylhydrazide, N-benzylidenesalicylhydrazide; N-(4-chlorobenzylidene)salicylhidrazide; N-(4-isopropylbenAzylidene)-salicylhydrazide and N-(4-bromo-2-hydroxy-benzylidene~salicylhidrazidc have been made by acyl nucleophilic substitution reaction. This study is intended to obtain benzohydrazide derivatives compounds by microwave irradiation and researching UV, IR , H,NMR and G NMR spectra profiles of the synthesized compounds. The experimental results show that benzohydrazidederivatives can be synthesized and the results were 83%, 86%, 91%, 93% and 91% respectively. TLC of synthesized compounds showed only one spot for each compound with Rf values are different from each other. All the synthesized compounds have a different melting point for each of them. The results of UV, IR, H-NMR and C,NMR spectra show specific spectral patterns for each compound

    Synthesis of N’-(2-Methoxybenzylidene)-4-Hydroxy Benzohydrazide and N’-(4-Nitrobenzylidene)-4-Hydroxy Benzohydrazide, in Silico Study and Antibacterial Activity

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    In this study, synthesized N'-(2-methoxybenzylidene)-4-hydroxybenzohydrazide and N'-(4-nitrobenzylidene)-4-hydroxybenzohydrazide in two step reaction by using methylparaben as starting material has been performed. Methylparaben was treated with hydrazine hydrate to obtain 4-hydroxybenzohydrazide. The reaction was carried out by microwave irradiation resulting 91 % yield. The obtained compound was then reacted with 2-methoxbenzaldehyde or 4nitrobenzaldehyde to accomplish the target molecule, N'-(2-methoxybenzylidene)-4-hydroxybenzohydrazide and N'-(4nitrobenzylidene)-4-hydroxybenzohydrazide in 55% and 72% yield respectively. Identification of N'-(2methoxybenzylidene)-4-hydroxy benzo hydrazide and N'-(4-nitrobenzylidene)-4-hydroxybenzohidroksida was performed by FT-IR, MS, 1H-NMR, and 13 C-NMR spectroscopy. In silico study was done with receptor pdb 1C14. The N'-(4nitrobenzylidene)-4-hydroxybenzohydrazide exhibited antimicrobial activity against Escherichia coli (MIC=31.3ppm), Bacillus subtilis (MIC=500 ppm). Antimicrobial activity of N'-(2-methoxybenzylidene)-4-hydroxybenzohydrazide against Bacillus subtilis (MIC=31.3ppm) and MIC=500ppm against Escherichiacoli

    Sintesis, uji aktivitas analgesik dan anti- inflamasi senyawa benzoiltiourea tersubstitusi = Synthesis, analgesic .and anti-inflammatory activities of Substituted benzoylthioureas

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    Penelitian Ini bertujuan menentukan pengaruh. penambahan substituen pada benzoiltiourea. terhadap aktivitas farmakologis.Tiga senyawa yaitu benzoiltiourea, 4-nitrobenzoiltiourea, dan 4-klorobenzoiltiourea telah berhasil disintesis dari bahan awal amonium tlosianat, benzoil klorida tersubstitusi, dan amonia. Identifikasi struktur senyawa hasil sintesis dengan UV, IR, MS dan ¹H_ NMR. Terhadap ketiga senyawa hasil sintesis diuji aktivitas analgesik terhadap mencit, dan aktivitas anti-inflamasl terhadap tikus putih galur Wistar. Terbukti bahwa penambahan substituen p-CI dan p-N0&#8322meningkatkan aktivitas analgesik dan anti-inflamasi, dimana pengaruh substituen p-CI lebih besar darlpada substituen. p-N0&#8322. Kedua senyawa, yaitu 4-nitrobenzoiltiourea dan 4- klorobenzoiltiourea, menunjukkan aktivitas analgesik yang lebih poten tetapi efek anti-inflamasinya lebih lemah dibandingkan Na-diklofena

    Synthesis Octyl P-Methoxycinnamate as Sunblock by Transesterification Reaction with the Starting Material Ethyl P- Methoxycinnamate

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    Synthesis octyl p-methoxycinnamate substance as sunblock, has been done by transesterification reaction. The starting material of the reaction was ethyl p-methoxycinnamate isolated from Kaempferia galanga L.The transesterification reaction was carried out by reacting  ethyl p-methoxycinnamate with octanol. The product was identified by UV-VIS,Infra Red and Mass Spectroscopy. The result of measurements on erythemic %T at various concentrations demonstrate that octyl p-methoxycinnamate is applicable as a sunblock compound.Keywords: octyl p-methoxycinnamate, transesterification, ethyl p-methoxycinnamate, sunbloc

    Sintesis dan Uji Aktivitas Senyawa 1-Benzil-3-benzoilurea Tersubstitusi Bromo, Kloro, Floro dan Triflorometil pada posisi para sebagai Agen Antiproliferatif

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    Sintesis dan uji aktivitas 1-benzil-3-benzoilurea tersubstitusi F, Cl, Br dan CF3 pada posisipara sebagai agen antiproliferatif telah dilakukan. Tujuan dari studi ini untuk membandingkanaktivitas sebagai agen antiproliferatif senyawa 1-benzil-3-benzoilurea dengan substituen golonganhalogen. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut uji aktivitas secara in-silico terhadap reseptor 1-UWH diprediksidengan Molegro Virtual Docker (MVD) 5 dan hidroksiurea digunakan sebagai pembanding.Selanjutnya uji aktivitas secara in-vitro terhadap kultur sel MCF-7 dilakukan dengan MTT-assay. Hasildidapatkan senyawa 1-benzil-3-(4-CF3-benzoil)urea lebih poten dibandingkan yang lain. Sangatdirekomendasikan untuk dilakukan prediksi bioavailabilitas dan toksisitas serta uji lebih lanjut senyawa1-benzil-3-(4 CF3-benzoil)urea sebagai calon obat dengan aktivitas antiproliferatif

    Sintesis dan Uji Aktivitas Antioksidan Senyawa 4,4’-dinitrodibenzalaseton dengan Metode DPPH

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    Senyawa dibenzalaseton dan turunannya yaitu senyawa 4,4’-dinitrodibenzalaseton adalah salah satu jenis antioksidan sintetik dan tergolong ke dalam analog Kurkumin. Senyawa Dibenzalaseton dan 4,4’-dinitrodibenzalaseton merupakan senyawa yang dapat menangkal radikal bebas yang disintesis melalui reaksi kondensasi Claisen-Schmidt dengan perbandingan Benzaldehida/4-nitrobenzaldehida dan Aseton adalah 2:1 mEq dengan menggunakan katalis NaOH. Hasil sintesis dilakukan uji kemurnian dan uji identifikasi struktur dengan menggunakan spektroskopi Inframerah. Persentase rendemen hasil sintesis dibenzalaseton dan 4,4’-dinitrodibenzalaseton adalah sebesar 92,30% dan 96,70%. Uji aktivitas antioksidan dilakukan dengan metode DPPH, dengan senyawa Kurkumin dan Vitamin C sebagai pembanding dan hasilnya dinyatakan dengan nilai IC50. Perolehan rata-rata nilai IC50 dari senyawa dibenzalaseton, 4,4’-dinitrodibenzalaseton, kurkumin dan vitamin C secara berturut-turut adalah 66 mM, 1,6 mM, 0,074 mM, dan 0,0846 mM. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas antioksidan senyawa 4,4’-dinitrodibenzalaseton lebih besar dibanding dengan senyawa dibenzalaseton. Nilai IC50 yang rendah dari senyawa kurkumin menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas antioksidan yang dimiliki oleh Kurkumin lebih tinggi dari senyawa hasil sintesis. Potensi antioksidan yang dihasilkan oleh dan 4,4’-dinitrodibenzalaseton terhadap vitamin C adalah sebesar 5,28%

    Synthesis, docking molecule study and antibacterial activity of N’-(4-Fluorobenzylidene)-4-hydroxybenzohydrazide and N’(4-Fluorobenzylidene)-4-hydroxybenzohydrazide)

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    Many antibacterial are already resistant, so new antibacterial is needed. Objective:The compounds of N'- (4-Fluorobenzylidene) -4-hydroxybenzohydrazide, and N' - (3Bromobenzylidene)-4-hydroxybenzohydrazide as antibacterial generally contain azometin (HN-N=CH-) and halogen groups. Before the compounds to be synthesized were done docking molecule study, to predict its activity as antibacterial. The synthesis was carried out by microwave and identification of the results with FT-IR, MS, 1H-NMR, and 13C-NMR, docking molecule study with the Molegro Virtual Docker program, and antibacterial activity by diffusion method. The obtained compounds of N '- (4-Fluorobenzylidene) -4hydroxybenzohydrazide, and N'-(3-Bromobenzylidene)-4-hydroxybenzohydrazide 87%,and 81% yield respectively.The results of docking molecule study obtained reranked score lower than the starting material (methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate). The compounds have antibacterial activity against Gram positive (Bacillus subtilis) and Gram negative (Escherichia coli).Conclusion: N '- (4-Fluorobenzylidene) -4-hydroxybenzohydrazide and N' - (3Bromobenzylidene)-4-hydroxybenzohydrazide have been synthesized, characterized and exhibited promised antibacterial

    Synthesis and activity evaluation of a novel lead compound 1-benzyl-3-benzoylurea as antiproliferative agent

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    This research deals with designing and synthesizing a novel lead compound 1-benzyl-3-benzoylurea using the modified Schotten Baumann method and the objective is to find a more potent drug.In order to achieve the goal , the in-silico activity againts 1-UWH was calculated by Molegro Virtual Docker. Then, in-vitro antiproliferative activity against MCF-7 cell line was tested by MTT assay and compared with Hydroxyurea as a reference compound. The result showed that both in-silico and in-vitro test of 1-benzyl-3-benzoylurea were more potent than Hydroxyurea. It is highly recommended that 1-benzyl-3-benzoylurea be developed further as an antiproliferative agent

    SCREENING OF THERMOPHYLIC MICROORGANISM FROM IJEN CRATER BANYUWANGI ASPHYTASEENZYMEPRODUCER . Screening Mikroorganisme Termofilik Penghasil Enzim Fitase yang Tumbuh Di Kawah Ijen Banyuwangi

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    ABSTRACT Phytase is enzyme which hydrolysis phytic acid to anorganic phosphate and myo-inositol pentakis-, tetrakis-, tris-, bis-, and monophosphate. The use of phytase in feed industry can overcome.environment and nutrition problems which were arisen from unmetabolismphytic acid or its salt by poultry, swine and fish. The feed industry needs a thermostable enzyme due to the need of high temperature in pelleting process, i.e. 81 ac. By using thermostabile phytase, the pelleting process will not affect the enzyme activity. Thermostabile phytase can be isolated from microorganism live in hot spring water or volcano crater. In this study, the screening of thermophylic microorganism having thermostabilephytase activity in Ijen Crater, Banyuwangi,has been done. From this process, it was obtained 33 isolates that produce phytase enzyme. Isolate was code by AP-17yields highest phytase activity, that is 0.0296 U/mL, so this isolate was choosen for further study. The activity of crude phytase enzyme was measured based on the amount of anorganic phosphate that was produced in enzymatic reaction using UV-VIS spectrophotometer at 392 nm. Based on morphology test to identify the gram type of microorganism, isolate AP-17 has a bacill cell type and identified as positive gram bacteria. This isolate was assumedas Bacillus type. Keywords: Phytase, thermophilicmicroorganism,phytase activit

    Synthesis and Molecular Docking Studies of N’-benzoylsalicylhydrazide derivatives as antituberculosis through InHA enzym inhibition

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    The specific aims of this study is to synthesize and to study the possible mechanism of N’-benzoylsalicylhydrazide derivatives as an antituberculosis agent through InhA (Enoyl acyl carrier protein reductase) inhibition using in silico method. Five analogues of N’-benzoylsalicylhydrazide were synthesized using microwave irradiation from methyl salicylate as starting material, which yielded 80-90% product on average. This indicates a considerable improvement in terms of effectivity and efficiency, compared to the more conventional method using reflux condition. Character-ization of the compounds were subsequently carried out by UV, FTIR, 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR spectroscopy, which confirmed that the compounds had been successfully synthesized. Ultimately, molecular docking was performed using Molegro Virtual Docker (MVD) on the active site of InhA enzyme to predict the activity of the compounds. The results showed that all compounds performed comparatively well against N-(4-Methylbenzoyl)-4-benzylpiperidine as the native ligand and also yielded lower docking score than isoniazide (INH). From this study it can be concluded that N’-benzoylsalicylhydrazide derivatives could be synthesized using microwave irradiation with good product yield and all of the synthesized analogues are suggested to possess antituberculosis activity via InhA enzyme inhibition. In vitro activity will have to be determined in the future to validate whether N’-benzoylsalicylhydrazide derivatives perform well as a potential antituberculosis agent
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