439 research outputs found


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    Public pensions represent the most costly component of the social protection system from most of the countries, including Romania. They involve significant financial flows which represent around 12% from GDP for the EU countries and represent a significanfinancing, financial sustainability, contributions to the social security system

    Metoda za določanje položaja v prostoru na osnovi signalov WiFi in modela zgradbe

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    WiFi indoor localization is a difficult task due to the variability of the WiFi signal. Consequently, there have been many attempts to develop WiFi-based methods which were aided by some other means to provide accurate indoor localization. Technologies like dead reckoning and IMU sensors, crowd utilization and pattern matching, specialized Li-Fi hardware and directional antennas, etc. were used to aid the WiFi in order to develop more accurate and stable methods. The main disadvantage of such methods lies in difficult deployments due to technologies and requirements: Dead-reckoning-aided methods are not suitable for stationary objects, methods leveraging groups of people and many individuals are not best suited for home environment, Li-Fi assisted methods require mobile terminals to provide Li-Fi connectivity and therefore rule out mobile phones as the most common terminal. In the past, many fingerprinting methods were proposedthese require a survey in the area of localization during the setup phase. Unfortunately, the majority of fingerprinting-based methods do not address issues of long-term stability of the WiFi signals. Thus, they face accuracy issues a few days after the calibrationfrequent, costly and time-consuming recalibration procedures are used to address these issues. Model-based methods try to eliminate calibration procedures by simulating signal propagation. Many of the methods assume at least some parameters of propagation as fixed and therefore poorly address the issues of WiFi’s variability and long-term stability. A pure WiFi model-based method that successfully addresses these issues and requires a mobile terminal only for emitting or receiving the WiFi signals is the ultimate goal of the WiFi indoor localization. This thesis presents a novel indoor localization method, with the main intent of addressing the issues of real-world applicability. Therefore, we focused on developing a method with accuracy comparable to the state-of-the-art methods, while reducing the complexity of deployment and minimizing the required maintenance for long-term deployments. The presented method is a model-based method, implementing self-adaptive operability, i.e. it does not require any human intervention. The thesis discusses in detail the topics of the long-term stability of the WiFi signal, receiving vs. transmitting methods, the future WiFi standards, comparability of the methods and architectural aspects with respect to real-world applicability of the localization methods. Our presented method estimates the parameters of signal propagation, by knowing the positions of the access points, the architectural floor plan with the dividing walls and by monitoring power of the packets travelling between the access points. From this data propagation parameters defined in propagation model are inferred in an online manner. A device trying to define its position captures power information of the packets sent by the access points. Devices’ information on the observed power is used to determine its position by an algorithm run on the localization server. The presented WiFi method is primarily developed and evaluated in single- and multi-room office environments. The method’s ability to be easily applicable in any environment is emphasized by its evaluation in two different environments – office and residential. Between the two, no parameters were modified, thus evaluations indicate universality of the method. Furthermore, we provide evaluation also in narrow hallway because in the field of indoor localization such evaluation environments are common practice. During the evaluation of our proposed method in the office environment, we obtained an average error of 2.63 m and 3.22 m for the single- and multi-room environments respectively. Second evaluation was performed in the residential environment, for which the method or any of the parameters were not modified. Our method achieved an average evaluation error of 2.65 m with standard deviation of 1.51 m, during the four independent evaluations, each consisting of 17 localization points. High accuracy of localization, with acknowledgement to the intricate and realistic multi-room floor plan with different types of walls, realistic furniture and real-world signal interference from the neighboring apartments, proves the method’s applicability to the real-world environment. Evaluation accuracy can be compared to the state-of-the-art methods, while our easily-applicable method requires far less complicated setup procedures and/or hardware requirements. In the second part of the thesis, we generalize the WiFi method to be applicable to the frequencies other than 2.4 GHz WiFi. By defining a fusion algorithm which considers accuracy of the individual frequencies, we have defined the MFAM method: Multiple Frequency Adaptive Model-Based Indoor Localization Method. The MFAM is one of the first purely model-based approaches capable of utilizing multiple frequencies simultaneously. The MFAM method was evaluated in residential environment on two frequency bands: 868 MHz and 2.4 GHz. The method retained positive properties of our WiFi approach (e.g. pure model-based, self-adaptive operability, wide applicability on affordable hardware), while improving the accuracy due to multi-frequency fusion. The usage of multiple frequencies improved the average error of localization from 2.65 m, while using only the WiFi, down to 2.16 m, in the case of multi-frequency fusion, thus improving localization accuracy for 18%. Similar improvements were observed also for the standard deviation. Although the accuracy of the presented WiFi and MFAM methods is comparable if not better than the state-of-the-art methods, one of the most important achievements of our work is the applicability of the method to the real-world situations and its long-term stability. The definition of our method ensures that the accuracy of the method will be the same at the time it is initialized, as well as days later, without any human interaction.Določanje lokacije znotraj prostorov na podlagi WiFi signalov je zaradi variabilnosti signala WiFi težka naloga. Posledično je bilo v preteklosti veliko poizkusov razvoja WiFi metod, ki uporabljajo dodatne informacije za natančno lokalizacijo. Ocena prehojene poti in inercijski senzorji, uporaba množice ljudi in ujemanje vzorcev, tehnologija Li-Fi in usmerjene antene itd. je le nekaj v preteklosti uporabljenih načinov za dopolnitev WiFi signalov pri razvoju natančnih in stabilnih metod. Glavna slabost takih metod se kaže v zahtevnem uvajanju zaradi uporabljenih tehnologij in zahtev: metode ocene prehojene poti niso primerne za stacionarne predmete, metode, ki uporabljajo množice ljudi, niso primerne za domače okolje, Li-Fi metode zahtevajo, da so mobilni terminali opremljeni z ustreznimi sprejemniki in tako izključijo mobilne telefone kot terminale. V preteklosti so bile predlagane številne metode, ki bazirajo na prstnih odtisih signalov. Te metode zahtevajo kalibracijske meritve v prostoru v fazi implementacije metode. Večina teh metod ne naslovi vprašanj dolgoročne stabilnosti WiFi signalov, posledično se soočajo s težavami zaradi natančnosti nekaj dni po kalibraciji. Pogoste, drage in časovno potratne ponovne kalibracije so potrebne za reševanje teh težav. Metode, temelječe na matematičnih modelih, poskušajo eliminirati kalibracijske postopke s simulacijo širjenja signala. Večina teh metod vseeno privzame vsaj nekatere parametre propagacije kot fiksne in tako slabo naslovi variabilnost WiFi signalov in dolgoročno stabilnost. Izključno WiFi modelna metoda, ki uspešno naslovi te težave in zahteva, da mobilni terminal samo oddaja ali sprejema WiFi signale, je končni cilj WiFi metod za določanje položaja v zaprtih prostorih. Ta doktorska dizertacija predstavlja novo metodo za določanje pozicije znotraj prostorov, z glavnim ciljem, da naslovi težave pri realni uporabi. Zato smo se osredotočili na razvoj metode z natančnostjo, ki je primerljiva z najsodobnejšimi metodami, hkrati pa je cilj zmanjšati kompleksnost implementacije in vzdrževanje za dolgoročno uporabnost. Predstavljena metoda je modelnega tipa in implementira prilagodljivo delovanje, zato ne zahteva nobenega človeškega posredovanja. Dizertacija podrobno razpravlja o temah dolgoročne stabilnosti WiFi signalov, o metodah, temelječih na sprejemanju in oddajanju signalov, prihodnjih standardih WiFi, primerljivosti sorodnih metod in arhitekturnih vplivih z ozirom na realno uporabnost. Naša metoda predstavljena v tej nalogi oceni prametre propagacije signala iz poznavanja pozicije dostopnih točk, arhitekturnega načrta z informacijami o predelnih stenah in s pomočjo opazovanja moči paketov, ki potujejo med dostopnimi točkami. Iz teh podatkov se propagacijski parametri definirani v modelu določijo v realnem času. Naprava, ki želi določiti pozicijo zajame informacijo o moči paketov, ki jih pošiljajo dostopne točke. Te meritve so uporabljene v algoritmu za določanje pozicije naprave, ki teče na strežniku. Predstavljena metoda je bila primarno razvita in evalvirana v enosobni in večsobni postavitvi pisarniškega okolja. Sposobnost metode, da se enostavno prilagodi vsakemu okolju, je poudarjena z evalvacijo v dveh okoljih – pisarniškem in stanovanjskem. Med obema evalvacijama nismo spremenili nobenega parametra metode, kar indicira njeno univerzalnost. V nadaljevanju predstavimo tudi evalvacijo metode v dolgem hodniku, ker je v raziskovalnem področju lokalizacije znotraj prostorov tako okolje pogosto uporabljeno. Evalvacija predlagane metode v pisarniškem okolju je rezultirala v povprečni napaki 2,63 m in 3,22 m za enosobno in večsobno postavitev. Druga evalvacija je bila opravljena v stanovanjskem okolju, za katerega nismo spreminjali metode ali njenih parametrov. Naša metoda je tekom evalvacije štirih neodvisnih setov meritev, od katerih je vsak sestavljen iz 17 lokalizacijskih točk, dosegla povprečno napako lokalizacije 2,65 m s standardno deviacijo 1,51 m. Visoka natančnost lokalizacije ob upoštevanju zapletenega in realističnega večsobnega tlorisa, ki vsebuje več vrst sten, realistično pohištvo in motnje signalov iz sosednjih stanovanj, dokazuje uporabnost metode v praksi. Natančnost je primerljiva z najsodobnejšimi metodami, medtem ko naša metoda zahteva veliko manj zapletene postopke namestitve in/ali strojne zahteve. V drugem delu teze posplošimo WiFi metodo, da lahko uporablja tudi druge frekvence poleg 2,4 GHz WiFi. Z definicijo fuzijskega algoritma, ki upošteva natančnost posameznih frekvenc, smo definirali MFAM metodo – večfrekvenčno prilagodljivo modelno metodo za določanje lokacije znotraj stavb (ang. multiple frequency adaptive model-based indoor localization method). MFAM metoda predstavlja eno prvih modelnih metod, ki lahko hkrati uporablja več frekvenc. MFAM metoda je bila evalvirana v stanovanjskem okolju na dveh frekvenčnih pasovih: 868 MHz in 2,4 GHz. Metoda je ohranila pozitivne lastnosti predlagane WiFi metode (tj. izključno modelni pristop, prilagodljivo delovanje, možnost široke uporabe na dosegljivi strojni opremi), hkrati pa rezultira v boljši natančnosti zaradi fuzije signalov več frekvenc. Uporaba več frekvenc je izboljšala povprečno napako iz 2,65 m pri uporabi WiFi na 2,16 m, s čimer se izboljša natančnost lokalizacije za 18%podobne izboljšave smo opazili tudi pri standardnemu odklonu. Čeprav je natančnost predstavljenih WiFi in MFAM metod primerljiva, če ne boljša, kot trenutno najsodobnejše metode, je eden najpomembnejših dosežkov našega dela uporabnost metode v realnih situacijah in njena dolgoročna stabilnost. Definicija naše metode zagotavlja, da bo natančnost metode ob času postavitve enaka kot dneve kasneje brez človeške interakcije

    Teachers’ perspectives of learners’ indiscipline on Grade 12 academic performance: a case of the Libode District

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    Evidence of the effects of indiscipline on the academic performance of grade 12 learners has been mixed. This study examined how indiscipline in the forms of disruptive, aggressive behaviour, alcohol and drug abuse affected levels of academic performance in a case study of public Senior Secondary Schools of the Libode Education District, Eastern Cape Province in the Republic of South Africa. A total of 25 teachers from two selected schools in the Libode District (10 men and 15 women) were randomly assigned to participate in both the quantitative and qualitative interview surveys conducted by the researcher. The study relied substantially on teacher ratings. The data were collected using interviews which were synthesized, analysed, presented and discussed within a specified time frame. The results adequately reflected on the three research questions of the study which were: To what extent do learners‘ aggressive and violent behaviour impede academic performance? Does imbibing alcohol and drugs influence learners‘ academic performance? To what extent does learners‘ disruptive behaviour affect their academic performance? It has been clearly indicated that disruptive, aggressive behaviour and alcohol and drug abuse have a negative impact on academic performance. The factors (disruptive, aggressive behaviour, alcohol and drug abuse) used in the analysis were identified as the main challenges to the educational development and academic achievement among learners; they pose a serious threat and have negative effects on students, teachers, the school environment and society. They originate from the same sources, however; these are mainly family background, society, cultural values, beliefs, technology, peer pressure and classroom management strategies employed by educators. Findings were discussed in the context of the main and sub research questions and recommendations were made

    PENGARUH KOMPETENSI PEDAGOGIK GURU DAN REGULASI DIRI SISWA TERHADAP HASIL BELAJAR : Survey pada Siswa Kelas X Program Keahlian Administrasi Perkantoran pada Mata Pelajaran Korespondensi di SMK MVP ARS Internasional Bandung

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    Hasil belajar siswa dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor, diantaranya adalah kompetensi pedagogik guru dan regulasi diri siswa. Skripsi ini membahas hasil penelitian tentang pengaruh kompetensi pedagogik guru dan regulasi diri siswa terhadap hasil belajar pada mata pelajaran korespondensi di sebuah SMK swasta di Kota Bandung. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode explanatory survey, dimana data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan angket model likert scale yang diberikan kepada sejumlah 33 orang siswa Kelas X program keahlian Administrasi Perkantoran. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan menunjukkan adanya pengaruh dari kompetensi pedagogik guru dan regulasi diri siswa terhadap hasil belajar siswa baik secara simultan maupun parsial. Penelitian ini menekankan pentingnya kedua variabel tersebut dalam usaha meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Kata Kunci: kompetensi pedagogik guru, regulasi diri siswa, hasil belajar siswa Student learning outcomes are influenced by many factors, including the teacher's pedagogical competence and student self regulation. This thesis discusses the results of research on the effect of teacher pedagogical competence and self-regulation of students on learning outcomes in the subject of correspondence in a private vocational school in the city of Bandung. This research was conducted by using the explanatory survey method, where data was collected using a Likert scale model questionnaire given to a number of 33 students of Class X Office Administration expertise programs. The results of the research conducted indicate the influence of the teacher's pedagogical competence and student self regulation on student learning outcomes both simultaneously and partially. This study emphasizes the importance of these two variables in an effort to improve student learning outcomes. Keywords: teacher pedagogic competence, student self regulation, student learning outcome

    The process control interference in the use of resources

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    El presente trabajo busca establecer un modelo de control que permita el correcto seguimiento y gerenciamiento de las actividades y procedimientos que se ven ejecutados en la operación de transporte de efectivo a fin de cumplir con la demanda y la oferta que presenta el sector financiero Colombiano, fundamentando en el aporte realizado por Edwards Deming, el establecimiento de indicadores, matrices de impacto y riesgo como la administración del mismo, me permitiré ilustrar a partir de una cadena lógica el deber ser y actual de las diversas organizaciones financieras a fin que generen utilidades monetarias y de prestigio, teniendo como fundamento el control y el mejoramiento continuo de sus operaciones.The present work thinks about how to establish a model of control that allows the correct pursuit and management of the activities and procedures that turn out to be executed in the operation of transport of cash in order to expire with the demand and the offer that presents the Colombian financial sector, basing on the contribution made by Edwards Deming, the establishment of indicators, arrays of impact and risk as the administration of the same, let me illustrate from a logical chain must be current and of the various financial organizations in order to generate profits monetary and prestige, taking as a basis the control and continuous improvement of its operations


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    Semakin meningkatnya kasus COVID-19 di Indonesia memiliki dampak kesehatan yang cukup besar bagi masyarakat. Pertumbuhan virus COVID-19 menempel pada tangan setiap harinya melalui kontak fisik dengan lingkungan, dan diantaranya dapat menyebabkan atau menimbulkan berbagai penyakit. Untuk itu mikroorganisme ini perlu dimusnahkan atau dicegah penyebarannya, salah satu cara yang paling mudah dan tepat adalah dengan 3 M yaitu  mencuci tangan menggunakan sabun dan air bersih yang mengalir, memakai masker dan menjaga jarak.Tujuan jangka panjang dari program PKM ini adalah siswa, pendidik, dan tenaga kependidikan disiplin menggunakan masker, menjaga jarak hindari kerumunan, mencuci tangan pakai sabun dengan air mengalir (3M) untuk mencegah dan mengendalikan penyebaran COVID-19. Metode pengabdian ini dilakukan dengan cara penyuluhan berupa ceramah dan tanya jawab, pelatihan serta simulasi dan praktek tentang cara penggunaan masker yang benar dan cara mencuci tangan yang benar. Berdasarkan wawancara, tanya jawab dan pengalaman langsung selama kegiatan, kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini memberikan hasil yaitu meningkatnya pengetahuan masyarakat tentang 3M (memakai masker, mencuci tangan, menjaga jarak) meningkatkan keterampilan masyarakat dalam melakukan cuci tangan. Kesimpulan pengabdian ini tentang upaya pengendalian penyebaran COVID-19 dengan 3M telah terlaksana dengan baik dan lancar. Pengetahuan dan motivasi masyarakat dalam melakukan 3M meningkat

    Modeling and simulation of flow in fin-and-tube heat exchangers with phase change in the coolant side

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    En este trabajo se presenta el desarrollo de una herramienta computacional para la simulación del comportamiento del flujo en los intercambiadores de tubos y aletas en el que se puede presentar cambio de fase en el refrigerante, para lo cual se usó la metodología de volúmenes finitos para el modelado del intercambiador y la representación del conexionado de los tubos se hizo por medio de la teoría de grafos. Debido a que la hidrodinámica y los fenómenos relacionados con el flujo en 2 fases no está bien desarrollada, el modelo acepta diferentes correlaciones empíricas para el cálculo de la caída de presión y el coeficiente de transferencia de calor. Como resultado, se obtuvo una herramienta computacional para la simulación de intercambiadores de calor de tubos y aletas que permite el modelado del flujo del refrigerante en estado monofásico o bifásico. Con el modelo del intercambiador fue posible predecir el comportamiento de los flujos de un evaporador bajo condiciones de aletas secas y húmedas, obteniéndose valores de error inferiores al 6% con respecto a los datos experimentales.This paper presents the development of a computational tool for the simulation of flow behavior in the fin-and-tube heat exchangers with phase change in the coolant side, for which the finite volume method was used for exchanger modeling and representation of the connection of the tubes was made using graph theory. Because the hydrodynamic phenomena and the 2 phase flow is not well developed, the model supports various empirical correlations for calculating the pressure drop and heat transfer coefficient. As a result a computational tool for simulating of fin-and-tube heat exchangers that allows the modeling of the refrigerant flow in single phase or two-phase state was obtained. With the model of the exchanger was possible to predict the flow behavior of an evaporator under conditions of dry and wet fins give error values below 6% with respect to the experimental data.Peer Reviewe

    Effect of Cow Dung as Organic Manure on the Productivity of Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp (Pigeon pea)

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    Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp is a local plant which not fully utilized by people in Sikka. This plant has a high nutrient content besides a potential of traditional medicine. This research is aimed to examine the effect of organic fertilizer on Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp productivity. This research was carried out in Geliting village of Sikka District from May to December 2019. Cow dung and agricultural by-product were used as organic fertilizers. Before applied to the plant, these ingredients were mixed and anaerobically fermented in 30 days. The fertilizer dosage are as follows, 0 kg/m2 (control), 0,5 kg/m2, 1 kg/m2, 1,5 kg/m2, 2 kg/m2, and 2,5 kg/m2. Randomized Block Design was used and examined variables were the flowering time, number of pods, and wet weight of seed. The result showed that there was no effect of organic fertilizer on Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp productivity