10 research outputs found

    A natural osmolyte trimethylamine N-oxide promotes assembly and bundling of the bacterial cell division protein, FtsZ and counteracts the denaturing effects of urea

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    Assembly of FtsZ was completely inhibited by low concentrations of urea and its unfolding occurred in two steps in the presence of urea, with the formation of an intermediate [Santra MK & Panda D (2003) J Biol Chem278, 21336-21343]. In this study, using the fluorescence of 1-anilininonaphthalene-8-sulfonic acid and far-UV circular dichroism spectroscopy, we found that a natural osmolyte, trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO), counteracted the denaturing effects of urea and guanidium chloride on FtsZ. TMAO also protected assembly and bundling of FtsZ protofilaments from the denaturing effects of urea and guanidium chloride. Furthermore, the standard free energy changes for unfolding of FtsZ were estimated to be 22.5 and 28.4 kJ·mol-1 in the absence and presence of 0.6 m TMAO, respectively. The data are consistent with the view that osmolytes counteract denaturant-induced unfolding of proteins by destabilizing the unfolded states. Interestingly, TMAO was also found to affect the assembly properties of native FtsZ. TMAO increased the light-scattering signal of the FtsZ assembly, increased sedimentable polymer mass, enhanced bundling of FtsZ protofilaments and reduced the GTPase activity of FtsZ. Similar to TMAO, monosodium glutamate, a physiological osmolyte in bacteria, which induces assembly and bundling of FtsZ filaments in vitro[Beuria TK, Krishnakumar SS, Sahar S, Singh N, Gupta K, Meshram M & Panda D (2003) J Biol Chem278, 3735–3741], was also found to counteract the deleterious effects of urea on FtsZ. The results together suggested that physiological osmolytes may regulate assembly and bundling of FtsZ in bacteria and that they may protect the functionality of FtsZ under environmental stress conditions

    Adenine nucleotide-dependent regulation of assembly of bacterial tubulin-like FtsZ by a hypermorph of bacterial actin-like FtsA.

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    Cytokinesis in bacteria depends upon the contractile Z ring, which is composed of dynamic polymers of the tubulin homolog FtsZ as well as other membrane-associated proteins such as FtsA, a homolog of actin that is required for membrane attachment of the Z ring and its subsequent constriction. Here we show that a previously characterized hypermorphic mutant FtsA (FtsA*) partially disassembled FtsZ polymers in vitro. This effect was strictly dependent on ATP or ADP binding to FtsA* and occurred at substoichiometric levels relative to FtsZ, similar to cellular levels. Nucleotide-bound FtsA* did not affect FtsZ GTPase activity or the critical concentration for FtsZ assembly but was able to disassemble preformed FtsZ polymers, suggesting that FtsA* acts on FtsZ polymers. Microscopic examination of the inhibited FtsZ polymers revealed a transition from long, straight polymers and polymer bundles to mainly short, curved protofilaments. These results indicate that a bacterial actin, when activated by adenine nucleotides, can modify the length distribution of bacterial tubulin polymers, analogous to the effects of actin-depolymerizing factor/cofilin on F-actin

    Interaction between Cell Division Proteins FtsE and FtsZ

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    FtsE and FtsX, which are widely conserved homologs of ABC transporters and interact with each other, have important but unknown functions in bacterial cell division. Coimmunoprecipitation of Escherichia coli cell extracts revealed that a functional FLAG-tagged version of FtsE, the putative ATP-binding component, interacts with FtsZ, the bacterial tubulin homolog required to assemble the cytokinetic Z ring and recruit the components of the divisome. This interaction is independent of FtsX, the predicted membrane component of the ABC transporter, which has been shown previously to interact with FtsE. The interaction also occurred independently of FtsA or ZipA, two other E. coli cell division proteins that interact with FtsZ. In addition, FtsZ copurified with FLAG-FtsE. Surprisingly, the conserved C-terminal tail of FtsZ, which interacts with other cell division proteins, such as FtsA and ZipA, was dispensable for interaction with FtsE. In support of a direct interaction with FtsZ, targeting of a green fluorescent protein (GFP)-FtsE fusion to Z rings required FtsZ, but not FtsA. Although GFP-FtsE failed to target Z rings in the absence of ZipA, its localization was restored in the presence of the ftsA* bypass suppressor, indicating that the requirement for ZipA is indirect. Coexpression of FLAG-FtsE and FtsX under certain conditions resulted in efficient formation of minicells, also consistent with an FtsE-FtsZ interaction and with the idea that FtsE and FtsX regulate the activity of the divisome

    Effects of pH and ionic strength on the assembly and bundling of FtsZ protofilaments: a possible role of electrostatic interactions in the bundling of protofilaments

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    Assembly, bundling and stability of FtsZ protofilaments are important for the formation and functioning of the cytokinetic Z-ring during bacterial division. We found that the bundling of FtsZ protofilaments decreased strongly with increasing pH from 6.0 to 7.9, while the assembly of FtsZ monomers did not decrease considerably. In addition, the disassembly of FtsZ protofilaments was strongly suppressed at pH 6.0 as compared to the elevated pHs. The far-UV circular dichroism spectra of the native FtsZ and the tryptophan emission spectra of mutated FtsZ (Y371W) did not change by increasing pH from 6 to 7.9 indicating that the structure of FtsZ was not altered significantly. Further, the inhibition of bundling of FtsZ protofilaments predominantly, and the inhibition of assembly to a lesser extent by salt indicated that electrostatic interactions are important for the assembly and bundling of FtsZ protofilaments. These observations are supported by the results of computational docking of Escherichia coli dimer structure. The results suggest that the basic intracellular pH (7.4–7.8) of E. coli may play a role in regulating the assembly dynamics of FtsZ in the Z-ring by reducing protofilament stability and bundling in bacterial cytoplasm.© Elsevie