469 research outputs found

    Gravel deposit produced by a flash paleoflood in a succession of Quaternary terraces in the Plain of Vic (NE Iberian Peninsula)

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    In contrast with the abundance of studies of fluvial terraces, caused by river dynamics, there are very few descriptions of alluvial deposits produced by flash floods and mass movements. This study describes a late Pleistocene sedimentary deposit produced by a flash paleoflood and attempts to explain its genesis and its source areas. The Plain of Vic, drained by the river Ter and its tributaries, is one of the eastern erosive basins bordering the sedimentary Ebre basin (NE Iberian Peninsula). This plain has a length of 35 km and an average width of 8 km with a N-S direction and lies mainly on the Marls of Vic Fm. These materials are the less resistant lithologic members of the monocline Paleogene stratigraphic succession that dips to the west. The basal resistant bed that forms the eastern cuesta is the Sandstones of Folgueroles Fm. On the top, the resistant lithologic beds that form the scarp face are the sandstones of La Noguera in the Vidrà Fm. On the scarp face, various coalescent alluvial bays have been developed, which have accumulated up to eight levels of alluvial terraces. In one of them, formed by the river Mèder and the Muntanyola stream, a gravel deposit up to 5 m thick formed in a single episode outcrops, in a position T4,. A dating of the river Ter T5 has obtained an age of 117.9 9.5 Ky. The accumulation of gravel erodes another level of metric thickness of the same lithological characteristics and texture. The deposit does not have any internal structure or organization of pebbles. At its base, there are several metric blocks coming directly from the slopes. The accumulation of gravel is block-supported with a sandy matrix. The pebbles size is centimetric to decimetric (90%). Its texture is subrounded. Lithologically, the deposit consists mostly of sandstone and limestone from the top of the series. On the ground, the accumulation of gravel is elongated, with a maximum length and width of 550 m by 160 m and a slope surface of 2.54%. With an area of 56,500 m2, this totals to a volume of 282,500 m3. It is separated 400 m from the inner slope formed by two tributaries, and 100 m from the slope on the right side. The width of the right floodplain is 60 m, and the left one is 20 m wide. The deposit is eroded laterally by several meanders of later episodes which uncovered the accumulation of gravel. This accumulation can be considered as a proximal deposition of a flash paleoflood event in the bay formed by two alluvial tributaries. It cannot be ruled out that higher and older gravel deposits, belonging to T8, have the same genesis. Distally, at a distance of 2,600 m, in the same stratigraphic position (T4) and with an average gradient of 1.26%, a lutitic layer of metric thickness that corresponds to a distal flashflood accumulation outcrops. Understanding the processes that formed this deposit can help gain insight on flash floods and their role in the evolution of geomorphic features and landscapes.Postprint (published version

    The Haagerup property for Drinfeld doubles

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    We show that Drinfeld's double group construction for locally compact quantum groups preserves the Haagerup property. This shows that the Drinfeld doubles of the quantum groups, C0(F2)C_{0}(\mathbb{F}_{2}), SUq(2)SU_{q}(2), SUq(1,1)extSU_{q}(1,1)_{\text{ext}}, quantum ax+bax+b, quantum az+baz+b, and Eq(2)E_{q}(2) have the Haagerup property.Comment: 7 pages. The article will appear in Mathematical Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academ

    Control de la “podredumbre marrón” (Monilinia spp.) en los frutales de hueso

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    La “podredumbre marrón” de los frutos de las Rosáceas (Fig. 1), se debe a la actividad patógena de las especies del hongo ascomiceto Monilinia y actualmente detenta una considerable importancia económica. En las condiciones mediterráneas españolas y hasta la fecha, son dos las especies de Monilinia (anamorfo o estado asexual: Monilia) que se conocen: M. fructigena y M. laxa. Esta última es la más frecuente en los frutales de hueso y por consiguiente la que causa los mayores daños en los mismos

    Twisted Hochschild Homology of Quantum Hyperplanes

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    We calculate the Hochschild dimension of quantum hyperplanes using the twisted Hochschild homology.Comment: 12 pages, LaTe

    M. Paul Friedberg: Escenografías para el juego en hábitats urbanos

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    [ES] En los años 60 en la ciudad de Nueva York, el arquitecto del paisaje M. Paul Friedberg renovó los emplazamientos de juego infantil, de una manera personal y particular a partir de la observación de la algarabía de los niños y el dinamismo de la gente al usar la calle y la plaza. El artículo resalta su concepto de playground que ofrece diferentes estilos de juego, movimientos impredecibles y dinámicas de comportamiento, que le permitieron explorar la forma arquitectónica y el paisaje del área de recreo infantil. La incorporación de todo un conjunto de construcciones auxiliares facilitadoras del juego daba lugar a imaginar otras posibilidades del espacio público. Estas áreas de juego resultaron ser escenografías en hábitats urbanos, donde la interacción y yuxtaposición de arquitecturas elementales creaban entornos de aprendizaje, descubrimiento y desarrollo personal en los que el tiempo de la fiesta resultaba del uso libre del espacio.[EN] In the 60s, the landscape architect M. Paul Friedberg renewed the playgrounds for children in a personal and particular way in New York City For this renewal, he founded on the observation of the children's excitement and the dynamism of the people when using the street and the square. The article highlights his concept of playground that offers different play styles, unpredictable movements and behavioural dynamics, which allowed him to explore the landscape and the architectural form of the children's play spaces. The adding of a complete set of auxiliary facilities to promote the play led to imagine other possibilities of public space. These play areas turned out to be sceneries in urban habitats, where the interaction and juxtaposition of elementary architectures created environments of learning, discovery and personal development in which the time of the party resulted from the free use of space.Tuset Davó, JJ. (2019). M. Paul Friedberg: Sceneries for the play in urban habitats. BAc Boletín Académico. Revista de investigación y arquitectura contemporánea. (9):23-44. https://doi.org/10.17979/bac.2019.9.0.4638S2344


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    [EN] The results obtained in the graphic analysis of the modulation of the Cuarto Real de Santo Domingo building in Granada, Spain, (Roldán 2011) have provided new insights to further researches on the possible use of double-scale in ancient architecture.We propose the characterization of the singularities of the system in order to be able to elucidate the knowledge which has not been preserved, taking advantage of the implications and graphic representation required by the metrological scheme identified, the variety of typologies that are presented in their modular frames, as well as the adjustment to each design limits. By means of icons as simple as a half square all frames both static and dynamic which modulate ancient buildings can be justified. The adjustment approach allows a wide versatility of design and resolves some technical aspects.[ES] A partir de los resultados obtenidos en el estudio gráfico del trazado del edificio del Cuarto Real de Santo Domingo de Granada, España (Roldán 2011), se abre un ingente campo de trabajo sobre el estudio y análisis del posible uso del sistema de doble escala en la arquitectura antigua. Planteamos, en un primer estadio, caracterizar las peculiaridades del sistema con objeto de profundizar en su investigación para poder dilucidar el conocimiento, que no ha sido preservado, aprovechando las implicaciones gráficas y de representación que demanda el esquema metrológico detectado, la variedad tipológica que presentan sus tramas modulares, y el ajuste a los límites de cada diseño. Mediante iconos tan sencillos como una escuadra se justifican todas las tramas, tanto estáticas como dinámicas, que modulan el edificio. El ajuste por aproximación permite una enorme versatilidad de diseño y soluciona además aspectos técnicos.Roldán, F. (2012). MODULACIÓN, TIPOLOGÍA DE TRAMAS Y AJUSTE A LOS LÍMITES EN LA METROLOGÍA ARQUITECTÓNICA CLÁSICA. EGA. Revista de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 17(20):172-183. doi:10.4995/ega.2012.1448SWORD172183172