41,383 research outputs found

    Retrofit energy conservation in residential buildings in southern California

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    The common energy conservation techniques (ECTs) that can be retrofit-installed into residential buildings are surveyed. The quantity of saved energy for heating and cooling attributable to each ECT is evaluated for three common modes of heating: natural gas heating at 60/therm; heating via heat pump at 1.20/therm;andelectricresistanceheatingat1.20/therm; and electric resistance heating at 2.40/therm. In every case, a life cycle cost comparison is made between the long term revenue due to energy conservation and a safe and conventional alternative investment that might be available to the prudent homeowner. The comparison between investment in an ECT and the alternative investment is brought into perspective using the life cycle payback period and an economic Figure of Merit (FOM). The FOM allows for relative ranking between candidate ECTs. Because the entire spectrum of winter heating climates in California is surveyed, the decision maker can determine whether or not a considered ECT is recommended in a given climate, and under what conditions an ECT investment becomes attractive


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    AGCO Corporation is a success story in the agricultural machinery sector. Utilizing marketing strategies of out-sourcing, cross-over selling, and a full line of products, AGCO markets its own way. In 7 years, AGCO has 18 brands sold through 7,000 dealerships in 140 countries. Acquisition and consolidation powered the growth of AGCO using nontraditional buyout financing. Herein lies its real success.Agribusiness, Industrial Organization,

    The subdivision and zonation of interglacial periods

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    Es wird immer schwieriger, vergleichende Studien über die zahlreichen Pollendiagramme eines Interglazials innerhalb Nordwesteuropas oder aber verschiedener Interglaziale dieses Raumes zu machen, und zwar wegen der Mannigfaltigkeit der Zonierungssysteme, die die einzelnen Autoren anwenden. Dennoch haben aber Iversen (1958) und Andersen (1966) gezeigt, daß in jedem der bisher untersuchten Interglaziale ähnliche Zyklen der Vegetationsentwicklung und der Bodenbildung abgelaufen sind. Die Verfasser legen dar, daß in jeder Interglazialzeit 4 Perioden der Vegetationsentwicklung festgestellt werden können und daß diese als natürliche biostratigraphische Zonen angesehen werden können, basierend auf dem Charakter der Pollengemeinschaften. Diese Perioden sind: Zone I, die Pre-temperate Zone, Betula und Pinus dominieren; Zone II, die Early-temperate Zone, Vorherrschaft der Bäume des Eichenmischwaldes; Zone III, die Late-temperate Zone, in zunehmendem Maße beherrscht durch spät einwandernde wärmeliebende Bäume, wie Carpinus und Abies; Zone IV, die Post-temperate Zone, wiederum beherrscht durch boreale Bäume, wie Pinus und Betula. Diese Zonierung kann für fast alle interglazialen Pollendiagramme Nordwesteuropas verwandt werden. Geringe Veränderungen der Vegetation, und zwar regional, lokal oder seral, können als Unterzonen beschrieben werden, ohne die Hauptzüge und den Zweck dieses Zonierungssystems zu stören.researc

    Atmospheric environment for space shuttle (STS-8) launch

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    Selected atmospheric conditions observed near Space Shuttle STS-8 launch time on August 30, 1983, at Kennedy Space Center, Florida are summarized. Values of ambient pressure, temperature, moisture, ground winds, visual observations (cloud), and winds aloft are included. The sequence of prelaunch Jimsphere measured vertical wind profiles is given. Also presented are wind and thermodynamic parameters representative of surface and aloft conditions in the SRB descent/impact ocean area. Final meteorological tapes, which consist of wind and thermodynamic parameters versus altitude, for STS-8 vehicle ascent and SRB descent/impact were constructed. The STS-8 ascent meteorological data tape was constructed

    Reddenings of FGK supergiants and classical Cepheids from spectroscopic data

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    Accurate and homogeneous atmospheric parameters (Teff, log (g), Vt, [Fe/H]) are derived for 74 FGK non-variable supergiants from high-resolution, high signal-to-noise ratio, echelle spectra. Extremely high precision for the inferred effective temperatures (10-40 K) is achieved by using the line-depth ratio method. The new data are combined with atmospheric values for 164 classical Cepheids, observed at 675 different pulsation phases, taken from our previously published studies. The derived values are correlated with unreddened B-V colours compiled from the literature for the investigated stars in order to obtain an empirical relationship of the form: (B-V)o = 57.984 - 10.3587(log Teff)^2 + 1.67572(log Teff)^3 - 3.356(log (g)) + 0.0321(Vt) + 0.2615[Fe/H] + 0.8833((log (g))(log Teff)). The expression is used to estimate colour excesses E(B-V) for individual supergiants and classical Cepheids, with a precision of +-0.05 mag. for supergiants and Cepheids with n=1-2 spectra, reaching +-0.025 mag. for Cepheids with n>2 spectra, matching uncertainties for the most sophisticated photometric techniques. The reddening scale is also a close match to the system of space reddenings for Cepheids. The application range is for spectral types F0--K0 and luminosity classes I and II.Comment: accepted for publication (MNRAS

    Optimal training sequences to develop lower body force, velocity, power, and jump height: a systematic review with meta-analysis

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    Background: Resistance training has been used to enhance a range of athletic abilities through correct manipulation of several variables such as training load, training volume, set configuration, and rest period. Objective: The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to compare the acute and chronic responses of lower body cluster, contrast, complex, and traditional training across a range of athletic performance outcomes (1-repetition maximum squat strength, jump height, peak power, peak force, peak velocity, and sprint time). Methods: A database search was completed (SPORTDiscus, Medline and CINAHL) followed by a quality scoring system, which concluded with 41 studies being used in the meta-analysis. Effect sizes were calculated for acute and training intervention changes compared to baseline. For acute cluster training, effect sizes were used to represent differences between equated traditional and cluster sets. Results: Acutely, contrast and cluster training can be implemented to enhance and maintain velocity. Complex training does not acutely show a performance-enhancing effect on jump performance. Conclusion: When looking to develop exercise-specific force, the exercise should be completed closer to set failure with fewer repetitions still able to be completed, which can be achieved using complex or high-volume contrast training to pre-fatigue the lighter exercise. When the objective is to improve velocity for the target exercise, it can be combined with a heavier contrast pair to create a postactivation performance enhancing effect. Alternatively, cluster set designs can be used to maintain high velocities and reduce drop-off. Finally, traditional training is most effective for increasing squat 1-repetition maximum