45 research outputs found

    Drogues, sexe et risques dans la communauté gaie montréalaise : 1997-2003

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    Cet article dĂ©crit l’évolution de la consommation de drogues entre 1997 et 2003 chez des hommes gais et bisexuels sĂ©ronĂ©gatifs de la grande rĂ©gion montrĂ©alaise, selon l’ñge et selon les comportements sexuels Ă  risque pour le VIH. Les donnĂ©es proviennent d’OmĂ©ga, une Ă©tude longitudinale sur l’incidence et les dĂ©terminants psychosociaux de l’infection au VIH chez ces hommes. Les participants ont rempli un questionnaire tous les six mois, et les donnĂ©es sont celles de leur premiĂšre visite de suivi. Des analyses de tendance par pĂ©riode de calendrier ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es et un modĂšle de rĂ©gression logistique utilisant une estimation par Ă©quations gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©es a Ă©tĂ© gĂ©nĂ©rĂ© pour chaque type de drogues. Les rĂ©sultats rĂ©vĂšlent une augmentation de la consommation de cocaĂŻne, de l’ecstasy, des hallucinogĂšnes, du speed et du GHB entre 1997 et 2003. En revanche, la consommation de marijuana, de poppers et d’hĂ©roĂŻne ne semble pas avoir changĂ© de façon significative. Les moins de 30 ans et ceux qui ont eu des relations anales Ă  risque semblent avoir Ă©tĂ© plus enclins Ă  consommer certaines drogues pendant cette mĂȘme pĂ©riode. Indices de transformations possibles dans les modes de vie de ces hommes, ces rĂ©sultats soulĂšvent de nouveaux dĂ©fis pour la prĂ©vention du VIH dans la communautĂ© gaie.This article describes the evolution of drug use between 1997 and 2003 in HIV-negative men who have sex with men living in the Montreal region, according to age and HIV risk-taking behaviours. Data come from Omega, a longitudinal study on the incidence and on the psychosocial determinants of HIV infection among these men. Participants completed a questionnaire every six months and data are from the first follow-up visit. Trends analyses by calendar period were done and a logistic regression model using generalised equations for parameter estimation was generated for each type of drug. Results reveal an increase in cocaine, ecstasy, hallucinogen, speed and GHB use between 1997 and 2003. On the other hand, marijuana, poppers and heroin use do not seem to have change significantly. Men who are younger than 30 years old and who had risky anal intercourse seem to be more likely to have used specific drugs in the same period. This indicates possible transformations in the way of life of these men and these results suggest new challenges for HIV prevention in the gay community.Este artĂ­culo describe la evoluciĂłn del consumo de drogas entre 1997 y 2003 entre los hombres gay y bisexuales seronegativos de la gran regiĂłn montrealesa, segĂșn la edad y los comportamientos sexuales de riesgo con respecto al VIH. Los datos provienen de OmĂ©ga, un estudio longitudinal sobre la incidencia y los determinantes psicosociales de la infecciĂłn de VIH en los hombres. Los participantes respondieron un cuestionario cada seis meses y los datos son los de su primera visita de seguimiento. Se realizaron anĂĄlisis de tendencia por perĂ­odo de calendario y se generĂł un modelo de regresiĂłn logĂ­stica, utilizando una estimaciĂłn por ecuaciones generalizadas para cada tipo de droga. Los resultados revelan un aumento del consumo de cocaĂ­na, Ă©xtasis, alucinĂłgenos, speed y GHB entre 1997 y 2003. Por el contrario, el consumo de marihuana, poppers y heroĂ­na no parece haber cambiado de manera significativa. Los menores de 30 años y quienes tienen relaciones sexuales anales a riesgo parecen haber tenido una mayor tendencia a consumir ciertas drogas durante este mismo perĂ­odo. Estos resultados, Ă­ndices de transformaciones posibles en los modos de vida de estos hombres, plantean nuevos desafĂ­os en la prevenciĂłn del VIH en la comunidad gay

    Signalling well-written academic articles in an English corpus by text-mining techniques

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    @inproceedings{ci-Lucas-2003, author = {Lucas, Nadine and Crémilleux Bruno and Turmel, Leny}, title = {Signalling well-written academic articles in an English corpus by text-mining techniques}, booktitle = {Corpus Linguistics 2003}, pages = {465-474}, year = {2003}, volume = {16}, series = {UCREL technical papers}, publisher = {Lancaster University}, address = {Lancaster, UK} }International audienc

    Extraction d'associations pour la caractérisation de segments de textes en anglais avec et sans faute

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    @inproceedings{CN-TURMEL-2003, author = {Turmel, L. and Lucas, N. and Crémilleux B.}, title = {Extraction d'associations pour la caractérisation de segments de textes en anglais avec et sans faute}, booktitle = {Conférence internationale sur le document électronique (CIDE'03)}, pages = {221-237}, year = {2003}, address = {Caen}, month = {novembre}, publisher = {Europia} }National audienc

    Extraction d'associations entre marqueurs linguistiques pour la caractérisation de fautes d'anglais

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    @inproceedings{AC-TURMEL-2003, author = {Turmel, L. and Crémilleux, B. and Lucas, N.}, title = {Extraction d'associations entre marqueurs linguistiques pour la caractérisation de fautes d'anglais}, booktitle = {3Úmes Journées Francophones d'Extraction et de Gestion des Connaissances (EGC'03)}, series = {Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information (EGC'03)}, publisher = {HermÚs}, pages = {551}, year = {2003}, address = {Lyon, France}, month = {janvier} }International audienc

    Lack of Evidence of Sexual Transmission of Hepatitis C Virus in a Prospective Cohort Study of Men Who Have Sex With Men

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    Objectives. We studied the prevalence and incidence of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in the ongoing Omega Cohort Study of men who have sex with men (MSM). Methods. From January to September 2001, consenting men (n = 1085) attending a follow-up visit to the ongoing Omega Cohort Study were tested for HCV. If the test results were positive for HCV, we compared them with test results from previous serum samples collected from the time of entry into the original cohort study to determine the time of infection. Results. HCV prevalence at entry was 2.9% and was strongly associated with injection drug use (32.9% vs 0.3%, P<.0001). Only 1 seroconversion was identified in 2653 person-years of follow-up (incidence rate = 0.038 per 100 person-years). The seroconverter was an active injection drug user who reported needle sharing. Conclusions. Sexual transmission of HCV among MSM appears to be rare

    Effect of an anesthesia with propofol compared with desflurane on free radical production and liver function after partial hepatectomy.

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    International audiencePropofol has shown antioxidant properties, but no study has focused on liver resection surgery. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of an anesthesia with propofol compared with desflurane on oxidative stress and hepatic function during and after partial hepatectomy. This was a prospective randomized study performed on two parallel groups. The primary endpoint was malondialdehyde (MDA) plasma concentration 30 min after hepatic vascular unclamping. Hepatic damages were evaluated by plasma levels of alpha-glutathione S-transferase (α-GST) 120 min after hepatic vascular unclamping and of aminotransferases at 120 min and on days 1, 2, 5, and 10. Liver function recovery was assessed by monoethylglycinexylidide (MEGX) formation 15 min after lidocaine injection on day 2 and by prothrombin time and plasma factor V at 120 min and on days 1, 2, 5, and 10. Thirty patients were analyzed (propofol group: 17; desflurane group: 13). There was no significant difference between groups for MDA plasma concentration 30 min after hepatic vascular unclamping (mean ± standard-deviation: 1.28 ± 0.40 and 1.21 ± 0.29 in propofol and desflurane groups, respectively, P = 0.608). Plasma levels of α-GST at 120 min were lower in propofol than in desflurane group (142.2 ± 75.4 vs. 205.7 ± 66.5, P = 0.023), and MEGX on day 2 was higher (0.092 ± 0.096 vs. 0.036 ± 0.020, P = 0.007). No differences between groups were observed with regard to plasma levels of aminotransferases, prothrombin time, and plasma factor V. Our study showed that in patients undergoing partial hepatectomy, propofol did not reduce MDA formation but seemed to display a protective effect on hepatic damages and liver function when compared to desflurane

    Impact of a targeted monitoring on data-quality and data-management workload of randomized controlled trials a prospective comparative study

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    International audienceAims: Monitoring risk‐based approaches in clinical trials are encouraged by regulatory guidance. However, the impact of a targeted source data verification (SDV) on data‐management (DM) workload and on final data quality needs to be addressed.Methods: MONITORING was a prospective study aiming at comparing full SDV (100% of data verified for all patients) and targeted SDV (only key data verified for all patients) followed by the same DM program (detecting missing data and checking consistency) on final data quality, global workload and staffing costs.Results: In all, 137,008 data including 18,124 key data were collected for 126 patients from six clinical trials. Compared to the final database obtained using the full SDV monitoring process, the final database obtained using the targeted SDV monitoring process had a residual error rate of 1.47% [95% confidence interval, 1.41% to 1.53%] on overall data and 0.78% [95% confidence interval, 0.65% to 0.91%] on key data. There were nearly four times more queries per study with targeted SDV than with full SDV (mean±SD: 132±101 vs 34±26; p=0.03). For a handling time of 15 min per query, the global workload of the targeted SDV monitoring strategy remained below that of the full SDV monitoring strategy. From 25 minutes per query, it was above increasing progressively to represent a 50% increase for 45 minutes per query.Conclusion: Targeted SDV monitoring is accompanied by increased workload for DM, which allows to obtain a small proportion of remaining errors on key data (<1%), but may substantially increase trial costs

    Obsessive compulsive disorder networks: positron emission tomography and neuropsychology provide new insights.

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    International audienceDeep brain stimulation has shed new light on the central role of the prefrontal cortex (PFC) in obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). We explored this structure from a functional perspective, synchronizing neuroimaging and cognitive measures. This case-control cross-sectional study compared 15 OCD patients without comorbidities and not currently on serotonin reuptake inhibitors or cognitive behavioural therapy with 15 healthy controls (matched for age, sex and education level) on resting-state (18)FDG-PET scans and a neuropsychological battery assessing executive functions. We looked for correlations between metabolic modifications and impaired neuropsychological scores. Modifications in glucose metabolism were found in frontal regions (orbitofrontal cortex and dorsolateral cortices), the cingulate gyrus, insula and parietal gyrus. Neuropsychological differences between patients and controls, which were subtle, were correlated with the metabolism of the prefrontal, parietal, and temporal cortices. As expected, we confirmed previous reports of a PFC dysfunction in OCD patients, and established a correlation with cognitive deficits. Other regions outside the prefrontal cortex, including the dorsoparietal cortex and the insula, also appeared to be implicated in the pathophysiology of OCD, providing fresh insights on the complexity of OCD syndromes