24 research outputs found


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    Coronary arteries are blood vessels that carry oxygen and nutrients to the heart muscle. These vessels can experience constriction due to the accumulation of plaque which causes atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is characterized by reduced coronary artery elasticity. Blood glucose levels are one of the factors that cause atherosclerosis. The aims of this study was to determine whether there was a correlation of blood sugar levels with the elasticity of coronary arteries. This study is an analytical study with cross sectional design. The population in this study were all patients who visited the Gipateda Tulungagung treatment clinic that was more than 30 years old and female. Through accidental sampling technique, 30 respondents were obtained. The study was conducted from March 1, 2016 to May 1, 2016. Data was collected using a quantum resonance magnetic analyzer (QMRA) to determine the value of blood sugar levels and the value of elasticity of coronary arteries. The data obtained were analyzed statistically by bivariate linear regression tests to determine whether there was a significant correlation of blood sugar levels with the elasticity of coronary arteries. The results showed that the p value is 0.000 < 0.05, which means that there was a significant correlation between blood sugar levels and the elasticity of the coronary arteries. High blood glucose levels can damage the vascular endothelium and also increasing platelet agegrat, so that can resulting atherosclerosis. Every individual should be able to control blood sugar levels with a healthy lifestyle and early detection regularly to prevent the decrease of coronary arteries elasticity because that can lead to coronary heart disease (CHD)

    Human immune response to SARS-CoV-2 infection

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    COVID-19 is an acute respiratory infection caused by a new type of Coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, which first appeared in Wuhan, China in December 2019. COVID-19 then became a pandemic in various countries in early 2020. In this article it contains review that discusses the immune response in humans due to SARS-CoV-2 infection, using the narrative literature review method, a total of 36 articles (6 from Elsevier, 24 from PMC, and 6 from Springer). It is known that the pathogenesis of COVID-19 and the manufacture of drugs and vaccines are still under investigation, but in infected patients, innate immune responses in the form of alveolar macrophages, dendritic cells, airway epithelial cells, congenital lymphocytes, and neutrophils work together in the fight against infection. Next comes the adaptive immune response in the form of antibodies (immunoglobulins) which help in fighting infections due to SARS-CoV-2. These immune responses include increasing levels of cytokines, coagulation parameters, C-reactive protein, neutrophils, and decreasing total lymphocytes. It is also known that COVID-19 patients with severe disease often experience higher total antibody, IgM responses, and IgG responses than COVID-19 patients without congenital disease. IgG antibodies are present in the serum, so the serum in COVID-19 patients who have recovered can be used for therapy in COVID-19 patients who have not healed, as long as the drug and vaccine are under investigation.COVID-19 adalah infeksi pernafasan akut yang disebabkan oleh tipe baru Coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, yang pertama kali muncul di Wuhan, Cina pada Desember 2019. COVID-19 kemudian menjadi pandemi di berbagai negara pada awal 2020. Dalam artikel ini itu berisi ulasan yang membahas respon kekebalan manusia yang terinfeksi SARS-CoV-2, menggunakan metode tinjauan literatur naratif, total 36 artikel (6 dari Elsevier, 24 dari PMC, dan 6 dari Springer). Diketahui bahwa patogenesis COVID-19 dan pembuatan obat-obatan dan vaksin masih dalam penelitian, tetapi pada pasien yang terinfeksi, respon imun bawaan dalam bentuk makrofag alveolar, sel dendritik, sel epitel saluran napas, limfosit kongenital, dan neutrofil bekerjasama dalam memerangi infeksi. Selanjutnya muncul respons imun adaptif dalam bentuk antibodi (imunoglobulin) yang membantu memerangi infeksi akibat SARS-CoV-2. Respon imun ini termasuk peningkatan kadar sitokin, parameter koagulasi, protein C-reaktif, neutrofil, dan penurunan total limfosit. Juga diketahui bahwa pasien COVID-19 dengan penyakit parah sering mengalami antibodi total lebih tinggi, respons IgM, dan respons IgG dibandingkan pasien COVID-19 tanpa penyakit bawaan. Antibodi IgG hadir dalam serum, sehingga serum pada pasien COVID-19 yang telah pulih dapat digunakan untuk terapi pada pasien COVID-19 yang belum sembuh, selama obat dan vaksin sedang diteliti

    Identification of Salmonella sp in Islamic Boarding School in Bath Water Sumbergempol Sudistrict

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    Salmonella is a bacterium that causes typhoid fever. Salmonella sp is able to live in water, dry waste, dust and if these bacteria live in a suitable living place then the bacteria multiply reach infective dose. The bathroom water is usually used for various things one of them gargling it allows the pathogenic bacteria left in the mouth and swallowed into the digestive tract so causing abdominal pain and fever. The purpose of this study is to determine whether there are Salmonella sp bacteria in the bathwater bath in the boarding school. This research is descriptive research. Which was held on 7 to 10 May 2018 at the Microbiology Laboratory DIII Health Analyst STIKes Hutama Abdi Husada Tulungagung. Population in this research is all boarding school existing in Sumbergempol District, sampling technique in this research is total sampling, which obtained as many as 6 samples of boarding school. The instruments used are sterile tube, measuring pipette, incubator, plate, plate agar medium, aquadest, oven and laboratory equipment required. The results obtained that from 6 samples, 1 positive Salmonella sp bacteria and 5 samples of Salmonella sp bacteria. The results of the research are then analyzed descriptively. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that 16.67% positive Salmonella sp identified and 83.33% negative or unidentified Salmonella sp. The presence of Salmonella sp in the bathroom tub is caused by a bathroom tub that has a distance with a septic tank less than 10 meters. Research on the identification of bacteria other than Salmonella sp is also needed to know the presence or absence of other bacteria that exist in the water bathtub boarding school District Sumbergempol

    UJI ANTIFUNGI KETEPENG CINA (Cassia alata L.) TERHADAP Trichophyton rubrum DAN Candida albicans

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    Ketepeng Cina merupakan salah satu tumbuhan liar di Indonesia yang berpotensi sebagai antijamur. Pengujian antijamur dilakukan dengan cara difusi cakram menggunakan ekstrak dengan konsentrasi 20%, 40%, 60%, dan 80%. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan zona hambat pada semua konsentrasi ekstrak dan zona terluas dihasilkan pada konsentrasi 90%

    Antibacterial actifity of kecombrang (Etlingera elatior) leaf ethanol extract to against Klebsiella pneumoniae

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    Infectious diseases caused by bacteria in generals can be cured using antibacterial. The use of antibacterials tends to cause local hypersensitivity either on the skin or mucous membranes so that their use is starting to be reduced. Therefore, the development of natural antibacterials made from plants to reduce resistance is very necessary. kecombrang (Etlingera elatior) is one of the plants that has been shown to have activity in inhibiting bacterial growth. This research is an experimental study that aims to determine the effectiveness of the ethanol extract of the leaves of kecombrang in inhibiting the growth of Klebsiella pneumoniae bacteria in vitro. The method used is the well method with a completely randomized design. The sample came from the Klebsiella pneumoniae bacteria culture. Kecombrang leaf ethanol extract was made in concentrations of 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100%. The extract was tested on Klebsiella pneumoniae bacteria and observed for the formation of inhibition zones. Inhibition the results of the zone measuremens were then analyzed descriptively. The results showed kecombrang leaf ethanol extract 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, and 100% produce inhibition zone diameter 1.9 mm; 2.6 mm; 7.7 mm; 12.1 mm; and 14.7 mm, 0.4 mm for the negative control and positive control 22.0 mm. Concentration 100% has better antibacterial ability due to higher compound content. The test results show the class of secondary metabolites kecombrang leaf ethanol extract contains flavonoids, tannin, and saponin. The conclusion of this study that the ethanol extract of kecombrang leaves has potential to inhibit the growth of Klebsiella pneumoniae bacteria

    Identification of formalin and borax on tuna in Ngemplak market Tulungagung regency

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    Misuse of formalin and borax is still common, including processing and preserving fish. Therefore, this study aims to identify the presence of formalin and borax in tuna on the market Ngemplak, Tulungagung regency. The samples used in this study were fresh tuna in the Ngemplak market originating from the beaches of Prigi, Sine, Tambakrejo, Popoh and Sidem. The samples were tested qualitatively using the colorimetric method by Schryver reagent for formalin and curcumin paper for borax. The results obtained in this study, from the five tuna samples not detected contained formalin and borax which were marked by no change in color in the test. Tuna sold in the Ngemplak market Tulungagung regency negatively contains formalin and borax, making it safe for consumption. It is hoped that the relevant office will carry out routine checks on the misuse of food additives, especially preservatives circulating in the community and the public should always be careful in choosing safe food

    Implementing of Islamic Learning Integrated in Biology Education through Team Teaching Method to Enhance Students’ Understanding of Sex Education

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    Sex education is needed due to increasing in teenager's sexually deviant behavior increase. The integration of Islamic values in biology learning is teachers' strategy to prevent free sex deviant behavior in the disrupssion digital era. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of the implementation of integrated Islamic biology learning with the team teaching method on students' understanding of sex education at SMA 12 Pekanbaru. The research design was a Quasi-experimental with one shot case study design. Population and sample are students at SMAN 12 Pekanbaru. Collection methods using tests and question-naires. The data analysis technique used is descriptive statistics. The results showed that the average level of understanding of students' sex education in the knowledge domain of students was 73% with a good category and an attitude domain of 79% with a good category. It can be concluded that the implementation of integrated Islamic biology learning with the team teaching method has a positive contribution to students' understanding of sex education. Biology and Islamic education teachers can collaborate in designing sex education learning as an effort to prevent adolescent sexual deviant behavior

    The diversity of banana cultivars in East Kalimantan based on morphological characteristic

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    Banana is a plant with nutritious fruit and can help prevent stunting. Banana plants are widely cultivated in East Kalimantan, but the type characterization has not been identified. The purpose of this study was to determine the diversity of banana plants in East Kalimantan and to characterize banana plants based on morphology. This research is explorative in nature by identifying directly in the field the cultivated banana cultivars. Morphological characterization of stems, leaves and fruit was carried out based on the banana description contained in IPGRI-INIBAP/CIRAD. The research instrument is a banana morphology observation sheet which contains parameters: leaf habit, pseudostem color, predominant underlying color of the pseudostem, sap color, blotches at the petiole base, blotches color, petiole canal leaf III, color of leaf upper surface, color of midrib dorsal surface, color of leaf lower surface, color of midrib ventral surface, wax on leaves. The result shows that at East Kalimantan is found 12 types of banana cultivars were found, Talas bananas, Rutai bananas, Kepok bananas, Mas bananas, Morosebo bananas, Tanduk bananas, Susu bananas, Maulin bananas, Red bananas, Ambon bananas, Raja bananas, and Cavendish bananas.There are variations in the morphological characteristics of banana plants, leaves and fruit that can characterize each banana

    Concept of SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Design to Fight COVID-19 Pandemic: A Review Insight

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    Cluster of pneumonia infection emerged in Wuhan, China due to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Additionally, more than 190 countries have confirmed 82 million cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Currently, there is a SARS-CoV-2 epidemic, and no effective prophylactic methods are available. A vaccine is considered as an effective method to restrict an epidemic. Several vaccine designing techniques have been established, which is enabling researchers from various institutes for developing vaccine towards SARS-CoV-2 infections. In this review, we condense the development of vaccine research against SARS-CoV-


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    Video media is a medium that provides information in the form of sound and visuals. Based on the results of observations obtained from biology education students who have received protist courses, the learning process is still centered on educators and textbooks or manuals, so students tend to be passive or lack interest and motivation to learn. Phenomena that are happening a lot at this time, for example when practicum activities take place only use manuals to find out how the activities will work, thus making some students not understand clearly the steps of the work being carried out. The purpose of this research is to increase student learning motivation in the Protist course. The application of videos can provide opportunities for students to collect information and make it easier to carry out learning activities. The subjects of this study were biology education students from class of 2019 and below with the condition that they had passed the protista course with a total of 55 respondents. The research instrument was conducted using qualitative and quantitative methods. The validity test results obtained had a significant value <0.05, namely 0.000 <0.05 and the reliability test had a Cronbach's Alpha value of 0.821 > 0.70. The conclusion obtained by video media is effective in helping the learning process