590 research outputs found

    Una Primera aproximació a l'anàlisi quantitativa dels préstecs

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    Entrevista a William Labov

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    Estudi sobre la diglòssia entre els grups professionals a Barcelona

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    The sociolinguistic situation of the British and the US American communities in Spain

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    This report is concerned with the sociolinguistic situation of the British and US American communities living in Spain. The data used to compile it were drawn from speech data collected during the course of a project financed by the Spanish Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología on the sociolinguistic and psycholinguistic aspects of migrated speech communities and language minority groups in Spain (SEC93-0725), of which the British and the US American communities were two of the twenty-four investigated

    Datos paleomagnéticos del sustrato rocoso de la isla de Livingston (Península Antártica): implicaciones tectónicas en la evolución neógena

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    Se presentan resultados paleomagnéticos de la Fo rmación Miers Bluff y de los diques terciarios y andesitas de la Isla de Livingston (Islas Shetland del Sur, Península A n t á rtica). La mayoría de las rocas estudiadas son portadoras de magnetización estable, que reside en una fase de baja coercividad, probablemente Ti-Magnetita. La restitución tectónica progresiva de las direcciones de magnetización remanente característica revela que la magnetización en las turbiditas de la Fm. Miers Bluff fue adquirida después del plegamiento. Las direcciones medias de los diques y de la Fm. Miers Bluff no ofrecen una diferencia significativa, sugiriendo una misma edad para la magnetización. Se propone que el origen de la misma es una remagnetización de edad terciaria. Asimismo, la posición de los polos paleomagnéticos obtenidos sugiere un basculamiento tectónico que estaría relacionado con la apertura y extensión en el Estrecho de Bransfield.We report paleomagnetic results from the Miers Bluff Formation and Tertiary dykes and andesites in Livingston Island (South Shetland Islands, Antarctic Peninsula). Most of the samples carry stable magnetization, residing in a low coercivity phase, most likely (Ti)magnetite. Progressive untilting of the Characteristic Remanent Magnetization directions reveals that the magnetization of the turbidites (Miers Bluff Fm.) is post-folding. Miers Bluff and the dyke mean directions do not show any significant difference, suggesting the same magnetization age. Thus, a local Cenozoic remagnetization is proposed. Also, the paleomagnetic poles suggest a tectonic tilting that would explain the observed discrepancies between the produced paleopoles and the APWP for the Antarctic Peninsula

    Paleomagnetic dating of non-sulfide Zn-Pb ores in SW Sardinia (Italy): a first attempt

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    A first paleomagnetic investigation aimed at constraining the age of the non-sulfide Zn-Pb ore deposits in the Iglesiente district (SW Sardinia, Italy) was carried out. In these ores, the oxidation of primary sulfides, hosted in Cambrian carbonate rocks, was related to several paleoweathering episodes spanning from the Mesozoic onward. Paleomagnetic analyses were performed on 43 cores from 4 different localities, containing: a) non-oxidized primary sulfides and host rock, b) oxidized Fe-rich hydrothermal dolomites and (c) supergene oxidation ore («Calamine»). Reliable data were obtained from 18 samples; the others show uninterpretable results due to low magnetic intensity or to scattered demagnetization trajectories. Three of them show a scattered Characteristic Remanent Magnetization (ChRM), likely carried by the original (i.e. Paleozoic) magnetic iron sulfides. The remaining 15 samples show a well defined and coherent ChRM, carried by high-coercivity minerals, acquired after the last phase of counterclockwise rotation of Sardinia (that is after 16 Myr), in a time interval long enough to span at least one reversal of the geomagnetic field. Hematite is the main magnetic carrier in the limestone, whereas weathered hydrothermal dolomite contains goethite or a mixture of both. The results suggest that paleomagnetism can be used to constrain the timing of oxidation in supergene-enriched ores