33 research outputs found

    The Potential Contribution of BRCA Mutations to Early Onset and Familial Breast Cancer in Uzbekistan

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    Introuduction: Breast cancer is the most common malignancy in women and affects approximately 1 out of 8 females in the US. Risk of developing breast cancer is strongly influenced by genetic factors. Germ-line mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes are associated with 5–10% of breast cancer incidence. To reduce the risk of developing cancer and to increase the likelihood of early detection, carriers of BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations are offered surveillance programs and effective preventive medical interventions. Identification of founder mutations of BRCA1/2 in high risk communities can have a significant impact on the management of hereditary cancer at the level of the national healthcare systems, making genetic testing more affordable and cost-effective. BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations in breast cancer patients have not been characterized in the Uzbek population. This pilot study aimed to investigate the contribution of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation to early onset and familial cases of breast cancer in Uzbekistan.Methods: A total of 67 patients with breast cancer and 103 age-matched disease free controls were included in this study. Utilizing SYBR Green based real-time allele-specific PCR, we have analyzed DNA samples of  patients with breast cancer and disease free controls to identify the following BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations: BRCA1 5382insC, BRCA1 4153delA, BRCA1 185delAG, BRCA1 300T>G, BRCA2 6174delT.Results: Three unrelated samples (4.5%) were found to be positive for the heterozygous 5382insCBRCA1 mutation, representing a possible founder mutation in the Uzbek population, supporting the need for larger studies examining the contribution of this mutation to breast cancer incidence in Uzbekistan.We did not findBRCA1 4153delA, BRCA1 185delAG, BRCA1 300T>G, and BRCA2 6174delT mutations.Conclusion: This preliminary evidence suggests a potential contribution of BRCA1 5382insC mutation to breast cancer development in Uzbek population. Taking into account a high disease penetrance in carriers of BRCA1 mutation, it seems reasonable to recommend inclusion of the 5382insC mutation test in future research on the development of screening programs for breast cancer prevention in Uzbekistan

    Association of rs2294008 and rs9297976 Polymorphisms in PSCA Gene with Gastric Cancer Susceptibility in Uzbekistan

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    Introduction: Genetic factors play an important role in the development of gastric cancer (GC), a prevalent malignancy in Central Asia. Recent studies have shown that single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in several genes are associated with increased GC risk, indicating that genetic variation contributes to gastric carcinogenesis. Located on chromosome 8q24.2, the prostate stem cell antigen (PSCA) gene encodes a 123-amino acid glycoprotein related to the cell-proliferation inhibition and cell-death induction activity. SNPs in PSCA gene have been found to be associated with gastric cancer risk in a genome-wide association study, but results were not conclusive. This study aimed to investigate the association between two polymorphic variants of PSCA gene (rs2294008 and rs9297976) and the susceptibility to gastric cancer in Uzbekistan.Methods: Two hundred sixty eight patients with gastric cancer and a control group of 248 healthy individuals were included in this study. DNA samples isolated from these groups were genotyped using PCR-RFLP method. Comparative analysis of resulting genotypes showed a statistically significant association between CT genotype and gastric cancer (p=0.03, additive model of inheritance, Cochran-Armitage trend test).Results: Comparative analysis of the distribution of genotypes of rs2976392 polymorphism did not show a statistically significant difference; however, analysis of the distribution of the rs2976392 genotypes in a subgroup of young women revealed a statistically significant (p = 0.04, additive model of inheritance, Cochran-Armitage trend test) increase in the incidence of AA (38%) and AG (56%) genotypes in patients with GC, compared to the controls (20% and 40%).Conclusion: Our findings support that PSCA rs2294008 and rs9297976 polymorphism may contribute to the susceptibility to gastric cancer. Genotyping of these polymorphisms can potentially be recommended as one of the criteria for identification of high risk groups for gastric cancer development in Uzbekistan

    COVID-19 Response in Uzbekistan: From RT-PCR Test System to the Clinical Trial of Subunit Vaccine

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    The coronavirus pandemic showed the need for urgently improvement of different sectors in Uzbekistan, especially, the healthcare system and the biopharma industries. Uzbekistan government and private sectors have taken comprehensive measures to control the spread of infection in the country and tried to mitigate the impact of the pandemic. In this chapter, we discussed the primary measures taken to combat the coronavirus pandemic and the details of developing a local reverse transcription real-time PCR (RT-qPCR) detection kit as well as the experience of conducting the phase III clinical trials of the recombinant Uzbek-Chinese vaccine-ZF-UZ-Vac2001 against coronavirus infection. Finally, information is given on the mass vaccination campaign in the country, the difficulties encountered and the achievements made. The developed RT-qPCR detection kit was successfully implemented into production and have widely used for pathogen diagnosis. A total of 6965 volunteers over 18 years old participated in the clinical trials of ZF2001 and the vaccine had an efficacy level of 84.8%. More than 67.6 million doses were administered using seven types of anti-COVID vaccines in the country. The pandemics urged the country to establish a scientific and technical base that aimed at quickly responding to potential future challenges and emergencies

    The Connection of the Genetic, Cultural and Geographic Landscapes of Transoxiana

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    We have analyzed Y-chromosomal variation in populations from Transoxiana, a historical region covering the southwestern part of Central Asia. We studied 780 samples from 10 regional populations of Kazakhs, Uzbeks, Turkmens, Dungans, and Karakalpaks using 35 SNP and 17 STR markers. Analysis of haplogroup frequencies using multidimensional scaling and principal component plots, supported by an analysis of molecular variance, showed that the geographic landscape of Transoxiana, despite its distinctiveness and diversity (deserts, fertile river basins, foothills and plains) had no strong influence on the genetic landscape. The main factor structuring the gene pool was the mode of subsistence: settled agriculture or nomadic pastoralism. Investigation of STR-based clusters of haplotypes and their ages revealed that cultural and demic expansions of Transoxiana were not closely connected with each other. The Arab cultural expansion introduced Islam to the region but did not leave a significant mark on the pool of paternal lineages. The Mongol expansion, in contrast, had enormous demic success, but did not impact cultural elements like language and religion. The genealogy of Muslim missionaries within the settled agricultural communities of Transoxiana was based on spiritual succession passed from teacher to disciple. However, among Transoxianan nomads, spiritual and biological succession became merged

    Geographical and temporal distribution of SARS-CoV-2 clades in the WHO European Region, January to June 2020

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    We show the distribution of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) genetic clades over time and between countries and outline potential genomic surveillance objectives. We applied three genomic nomenclature systems to all sequence data from the World Health Organization European Region available until 10 July 2020. We highlight the importance of real-time sequencing and data dissemination in a pandemic situation, compare the nomenclatures and lay a foundation for future European genomic surveillance of SARS-CoV-2

    Genomic analyses inform on migration events during the peopling of Eurasia.

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    High-coverage whole-genome sequence studies have so far focused on a limited number of geographically restricted populations, or been targeted at specific diseases, such as cancer. Nevertheless, the availability of high-resolution genomic data has led to the development of new methodologies for inferring population history and refuelled the debate on the mutation rate in humans. Here we present the Estonian Biocentre Human Genome Diversity Panel (EGDP), a dataset of 483 high-coverage human genomes from 148 populations worldwide, including 379 new genomes from 125 populations, which we group into diversity and selection sets. We analyse this dataset to refine estimates of continent-wide patterns of heterozygosity, long- and short-distance gene flow, archaic admixture, and changes in effective population size through time as well as for signals of positive or balancing selection. We find a genetic signature in present-day Papuans that suggests that at least 2% of their genome originates from an early and largely extinct expansion of anatomically modern humans (AMHs) out of Africa. Together with evidence from the western Asian fossil record, and admixture between AMHs and Neanderthals predating the main Eurasian expansion, our results contribute to the mounting evidence for the presence of AMHs out of Africa earlier than 75,000 years ago.Support was provided by: Estonian Research Infrastructure Roadmap grant no 3.2.0304.11-0312; Australian Research Council Discovery grants (DP110102635 and DP140101405) (D.M.L., M.W. and E.W.); Danish National Research Foundation; the Lundbeck Foundation and KU2016 (E.W.); ERC Starting Investigator grant (FP7 - 261213) (T.K.); Estonian Research Council grant PUT766 (G.C. and M.K.); EU European Regional Development Fund through the Centre of Excellence in Genomics to Estonian Biocentre (R.V.; M.Me. and A.Me.), and Centre of Excellence for Genomics and Translational Medicine Project No. 2014-2020.4.01.15-0012 to EGC of UT (A.Me.) and EBC (M.Me.); Estonian Institutional Research grant IUT24-1 (L.S., M.J., A.K., B.Y., K.T., C.B.M., Le.S., H.Sa., S.L., D.M.B., E.M., R.V., G.H., M.K., G.C., T.K. and M.Me.) and IUT20-60 (A.Me.); French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs and French ANR grant number ANR-14-CE31-0013-01 (F.-X.R.); Gates Cambridge Trust Funding (E.J.); ICG SB RAS (No. VI.58.1.1) (D.V.L.); Leverhulme Programme grant no. RP2011-R-045 (A.B.M., P.G. and M.G.T.); Ministry of Education and Science of Russia; Project 6.656.2014/K (S.A.F.); NEFREX grant funded by the European Union (People Marie Curie Actions; International Research Staff Exchange Scheme; call FP7-PEOPLE-2012-IRSES-number 318979) (M.Me., G.H. and M.K.); NIH grants 5DP1ES022577 05, 1R01DK104339-01, and 1R01GM113657-01 (S.Tis.); Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant N 14-06-00180a) (M.G.); Russian Foundation for Basic Research; grant 16-04-00890 (O.B. and E.B); Russian Science Foundation grant 14-14-00827 (O.B.); The Russian Foundation for Basic Research (14-04-00725-a), The Russian Humanitarian Scientific Foundation (13-11-02014) and the Program of the Basic Research of the RAS Presidium “Biological diversity” (E.K.K.); Wellcome Trust and Royal Society grant WT104125AIA & the Bristol Advanced Computing Research Centre (http://www.bris.ac.uk/acrc/) (D.J.L.); Wellcome Trust grant 098051 (Q.A.; C.T.-S. and Y.X.); Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellowship grant 100719/Z/12/Z (M.G.T.); Young Explorers Grant from the National Geographic Society (8900-11) (C.A.E.); ERC Consolidator Grant 647787 ‘LocalAdaptatio’ (A.Ma.); Program of the RAS Presidium “Basic research for the development of the Russian Arctic” (B.M.); Russian Foundation for Basic Research grant 16-06-00303 (E.B.); a Rutherford Fellowship (RDF-10-MAU-001) from the Royal Society of New Zealand (M.P.C.)

    The Potential Contribution of BRCA Mutations to Early Onset and Familial Breast Cancer in Uzbekistan

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    Introuduction: Breast cancer is the most common malignancy in women and affects approximately 1 out of 8 females in the US. Risk of developing breast cancer is strongly influenced by genetic factors. Germ-line mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes are associated with 5–10% of breast cancer incidence. To reduce the risk of developing cancer and to increase the likelihood of early detection, carriers of BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations are offered surveillance programs and effective preventive medical interventions. Identification of founder mutations of BRCA1/2 in high risk communities can have a significant impact on the management of hereditary cancer at the level of the national healthcare systems, making genetic testing more affordable and cost-effective. BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations in breast cancer patients have not been characterized in the Uzbek population. This pilot study aimed to investigate the contribution of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation to early onset and familial cases of breast cancer in Uzbekistan. Methods: A total of 67 patients with breast cancer and 103 age-matched disease free controls were included in this study. Utilizing SYBR Green based real-time allele-specific PCR, we have analyzed DNA samples of  patients with breast cancer and disease free controls to identify the following BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations: BRCA1 5382insC, BRCA1 4153delA, BRCA1 185delAG, BRCA1 300T>G, BRCA2 6174delT. Results: Three unrelated samples (4.5%) were found to be positive for the heterozygous 5382insCBRCA1 mutation, representing a possible founder mutation in the Uzbek population, supporting the need for larger studies examining the contribution of this mutation to breast cancer incidence in Uzbekistan.We did not findBRCA1 4153delA, BRCA1 185delAG, BRCA1 300T>G, and BRCA2 6174delT mutations. Conclusion: This preliminary evidence suggests a potential contribution of BRCA1 5382insC mutation to breast cancer development in Uzbek population. Taking into account a high disease penetrance in carriers of BRCA1 mutation, it seems reasonable to recommend inclusion of the 5382insC mutation test in future research on the development of screening programs for breast cancer prevention in Uzbekistan


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    <p><strong>Abstract:</strong><br><strong>Background:</strong><br>The high production cost and difficulty of functional expression of brazzein are the limiting factors, making the development of inexpensive,<br>scalable technologies critical for their successful implementation in the market. Secretory expression allows functional expression of the S-S bondrich proteins and facilitates the purification procedure, resulting in lower processing costs. However, extensive screening and optimization of<br>multiple signal peptides are required to ensure the successful secretion of recombinant proteins.<br><strong>Objective:</strong><br>We studied the expression of the minor type of brazzein using 21 different signal peptides in Escherichia coli and investigated their ability to direct<br>the target protein into periplasmic space and culture medium.<br><strong>Methods:</strong><br>The synthetic genes were cloned into the pSEVA234 vector under the inducible Trc promoter and initial micro-scale expression analysis was<br>conducted at two distinct conditions followed by scale-up and purification of the selected signal peptides with secretive abilities.<br><strong>Results:</strong><br>Two signal peptides led to the secretion of the target protein. The yields of the target protein for MalE_Brazzein and HstI_Brazzein in the<br>periplasm were 11.33 mg/L and 52.33 mg/L, and those in the culture media were 3.975 mg/L and 7.73 mg/L, respectively.<br><strong>Conclusion:</strong><br>This study will provide insights into the identification of optimal signal peptides for secretive brazzein expression in E.coli and demonstrate that<br>the abovementioned two signal peptides can be used for successful extracellular production of the target protein in this host.<br> </p><p> </p><p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Brazzein, Sweet proteins, Signal peptides, Protein expression, E.coli, SP screening. <br> </p&gt

    Association of rs2294008 and rs9297976 Polymorphisms in PSCA Gene with Gastric Cancer Susceptibility in Uzbekistan

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    Introduction: Genetic factors play an important role in the development of gastric cancer (GC), a prevalent malignancy in Central Asia. Recent studies have shown that single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in several genes are associated with increased GC risk, indicating that genetic variation contributes to gastric carcinogenesis. Located on chromosome 8q24.2, the prostate stem cell antigen (PSCA) gene encodes a 123-amino acid glycoprotein related to the cell-proliferation inhibition and cell-death induction activity. SNPs in PSCA gene have been found to be associated with gastric cancer risk in a genome-wide association study, but results were not conclusive. This study aimed to investigate the association between two polymorphic variants of PSCA gene (rs2294008 and rs9297976) and the susceptibility to gastric cancer in Uzbekistan. Methods: Two hundred sixty eight patients with gastric cancer and a control group of 248 healthy individuals were included in this study. DNA samples isolated from these groups were genotyped using PCR-RFLP method. Comparative analysis of resulting genotypes showed a statistically significant association between CT genotype and gastric cancer (p=0.03, additive model of inheritance, Cochran-Armitage trend test). Results: Comparative analysis of the distribution of genotypes of rs2976392 polymorphism did not show a statistically significant difference; however, analysis of the distribution of the rs2976392 genotypes in a subgroup of young women revealed a statistically significant (p = 0.04, additive model of inheritance, Cochran-Armitage trend test) increase in the incidence of AA (38%) and AG (56%) genotypes in patients with GC, compared to the controls (20% and 40%). Conclusion: Our findings support that PSCA rs2294008 and rs9297976 polymorphism may contribute to the susceptibility to gastric cancer. Genotyping of these polymorphisms can potentially be recommended as one of the criteria for identification of high risk groups for gastric cancer development in Uzbekistan