14 research outputs found

    Community nutrition in Spain: advances and drawbacks

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    Scientific evidence has placed community nutrition among the front-line strategies in health promotion. Community nutrition in different regions of Spain has developed at an unequal pace. Early initiatives in the mid 1980s provided good-quality population data and established a basis for nutrition surveillance including individual body measurements, dietary intake data, information on physical activity, and biomarkers. The Nutrition and Physical Activity for Obesity Prevention Strategy (NAOS) reinforces community nutrition action in Spain. Presented here is an overview of developments in community nutrition in Spain in recent years as well as potential trends under the scope of the NAOS.Publicad

    Realizar un póster durante los seminarios y prácticas de investigación para presentarlo en un congreso como estrategia de aprendizaje

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    [EN] Motivation is a pedagogical necessity in the university classroom since to learn it is essential to be able to do it, it is essential to want to learn, that is, to have the disposition, intention and sufficient motivation. In order to motivate students, they must try to reach their field of satisfaction proposed by the teacher. The objective of this innovation proposal is to increase the motivation of biology degree students to acquire knowledge in a more applied and practical way, and to be in contact with future reality. The vehicle that will be used to achieve the objective is the realization of a poster derived from the activities carried out in the seminars and research practices to present it in a congress. To carry out the evaluation of the students' perceptions of the new learning strategy, a questionnaire was designed. The elaborated questionnaire was divided into three dimensions: motivation, learning and evaluation, plus a final question of general evaluation and measured under a Likert scale. The results of this questionnaire indicated a great acceptance of the new learning strategy. In conclusion, this proposal has served as motivation for the students since it has allowed them to feel like scientists, in addition to beginning to understand and discover how complex it is to carry out the entire development of a research process.[ES] La motivación es una necesidad pedagógica en el aula universitaria ya que para aprender es imprescindible poder hacerlo, es imprescindible querer aprender, es decir, tener la disposición, intención y motivación suficiente. Para motivar a los alumnos se debe intentar que alcancen su campo de satisfacción propuesta por el docente. El objetivo de esta propuesta de innovación es implementar una nueva metodología como estrategia de aprendizaje para aumentar motivación de los alumnos del grado de biología a adquirir los conocimientos de una forma más aplicada y práctica, y en contacto con la realidad futura. Para llevar a cabo la evaluación de las percepciones del alumnado ante la nueva estrategia de aprendizaje se diseñó un cuestionario. El cuestionario elaborado se dividió en tres dimensiones: motivación, aprendizaje y evaluación, más una pregunta final de valoración general y medido bajo una escala Likert. Los resultados de este cuestionario indicaron una gran acogida de la nueva estrategia de aprendizaje. En conclusión, esta propuesta ha servido de motivación a los alumnos ya que les ha permitido sentirse como científicos, además de empezar a ver lo complejo que es llevar a cabo todo el desarrollo de un proceso de investigación.Monserrat Mesquida, M.; Bouzas, C.; Tejada Gavela, S.; Capó, X.; Quetglas-Llabrés, MM.; Tur Marí, JA.; Sureda Gomila, A. (2023). Realizar un póster durante los seminarios y prácticas de investigación para presentarlo en un congreso como estrategia de aprendizaje. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 617-625. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2023.2023.1655661762

    Calidad de vida y sus factores determinantes en universitarios españoles de Ciencias de la Salud

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    La calidad de vida en la población universitaria adquiere una especial importancia ya que permite obtener información sobre las condiciones de vida de los universitarios y, sobre todo, de cómo éstos las perciben. Objetivo: Evaluar la calidad de vida de los universitarios que cursan estudios en ciencias de la salud y su relación con diferentes factores tales como: hábitos de vida, parámetros antropométricos y la influencia de las distintas variables sobre su percepción. Material y Método: Estudio transversal de una muestra de 1.753 estudiantes de ciencias de la salud de nueve universidades españolas con diseño muestral aleatorio y estatrificado según curso y facultad al que se le aplicó un cuestionaro ad hoc que recogía todas las variables a estudio. Resultados: La calidad de vida percibida por los participantes fue Me = 75. Los factores explorados de la calidad de vida se co-relacionaron significativamente con la percepción global de calidad de vida de los estudiantes (p<0,001). Se establecieron 3 dimensiones y el impacto de cada una de ellas sobre la percepción de calidad de vida global fue p<0,001. Los varones percibieron mejor calidad de vida que las mujeres y también los estudiantes con menor Índice de Masa Corporal (IMC). Conclusión: Los universitarios son una población clave para realizar actividades de promoción y prevención de la salud por lo que resulta necesario crear mejores infraestucturas y recursos educativos para mejorar la CV y fomentar hábitos y estilos de vida saludable con especial atención en la alimentación y la realización de una adecuada actividad física.Abstract Introduction: The quality of life of university students acquires special importance because it provides information about their life conditions and especially how they perceive it. Objetive: Evaluate the quality of life of students who are enrolled in health science studies and its relation with the following diverse factors: life and dietetic habits, anthropometric parameters and the influence of distinct variables on their perception. Methods: Transversal study of a sample of 1753 health science degree students of nine Spanish universities with a randomized design and stratified by course and faculty for which we applied an ad hoc questionnaire that considered all study variables. Results: The quality of life (QoL) perceived by the participants had a Median of 75. The factors that were explored about the quality of life correlated significantly with their global perception of it (p<0.001). Three dimensions were established and the impact of each one of them on their global perception of QoL was p<0.001. Men perceived better QoL then women and the students with lower Body Mass Index (BMI). Conclusions: University students are a key population for realizing health promotion and prevention activities therefore it is necessary to develop and provide better infrastructures and educative resources in order to enhance their QoL and to promote healthier habits and life styles with special attention on dietetics habits and the performance of an adequate physical activity

    Association between physical fitness and b-vitamin status in spanish elderly people.

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    Comunicación oral en el congreso "Nutrition at Key life stages: new findings, new approaches conferences"

    Actividad física, ejercicio y deporte en la lucha contra la obesidad infantil y juvenil

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    El propósito del presente documento es proponer desde el grupo de expertos en ejercicio físico y salud de EXERNET (Red Española de Investigación en Ejercicio Físico y Salud) una serie de recomendaciones sobre la práctica de la actividad física y deportiva que a nivel individual, familiar e institucional ayuden a prevenir y tratar la obesidad infantil y juvenil, basadas en la evidencia científi ca actual

    How Did the COVID-19 Lockdown Pandemic Affect the Depression Symptomatology in Mediterranean Older Adults with Metabolic Syndrome?

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    Background and Aims. To control the COVID-19 spread, in March 2020, a forced home lockdown was established in Spain. In the present study, we aimed to assess the effect of mobility and social COVID-19-established restrictions on depressive symptomatology in older adults with metabolic syndrome. We hypothesize that severe restrictions might have resulted in detrimental changes in depressive symptomatology. Methods. 2,312 PREDIMED-Plus study participants (men = 53:9%; mean age = 64:9±4:8 years) who completed a COVID-19 lockdown questionnaire to assess the severity of restrictions/lockdown and the validated Spanish version of the Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) during the three established phases concerning the COVID-19 lockdown in Spain (prelockdown, lockdown, and postlockdown) were included in this longitudinal analysis. Participants were categorized according to high or low lockdown severity. Analyses of covariance were performed to assess changes in depressive symptomatology across lockdown phases. Results. No significant differences in participant depression symptomatology changes were observed between lockdown severity categories (low/high) at the studied phases. During the lockdown phase, participants showed a decrease in BDI-II score compared to the prelockdown phase (mean (95% CI), -0.48 (-0.24, -0.72), P < 0:001); a nonsignificantly larger decrease was observed in participants allocated in the low-lockdown category (low: -0.59 (-0.95, -0.23), high: -0.43 (-0.67, -0.19)). Similar decreases in depression symptomatology were found for the physical environment dimension. The post- and prelockdown phase BDI-II scores were roughly similar. Conclusions. The COVID-19 pandemic lockdown was associated with a decrease in depressive symptomatology that returned to prelockdown levels after the lockdown. The degree of lockdown was not associated with depressive symptomatology. The potential preventive role of the physical environment and social interactions on mental disorders during forced home lockdown should be further studie

    Los antioxidantes en la dieta mediterránea

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    ¿Es cierto que las elevadas dosis de vitamina E incrementa el riesgo de mortalidad?

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    Un metaanálisis publicado recientemente concluía que la suplementación a dosis altas de vitamina E podría aumentar la mortalidad por todas las causas. La lectura crítica de este artículo pone en evidencia la necesidad de aplicar criterios de inclusión y de exclusión rigurosos a la hora de seleccionar los estudios que se incorporan en un metaanálisis, en cuanto a tipo de pacientes, forma de suplementación, dosis administradas, periodos de seguimiento y resultado analizado. Una lectura superficial del mencionado metaanálisis puede llevar a conclusiones alarmistas, tal vez no suficientemente justificadas

    Hydration habits before, during and after training and competition days among amateur basketball players

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    Background: fluid intake before, during and after exercise is the most important way to replace water lost during exercise and avoid dehydration.Aim: to assess fluid intake habits before, during and after exercise in amateur basketball players on both training and competition days.Methods: one hundred and eighty-three amateur basketball players (87 women and 96 men, 19-29 years old) were interviewed. Data was obtained from a drinking habits questionnaire.Results: overall, 20.8%, 5.5% and 2.7% of subjects did not drink before, during and after exercise on training days, respectively; 17.5% of subjects did not drink before exercise on competition days. Water was the preferred beverage before, during and after exercise on both training and competition days, with fruit juice being the second most consumed beverage before exercise. All subjects also drank fizzy drinks and other beverages during exercise on competition days. According to the recommendations, good hydration habits were found in 54.6%, 74.2% and 76.5% of subjects before, during and after training days, respectively.Conclusions: most amateur basketball players drink before, during and after exercise on both training and competition days, but not all of them complied with the hydration recommendations