30 research outputs found

    Multifunctionality in U.S. Rice Production: a Logit Analysis in Farmers Participation

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    Multifunctional agriculture is particularly fundamental to some working lands conservation policies and programs, such as the Environmental Quality Incentive Program (EQIP), Conservation Security Program (CSP) and Wildlife Habitat Incentive Program (WHIP). Farmers can also be engaged in providing recreational and agri-tourism services such as hunting, fishing, bird-watching, farm tours, petting zoos and hospitality services. Using the Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS) we analyze factors associated with participation in conservation, recreation and agri-tourism activities as a function of farm structure, farm financial measures, production practices, and socio-demographic characteristics of the farm operator. To estimate the functional relationships we estimate a binary logistic model where the dependent variable takes a value equal to one if the farm operator reports in the ARMS survey participation in conservation programs, recreation or agritourism. Results show that the level of farm operator education and cultural practices that use conservation technical assistance are significant at the 0.01 and 0.10 levels, respectively, in explaining participation. Farm financial characteristics were not significant. Location (state where operator is located) is also not significant

    Analysis of Participation in Multifunctional Agriculture: U.S. Rice Farms

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    Multifunctional agriculture is particularly fundamental to some working lands conservation policies and programs, such as the Environmental Quality Incentive Program (EQIP), Conservation Security Program (CSP) and Wildlife Habitat Incentive Program (WHIP). Farmers can also be engaged in providing recreational and agri-tourism services such as hunting, fishing, bird-watching, farm tours, petting zoos and hospitality services. Using the Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS) we analyze factors associated with participation in conservation, recreation and agri-tourism activities as a function of farm structure, farm financial measures, production practices, and socio-demographic characteristics of the farm operator. To estimate the functional relationships we estimate a binary logistic model where the dependent variable takes a value equal to one if the farm operator reports in the ARMS survey participation in conservation programs, recreation or agritourism. Results show that the level of farm operator education and cultural practices that use conservation technical assistance are significant at the 0.01 and 0.10 levels, respectively, in explaining participation. Farm financial characteristics were not significant. Location (state where operator is located) is also not significant.multifunctional agriculture, agri-environmental policy, rice, logistic model, Agricultural and Food Policy, Land Economics/Use, Q18, Q26, Q28,

    Analysis of Participation in Multifunctional Agriculture: U.S. Rice Farms

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    Multifunctional agriculture is particularly fundamental to some working lands conservation policies and programs, such as the Environmental Quality Incentive Program (EQIP), Conservation Security Program (CSP) and Wildlife Habitat Incentive Program (WHIP). Farmers can also be engaged in providing recreational and agri-tourism services such as hunting, fishing, bird-watching, farm tours, petting zoos and hospitality services. Using the Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS) we analyze factors associated with participation in conservation, recreation and agri-tourism activities as a function of farm structure, farm financial measures, production practices, and socio-demographic characteristics of the farm operator. To estimate the functional relationships we estimate a binary logistic model where the dependent variable takes a value equal to one if the farm operator reports in the ARMS survey participation in conservation programs, recreation or agritourism. Results show that the level of farm operator education and cultural practices that use conservation technical assistance are significant at the 0.01 and 0.10 levels, respectively, in explaining participation. Farm financial characteristics were not significant. Location (state where operator is located) is also not significant.multifunctional agriculture, agri-environmental policy, rice, logistic model, Agricultural and Food Policy, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Crop Production/Industries, Environmental Economics and Policy, Land Economics/Use, Q18, Q26, Q28,

    Farmers’ preferences for cotton cultivation characteristics : a discrete choice experiment in Burkina Faso

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    While a fierce debate about the advantages and disadvantages of genetically modified crops is ongoing, it is surprising that farmers are often not consulted. In Burkina Faso, where insect resistant Bollgard II (R) cotton (further termed Bt cotton) was commercially released in 2008, studies highlight that cotton producers are in general satisfied with the reduction in insecticide use while the economic benefits are a source of controversy. To gain insight into farmers' preferences towards attributes in cotton cultivation, a discrete choice experiment (DCE) was developed. Five key attributes were identified to describe improved cotton varieties: seed development and provenance, seed costs, yield, required number of insecticide sprays, and preservation of agricultural practices. Farm-gate surveys were conducted among 324 cotton farmers in Western Burkina Faso. The results show that overall, farmers have a positive preference towards yield improvements and a negative preference towards pure private seed development and towards an increase in the requested number of insecticide applications or in the seed costs. According to their varieties at the time of the surveys (Bt and non-Bt), a difference was observed regarding their preferences for a status quo situation, indicating that those growing Bt had a stronger preference to keep the status quo than non-Bt farmers. When dividing the sample in segments based on the farm size, it was shown that there were different preferences with respect to the development of the variety and the required number of insecticide applications. Overall, it can be concluded from this study that economic benefits (linked to higher yields, lower seed costs, or reduced pesticide use) shape farmer's preferences

    Consumer valuation of carbon labeled protein-enriched burgers in European older adults

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    Considering population aging and the adverse health consequences older adults face due to protein malnutrition, older adults' protein intake is receiving increasing attention. Meanwhile, growing concern around the world's environmental challenges has elucidated the crucial role of dietary choices. This study gives insight into more sustainable ways of increasing older adults' (>= 65) protein intake in the European Union (EU) to prevent protein malnutrition. A choice experiment (n = 2159) was conducted in five EU countries (the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Poland, Finland, and Spain). Multinomial choice modeling shows that the majority of older adults accept protein-enriched burgers. Overall they prefer red meat and poultry above plant-based burgers. For red meat and poultry burgers, older adults prefer products with carbon labels indicating lower environmental impact. Latent class modeling identified four consumer segments. The largest segment (41%), "Meatlovers", are not likely to change their red meat and poultry consumption. However, carbon labeling entails some opportunity. "Eco-friendly" consumers (28%) are willing to consume protein from more sustainable sources and herewith constitute the primary target group. "Poultry lovers" (12%) are most likely to shift their protein consumption based on health-related motives. Further research is recommended to identify sustainable protein-rich products for older adults who dislike burgers (19%). Subsequent consumer profiling indicates that intentions to consume sustainable protein-enriched burgers are associated with gender, country, importance attached to health, sustainability and familiarity, knowledge on protein and their environmental impact. In contrast, financial situation, importance attached to price, convenience, and sensory appeal are not associated with older adults' preferences

    Understanding smallholder farmers' intention to adopt agricultural apps : the role of mastery approach and innovation hubs in mexico

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    While several studies have focused on the actual adoption of agricultural apps and the relevance of the apps’ content, very few studies have focused on drivers of the farmer’s intention and initial decision to adopt. Based on a survey of 394 smallholder farmers in 2019, this study investigated willingness to adopt an agricultural advice app in Guanajuato, Mexico. A structural equation modeling approach, based on the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT), was applied. To understand the farmers’ adoption decisions, extended constructs were studied (e.g., mastery-approach goals) along with the farmers’ age and participation in an innovation hub. Results showed that the intention to adopt the app is predicted by how farmers appraise the technical infrastructure and acquire new knowledge by using an app. The multi-group analysis revealed that performance expectancy is a relevant predictor of the intention to adopt, whereas the mastery-approach goal is relevant only for younger farmers and farmers not connected to the innovation hub. This study provides valuable insights about the innovation hubs’ role in the intention to adopt apps, offering precision agriculture advice in developing countries. The findings are useful for practitioners and app developers designing digital-decision support tools

    Quantifying farmers’ preferences for cropping systems intensification: A choice experiment approach applied in coastal Bangladesh’s risk prone farming systems

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    Sustainable intensification (SI) is envisioned as an effective strategy for developing countries to increase farm productivity while reducing negative environmental and social externalities. The development of regionally appropriate SI options however requires accounting for the knowledge and preferences of key stakeholders. In Bangladesh, the Government has requested international donors to support the development of dry season rice expansion in the coastal region. Policies however tend to be made without adequate study of farmers’ preferences and ambitions; this can render crop intensification efforts ineffective. Understanding farmers’ preferences for alternative crops and crop management practices are therefore crucial for success where agricultural development investments aim at incorporating the principles of SI. OBJECTIVE(S): Using coastal Bangladesh as a case study– we aim to (1) quantify farmers’ preferences for alternative irrigated crop and crop management options in comparison to the status quo (land fallowing), (2) analyze whether farmers’ preferences are conditioned by concerns regarding the cost and availability of irrigation and fertilizer inputs in comparison to expected net revenues, (3) understand how the heterogeneity in preferences can be attributed to farmer and/or farm characteristics, institutional, and biophysical factors, (4) determine how much farmers’ are willing to invest in different crops and crop management options – including those reliant and not reliant on irrigation. METHODS: Taking 300 farmers in two diverse coastal environments, a choice experiment (CE) was employed to explore the heterogeneity in farmers’ preferences for different dry “rabi” season intensification options (‘boro’ rice, maize, wheat and mungbean) against the status quo (dry season land fallowing after harvest of the monsoon season rice crop). Analyses included random parameter logit modeling followed by willingness-to-invest and profit simulations. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Analyses revealed strong farmer preferences against rice and in favor of irrigated maize, and also in favor of rainfed or partially irrigated mungbean as an alternative to land fallowing. Irrespective of their location and environmental conditions, respondents had largely a negative preference for irrigation and fertilizer use due to high investment costs and associated production risks in the dry season. Nonetheless, a significant positive effect on their willingness-to-intensify cropping was observed where farmers felt it feasible to provide in-field drainage to limit waterlogging risks.EstaciĂłn Experimental Agropecuaria BarilocheFil: Aravindakshan, Sreejith. Wageningen University and Research. Farming Systems Ecology, ; HolandaFil: Aravindakshan, Sreejith. International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT); BangladeshFil: Krupnik, Timothy J. International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT); BangladeshFil: Amjath-Babu, T.S. International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT); BangladeshFil: Speelman, Stijn. Ghent University. Department of Agricultural Economics; BĂ©lgicaFil: Tur-Cardona, Juan. Ghent University. Department of Agricultural Economics; BĂ©lgicaFil: Tittonell, Pablo Adrian. Instituto Nacional de TecnologĂ­a Agropecuaria (INTA). EstaciĂłn Experimental Agropecuaria Bariloche; ArgentinaFil: Tittonell, Pablo Adrian. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Instituto de Investigaciones Forestales y Agropecuarias Bariloche; ArgentinaFil: Tittonell, Pablo Adrian. Groningen University. Groningen Institute of Evolutionary Life Sciences; HolandaFil: Groot, Jeroen C.J. Wageningen University and Research. Farming Systems Ecology; HolandaFil: Groot, Jeroen C.J. Bioversity International; ItaliaFil: Groot, Jeroen C.J. International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT); Mexic

    Mitofusin 2 in macrophages links mitochondrial ROS production, cytokine release, phagocytosis, autophagy, and bactericidal activity

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    Mitofusin 2 (Mfn2) plays a major role in mitochondrial fusion and in the maintenance of mitochondria-endoplasmic reticulum contact sites. Given that macrophages play a major role in inflammation, we studied the contribution of Mfn2 to the activity of these cells. Pro-inflammatory stimuli such as lipopolysaccharide (LPS) induced Mfn2 expression. The use of the Mfn2 and Mfn1 myeloid-conditional knockout (KO) mouse models reveals that Mfn2 but not Mfn1 is required for the adaptation of mitochondrial respiration to stress conditions and for the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) upon pro-inflammatory activation. Mfn2 deficiency specifically impairs the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and nitric oxide. In addition, the lack of Mfn2 but not Mfn1 is associated with dysfunctional autophagy, apoptosis, phagocytosis, and antigen processing. Mfn2floxed;CreLysM mice fail to be protected from Listeria, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, or LPS endotoxemia. These results reveal an unexpected contribution of Mfn2 to ROS production and inflammation in macrophages

    Comparison of Plasma Lipoprotein Composition and Function in Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy and Alzheimer’s Disease

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    Cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) refers to beta-amyloid (AÎČ) deposition in brain vessels and is clinically the main cause of lobar intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). AÎČ can also accumulate in brain parenchyma forming neuritic plaques in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Our study aimed to determine whether the peripheral lipid profile and lipoprotein composition are associated with cerebral beta-amyloidosis pathology and may reflect biological differences in AD and CAA. For this purpose, lipid and apolipoproteins levels were analyzed in plasma from 51 ICH-CAA patients (collected during the chronic phase of the disease), 60 AD patients, and 60 control subjects. Lipoproteins (VLDL, LDL, and HDL) were isolated and their composition and pro/antioxidant ability were determined. We observed that alterations in the lipid profile and lipoprotein composition were remarkable in the ICH-CAA group compared to control subjects, whereas the AD group presented no specific alterations compared with controls. ICH-CAA patients presented an atheroprotective profile, which consisted of lower total and LDL cholesterol levels. Plasma from chronic ICH-CAA patients also showed a redistribution of ApoC-III from HDL to VLDL and a higher ApoE/ApoC-III ratio in HDL. Whether these alterations reflect a protective response or have a causative effect on the pathology requires further investigation

    Circulating AQP4 Levels in Patients with Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy-Associated Intracerebral Hemorrhage

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    Cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) is a major cause of lobar intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) in elderly patients. Growing evidence suggests a potential role of aquaporin 4 (AQP4) in amyloid-beta-associated diseases, including CAA pathology. Our aim was to investigate the circulating levels of AQP4 in a cohort of patients who had suffered a lobar ICH with a clinical diagnosis of CAA. AQP4 levels were analyzed in the serum of 60 CAA-related ICH patients and 19 non-stroke subjects by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The CAA-ICH cohort was divided according to the time point of the functional outcome evaluation: mid-term (12 +/- 18.6 months) and long-term (38.5 +/- 32.9 months) after the last ICH. Although no differences were found in AQP4 serum levels between cases and controls, lower levels were found in CAA patients presenting specific hemorrhagic features such as >= 2 lobar ICHs and >= 5 lobar microbleeds detected by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In addition, CAA-related ICH patients who presented a long-term good functional outcome had higher circulating AQP4 levels than subjects with a poor outcome or controls. Our data suggest that AQP4 could potentially predict a long-term functional outcome and may play a protective role after a lobar ICH