17 research outputs found

    Application of Magnet Quench Analysis

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    Post Mortem Analysis is a software tool built for CERN for hardware commissioning and post mortem event analyzing for the LHC. Magnet Quench Analysis application is a part of the Post Mortem Analysis tool and serves a base for analyzing quench data. It gives a possibility to observe and analyse data collected by the quench protection system. The goal of this work is to study physics phenomena of superconductivity. Quench, quench protection and post quench data are studied in more detail. In addition, it describes how the existing LHC magnet quench analysis was extended to the new Quench Protection System data. Based on the observations from magnet quench analysis, users can determine such parameters as firing times of the triggers and proper operation of the quench protection system. Application was developed using LabVIEW programming language. In this work especially quench detection, energy, location, heater protection and time delays are discussed. It was discovered that automatic quench analysis saves precious time and reduces the need for manual calculations. Biggest problems during the project were found in code modification phase between different LabVIEW versions and programmers. It is possible that further development of the code enhances the possibilities of quench analysis application. Designed methods for dipole magnets can be easily extended for different magnet types such as quadrupoles with changes in the configuration settings. /Kir1

    Resting-state functional MRI in treatment-resistant schizophrenia

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    BackgroundAbnormalities in brain regions involved in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia (SCZ) may present insight into individual clinical symptoms. Specifically, functional connectivity irregularities may provide potential biomarkers for treatment response or treatment resistance, as such changes can occur before any structural changes are visible. We reviewed resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI) findings from the last decade to provide an overview of the current knowledge on brain functional connectivity abnormalities and their associations to symptoms in treatment-resistant schizophrenia (TRS) and ultra-treatment-resistant schizophrenia (UTRS) and to look for support for the dysconnection hypothesis.MethodsPubMed database was searched for articles published in the last 10 years applying rs-fMRI in TRS patients, i.e., who had not responded to at least two adequate treatment trials with different antipsychotic drugs.ResultsEighteen articles were selected for this review involving 648 participants (TRS and control cohorts). The studies showed frontal hypoconnectivity before the initiation of treatment with CLZ or riluzole, an increase in frontal connectivity after riluzole treatment, fronto-temporal hypoconnectivity that may be specific for non-responders, widespread abnormal connectivity during mixed treatments, and ECT-induced effects on the limbic system.ConclusionProbably due to the heterogeneity in the patient cohorts concerning antipsychotic treatment and other clinical variables (e.g., treatment response, lifetime antipsychotic drug exposure, duration of illness, treatment adherence), widespread abnormalities in connectivity were noted. However, irregularities in frontal brain regions, especially in the prefrontal cortex, were noted which are consistent with previous SCZ literature and the dysconnectivity hypothesis. There were major limitations, as most studies did not differentiate between TRS and UTRS (i.e., CLZ-resistant schizophrenia) and investigated heterogeneous cohorts treated with mixed treatments (with or without CLZ). This is critical as in different subtypes of the disorder an interplay between dopaminergic and glutamatergic pathways involving frontal, striatal, and hippocampal brain regions in separate ways is likely. Better definitions of TRS and UTRS are necessary in future longitudinal studies to correctly differentiate brain regions underlying the pathophysiology of SCZ, which could serve as potential functional biomarkers for treatment resistance

    Automaation vaikutus henkilö- ja palvelussuhdetietojen ylläpitoon, Case Palkeet

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli selvittää automaation vaikutuksia päivittäiseen henkilö- ja palvelussuhdetietojen ylläpitoon. Opinnäytetyön toimeksiantajana toimi Valtion talous- ja henkilöstöhallinnon palvelukeskus Palkeet. Työn aihe koettiin Pal-keissa tärkeäksi ja ajankohtaiseksi, sillä automaatio ja robotiikka on yleistymässä ja kasvamassa Palkeissa sekä muissa talous- ja henkilöstöalan yrityksissä. Työn tarkoi-tuksena oli selvittää, miten automaatio muuttaa työtehtäviä, tehostuuko työn tekemi-nen ja miten henkilöstöhallinnon työntekijät kokevat robotiikan tuoman muutoksen. Työ koostuu teoriaosuudesta, jossa käsitellään digitalisaatiota ja robotiikkaa. Työn tut-kimusosassa selvennetään robotiikkaa ja työn tehokkuuden kehittymistä Palkeissa, sekä Palkeiden prosessien yleiskuvausta ja niiden automatisointia. Työn tutkimus-osassa analysoidaan kyselystä saatuja vastauksia. Kysely kohdennettiin Palkeiden hen-kilöstöhallinnon työntekijöille. Tutkimus toteutettiin kvantitatiivisena kyselytutkimuksena. Kysely toteutettiin e-lo-makkeen avulla ja kysely kohdennettiin Palkeiden henkilöstöhallinnon työtekijöille. Kysely toteutettiin ajalla 14.02.2018-02.03.2018. Kyselylomakkeessa oli valmiit vas-tausvaihtoehdot, joista vastaaja valitsi itselleen sopivimman. Kyselystä saatuja vas-tauksia voidaan pitää suuntaa antavina, sillä vain neljäsosa mahdollisista vastaajista vastasi kyselyyn. Tutkimuksen mukaan Palkeiden henkilöstöhallinnon työntekijät ovat valmiita robotii-kan tuomaan työtehtävien ja työnkuvan muutokseen. Tämä siitä huolimatta, että vain noin 30% vastaajista on kokenut saaneensa riittävästi koulutusta robotiikasta ja auto-maatiosta. Työn tehokkuus on kasvanut sekä työ on helpottunut robotiikan myötä. Henkilöstöhallinnon työntekijät kokevat palkantarkistuksen helpottuneen Access-työ-kalun avulla sekä turhan tarkistelun jääneen vähemmälle. Suurin osa vastaajista luottaa robotin tekemään työhön.The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the effects of automation on the daily maintenance of human resources and service information. The bachelor's thesis was commissioned by the Central Government Economic and Human Resources Service Center Palkeet. The subject of the thesis was felt in Palkeet important and topical right now, as automation and robotics are becoming more and more popular in Palkeet and other economic and human resources companies. The purpose of the thesis was to find out how automation changes work tasks, makes work more efficient, and how human resource managers experience the change in robotics. The work consists of a theoretical part dealing with digitalization and robotics. The research part of the thesis clarifies the robotics and development of work efficiency in Palkeet as well as the bells of the general survey and their automation. The research part of the work analyzes the answers from the survey. The questionnaire was targeted at the human resources employees of Palkeet. The research was carried out as a quantitative survey. The questionnaire was con-ducted using the e-form and the questionnaire was targeted at personnel of Palkeet's human resources department. The survey was conducted on 14.02.2018-02.03.2018. The questionnaire had ready answers for which the respondent chose the most suitable for himself. Responses from the questionnaire can be considered as indicative, as only a quarter of the potential respondents answered the questionnaire. According to the study, personnel of the Palkeet human resources department are ready to change the work tasks and the job description based on brought by robotics. This despite the fact that only about 30% of the respondents have experienced sufficient training in robotics and automation. Work efficiency has increased, and work has be-come easier with robotics. Personnel administration employees experience a step-by-step approach to facilitating access through the Access Tool, as well as the unnecessary review of the missing. Most of the respondents trust the robot to do the job

    Potilasohjeen kehittäminen : Ohje vauvan lonkkalastahoitoon

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    Opinnäytetyön tarkoitus on kehittää Kuopion yliopistollisen sairaalan lasten kirurgian poliklinikan lonkkaluksaatiovauvan potilasohje. Tavoitteenamme on tuottaa tietoa sekä antaa tukea ja ohjausta, joka helpottaa arkea lonkkaluksaatiovauvan kanssa. Lonkkaluksaatio tarkoittaa epänormaaliutta reisiluun pään sijainnissa ja lonkkamaljan koossa tai muodossa, ja se todetaan noin yhdellä sadasta vastasyntyneestä. Potilasohje sisältää tietoa lonkkaluksaatiosta, diagnosoinnista ja hoitopolusta sekä lonkkaluksaatiovauvan hoitoon liittyviä ohjeita ja neuvoja. Ohje on suunniteltu tukemaan varhaista vuorovaikutusta sekä materiaaliksi hoitohenkilökunnan ja asiakasperheiden väliselle potilasohjaukselle. Potilasohje tuotettiin toiminallisena opinnäytetyönä luotettavan ja ajankohtaisen tiedon pohjalta. Jatkotutkimusehdotuksena on kvalitatiivinen tutkimus potilasohjeen toimivuudesta vanhempien näkökulmasta tai vanhempien kokemuksista lonkkaluksaatiovauvan kanssa elämisestä.The purpose of our thesis was to develop patient instructions on infant hip dysplasia and von Rosen splint treatment for the paediatric surgery outpatient clinic at Kuopio University Hospital. Our goal was to offer information, support and guidance to help parents to take care of a baby with hip dysplasia and von Rosen splint in everyday use. The patient instruction was drawn up as a development project. It includes information on hip dysplasia, diagnostics, treatment and care instructions and tips. The patient instruction was designed to support early interaction between the baby and the parents and also to act as educational material for the nursing staff. Further research proposals include carrying out a qualitative study and survey on the patient instructions and how helpful parents have found them. Furthermore, the parents' experiences on living with a baby in Rosen splint treatment could be investigated

    Application of Magnet Quench Analysis

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    Post Mortem Analysis is a software tool built for CERN for hardware commissioning and post mortem event analyzing for the LHC. Magnet Quench Analysis application is a part of the Post Mortem Analysis tool and serves a base for analyzing quench data. It gives a possibility to observe and analyse data collected by the quench protection system. The goal of this work is to study physics phenomena of superconductivity. Quench, quench protection and post quench data are studied in more detail. In addition, it describes how the existing LHC magnet quench analysis was extended to the new Quench Protection System data. Based on the observations from magnet quench analysis, users can determine such parameters as firing times of the triggers and proper operation of the quench protection system. Application was developed using LabVIEW programming language. In this work especially quench detection, energy, location, heater protection and time delays are discussed. It was discovered that automatic quench analysis saves precious time and reduces the need for manual calculations. Biggest problems during the project were found in code modification phase between different LabVIEW versions and programmers. It is possible that further development of the code enhances the possibilities of quench analysis application. Designed methods for dipole magnets can be easily extended for different magnet types such as quadrupoles with changes in the configuration settings. /Kir1

    The implications of climate change for extreme weather events and their socio-economic consequences in Finland

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    This publication reports on the main findings of the entire TOLERATE project, which was an integrated natural science – social science project for the assessment of climate changed induced changes of extreme weather events and their social-economic consequences at a regional level. It includes regional projections of changes in climate conditions in Finland, with special reference to (short) periods with extremely abundant and extreme scant precipitation respectively. Based on these projections changes in river flood risks are assessed for two water shed areas by means of hydrological models. The resulting flood maps for events with different return times are subsequently evaluated with respect to their direct damage cost and with respect to the overall macroeconomic impacts in the region. With the aid of a group decision support system alternative flood risk mitigation options (investment alternatives) were preliminary explored with the aim to arrive at a ranking of alternatives based on a mix of criteria.Tässä julkaisussa esitellään keskeiset tulokset TOLERATE-projektista, joka oli luonnon- ja yhteiskuntatieteellinen projekti, jossa arvioitiin ilmastonmuutoksesta aiheutuvia äärimmäisiä sääolosuhteita ja niiden sosio-ekonomisia vaikutuksia alueellisella tasolla. Tarkasteluun sisältyvät laskelmat Suomen ilmastoolosuhteiden alueellisista muutoksista ja erityisesti tutkittiin (lyhyitä) ajanjaksoja, jolloin sademäärät olivat poikkeuksellisen runsaita tai vähäisiä. Näiden laskelmaarvioiden pohjalta laskettiin jokien tulvariskit kahdella vesistön valuma-alueella hydrologisten mallien avulla. Työn tuloksena syntyneiden erilaisten sääilmiöiden tulvakarttojen avulla arvioitiin suorien tulvavahinkojen määrät sekä kokonaistaloudelliset vaikutukset alueelle ottaen huomioon tulvan ajallinen kesto. Asiantuntijaistunnon avulla kehiteltiin alustavia tulvariskien pienentämistoimenpiteitä (ratkaisuvaihtoehtoja) tavoitteena luokitella vaihtoehtoja eri arvosteluperusteiden yhdistelmän perusteella

    Unsupervised Numerical Characterization in Determining the Borders of Malignant Skin Tumors from Spectral Imagery

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    For accurate removal of malignant skin tumors, it is crucial to assure the complete removal of the lesions. In the case of certain ill-defined tumors, it is clinically challenging to see the true borders of the tumor. In this paper, we introduce several computationally efficient approaches based on spectral imaging to guide clinicians in delineating tumor borders. First, we present algorithms that can be used effectively with simulated skin reflectance data. By using simulated data, we gain detailed information about the sensitivity of the different approaches and how variables defined by algorithms act in the skin model. Second, we demonstrate the performance of the algorithms with spectral images taken in-vivo and representing two types of skin cancers with ill-defined borders, namely lentigo maligna and aggressive basal cell carcinoma. The results can be used as a guideline for developing software for the fast delineation of skin cancers.peerReviewe

    Functional magnetic resonance imaging in disorders of consciousness: preliminary results of an innovative analysis of brain connectivity

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    The aim of this preliminary study was to present a new approach for connectivity analysis in patients with severe acquired brain injury (ABI) that overcomes some of the difficulties created by anatomical abnormalities due to the brain injury. Using a data-driven approach, resting-state structural MRI (sMRI) and functional MRI (fMRI) data from three severe ABI patients – two with disorders of consciousness (DOC) and one who had recovered consciousness (non-DOC) – were integrated and analyzed. Parameters extracted from the distribution of the connectivity values, such as mean, standard deviation and skeweness, were considered. The distribution parameters estimated seem to provide an accurate multivariate classification of the considered cases that can be summarized as follows: connectivity in the severe ABI patients with DOC was on average lower than in the severe ABI non-DOC patient and healthy subjects. The dispersion of connectivity values of the severe ABI patients, non-DOC and DOC, was comparable, however the shape of the distribution was different in the non-DOC patient. Eventually, seed-based connectivity maps of the default mode network show a pattern of increasing disruption of this network from the healthy subjects to non-DOC and DOC patients. Consistent results are obtained using an ICA-based approach