17 research outputs found

    PalvelukehittÀmisen caseja : PaKe Savo

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    Osaamisen merkitys kasvun ja kehityksen vauhdittajana kasvaa koko ajan. Osaamisen parantamiseen ja muihin aineettomiin investointeihin perustuvat kasvu- ja kehitystavoitteet luovat yrityksissÀ pohjan kestÀvÀlle kasvulle ja kehittÀmiselle. TÀhÀn pÀÀstÀÀn, kun yrityksissÀ rohkaistutaan tekemÀÀn uusia kokeiluja ja edes jonkin verran kyseenalaistetaan vakiintuneita toimintatapoja. PalvelukehittÀminen ja palveluajattelun leviÀminen palvelualoilta kaikille aloille nÀkyy pikkuhiljaa kasvavana palvelumyyntinÀ. Tarvitsemme talouden vauhdittamiseksi laaja-alaisia, radikaaleja innovaatioita ja uusia kasvun lÀhteitÀ, mutta toiminta- ja ajatusmallien muuttuminen yrityksen sisÀllÀ vie oman aikansa. Usein hyöty aineettomasta panostuksesta saadaan nÀkyvÀksi liikevaihdoksi vasta myöhemmin. Aineettomalla investoinnilla haettava hyöty voi olla vaikeasti mitattavissa, mutta niiden tuoma kilpailuetu on kiistaton. Palveluosaaminen ja palvelukehittÀmisen osaaminen, kuten muutkin aineettomat investoinnit ja osaamiset, ovat sellaista pÀÀomaa, jota kilpailijan on vaikea kopioida. PaKe Savo -hankkeessa yritykset lÀhtivÀt etsimÀÀn uusia nÀkökulmia ja evÀitÀ monimutkaistuvaan liiketoimintaympÀristöön. Hankkeessa mukana olleet yritykset panostivat osaamisensa parantamiseen ja kehittivÀt uudentyyppisiÀ palveluja ja palvelupaketteja, rakensivat nettisivuja tai verkkokauppaa, tekivÀt asiakasprofilointeja tai palvelujen kehitystÀ asiakkaiden kanssa, muuttivat tuotelÀhtöistÀ viestintÀÀ asiakaslÀhtöiseksi tai oppivat hahmottamaan asiakkaan nÀkökulmaa. KehittÀmisohjelman suurimmat vaikutukset ovat olleet palveluliiketoimintaosaamisen paraneminen sekÀ toimintamallien ja työkalujen saaminen liiketoiminnan uudistamiseen. TÀmÀn julkaisun casekuvaukset on toteutettu osana PaKe Savo -hanketta ja ne pohjautuvat PaKe Savo -kehittÀmisohjelman yrityskohtaisiin kehittÀmisprojekteihin. Casekuvauksia voidaan kÀyttÀÀ palveluiden kehittÀmisen esimerkkeinÀ ja opetuksen tukimateriaalina eri kouluasteilla sekÀ palvelukehittÀmisen tukena eri organisaatioissa. Caset osoittavat, miten asiakkaiden tarpeista nouseva ketterÀ palvelukehittÀminen voidaan viedÀ osaksi organisaation arkea

    Prospective Impact Assessment Process (PIAP) in Future Divercities Project (FDC)

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    Designing a Business Model for Environmental Monitoring Services Using Fast MCDS Innovation Support Tools

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    The free availability of open data provides opportunities to start new businesses and gain business intelligence. However, although data is often used to support decisions and actions, the possibilities offered by modern sensor technologies with connections to cloud-based data collection services are not being effectively capitalized. Data collection systems are also not generally open source solutions, even though open and flexibly adjustable systems would broaden the opportunities for solutions and larger revenue streams. In this article, we used action research methods to discover new business opportunities in a semi-open information system that utilizes environmental monitoring data. We applied a four-stage innovation process for industry, which included context definition, idea generation, and selection, and produced multi-criteria decision support (MCDS) data to help the design of business model. This was done to reveal business opportunities for an environmental monitoring service. Among these opportunities, one service-style business model canvas was identified as feasible and selected for further development. We identified items that are needed in the commercialization process of environmental monitoring services. Our process combines open environmental monitoring data, participative innovation process, and MCDS support, and it supports and accelerates a co-creative business model creation process that is cost-beneficial in terms of saving time. The results are applicable to the creation of an open data information system that supports data-driven innovation

    Digital age business model innovation for sustainability in University Industry Collaboration Model

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    This study aims to investigate a digitalization-related business model as a result from the university-SME collaboration. The SME of the case study (Preventos Informatics Ltd) specializes in water distribution systems in industrial scale, telemetry, and sensor data-based monitoring of the water distribution. The business model of the company is a result of an innovation process during 2016-2017. The SME was established 2018. This study examines the commercialization process’s success factors and compares the original business model to the finally implemented one after two years. The study reviews the current literature of sustainable business models and digitalization and reflects the results from this study. Based on the results, by quantifying the sustainability, environmental aspects and digitalization, value added can be brought to the business model. Our study suggests that by adding more digitalization, sensor technologies, and dataanalysis, quantifying the real value of innovations is possible


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    This report is one output of ABOWE project (Implementing Advanced Concepts for Biological Utilization of Waste), which belongs to EU Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013. ABOWE works with two promising technologies to unlock investments. Two mobile pilot plants have been built and will be tested in several Baltic Sea regions. These pilots are based on a novel biorefinery concept from Finnoflag Oy, Finland, known as Pilot A as well as a German dry fermentation process, known as Pilot B. The pilots form the basis for compilation of Investment Memos and organizing Investor Events. Also a regional model is used to evaluate the new processes’ economic and climatic impacts in each region. The desired outcome from ABOWE is implementer/investor driven continuation projects targeting full-scaleplant investments of the two technologies. The purpose of ABOWE Work Package 2 is to gather and communicate information from many aspects of technologies which are piloted with Pilot A and Pilot B to support investment decisions for full scale plants. In practice, a demo full scaleplant would be needed in order to convince the commercial investors and implementers to full scale plants. This means that ABOWE provides with profound information and a step forward regarding the two technologies. After ABOWE, the technology will need development for full-scale, and the feasibility will need further analysis. An implementer and investor should be found to conduct development further towards full-scale demo plant.Abow

    What can we learn from business models in the European forest sector: Exploring the key elements of new business model designs

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    This study represents the first attempt to operationalize a novel methodological approach that couples the expanded business model canvas (BMC) with an analytical evaluation of business model items and incorporates context-intervention-mechanism-outcome logic (CIMO-logic). We applied the designed methodology to analyse ten forest-related business models in eight European countries. This study aims to enhance the understanding of the challenges and opportunities generated by changing forest ownership due to the use of new business models. The adopted procedures both enhance the understanding of existing business models and the associated mechanisms and suggest improvements for existing business models. In other words, these procedures facilitated the understanding of business model dynamics. The changing operational environment forces the traditional forestry industry to adapt, and the analysed European cases indicate that business system innovations should always be considered to meet consumers' needs. The analysed business models are mostly grounded on traditional forestry and mainly include either new services or organizational improvements. The analysed business models introduce new organizational channels for reaching customers, satisfying new customer needs, targeting unique customers, reducing transaction costs, and improving customer relationships


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    This report was compiled by the ABOWE project (Implementing Advanced Concepts for Biological Utilization of Waste) funded by the EU Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013. This report presentsresults and information of relevance for the up-scaling of the Finnoflag biorefinery technology, piloted in Finland, Poland and Sweden, to support investment decisions towards full-scale implementation. The piloting of the technology done by the ABOWE project provides valuable information and a step forward regarding the technology. The next step, after the pilot phase, would be to construct a full-scalede monstration plant to showcase the potential of the technology to potential commercial investorsor implementers. The bioprocess will need to be further designedand optimized through longer testing with selected waste materials to produce targeted products. This will all0w for full-scaleoperationsand further feasibility analysis. This falls beyond the scope of the ABOWE project. This report forms the basis of an investment memo that provides decision support topossible implementers and investors that are interested in taking the lead in the development of the technology further to a full-scale demo plant.Abow