62 research outputs found

    Adaptation to climate change in Finland : Current state and future prospects

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    The KOKOSOPU project has aimed at a comprehensive evaluation of the national adaptation policy with particular emphasis on the National Adaptation Plan and international policy development. In addition, future challenges related to societal development have been taken into account. Projections of climate change, Finland’s Climate Act and the strengthened adaptation policy in the EU emphasise the importance of the national adaptation policy. A key objective of the National Adaptation Plan 2014–2022 was to strengthen the adaptive capacity of Finnish society. This objective is still relevant. The conditions for reaching the objective have, however, partly changed. First, cross border consequences of climate change are increasingly emphasised. Second, issues of justice and fairness with respect to the consequences of climate change and adaptation actions are being identified as central. Third, greater weight is given to the overall sustainability of adaptation and climate action. The changing conditions for climate change adaptation should be reflected in the allocation of resources, in improved coordination within the administration and in co-operation between the public and private sector. In addition, knowledge and education should be enhanced, and resources provided for RDI, and for monitoring and evaluation that supports continued improvement of adaptation activities

    Adaptation to climate change in Finland : Current state and future prospects

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    The KOKOSOPU project has aimed at a comprehensive evaluation of the national adaptation policy with particular emphasis on the National Adaptation Plan and international policy development. In addition, future challenges related to societal development have been taken into account. Projections of climate change, Finland’s Climate Act and the strengthened adaptation policy in the EU emphasise the importance of the national adaptation policy. A key objective of the National Adaptation Plan 2014–2022 was to strengthen the adaptive capacity of Finnish society. This objective is still relevant. The conditions for reaching the objective have, however, partly changed. First, cross border consequences of climate change are increasingly emphasised. Second, issues of justice and fairness with respect to the consequences of climate change and adaptation actions are being identified as central. Third, greater weight is given to the overall sustainability of adaptation and climate action. The changing conditions for climate change adaptation should be reflected in the allocation of resources, in improved coordination within the administration and in co-operation between the public and private sector. In addition, knowledge and education should be enhanced, and resources provided for RDI, and for monitoring and evaluation that supports continued improvement of adaptation activities

    Sää- ja ilmastoriskit Suomessa - Kansallinen arvio

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    Tähän raporttiin on koottu ajantasainen arvio sään ja ilmaston aiheuttamista riskeistä eri toimialoille Suomessa. Arviossa otettiin huomioon sekä muuttuvan ilmaston että yhteiskunnallisen kehityksen vaikutus riskin muodostumiseen nykyhetkessä ja tulevaisuudessa. Sää- ja ilmastoriskejä pyrittiin hahmottamaan vaaratekijän (riskiä aiheuttava sääilmiö), altistumisen (riskin kohteen sijainti) ja haavoittuvuuden (riskin kohteen ominaisuudet) yhdistelmänä. Sääilmiöt aiheuttavat Suomessa riskejä jo nykyilmastossa. Muun muassa rajuilmat, helleaallot ja rankkasateet aiheuttavat taloudellisia ja terveydellisiä vaikutuksia sekä yleistä haittaa. Tulevaisuudessa riskit muuttuvat ilmastonmuutoksen muuttaessa haitallisia sääilmiöitä. Ilmastonmuutos tuo vähitellen kasvavia riskejä erityisesti ekosysteemeille ja infrastruktuurille. Muualla maailmalla tapahtuvat ilmastonmuutoksen vaikutukset voivat heijastua epäsuorasti Suomeen globaalien tavara-, energia-, raha- ja ihmisvirtojen kautta. Näiden riskien systemaattinen arviointi on vasta aloitettu. Raportin tavoitteena on tukea yhteiskunnan riskeihin varautumista ja ilmastonmuutokseen sopeutumista eri hallinnon tasoilla ja toimialoilla. Arvio perustuu pääosin kirjallisuudesta löytyviin tutkimuksiin ja selvityksiin sekä asiantuntija-arvioihin. Työ tehtiin “Sää- ja ilmastoriskien arviointi ja toimintamallit” (SIETO)- hankkeessa vuosina 2017–2018

    Nature-based solutions efficiency evaluation against natural hazards: Modelling methods, advantages and limitations

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    Nature-based solutions (NBS) for hydro-meteorological risks (HMRs) reduction and management are becoming increasingly popular, but challenges such as the lack of well-recognised standard methodologies to evaluate their performance and upscale their implementation remain. We systematically evaluate the current state-of-the art on the models and tools that are utilised for the optimum allocation, design and efficiency evaluation of NBS for five HMRs (flooding, droughts, heatwaves, landslides, and storm surges and coastal erosion). We found that methods to assess the complex issue of NBS efficiency and cost-benefits analysis are still in the development stage and they have only been implemented through the methodologies developed for other purposes such as fluid dynamics models in micro and catchment scale contexts. Of the reviewed numerical models and tools MIKE-SHE, SWMM (for floods), ParFlow-TREES, ACRU, SIMGRO (for droughts), WRF, ENVI-met (for heatwaves), FUNWAVE-TVD, BROOK90 (for landslides), TELEMAC and ADCIRC (for storm surges) are more flexible to evaluate the performance and effectiveness of specific NBS such as wetlands, ponds, trees, parks, grass, green roof/walls, tree roots, vegetations, coral reefs, mangroves, sea grasses, oyster reefs, sea salt marshes, sandy beaches and dunes. We conclude that the models and tools that are capable of assessing the multiple benefits, particularly the performance and cost-effectiveness of NBS for HMR reduction and management are not readily available. Thus, our synthesis of modelling methods can facilitate their selection that can maximise opportunities and refute the current political hesitation of NBS deployment compared with grey solutions for HMR management but also for the provision of a wide range of social and economic co-benefits. However, there is still a need for bespoke modelling tools that can holistically assess the various components of NBS from an HMR reduction and management perspective. Such tools can facilitate impact assessment modelling under different NBS scenarios to build a solid evidence base for upscaling and replicating the implementation of NBS