495 research outputs found

    Gut microbiota and health: connecting actors across the metabolic system

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    Overweight-related metabolic diseases are an important threat to health in the Western world. Dietary habits are one of the main causative factors for metabolic syndrome, CVD and type 2 diabetes. The human gut microbiota is emerging as an important player in the interaction between diet and metabolic health. Gut microbial communities contribute to human metabolism through fermentation of dietary fibre and the result of intestinal saccharolytic fermentation is production of SCFA. Acetate, propionate and butyrate positively influence satiety, endocrine system, glucose homeostasis, adipogenesis, lipid oxidation, thermoregulation, hepatic gluconeogenesis, endothelial function and gut barrier integrity, and these mechanisms have all been linked to protection from type 2 diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular health. The gut microbiota is also involved in bile acid metabolism and regulating their cell signalling potential, which has also been shown to modify pathways involved in metabolic health. Similarly, the gut microbiota renders recalcitrant plant polyphenols into biologically active small phenolic compounds which then act systemically to reduce metabolic disease risk. This review summarises how dietary patterns, specific foods and a healthy lifestyle may modulate metabolic health through the gut microbiota and their molecular cross-talk with the host

    The prebiotic effects of biscuits containing partially hydrolysed guar gum and fructo-oligosaccharides - a human volunteer study

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    Prebiotics are non-digestible food ingredients that target selected groups of the human colonic microflora, thus having the ability to alter the composition towards a more ‘beneficial' community, i.e. selectively increasing populations of bifidobacteria and/or lactobacilli. In the present study the prebiotic potential of partially hydrolysed guar gum (PHGG) and fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) in a biscuit was assessed in human volunteers. Fluorescent in situ hybridization using oligonucleotide probes targeting Bacteroides spp., Bifidobacterium spp., Clostridium spp. and Lactobacillus-Enterococcus spp. were used for the bacteriology and total bacteria were enumerated using the fluorescent stain 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole. Thirty-one volunteers consumed daily either three experimental biscuits (providing a total (g/d) of 6·6 FOS and 3·4 PHGG) or three placebo biscuits for two 21-d crossover periods. Bifidobacteria significantly increased in number on ingestion of the experimental biscuits compared with pre-treatment and placebo population levels. Bifidobacterial numbers returned to pretreatment levels within 7 d of the cessation of intake of experimental biscuits. A correlation was observed between the initial faecal bifidobacterial numbers and the magnitude of bifidogenesis, with volunteers who possessed low initial population levels of bifidobacteria experiencing the greatest increase in bifidogenesis. No changes were observed in the other bacterial groups monitored during the trial. Thus, the prebiotic nature of FOS and PHGG was maintained in a final food product as evidenced from the selective increase in bifidobacterial number

    Considering the impact of situation-specific motivations and constraints in the design of naturally ventilated and hybrid buildings

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    A simple logical model of the interaction between a building and its occupants is presented based on the principle that if free to do so, people will adjust their posture, clothing or available building controls (windows, blinds, doors, fans, and thermostats) with the aim of achieving or restoring comfort and reducing discomfort. These adjustments are related to building design in two ways: first the freedom to adjust depends on the availability and ease-of-use of control options; second the use of controls affects building comfort and energy performance. Hence it is essential that these interactions are considered in the design process. The model captures occupant use of controls in response to thermal stimuli (too warm, too cold etc.) and non-thermal stimuli (e.g. desire for fresh air). The situation-specific motivations and constraints on control use are represented through trigger temperatures at which control actions occur, motivations are included as negative constraints and incorporated into a single constraint value describing the specifics of each situation. The values of constraints are quantified for a range of existing buildings in Europe and Pakistan. The integration of the model within a design flow is proposed and the impact of different levels of constraints demonstrated. It is proposed that to minimise energy use and maximise comfort in naturally ventilated and hybrid buildings the designer should take the following steps: 1. Provide unconstrained low energy adaptive control options where possible, 2. Avoid problems with indoor air quality which provide motivations for excessive ventilation rates, 3. Incorporate situation-specific adaptive behaviour of occupants in design simulations, 4. Analyse the robustness of designs against variations in patterns of use and climate, and 5. Incorporate appropriate comfort standards into the operational building controls (e.g. BEMS)

    In vitro faecal fermentation of Tritordeum breads and its effect on the human gut health

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    Spontaneous fermentation of Tritordeum flour enhances the nutritional potential of this hybrid cereal. However, the effect of consumption of Tritordeum sourdough bread (SDB) on gut health remains to be elucidated. This study investigated the effect of in vitro digestion and faecal fermentation of SDB compared to that of traditional baker's yeast (BYB) Tritordeum bread. After 24-h anaerobic faecal fermentation, both SDB and BYB (1% w/v) induced an increase in the relative abundances of Bifidobacterium, Megasphaera, Mitsuokella, and Phascolarctobacterium genera compared to baseline, while concentrations of acetate and butyrate were significantly higher at 24 h for SDB compared to those for BYB. Integrity of intestinal epithelium, as assessed through in vitro trans-epithelial electrical resistance (TEER) assay, was slightly increased after incubation with SDB fermentation supernatants, but not after incubation with BYB fermentation supernatants. The SDB stimulated in vitro mucosal immune response by inducing early secretion of inflammatory cytokines, IL-6 and TNF-α, followed by downregulation of the inflammatory trigger through induction of anti-inflammatory IL-10 expression. Overall, our findings suggest that Tritordeum sourdough can modulate gut microbiota fermentation activity and positively impact the gut health

    Prebiotic lactulose as efficacious microbiota and metabolite modulator in cirrhosis environment

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    8openItalian coauthor/editoropenMancini, A.; Larsen, S.; Campagna, F.; Franceschi, P.; Amodio, P.; Pravadelli, C.; Pindo, M; Tuohy, K.Mancini, A.; Larsen, S.; Campagna, F.; Franceschi, P.; Amodio, P.; Pravadelli, C.; Pindo, M.; Tuohy, K

    Assessing the impact of interfering organic matter on soil metaproteomic workflow

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    Funding: Matthias Waibel was funded by the University of Galway College of Science and the Irish Research Council under GOIPG/2016/1215. The James Hutton Institute receives funding support from the Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services Division of the Scottish Government. Open access funding provided by IReL.Soil organic matter (SOM) is biologically, chemically, and physically complex. As a major store of nutrients within soil, it plays an important role in nutrient provision to plants. An enhanced understanding of SOM utilisation processes could underpin better fertiliser management for plant growth, with reduced environmental losses. Metaproteomics can allow the characterisation of protein profiles and could help gaining insights into SOM microbial decomposition mechanisms. Here, we applied three different extraction methods to two soil types to recover SOM with different characteristics. Specifically, water extractable organic matter, mineral associated organic matter and protein-bound organic matter were targeted with the aim to investigate the metaproteome enriched in those extractions. As a proof-of-concept replicated extracts from one soil were further analysed for peptide identification using liquid chromatography followed by tandem mass spectrometry. We employ a framework for mining mass spectra for both peptide assignment and fragmentation pattern characterisation. Different extracts were found to exhibit contrasting total protein and humic substance content for the two soils investigated. Overall, water extracts displayed the lowest humic substance content (in both soils) and the highest number of peptide identifications (in the soil investigated) with most frequent peptide hits associated with diverse substrate/ligand binding proteins of Proteobacteria and derived taxa. Our framework also highlighted a strong peptidic signal in unassigned and unmatched spectra, information that is currently not captured by the pipelines employed in this study. Taken together, this work points to specific areas for optimisation in chromatography and mass spectrometry to adequately characterise SOM associated metaproteomes.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Nutrition challenges ahead

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    The breakout session ‘Nutrition challenges ahead’ was held at the EFSA 2nd Scientific Conference ‘Shaping the Future of Food Safety, Together’ (Milan, Italy, 14–16 October 2015) to address the main problems in the area of nutrition to be faced in the 21st Century, both at a global and individual level. The nutrition challenges ahead are diverse and depend on agricultural, socioeconomic and individual factors. At a global level, food security, food sustainability and decreasing the impact of food production on climate change are of paramount importance. Decreasing the prevalence of obesity and related disorders, which may coexist with selected micronutrient deficiencies, is a major challenge for wealthy countries; for developing countries and rural food systems, fighting protein–energy malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies is a priority. Diets based on a wide variety of nutrient-rich local plant foods (e.g. fruits, vegetables, whole grain cereals, vegetable oils, nuts) that contain moderate amounts of animal protein (preferably in the form of fish) and are low in saturated and trans-fatty acids, added sugars and sodium, are healthy, nutritious, sustainable and climate friendly. Creating an environment where such diets are also economically advantageous and convenient may be a part of a global solution to these nutritional challenges. Individuals, however, are unique regarding their genetic background, gut microbiota and health status. In addition, nutrition may already play a role in the development (and prevention) of disease very early in life. Thus, additional health benefits could be achieved by tailoring nutritional strategies to particular population subgroups or even individuals on the basis of current and future knowledge about the relationship between nutrients, genes, the microbiome and health. New technologies and food innovation may help in finding novel foods fit for purpose

    Impact of wheat aleurone on biomarkers of cardiovascular disease, gut microbiota and metabolites in adults with high body mass index: a double‑blind, placebo‑controlled, randomized clinical trial

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    Purpose Aleurone is a cereal bran fraction containing a variety of beneficial nutrients including polyphenols, fibers, minerals and vitamins. Animal and human studies support the beneficial role of aleurone consumption in reducing cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk. Gut microbiota fiber fermentation, polyphenol metabolism and betaine/choline metabolism may in part contribute to the physiological effects of aleurone. As primary objective, this study evaluated whether wheat aleurone supplemented foods could modify plasma homocysteine. Secondary objectives included changes in CVD biomarkers, fecal microbiota composition and plasma/urine metabolite profiles. Methods A parallel double-blind, placebo-controlled and randomized trial was carried out in two groups of obese/overweight subjects, matched for age, BMI and gender, consuming foods supplemented with either aleurone (27 g/day) (AL, n = 34) or cellulose (placebo treatment, PL, n = 33) for 4 weeks. Results No significant changes in plasma homocysteine or other clinical markers were observed with either treatment. Dietary fiber intake increased after AL and PL, animal protein intake increased after PL treatment. We observed a significant increase in fecal Bifidobacterium spp with AL and Lactobacillus spp with both AL and PL, but overall fecal microbiota community structure changed little according to 16S rRNA metataxonomics. Metabolomics implicated microbial metabolism of aleurone polyphenols and revealed distinctive biomarkers of AL treatment, including alkylresorcinol, cinnamic, benzoic and ferulic acids, folic acid, fatty acids, benzoxazinoid and roasted aroma related metabolites. Correlation analysis highlighted bacterial genera potentially linked to urinary compounds derived from aleurone metabolism and clinical parameters. Conclusions Aleurone has potential to modulate the gut microbial metabolic output and increase fecal bifidobacterial abundance. However, in this study, aleurone did not impact on plasma homocysteine or other CVD biomarkers. Trial Registration The study was registered at ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT02067026) on the 17th February 2014

    Chronic consumption of probiotics, oats and apples have differential effects on postprandial bile acid profile and cardiometabolic disease risk markers compared to an isocaloric control (cornflakes): a randomized trial

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    Background: Dietary components that impact the gut microbiota may beneficially affect cardiometabolic health, possibly by altered bile acid metabolism. However, impacts of these foods on postprandial bile acids, gut microbiota, and cardiometabolic risk markers are unclear. Objectives The aim of this study was to determine the chronic effects of probiotics, oats, and apples on postprandial bile acids, gut microbiota, and cardiometabolic health biomarkers. Methods Using an acute within chronic parallel design, 61 volunteers (mean ± SD: age 52 ± 12 y; BMI 24.8 ± 3.4 kg/m2) were randomly assigned to consume 40 g cornflakes (control), 40 g oats or 2 Renetta Canada apples each with 2 placebo capsules per day or 40 g cornflakes with 2 Lactobacillus reuteri capsules (>5 × 109 CFU) per day, for 8 wk. Fasting and postprandial serum/plasma bile acids and cardiometabolic health biomarkers, fecal bile acids, and gut microbiota composition were determined. Results: At week 0, oats and apples significantly decreased postprandial serum insulin [area under the curve (AUC): 25.6 (17.4, 33.8) and 23.4 (15.4, 31.4) vs. 42.0 (33.7, 50.2) pmol/L × min and incremental AUC (iAUC): 17.8 (11.6, 24.0) and 13.7 (7.7, 19.8) vs. 29.6 (23.3, 35.8) pmol/L × min] and C-peptide responses [AUC: 599 (514, 684) and 550 (467, 632) vs. 750 (665, 835) ng/mL × min], whereas non-esterified fatty acids were increased [AUC 135 (117, 153) vs. 86.3 (67.9, 105) and iAUC 96.2 (78.8, 114) vs. 60 (42.1, 77.9) mmol/L × min] after the apples vs. control (P ≤ 0.05). Postprandial unconjugated [AUC: predicted means (95% CI) 1469 (1101, 1837) vs. 363 (−28, 754) μmol/L × min and iAUC: 923 (682, 1165) vs. 22.0 (−235, 279) μmol/L × min)] and hydrophobic [iAUC: 1210 (911, 1510) vs. 487 (168, 806) μmol/L × min] bile acid responses were increased after 8 wk probiotic intervention vs. control (P ≤ 0.049). None of the interventions modulated the gut microbiota. Conclusions: These results support beneficial effects of apples and oats on postprandial glycemia and the ability of the probiotic Lactobacillus reuteri to modulate postprandial plasma bile acid profiles compared with control (cornflakes), with no relationship evident between circulating bile acids and cardiometabolic health biomarker
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