687 research outputs found

    Beyond the Linearity of Current-Voltage Characteristics in Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes

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    We present local and non-local electron transport measurements on individual multi-wall nanotubes for bias voltage between 0 and about 4 V. Local current-voltage characteristics are quite linear. In contrast, non-local measurements are highly non-linear; the differential non-local conductance can even become negative in the high-bias regime. We discuss the relationship between these results and transport parameters such as the elastic length, the number of current carrying shells, and the number of conducting modes.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Effects of Disorder and Momentum Relaxation on the Intertube Transport of Incommensurate Carbon Nanotube Ropes and Multiwall Nanotubes

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    We study theoretically the electrical transport between aligned carbon nanotubes in nanotube ropes, and between shells in multiwall carbon nanotubes. We focus on transport between two metallic nanotubes (or shells) of different chiralities with mismatched Fermi momenta and incommensurate periodicities. We perform numerical calculations of the transport properties of such systems within a tight-binding formalism. For clean (disorder-free) nanotubes the intertube transport is strongly suppressed as a result of momentum conservation. For clean nanotubes, the intertube transport is typically dominated by the loss of momentum conservation at the contacts. We discuss in detail the effects of disorder, which also breaks momentum conservation, and calculate the effects of localised scatterers of various types. We show that physically relevant disorder potentials lead to very dramatic enhancements of the intertube conductance. We show that recent experimental measurements of the intershell transport in multiwall nanotubes are consistent with our theoretical results for a model of short-ranged correlated disorder.Comment: References adde

    Expanding Rehabilitation Beyond the Clinic—Strategies to Increase Total Restorative Therapy Time for Adults with Hemiplegia

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    Background: Positive neuroplastic changes involving cortical reorganization after stroke are experience dependent and are facilitated more effectively when rehabilitation occurs with high volume. Structured experiences to promote adaptive changes can be implemented during scheduled therapies in any rehabilitation setting. However, time spent in supervised restorative therapy is limited regardless of setting. Time spent in therapeutic activity can be extended by a variety of options that patients can engage in independently, that are low-cost, and that have evidence to support their use as a supplement to physical and occupational therapy. Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to present four such options for supplemental therapeutic activities to support restorative rehabilitation, including mental practice, mirror therapy, low cost virtual reality, and community group exercise classes. A sample of the evidence supporting their feasibility and effectiveness is presented. Practical guidelines for implementation are provided based on the evidence. Recommendations: Evidence based interventions can be used to extend total restorative rehabilitation time as an extension of therapy activities performed in the clinic. They are feasible and effective and can support positive neuroplastic changes in individuals with hemiplegia. These strategies can and should be implemented across practice settings by physical therapists, occupational therapists, and speech language pathologists

    Probing dark matter freeze-in with long-lived particle signatures: MATHUSLA, HL-LHC and FCC-hh

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    Collider searches for long-lived particles yield a promising avenue to probe the freeze-in production of Dark Matter via the decay of a parent particle. We analyze the prospects of probing the parameter space of Dark Matter freeze-in from the decay of neutral parent particles at the LHC and beyond, taking as a case study a freeze-in Dark Matter scenario via the Standard Model Higgs. We obtain the projected sensitivity of the proposed MATHUSLA surface detector (for MATHUSLA100 and MATHUSLA200 configurations) for long-lived particle searches to the freeze-in Dark Matter parameter space, and study its complementarity to searches by ATLAS and CMS at HL-LHC, as well as the interplay with constraints from Cosmology: Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis and Lyman-α forest observations. We then analyze the improvement in sensitivity that would come from a forward detector within a future 100 TeV pp-collider. In addition, we discuss several technical aspects of the present Dark Matter freeze-in scenario: the role of the electroweak phase transition; the inclusion of thermal masses, which have been previously disregarded in freeze-in from decay studies; the impact of 2 → 2 scattering processes on the Dark Matter relic abundance; and the interplay between freeze-in and super-WIMP Dark Matter production mechanismsJ.M.N. is supported by the Programa Atracción de Talento de la Comunidad de Madrid via grant 2017-T1/TIC-5202. B.Z. acknowledges support from the Programa Atracción de Talento de la Comunidad de Madrid under grant n. 2017-T2/TIC-5455. P.T. acknowledges support from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) through the Emmy Noether Grant No. KA 4662/1-1 and the Collaborative Research Center TRR 257 “Particle Physics Phenomenology after the Higgs Discovery”. J.M.N. and B.Z. acknowledge support from the Spanish MINECO’s “Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa” Programme via grant SEV-2016-0597. J.M.N. and P.T. were supported by the European Research Council under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 program, ERC Grant Agreement 648680 (DARKHORIZONS

    Interprofessional Peer Teaching: Assistive Device Training and Medications Impacting Safe Ambulation

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    ABSTRACT Purpose: An interprofessional peer teaching activity was designed and implemented to provide students with an opportunity to practice interprofessional education collaborative (IPEC) competencies while improving student knowledge of assistive devices for gait and medications impacting safe ambulation. Method: During the activity, second year physical therapy students instructed third year pharmacy students in the accurate fit and counseling for use of canes, crutches, and walkers. Pharmacy students then demonstrated these skills and were checked off on their ability to accurately fit and instruct consumers on basic gait patterns. The pharmacy students in turn educated the physical therapy students about medications that impact safe ambulation and gait training. The activity was designed to meet the interprofessional competencies of roles and responsibilities, interprofessional communication, teams and teamwork, in addition to specific course objectives. Students completed a 15-item pre- and post-knowledge assessment and a perceptions survey to evaluate the effectiveness of the peer teaching activity. Results: Significant improvements in knowledge and performance were demonstrated following participation in the activity, and students reported positive perceptions of the activity and its impact on their learning about assistive devices and medications reviewed during the session. Our results indicate that physical therapy and pharmacy students can effectively teach each other and learn about assistive devices and medications impacting safe ambulation through an interprofessional peer teaching activity. Conclusion: Peer teaching across disciplines can help prepare students to communicate and collaborate with other healthcare providers

    Exploring the Use of Video-Recorded Practical Examination Performance to Enhance Student Self-Assessment

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    ABSTRACT Purpose: The purposes of this study were to explore the ability of doctor of physical therapy students to self-assess performance during a video-recorded practical examination, to evaluate student perceptions of the experience, and to determine their perception of their ability to self-assess. Method: A cross-sectional design with students from 2 consecutive cohorts was utilized. Participants worked in groups of three conducting a video-recorded gait training session. Students graded their own performance immediately upon completing the practical examination. Students then regraded their performance from the video recording. The instructor graded each student’s video-recorded performance using the same rubric as the students. Following the experience, students completed a 7-question survey administered via Survey Monkey. Data were analyzed using Friedman’s ANOVA with post-hoc Wilcoxon signed-rank test to compare median scores. Cohen’s Kappa and percent agreement calculations assessed inter- and intra-rater reliability. Student perception data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and non-parametric Wilcoxon signed-rank test. Results: The only significant difference in scores was between student-live and faculty examiner assessments for Cohort 2. Inter-rater reliability (.09-.17) and percent agreement (20.7%-26.3%) were low across all comparisons. Intra-rater reliability (.12-.23) and percent agreement (23.7%-34.5%) were also low for both cohorts. Students rated their ability to self-assess from the video-recorded performance significantly higher than from the live performance (pConclusions:Students’ ability to self-assess performance does not appear to be well developed in the early stages of physical therapy education. The use of video-recorded performance, in conjunction with instructor feedback, could enhance this ability, ideally leading to independent and effective self-assessment as students proceed through the curriculum

    Toward a Psychology of Surrogate Decision Making

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    In everyday life, many of the decisions that we make are made on behalf of other people. A growing body of research suggests that we often, but not always, make different decisions on behalf of other people than the other person would choose. This is problematic in the practical case of legally designated surrogate decision makers, who may not meet the substituted judgment standard. Here, we review evidence from studies of surrogate decision making and examine the extent to which surrogate decision making accurately predicts the recipient’s wishes, or if it is an incomplete or distorted application of the surrogate’s own decision-making processes. We find no existing domain-general model of surrogate decision making. We propose a framework by which surrogate decision making can be assessed and a novel domain-general theory as a unifying explanatory concept for surrogate decisions

    Pathways for nutrient loss to water with emphasis on phosphorus

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    Teagasc wishes to acknowledge the support of the Environmental Research Technological Development and Innovation (ERTDI) Programme under the Productive Sector Operational Programme which was financed by the Irish Government under the National Development Plan 2000-2006.End of project reportThe main objective of this project was to study phosphorus (P) loss from agricultural land under a range of conditions in Ireland, to quantify the main factors influencing losses and make recommendations on ways to reduce these losses. This report is a synthesis of the main conclusions and recommendations from the results of the studies. The final reports from the individual sub-projects in this project are available from the EPA (www.epa.ie).Environmental Protection Agenc
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