679 research outputs found

    The Determinants of Efficiency in Turkish Banking Sector After Global Finacial Crisis

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    In this study, we analyzed the efficiency changes of the Turkish banking sector between the years 2005-2014, when the global financial crisis was experienced. Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) methodology was applied to obtain efficiency scores. Then, panel regression analysis was performed to explore the main determinants of efficiency changes. The findings have shown that internal factors are more effective than external ones on banks efficiency. The financial crisis was found to have a slight impact on banks’ efficiency in managing their financial resources. GDP and inflation had negative relationship with bank efficiency due to the unanticipated inflation rate and volatile economic growth. The empirical findings imply that more efficient banks generate higher returns accordingly

    LMI-based feedback suppression of external disturbances for the RUAV

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    This paper introduces the stability and controllability augmentation system design for the rotorcraft-based unmanned aerial vehicle. The algorithm of a static output feedback loop shaping for exogenous disturbance suppression of the rotorcraft-based unmanned aerial vehicle in hover is based on the linear matrix inequalities method. Results of the introduced algorithm implementation are evaluated both analytically and with the help of simulation


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    Umbi gadung merupakan tanaman yang digunakan masyarakat untuk mengobati penyakit seperti kusta, sifilis, keputihan, nyeri haid, anti inflamasi, reumatik dan diabetes mellitus.  Selain itu umbi gadung biasa dikonsumsi masyarakat sebagai makanan ringan (keripik). Kasus keracunan umbi gadung juga sering dijumpai dalam masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui toksisitas akut dengan melihat LD50 dan gejala toksik dari air rebusan umbi gadung  (Dioscorea hispida Dennst) serta gambaran mikroskopis organ hepar pada mencit galur swiss.Pada penelitian ini menggunakan 42 ekor mencit galur swiss, umur 2-3 bulan dan berat antara 20-40 gram. Hewan uji dikelompokan menjadi 7 yaitu kelompok kontrol diberikan aquadestilata. Perlakuan I, II, III, IV, V dan VI dipejani air rebusan umbi gadung dosis 5,46 g/Kg BB; 10,92 g/Kg BB; 21,84 g/Kg BB; 43,68 g/Kg BB; 87,36 g/Kg BB, dan 174,72 g/Kg BB. Pengamatan dilakukan 3 jam secara intensif, dilanjutkan selama 24 jam, jika tidak ada hewan uji yang mati pengamatan diteruskan hingga 14 hari. Hasil penelitian didapatkan potensi ketoksikan air rebusan umbi gadung adalah  praktis tidak toksik dan nilai LD50 menurut FI edisi IV adalah 49,1439 g/KgBB. Gejala efek toksisitas akut pada mencit ditandai dengan penurunan aktifitas dan diam pada dosis 87,36 g/KgBB dan 174,72 g/KgBB. Keadaan gemetar mulai timbul dari dosis 43,68 g/KgBB; 87,36 g/KgBB dan 174,72 g/KgBB. Hasil pengamatan mikroskopis pada hewan uji yang mati menunjukkan dosis air rebusan umbi gadung yang diberikan berbanding lurus dengan degenerasi sel hepar, namun pada hasil pengamatan setelah 14 hari pemberian air rebusan umbi gadung sudah tidak ada kesesuian antara peningkatan dosis dengan degenerasi sel hepar

    Outsourcing HR as a tool

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    The article deals with the analytic results of the basic concepts of outsourcing and its features in HR management. A study was carried out on outsourcing use by Ukrainian and foreign companies. Defining the causes that hinder the process of implementing outsourced human resources into Ukrainian enterprises and outlining the main ways to successfully apply existing outsourcing experience in the activity of leading international companies into the workflow of domestic enterprises.Т. В. Тунік-Чорна, студентка 4 курсу кафедри маркетингу та логістики Національного університету "Львівська політехніка" (Україна, м. Львів

    Factors Associated with Nutrition of 12-59 Months Toddlers

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    Malnutrition is still a problem in developing countries, including Indonesia, which ranks 4th with the incidence of malnutrition is still high. Toddlers with malnutrition can continue to be malnourished, impaired physical and mental growth and even increase the risk of illness and death. The purpose of this study was to review journals related to factors of malnutrition of children aged 12-59 months in developing countries. The research design was a literature review using a systematic mapping study method. There were 602 articles obtained and the number of articles selected based on inclusion and exclusion criteria was 13 articles. Accredited and reputable article database from PubMed, DOAJ, Research Gate 1, and SINTA were then analyzed using the compare method. There were 16 factors related to undernutrition status in developing countries including the age of children more than 2 years, sex of male toddlers, low birth weight of children, not being given exclusive breastfeeding, inadequate nutritional intake, disease or infection, low maternal education, low fathers education, lack of knowledge of maternal nutrition, inappropriate eating parenting patterns, low family income or wealth index, rural areas, low maternal BMI, maternal age less than 20 years, non-routine ANC visits, access to drinking/clean water and poor sanitation. It was found that the dominant factor appeared and had a significant correlation, namely the age of toddlers over 2 years was more at risk of experiencing malnutrition and the factor of low maternal education would further increase the possibility of malnutrition in toddlers. The causes of undernutrition in children under five are very complex where there are many related factors, there are also dominant factors that can also be paid more attention to in order to prevent and minimize the incidence of malnutritio

    Automatic Assessment of Infant Face and Upper-Body Symmetry as Early Signs of Torticollis

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    We apply computer vision pose estimation techniques developed expressly for the data-scarce infant domain to the study of torticollis, a common condition in infants for which early identification and treatment is critical. Specifically, we use a combination of facial landmark and body joint estimation techniques designed for infants to estimate a range of geometric measures pertaining to face and upper body symmetry, drawn from an array of sources in the physical therapy and ophthalmology research literature in torticollis. We gauge performance with a range of metrics and show that the estimates of most these geometric measures are successful, yielding strong to very strong Spearman's ρ\rho correlation with ground truth values. Furthermore, we show that these estimates, derived from pose estimation neural networks designed for the infant domain, cleanly outperform estimates derived from more widely known networks designed for the adult domai


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    Puskesmas telah menerapkan kegiatan pelayanan kesehatan tradisional berupa pemanfaatan Taman Obat Keluarga (TOGA), display tanaman obat, dan pembinaan pengobatan tradisional sebagai standar pelaksanaan pengintegrasian pelayanan kesehatan tradisional. Tenaga Teknis Kefarmasian (TTK) berperan dalam swamedikasi terhadap minor illness di fasilitas kesehatan. Masyarakat memilih obat tradisional sebagai opsi pengobatan karena dapat diperoleh dengan mudah tanpa resep dokter. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisa peran Tenaga Teknis Kefarmasian (TTK) dalam terapi minor illness dengan pendekatan Health Belief Model. dalam pemanfaatan obat tradisional.  Metode deskriptif dengan analisa deskriptif  Health Belief Model dikelompokkan berdasarkan berdasarkan variable perceived susceptibility, health motivation, perceived benefitsm, dan perceived barriers. Teknik sampling menggunakan metode total sampling yaitu seluruh TTK yang bekerja di Puskesmas Kota Semarang.  Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada tahun 2021   Hasil perceived susceptibility sebanyak  90 %,perceived benefitsm 80 %,health motivation 84%, dan perceived barriers sebanyak 82 %. Simpulan Peran TTK dalam terapi minor illness berupa pemilihan dan pengolahan tanaman obat yang sesuai dengan penyakit pasien, penanaman TOGA, dan kegiatan minum jam

    Pemberian Ekstrak Etanol Daun Salam untuk Menurunkan Ekspresi Kolagen Mesangial Tikus Sprague Dawley Diabetes Melitus

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    Latar belakang: Komplikasi gagal ginjal pada Diabetes mellitus (DM) salah satunya disebabkan oleh ekspansi kolagen mesangial sehingga glomerulus mengalami penurunan fungsi. Ekstrak etanol daun salam (EEDS) dibuat dari maserasi daun salam (Syzygium polyanthum (Wight) Walp) mengandung flavonoid yang dapat menurunkan glukosa darah dan bersifat anti oksidan. Diperkirakan bahwa EEDS dapat menekan Akumulasi kolagen mesangial sebagai komponen matriks ekstra seluler pada DM sehingga dapat menghambat terjadinya komplikasi DM.Tujuan penelitian: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan bahwa EEDS dapat menurunkan ekspresi kolagen mesangial tikus Sprague dawley DM. Metode: Penelitian menggunakan post test only control group design dengan 20ekor tikus Sprague dawley yang diinduksi DM dengan Streptozotocin dosis 40 mg/kgBB, dibagi menjadi 1 kelompok kontrol dan 3 kelompok perlakuan yang diberi EEDS dengan dosis 150:300;450 mg/200grBB selama 15 hari. Pada hari ke 16 diperiksa kadar gula darah sewaktu (GDS), HBA1c , Hb dan ekspresi kolagen mesangial (Allred Score). Perbedaan ekspresi kolagen antar kelompok dianalisis statistik dengan SPSS ver 16 menggunakan uji Kruskal Wallis dilanjutkan dengan Mann Whitney dengan derajat kemaknaan p<0,05. Hasil: Allred score ekspresi kolagen kelompok kontrol 6,2±0,84, kelompok P1 4,7±0,56, kelompok P2 4,0±1,16 dan kelompok P3 5,3±0,50. Hasil analisis statistik menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan ekspresi kolagen yang bermakna pada 4 kelompok penelitian dengan nilai p=0,027 (p<0,05). Hasil uji Mann Whitney menunjukkan ekspresi kolagen pada kelompok P2 (EEDS dosis300mg/200grBB) lebih rendah disbanding kelompok kontrol dengan nilai p=0,032 (p<0,05). Kesimpulan :Pemberian EEDS dosis 300 mg/200grBB dapat menurunkanekspresi kolagen mesangial tikus DM. Kata kunci : EEDS, ekspresi kolagen mesangial, D