303 research outputs found

    Investigating the region of 3C 397 in High Energy Gamma rays

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    We investigate the supernova remnant (SNR) 3C 397 and its neighboring pulsar PSR J1906+0722 in high energy gamma rays by using nearly six years of archival data of {\it Large Area Telescope} on board {\it Fermi Gamma Ray Space Telescope} (Fermi-LAT). The off-pulse analysis of gamma-ray flux from the location of PSR J1906+0722 reveals an excess emission which is found to be very close to the radio location of 3C 397. Here, we present the preliminary results of this gamma-ray analysis of 3C 397 and PSR J1906+0722.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, Proceeding of IAU Symposium No. 331, 201

    A New Gamma-Ray Source in the Vicinity of the Galactic Supernova Remnant G306.3-0.9

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    A new extended gamma-ray source, which was named as Source A, in the southwest of Galactic supernova remnant (SNR) G306.3-0.9 was detected with a significance of \sim13σ\sigma at the location of R.A. (J2000) = 13h^{\rm{h}} 17m^{\rm{m}} 52s ⁣ ⁣^{\rm{s}\!\!}.80, Decl. (J2000) = -63^{\circ} 55' 48" ⁣ ⁣"\!\!.00 using about 9 years of Fermi-LAT data. In order to investigate this unidentified gamma-ray source in multi-wavelengths, we performed Swift observations of Source A. In this presentation we summarize the published gamma-ray results, report about the recent ToO Swift observations of Source A, and show our preliminary results of the gamma-ray analysis that we conducted using the new X-ray data.Comment: Published in proceedings of "7th Fermi Symposium 2017", PoS(IFS2017)10

    An environmental and green process for Pb2+ pollution: an experimental research from the perspective of adsorption

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    oday, the increase in the need for quality and potable water resources is one of the most crucial issues that all countries of the world are focused on. Particularly, large amounts of highly polluted wastewater are formed together with water consumption that need to be treated in every sector. The toxic and harmful effects of pollutants such as lead still pose a challenge in terms of both environmental and human health in wastewater. Pb2+ ion is an amphoteric, toxic and bio accumulative type of primary pollutant commonly found in industrial wastewater. The adsorption process for Pb2+ treatment is a basic method, and in recent years, adsorption studies have been carried out with various waste adsorbents from the aquatic system. Adsorption is considered the most widely used environmental and green process to remove heavy metal ions among the different processes. So, waste-based adsorbents that do not induce pollution have been evaluated. Therefore, unmodified tea waste, banana, almond and egg shells were studied for the removal of Pb2+ ions from the aqueous matrix. With the current process, Pb2+ removal capacities were investigated by utilizing tea waste, banana, almond and egg shells in the aqueous solution. The effects of adsorbent concentrations (0.5–10 g), contact time (5–120 min), pH (2–12), and temperature (283.15–308.15 K) on the removal efficiency of Pb2+ were evaluated by batch mode adsorption experiments. The maximum removal efficiencies of Pb2+ were obtained as 89%, 93%, 98% and 99% for the four adsorbents under optimum operating conditions, respectively. Experimental results showed that the selected adsorbents are environmentally friendly, economical and easily obtainable for Pb2+ removal compared to other adsorbent types

    Extracorporeal Life Support as a Bridge to Surgery of Acute Ventricular Septal Defect

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    Background  Postinfarction ventricular septal defect (VSD) is a rare but life-threatening complication of acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Surgery represents the treatment of choice. But the optimal timing for surgery is still under debate. Case Description  Here, we present the case of a 70-year-old female patient with an anterior postinfarction VSD leading to cardiogenic shock for whom we used a percutaneous implantation of an extracorporeal life support (ECLS) as a bridge to surgery. After 10 days of ECLS therapy, surgical VSD repair was successfully performed. Conclusion  The strategy of delayed surgery may be a reasonable solution in selected patients with VSD complicating AMI

    The role of natural resources during the state building process : the case of Iraq

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    Ankara : The Department of International Relations, Bilkent University, 2009.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2009.Includes bibliographical references leaves 99-107.This thesis evaluates the relevance of natural resources during the state building process. In order to achieve its aim the thesis provides the reader with the relevant definitions. These include the definitions of state, nation building and state building. The thesis looks at the theories of state building. These are the Fast- Track Democratization, Security Firsters and Slow Democratization. It then provides the historical and current context of state building activities. It covers state building and the major state building actors since the end of World War One. Germany, Japan, Vietnam, Belgian Congo, and Bosnia as well as the role of United Nations, the United States of America and the European Countries and institutions are briefly given as examples of state building in different historical periods. This is continued by the analyses of state building activities in Iraq, from its inception until today. The case of Iraq is used to analyze the relevance of natural resources in the state building process. In conclusion, this thesis demonstrates that natural resources play an important role in Iraq´s state building process while a success depends on how the distribution, management and ownership of oil and gas resources will evolve.Tulun, Teoman ErtuğrulM.S

    Discovery of recombining plasma inside the extended gamma-ray supernova remnant HB9

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    We present the results from the Suzaku X-ray Imaging Spectrometer observation of the mixed-morphology supernova remnant (SNR) HB9 (G160.9+2.6). We discovered recombining plasma (RP) in the western Suzaku observation region and the spectra here are well described by a model having collisional ionization equilibrium (CIE) and RP components. On the other hand, the X-ray spectra from the eastern Suzaku observation region are best reproduced by the CIE and non-equilibrium ionization model. We discuss possible scenarios to explain the origin of the RP emission based on the observational properties and concluded that the rarefaction scenario is a possible explanation for the existence of RP. In addition, the gamma-ray emission morphology and spectrum within the energy range of 0.2-300 GeV are investigated using \sim10 years of data from the Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT). The gamma-ray morphology of HB9 is best described by the spatial template of radio continuum emission. The spectrum is well-fit to a log-parabola function and its detection significance was found to be \sim25σ\sigma. Moreover, a new gamma-ray point source located just outside the south-east region of the SNR's shell was detected with a significance of \sim6σ\sigma. We also investigated the archival HI and CO data and detected an expanding shell structure in the velocity range of 10.5-10.5 and +1.8+1.8 km s1^{-1} that is coinciding with a region of gamma-ray enhancement at the southern rim of the HB9 shell.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Eurocentric Supremacist Dependency And Eurasia Concept

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    Eurocentric thought essentially reflects the tendency to interpret the world in terms of European or Anglo-American values and experiences and takes these values as a triangulation point for reading and analyzing worldwide developments. Rather than producing value-free and universalist theories of inter-state relations, this approach furnishes self-oriented analyses that fanatically promote western liberal and currently neo-liberal values, priorities, and interests as the subject of an ideal normative referent in world politics. It primarily prefers western over non-western, perceives the non-western as the "other," and often stigmatizes it. Contrary to this exclusionary approach, AVİM argues that Turkey must not position itself as a purely Western or Eastern, or European or Asian country. On the contrary, Turkey is and must be all of these simultaneously because such a stance reflects Turkey's true and rich nature. In such an understanding, we keep our distance from the Eurocentric supremacist dependency and follow a path that prioritizes Turkey's objective interests


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    Batılı ülkeler ve Rusya, Ukrayna'nın geleceği konusunda ideolojik bir çatışma ve tehlikeli bir gerilimi tırmandırma politikasına kilitlenmiş durumda iken, NATO üyesi ve AB adayı Türkiye, Batılı müttefikleri, Rusya ve Ukrayna ile ilişkilerinde hassas bir dengeyi koruma çabalarıyla dikkat çekmektedir. Böyle bir tutum, Türkiye'nin dış politikasını, bölgesindeki ve hatta dünyadaki yerini ön plana çıkarmıştır. Köhne Soğuk Savaş dönemi zihniyetleri, Türkiye'yi Batı dünyasının sadece bir cephe varlığı olarak görmekte ve Türkiye'nin böyle bir rolden sapmasının Batı için doğal olarak tehdit edici olduğunu düşünmektedir. Türkiye'nin çıkarı, bir yandan Türkiye'nin Batı ile kurumsallaşmış bağlarına değer veren, diğer yandan Türkiye'nin doğusu ile artan bağlarının sunduğu potansiyele dayanan Yapıcı Avrasyacılığı benimsemekte yatmaktadır. Yapıcı Avrasyacılık, Türkiye'nin NATO üyeliğine değer vermekte ve saygı duymakta; Türk halkına muhtemel olmayan bir gelecek vaat etse de AB adaylığını desteklemektedir. Bununla birlikte, Batılı ülkelerin demokrasi, çoğulculuk, hukukun üstünlüğü ve "değer temelli ilişki" vurgusuyla kullandığı süslü dilin, asırlık emperyalist hırsları ve diğer ülkelerin iç siyasetine kibirli müdahale girişimlerini maskelediğini de göz ardı etmemektedir. Bütün bu hususlar dikkate alındığında Yapıcı Avrasyacılık, savunulan diğer Avrasyacılık biçimlerinden farklı olarak "Türkiye'ye fayda sağlayacaktır. Zira yeni rekabetler ve düşmanlıklar yaratmayı reddetmekte ve bunun yerine Türkiye'nin kendisini değişen dünyada doğru şekilde konumlandırabilmesi için yeni işbirliği yolları yaratmaya çalışmaktadır." Bu itibarla, Yapıcı Avrasyacılık, Türkiye'nin Batı ile bütünleşmeye devam etmesine ve aynı zamanda Batı ile Doğu arasında gerçek bir bağ işlevi görmesine olanak sağlayacaktır