3 research outputs found

    Adhesi贸 terap猫utica al tractament antiretroviral

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    Consultable des del TDXT铆tol obtingut de la portada digitalitzadaFins a mitjans de la d猫cada dels 90 no existia un tractament capa莽 de controlar l'evoluci贸 de la infecci贸 pel virus d'immunodefici猫ncia humana (VIH) causant de la SIDA. L'aparici贸 de noves fam铆lies de f脿rmacs i el seu 煤s combinat va significar un canvi radical en aquest escenari, podent-se comen莽ar a parlar de la cronificaci贸 de la malaltia. Tanmateix, els nous tractaments exigeixen un consum pr脿cticament perfecte per tal que siguin realment efica莽os. El compliment inadequat de les dosis i condicions de posologia facilita que el virus es faci resistent als f脿rmacs limitant l'efic脿cia del tractament, alhora que hipoteca les alternatives terap猫utiques. Aquesta tesi cont茅 una primera aproximaci贸 te貌rica on es revisen els aspectes propis del virus d'immunodefici猫ncia humana, de la infecci贸 que causa, el seu tractament farmacol貌gic i el problema de l'adhesi贸 terap猫utica des d'un punt de vista general i en el cas del tractament del VIH en particular. La part emp铆rica es composa de tres treballs que intenten donar resposta a tres preguntes al voltant de l'adhesi贸 al tractament antiretroviral: a) quina adhesi贸 existeix en el nostre medi, b) com es pot intervenir per millorar-la?, i c) com es pot avaluar de forma sistem脿tica l'adhesi贸? El primer 茅s un estudi pilot per con猫ixer els nivells d'adhesi贸 reals de la nostra poblaci贸 i les principals variables implicades. S'introdueix una valoraci贸 de l'autoefic脿cia seguint la teoria de Bandura, variable que es relaciona fortament amb l'adhesi贸, juntament amb l'esfor莽 percebut per seguir el tractament En el segon estudi es vol comprovar experimentalment l'efic脿cia d'una intervenci贸 per millorar l'adhesi贸. No es valida un model, tot i que, com a qualsevol recerca, es parteix d'una hip貌tesi i unes premisses a partir de les teories existents. La intervenci贸 psicoeducativa est脿 dirigida a millorar la informaci贸 i habilitats del pacient per afrontar el tractament. La seva efic脿cia es comprova en un estudi prospectiu en que els pacients s贸n aleatoritzats en dos grups, un que rep la intervenci贸 i l'altre com a control. Es comprova que l'猫xit de la intervenci贸 no dep猫n tant dels resultats observats a curt termini sin贸 del que succeeix despr茅s d'un per铆ode llarg de tractament. Cal observar tamb茅 si l'obtenci贸 d'uns nivells d'adhesi贸 elevats es tradueixen tamb茅 en un millor control de la infecci贸, com aix铆 succeeix. Es controlen tamb茅 una s猫rie de variables que podrien ajudar a con猫ixer els factors que determinen el compliment de les prescripcions m猫diques. Finalment, en el tercer estudi es valida un q眉estionari per tal d'avaluar l'adhesi贸 de forma referida pel pacient. Aquest q眉estionari respon a la necessitat de sistematitzaci贸 en la recollida de dades sobre adhesi贸, sent comparable a altres m猫todes d'avaluaci贸 i, sobretot, aplicable a la pr脿ctica cl铆nica. La tesi acaba amb una discussi贸 conjunta dels tres treballs presentats tot i que cada un d'ells t茅 una discussi贸 particular.Until the end of the 90s there was no treatment that could control the evolution of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) that causes AIDS. The emergence of new families of drugs and their combined use heralded a radical change in this scenario, and it became possible to talk about the chronification of the disease. Nevertheless, the new treatments require a virtually perfect intake to be efficacious. Unsuitable compliance of doses and posology conditions leads to the virus becoming resistant to the drugs, limiting the efficacy of the treatment, while also jeopardising therapeutic alternatives. This thesis contains an initial theoretical approach which analyses the specific aspects of the human immunodeficiency virus, the infection it causes, its drug treatment and the problem of treatment compliance from the general standpoint and the specific case of HIV treatment. The empirical part is comprised of three works that aim to respond to the three questions concerning antiretroviral treatment adherence: a) what adherence exists in our setting, b) how can we intervene to improve it? and c) how can adherence be evaluated systematically? The first one is a pilot study to ascertain the real levels of adherence in our population and the main variables involved. A self-efficacy assessment according to the theory of Bandura is brought in, a variable which is strongly related to adherence, together with the perceived effort to follow treatment The second study aims to experimentally verify the efficacy of an intervention to improve adherence. A model is not being validated, but like any research, it is based on a hypothesis and certain premises drawn from the existing theories. The psycho-educational intervention targets improving the patient's information and skills to face up to the treatment. Its efficacy is verified in a prospective study in which patients are randomised to two groups, one receiving the intervention and the other as control group. We check that the success of the intervention does not depend so much on the short-term results but rather on what happens after a long period of treatment. We also have to observe whether high levels of adherence actually translate into better infection control, which is the case. A series of variables that might help to ascertain the factors that determine compliance with medical prescriptions is also analysed. Finally, a third study validates a questionnaire for patient self-reported adherence. This questionnaire responds to the need for systematisation in the collection of data on adherence, and is comparable to other methods of assessment and above all applicable to clinical practice. The thesis ends with a joint discussion of the work presented , although each one is discussed separately

    Adhesi贸 terap猫utica al tractament antiretrovial

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    Fins a mitjans de la d猫cada dels 90 no existia un tractament capa莽 de controlar l'evoluci贸 de la infecci贸 pel virus d'immunodefici猫ncia humana (VIH) causant de la SIDA. L'aparici贸 de noves fam铆lies de f脿rmacs i el seu 煤s combinat va significar un canvi radical en aquest escenari, podent-se comen莽ar a parlar de la cronificaci贸 de la malaltia. Tanmateix, els nous tractaments exigeixen un consum pr脿cticament perfecte per tal que siguin realment efica莽os. El compliment inadequat de les dosis i condicions de posologia facilita que el virus es faci resistent als f脿rmacs limitant l'efic脿cia del tractament, alhora que hipoteca les alternatives terap猫utiques.Aquesta tesi cont茅 una primera aproximaci贸 te貌rica on es revisen els aspectes propis del virus d'immunodefici猫ncia humana, de la infecci贸 que causa, el seu tractament farmacol貌gic i el problema de l'adhesi贸 terap猫utica des d'un punt de vista general i en el cas del tractament del VIH en particular. La part emp铆rica es composa de tres treballs que intenten donar resposta a tres preguntes al voltant de l'adhesi贸 al tractament antiretroviral: a) quina adhesi贸 existeix en el nostre medi, b) com es pot intervenir per millorar-la?, i c) com es pot avaluar de forma sistem脿tica l'adhesi贸?El primer 茅s un estudi pilot per con猫ixer els nivells d'adhesi贸 reals de la nostra poblaci贸 i les principals variables implicades. S'introdueix una valoraci贸 de l'autoefic脿cia seguint la teoria de Bandura, variable que es relaciona fortament amb l'adhesi贸, juntament amb l'esfor莽 percebut per seguir el tractament En el segon estudi es vol comprovar experimentalment l'efic脿cia d'una intervenci贸 per millorar l'adhesi贸. No es valida un model, tot i que, com a qualsevol recerca, es parteix d'una hip貌tesi i unes premisses a partir de les teories existents. La intervenci贸 psicoeducativa est脿 dirigida a millorar la informaci贸 i habilitats del pacient per afrontar el tractament. La seva efic脿cia es comprova en un estudi prospectiu en que els pacients s贸n aleatoritzats en dos grups, un que rep la intervenci贸 i l'altre com a control. Es comprova que l'猫xit de la intervenci贸 no dep猫n tant dels resultats observats a curt termini sin贸 del que succeeix despr茅s d'un per铆ode llarg de tractament. Cal observar tamb茅 si l'obtenci贸 d'uns nivells d'adhesi贸 elevats es tradueixen tamb茅 en un millor control de la infecci贸, com aix铆 succeeix. Es controlen tamb茅 una s猫rie de variables que podrien ajudar a con猫ixer els factors que determinen el compliment de les prescripcions m猫diques. Finalment, en el tercer estudi es valida un q眉estionari per tal d'avaluar l'adhesi贸 de forma referida pel pacient. Aquest q眉estionari respon a la necessitat de sistematitzaci贸 en la recollida de dades sobre adhesi贸, sent comparable a altres m猫todes d'avaluaci贸 i, sobretot, aplicable a la pr脿ctica cl铆nica.La tesi acaba amb una discussi贸 conjunta dels tres treballs presentats tot i que cada un d'ells t茅 una discussi贸 particular.Until the end of the 90s there was no treatment that could control the evolution of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) that causes AIDS. The emergence of new families of drugs and their combined use heralded a radical change in this scenario, and it became possible to talk about the chronification of the disease. Nevertheless, the new treatments require a virtually perfect intake to be efficacious. Unsuitable compliance of doses and posology conditions leads to the virus becoming resistant to the drugs, limiting the efficacy of the treatment, while also jeopardising therapeutic alternatives.This thesis contains an initial theoretical approach which analyses the specific aspects of the human immunodeficiency virus, the infection it causes, its drug treatment and the problem of treatment compliance from the general standpoint and the specific case of HIV treatment. The empirical part is comprised of three works that aim to respond to the three questions concerning antiretroviral treatment adherence: a) what adherence exists in our setting, b) how can we intervene to improve it? and c) how can adherence be evaluated systematically?The first one is a pilot study to ascertain the real levels of adherence in our population and the main variables involved. A self-efficacy assessment according to the theory of Bandura is brought in, a variable which is strongly related to adherence, together with the perceived effort to follow treatmentThe second study aims to experimentally verify the efficacy of an intervention to improve adherence. A model is not being validated, but like any research, it is based on a hypothesis and certain premises drawn from the existing theories. The psycho-educational intervention targets improving the patient's information and skills to face up to the treatment. Its efficacy is verified in a prospective study in which patients are randomised to two groups, one receiving the intervention and the other as control group. We check that the success of the intervention does not depend so much on the short-term results but rather on what happens after a long period of treatment. We also have to observe whether high levels of adherence actually translate into better infection control, which is the case. A series of variables that might help to ascertain the factors that determine compliance with medical prescriptions is also analysed. Finally, a third study validates a questionnaire for patient self-reported adherence. This questionnaire responds to the need for systematisation in the collection of data on adherence, and is comparable to other methods of assessment and above all applicable to clinical practice.The thesis ends with a joint discussion of the work presented , although each one is discussed separately

    Assessing self-reported adherence to HIV therapy by questionnaire: the SERAD (Self-Reported Adherence) Study.

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    Contains fulltext : 52621.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)The relationship between adherence to highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) and RNA-HIV viral load outcomes has been extensively shown. Although there are different procedures for assessing treatment adherence, there is no ideal method. We present the SERAD (Self-Reported Adherence) questionnaire, a qualitative and quantitative self-reported instrument designed to provide an easier adherence measurement. We also compared the questionnaire to three other methods to evaluate adherence to HAART regimens in HIV-infected patients. Two prospective, observational, longitudinal studies were developed: a single-center pilot study followed by a multicenter study. A total of 530 HIV-infected outpatients was prospectively included, 66 in the pilot study and 464 in the multicenter study. Four methods were used to study adherence to HAART regimens: the SERAD questionnaire, pill count, electronic monitoring, and plasma drug monitoring. Pearson's correlations and Bland and Altman's method were developed. The SERAD questionnaire showed good feasibility and significant validity. Adequate levels of agreement between methods were observed, particularly when adherence was high. Differences increased as adherence fell. Moreover, the questionnaire was completed correctly, the interviewers did not report uncovered aspects, and the information was collected easily. Our results suggest that the SERAD questionnaire is a feasible and useful instrument for assessing adherence to HAART regimens in HIV-infected patients, and makes it possible to obtain reliable qualitative and quantitative information related to treatment adherence