7 research outputs found
Predictors of diabetes risk in urban and rural areas in Colombia
Background: Nutritional habits low in fruits and vegetables and sedentary lifestyle are associated with a higher risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes (T2D). However, it is important to assess differences between urban and rural areas. This study aimed to analyze the associations between the risk of developing T2D and setting in the Colombian north coast in 2017. Methods: This cross-sectional study included 1,005 subjects. Data was collected by interviewing self-identified members of an urban community and a rural-indigenous population. The interaction terms were evaluated as well as the confounders. Then, adjusted binary logistic regressions were used to estimate the odds ratio (OR) and 95% Confidence Intervals (CI). Results: subjects with a high risk of T2D are more likely to belong to the urban setting (OR = 1.908; 95%CI = 1.201-2.01) compared with those with lower T2D after adjusting for age, Body Mass Index (BMI), physical activity, history of high levels of glycemia, and diabetes in relatives. Conclusions: Urban communities are more likely to have T2D compared with rural-indigenous populations. These populations have differences from the cultural context, including personal, and lifestyle factors.Peer reviewe
Conocimientos y actitudes de los estudiantes de medicina de instituciones de educación superior de Barranquillla sobre donación y trasplante de órganos. Julio-noviembre de 1999
Resumen Con el objetivo de identificar las actitudes y evaluar el conocimiento sobre donación y trasplante de órganosserealizóesteestudiodescriptivotransversalenlapoblacióndeestudiantesdemedicinade tres instituciones de educación superior de Barranquilla (Norte, Libre y San Martín) tomando una muestra aleatoria de 993 participantes. La información se obtuvo mediante unas encuestas autodiligenciadas. La población de estudiantes encuestados presentó una media de 25 años y desviación estándar de 11.82 años. La razón de estudiantes por nivel (básico-clínico) fue de 1.0:1. y larazóndemasculinidadfuede1,1:1.Conrespectoalconocimientoteóricoenlapoblaciónencuestada, seencontróunafrecuenciamodal derespuestasenelrangoderegularde69.8%yenelrangobueno de 19.7%. Al comparar el conocimiento con la institución educativa se encontró una diferencia significativaafavorde laUniversidadLibre,dondeelconocimientopositivocorrespondióal25.2%, con un chi cuadrado de 23.23 y un valor de p=0.0007, para 6 grados de libertad. Al comparar el conocimiento teórico entre los estudiantes del área básica con los del área clínica, estos últimos presentaron un mejor conocimiento (OR= 0.38 ICal 95% 0.27-0.53), con un chi cuadrado de 35.08 y p=0.0000. Con relación al marco legal, existe desconocimiento sobre las leyes que regulan la donaciónytrasplantedeórganos,ysepresentóuníndicededesconocimientode15:1.Lagranmayoría de los estudiantes encuestados desconoce la existencia del programa de donación y trasplante de órganos en Barranquilla (89.5%). Con respecto a la manera de obtener información sobre esta temática,el53.6%manifiestóquelahaadquiridoatravésdemediosmasivosdecomunicación,20.4% ha acudido a simposios o cursos sobre esta temática y el 12.7% ha consultado libros o revistas especializadassobreestetema. Los autores consideran ampliar la cátedra sobre donación y trasplante de órganos en los programas de salud de las instituciones educativas y mantener actualizados a los estudiantes a través de educacióncontinuadasobreestatemáticatantoaestudiantesdeláreadelasaludydeotrosprogramas académicos. Palabrasclave :Donación,trasplante,actitudes,conocimientos,encuesta. Abstract Theaimofthisstudywastodeterminetheattitudesandtoevaluatetheknowledgeofmedicalstudents of three (3) Universities (Norte, libre and san Martin) of Barranquilla, Colombia in relation to the donation and transplantation of organs. A cross-sectional study was designed in which a representative stratified random sample was selected of993participants.Thesourceofinformationwasastructuredquestionnaire.Thequestionnairewas adapted from Blanca, Frutos and Rosel with 29 questions, divided in three sections. The first section: personal achievemnt (6 items); the second section: evaluation of the knowledge on donation and transplants by means of questions of multiple selection (11 items); and third section: it evaluates the attitudes with scale type likert (12 items). The study was performed with the consent of the university centers. The ratio os students by level (basic-clinical) was of 1.0:1. With respect to the theoretical knowledge, 69,8% of the modal frequency were found to have a ranking of mediocre and 19,7% were found to belong in the good rank. When this level of knowledge was compared with that of the educative institution there was a significant difference in favor of the Libre University in wich the positive knowledge corresponds to the 25,2% (p=0,0007 for 6 dgrees of freedom). When comparing the theoreticalbetweenthestudentsoftheclinicalareawiththoseof basic(OR=0,38ICto95%o,27-0,53). With relation to the legal frame, a 15:1 index of ignorance exists on the laws that regulate the donation and transplant of organs. 895% of the participants do not know the existence of the program for the donation and transplantation of organs in Barranquilla. With respect to the manner of obtaining information on this theme, 53,6% was obtained by massive means of communication, 2-,4% in symposiums or courses and 12,7% from books por medical journals. Theauthorsrecommendrevisingandamplifyintheexistingmaterialinhealthprogrmasofeducational institutions involving the donation and transplantation of organs. Furthermore, we recommend keepingthestudentsintheareaofthehealthandotheracademicprogramsupdatethroughcontinued education on this theme. Key words: Donation, transplants, attitudes, knowledge, surveys
Utilização de questionários validados para mensurar a adesão ao tratamento da hipertensão arterial: uma revisão integrativa
Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar na produção científica da saúde coletiva quais questionários validados estão sendo utilizados para avaliar a adesão ao tratamento da hipertensão. Trata-se de uma Revisão Integrativa realizada nas bases de dados SciELO, MEDLINE e LILACS. Foram selecionados nove estudos que utilizaram sete questionários: Teste de Moriski-Green, Cuestionário de Valoración de Adherencia, Cuestionário MBG, Questionário QAM-Q, Teste de Haynes, Escala de Conductas em Salud e Hill-Bone compliance Scale. Concluímos que a avaliação da adesão ao tratamento da hipertensão ainda é campo aberto para pesquisa, os diferentes instrumentos utilizados têm suas limitações e não há um método ideal
The role of socio-economic status in depression: results from the COURAGE (aging survey in Europe)
Abstract Background Low socio-economic status (SES) has been found to be associated with a higher prevalence of depression. However, studies that have investigated this association have been limited in their national scope, have analyzed different components of SES separately, and have not used standardized definitions or measurements across populations. The aim of the current study was to evaluate the association between SES and depression across three European countries that represent different regions across Europe, using standardized procedures and measurements and a composite score for SES. Method Nationally-representative data on 10,800 individuals aged ≥18 from the Collaborative Research on Ageing in Europe (COURAGE) survey conducted in Finland, Poland and Spain were analyzed in this cross-sectional study. An adapted version of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview was used to identify the presence of depression, and SES was computed by using the combined scores of the total number of years educated (0–22) and the quintiles of the country-specific income level of the household (1–5). Multivariable logistic regression was used to assess the association between SES and depression. Results Findings reveal a significant association between depression and SES across all countries (p ≤ 0.001). After adjusting for confounders, the odds of depression were significantly decreased for every unit increase in the SES index for Finland, Poland and Spain. Additionally, higher education significantly decreased the odds for depression in each country, but income did not. Conclusion The SES index seems to predict depression symptomatology across European countries. Taking SES into account may be an important factor in the development of depression prevention strategies across Europe