9 research outputs found

    Mjerenje odstupanja od pravocrtnosti i okomitosti 2D mjernog sustava

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    U ovom radu utvrđena su odstupanja od pravocrtnosti i okomitosti dviju preciznih vodilica, smještenih na optičkom stolu u Laboratoriju za precizna mjerenja dužina na Fakultetu strojarstva i brodogradnje. U današnje doba, točna i precizna mjerenja vrlo su bitna u svim granama industrije. Zahtjevi industrije sve su veći te su poboljšanja mjernih alata neizbježna. U uvodnom dijelu rada opisane su tolerancije oblika i položaja, s posebnim naglaskom na pravocrtnosti i okomitost te su objašnjeni mjerni alati koji se koriste u radu. U eksperimentalnom dijelu rada, za mjerenjasu upotrijebljena dva različita mjerna alata: autokolimator i laserski mjerni sustav, odnosno interferometar. Mjerenja su ponovljena nekoliko puta, kroz vremenski period od nekoliko mjeseci, kako bi se kvalitetno mogla izraziti preciznost i stabilnost vođenja. Tijekom izvođenja mjerenja, utvrđeno je da pod u laboratoriju nije dovoljno krut, te je zbog toga u radu definiran i koliki utjecaj ta nedovoljna krutost poda ima na rezultate mjerenja

    Regulacija sile hidrauličke preše pomoću programa LabVIEW i uređaja NI-myRIO

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    U ovom završnom radu načinjen je eksperiment regulacije sile hidrauličke preše pomoću programa LabVIEW i uređaja NI myRIO. LabVIEW je grafički programski jezik namijenjen lakšem sakupljanju podataka iz ljudske okoline sa raznih instrumenata. Najčešće se koristi za prikupljanje, analizu i obradu podataka te kontrolu instrumenata i opreme. Programi rađeni pomoću LabVIEW alata nazivaju se Virtualni Instrumenti, skraćeno VI (engl. Virtual Instruments), jer njihov izgled i rad imitira stvarne instrumente. Svaki VI se sastoji od prednjeg panela i blok dijagrama. Prednji panel (engl. Front panel) namijenjen je za izradu grafičkog sučelja koji korisnik vidi kada je sustav pokrenut, a blok dijagram (engl. Block diagram) sadrži programske elemente preko kojih se odvija obrada podataka. S elektro-hidrauličkim servo sustavom povezan je uređaj NI myRIO na kojem se izvršava upravljački program za regulaciju sile hidrauličke preše primjenom servo ventila. NI myRIO je laboratorijski uređaj koji omogućuje izvršavanje algoritma u stvarnom realnom vremenu. Za vizualizaciju i nadzor rada elektro-hidrauličkog servo sustava koristi se prijenosno računalo na kojem se nalazi grafičko sučelje

    Straightness and squareness measurement on a 2D measurement system

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    U ovom radu utvrđena su odstupanja od pravocrtnosti i okomitosti dviju preciznih vodilica, smještenih na optičkom stolu u Laboratoriju za precizna mjerenja dužina na Fakultetu strojarstva i brodogradnje. U današnje doba, točna i precizna mjerenja vrlo su bitna u svim granama industrije. Zahtjevi industrije sve su veći te su poboljšanja mjernih alata neizbježna. U uvodnom dijelu rada opisane su tolerancije oblika i položaja, s posebnim naglaskom na pravocrtnosti i okomitost te su objašnjeni mjerni alati koji se koriste u radu. U eksperimentalnom dijelu rada, za mjerenjasu upotrijebljena dva različita mjerna alata: autokolimator i laserski mjerni sustav, odnosno interferometar. Mjerenja su ponovljena nekoliko puta, kroz vremenski period od nekoliko mjeseci, kako bi se kvalitetno mogla izraziti preciznost i stabilnost vođenja. Tijekom izvođenja mjerenja, utvrđeno je da pod u laboratoriju nije dovoljno krut, te je zbog toga u radu definiran i koliki utjecaj ta nedovoljna krutost poda ima na rezultate mjerenja.In this paper, straightness and squareness deviations of the two guides, located on the optical table in the Laboratory for precision length measurement at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, will be measured. In today’s world, accurate measurements are very important in all branches of the industry. Industry requirements are increasing and improvements in measuring tools are inevitable. The introductory part of the paper describes the tolerances of shape and position, with particular emphasis on straightness and squareness, and the measurement tools used in the work are explained. In the experimental part of the work, two different measuring tools were used for the measurement: autocollimator and laser measuring system, interferometer. Measurements were repeated several times over a period of several months, in order to qualitatively express the precision and stability of the guidance. During the measurement, it was found that the floor in the laboratory was not rigid enough and therefore the paper tries to find out how much impact the floor stiffness has on the measurement results

    Prospective Risk Assessment of Medicine Shortages in Europe and Israel: Findings and Implications

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    Introduction: While medicine shortages are complex, their mitigation is more of a challenge. Prospective risk assessment as a means to mitigate possible shortages, has yet to be applied equally across healthcare settings. The aims of this study have been to: 1) gain insight into risk-prevention against possible medicine shortages among healthcare experts; 2) review existing strategies for minimizing patient-health risks through applied risk assessment; and 3) learn from experiences related to application in practice. Methodology: A semi-structured questionnaire focusing on medicine shortages was distributed electronically to members of the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) Action 15105 (28 member countries) and to hospital pharmacists of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP) (including associated healthcare professionals). Their answers were subjected to both qualitative and quantitative analysis (Microsoft Office Excel 2010 and IBM SPSS Statistics®) with descriptive statistics based on the distribution of responses. Their proportional difference was tested by the chi-square test and Fisher's exact test for independence. Differences in the observed ordinal variables were tested by the Mann-Whitney or Kruskal-Wallis test. The qualitative data were tabulated and recombined with the quantitative data to observe, uncover and interpret meanings and patterns. Results: The participants (61.7%) are aware of the use of risk assessment procedures as a coping strategy for medicine shortages, and named the particular risk assessment procedure they are familiar with failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) (26.4%), root cause analysis (RCA) (23.5%), the healthcare FMEA (HFMEA) (14.7%), and the hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) (14.7%). Only 29.4% report risk assessment as integrated into mitigation strategy protocols. Risk assessment is typically conducted within multidisciplinary teams (35.3%). Whereas 14.7% participants were aware of legislation stipulating risk assessment implementation in shortages, 88.2% claimed not to have reported their findings to their respective official institutions. 85.3% consider risk assessment a useful mitigation strategy. Conclusion: The study indicates a lack of systematically organized tools used to prospectively analyze clinical as well as operationalized risk stemming from medicine shortages in healthcare. There is also a lack of legal instruments and sufficient data confirming the necessity and usefulness of risk assessment in mitigating medicine shortages in Europe. © Copyright © 2020 Miljković, Godman, Kovačević, Polidori, Tzimis, Hoppe-Tichy, Saar, Antofie, Horvath, De Rijdt, Vida, Kkolou, Preece, Tubić, Peppard, Martinez, Yubero, Haddad, Rajinac, Zelić, Jenzer, Tartar, Gitler, Jeske, Davidescu, Beraud, Kuruc-Poje, Haag, Fischer, Sviestina, Ljubojević, Markestad, Vujić-Aleksić, Nežić, Crkvenčić, Linnolahti, Ašanin, Duborija-Kovačević, Bochenek, Huys and Miljković

    Force control of a hydraulic press using LabVIEW program and NI-myRIO device

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    U ovom završnom radu načinjen je eksperiment regulacije sile hidrauličke preše pomoću programa LabVIEW i uređaja NI myRIO. LabVIEW je grafički programski jezik namijenjen lakšem sakupljanju podataka iz ljudske okoline sa raznih instrumenata. Najčešće se koristi za prikupljanje, analizu i obradu podataka te kontrolu instrumenata i opreme. Programi rađeni pomoću LabVIEW alata nazivaju se Virtualni Instrumenti, skraćeno VI (engl. Virtual Instruments), jer njihov izgled i rad imitira stvarne instrumente. Svaki VI se sastoji od prednjeg panela i blok dijagrama. Prednji panel (engl. Front panel) namijenjen je za izradu grafičkog sučelja koji korisnik vidi kada je sustav pokrenut, a blok dijagram (engl. Block diagram) sadrži programske elemente preko kojih se odvija obrada podataka. S elektro-hidrauličkim servo sustavom povezan je uređaj NI myRIO na kojem se izvršava upravljački program za regulaciju sile hidrauličke preše primjenom servo ventila. NI myRIO je laboratorijski uređaj koji omogućuje izvršavanje algoritma u stvarnom realnom vremenu. Za vizualizaciju i nadzor rada elektro-hidrauličkog servo sustava koristi se prijenosno računalo na kojem se nalazi grafičko sučelje.In this final thesis an experiment of hydraulic press force control using LabVIEW program and NI myRIO device has been made. LabVIEW is a graphical programming language designed to facilitate the collection of human-environment data from various instruments. It is most commonly used for data acquisition, analysis and processing, as well as for instrument and equipment control. Programs built in LabVIEW are called VIs (Virtual Instruments) because their appearance and operation imitate physical instruments. Every VI is composed of Front Panel and Block Diagram. Front panel is intended for creating a graphical interface that the user can see when the system is running, while block diagram contains program elements through which data processing takes place. An electro-hydraulic servo system is connected to the NI myRIO device, where a hydraulic press force control is performed using the servo valve. NI myRIO is a laboratory device that enables real-time algorithm execution. A computer with a graphical interface is used to visualize and monitor the work of the electro-hydraulic servo system

    Force control of a hydraulic press using LabVIEW program and NI-myRIO device

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    U ovom završnom radu načinjen je eksperiment regulacije sile hidrauličke preše pomoću programa LabVIEW i uređaja NI myRIO. LabVIEW je grafički programski jezik namijenjen lakšem sakupljanju podataka iz ljudske okoline sa raznih instrumenata. Najčešće se koristi za prikupljanje, analizu i obradu podataka te kontrolu instrumenata i opreme. Programi rađeni pomoću LabVIEW alata nazivaju se Virtualni Instrumenti, skraćeno VI (engl. Virtual Instruments), jer njihov izgled i rad imitira stvarne instrumente. Svaki VI se sastoji od prednjeg panela i blok dijagrama. Prednji panel (engl. Front panel) namijenjen je za izradu grafičkog sučelja koji korisnik vidi kada je sustav pokrenut, a blok dijagram (engl. Block diagram) sadrži programske elemente preko kojih se odvija obrada podataka. S elektro-hidrauličkim servo sustavom povezan je uređaj NI myRIO na kojem se izvršava upravljački program za regulaciju sile hidrauličke preše primjenom servo ventila. NI myRIO je laboratorijski uređaj koji omogućuje izvršavanje algoritma u stvarnom realnom vremenu. Za vizualizaciju i nadzor rada elektro-hidrauličkog servo sustava koristi se prijenosno računalo na kojem se nalazi grafičko sučelje.In this final thesis an experiment of hydraulic press force control using LabVIEW program and NI myRIO device has been made. LabVIEW is a graphical programming language designed to facilitate the collection of human-environment data from various instruments. It is most commonly used for data acquisition, analysis and processing, as well as for instrument and equipment control. Programs built in LabVIEW are called VIs (Virtual Instruments) because their appearance and operation imitate physical instruments. Every VI is composed of Front Panel and Block Diagram. Front panel is intended for creating a graphical interface that the user can see when the system is running, while block diagram contains program elements through which data processing takes place. An electro-hydraulic servo system is connected to the NI myRIO device, where a hydraulic press force control is performed using the servo valve. NI myRIO is a laboratory device that enables real-time algorithm execution. A computer with a graphical interface is used to visualize and monitor the work of the electro-hydraulic servo system

    Force control of a hydraulic press using LabVIEW program and NI-myRIO device

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    U ovom završnom radu načinjen je eksperiment regulacije sile hidrauličke preše pomoću programa LabVIEW i uređaja NI myRIO. LabVIEW je grafički programski jezik namijenjen lakšem sakupljanju podataka iz ljudske okoline sa raznih instrumenata. Najčešće se koristi za prikupljanje, analizu i obradu podataka te kontrolu instrumenata i opreme. Programi rađeni pomoću LabVIEW alata nazivaju se Virtualni Instrumenti, skraćeno VI (engl. Virtual Instruments), jer njihov izgled i rad imitira stvarne instrumente. Svaki VI se sastoji od prednjeg panela i blok dijagrama. Prednji panel (engl. Front panel) namijenjen je za izradu grafičkog sučelja koji korisnik vidi kada je sustav pokrenut, a blok dijagram (engl. Block diagram) sadrži programske elemente preko kojih se odvija obrada podataka. S elektro-hidrauličkim servo sustavom povezan je uređaj NI myRIO na kojem se izvršava upravljački program za regulaciju sile hidrauličke preše primjenom servo ventila. NI myRIO je laboratorijski uređaj koji omogućuje izvršavanje algoritma u stvarnom realnom vremenu. Za vizualizaciju i nadzor rada elektro-hidrauličkog servo sustava koristi se prijenosno računalo na kojem se nalazi grafičko sučelje.In this final thesis an experiment of hydraulic press force control using LabVIEW program and NI myRIO device has been made. LabVIEW is a graphical programming language designed to facilitate the collection of human-environment data from various instruments. It is most commonly used for data acquisition, analysis and processing, as well as for instrument and equipment control. Programs built in LabVIEW are called VIs (Virtual Instruments) because their appearance and operation imitate physical instruments. Every VI is composed of Front Panel and Block Diagram. Front panel is intended for creating a graphical interface that the user can see when the system is running, while block diagram contains program elements through which data processing takes place. An electro-hydraulic servo system is connected to the NI myRIO device, where a hydraulic press force control is performed using the servo valve. NI myRIO is a laboratory device that enables real-time algorithm execution. A computer with a graphical interface is used to visualize and monitor the work of the electro-hydraulic servo system

    Straightness and squareness measurement on a 2D measurement system

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    U ovom radu utvrđena su odstupanja od pravocrtnosti i okomitosti dviju preciznih vodilica, smještenih na optičkom stolu u Laboratoriju za precizna mjerenja dužina na Fakultetu strojarstva i brodogradnje. U današnje doba, točna i precizna mjerenja vrlo su bitna u svim granama industrije. Zahtjevi industrije sve su veći te su poboljšanja mjernih alata neizbježna. U uvodnom dijelu rada opisane su tolerancije oblika i položaja, s posebnim naglaskom na pravocrtnosti i okomitost te su objašnjeni mjerni alati koji se koriste u radu. U eksperimentalnom dijelu rada, za mjerenjasu upotrijebljena dva različita mjerna alata: autokolimator i laserski mjerni sustav, odnosno interferometar. Mjerenja su ponovljena nekoliko puta, kroz vremenski period od nekoliko mjeseci, kako bi se kvalitetno mogla izraziti preciznost i stabilnost vođenja. Tijekom izvođenja mjerenja, utvrđeno je da pod u laboratoriju nije dovoljno krut, te je zbog toga u radu definiran i koliki utjecaj ta nedovoljna krutost poda ima na rezultate mjerenja.In this paper, straightness and squareness deviations of the two guides, located on the optical table in the Laboratory for precision length measurement at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, will be measured. In today’s world, accurate measurements are very important in all branches of the industry. Industry requirements are increasing and improvements in measuring tools are inevitable. The introductory part of the paper describes the tolerances of shape and position, with particular emphasis on straightness and squareness, and the measurement tools used in the work are explained. In the experimental part of the work, two different measuring tools were used for the measurement: autocollimator and laser measuring system, interferometer. Measurements were repeated several times over a period of several months, in order to qualitatively express the precision and stability of the guidance. During the measurement, it was found that the floor in the laboratory was not rigid enough and therefore the paper tries to find out how much impact the floor stiffness has on the measurement results

    Analysis of the use of certified seeds оn family farms in the republic of Serbia

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    Seed quality, which is the basis of crop production, is one of the main factors that determines yield, product quality and production stability as a whole. According to various estimates, the use of certified seeds in the Republic of Serbia has been declining in recent years, which brings with it numerous risks in production. The aim of this paper was to analyze the state of use of certified wheat, soybean and alfalfa seeds on family agricultural farms, but also to assess that the use of certified seeds in production is related to the physical size of the farm. For the purposes of this research, data from a survey conducted in 2021 and 2022 were used, and included 2101 agricultural farms engaged in the production of wheat, soybeans and alfalfa. Farm surveys were conducted according to a specially created questionnaire, which enabled a methodical way of collecting data from respondents selected in the sampling process. Descriptive statistics methods were used for data processing, and the obtained results were presented tabularly and graphically. The results of the research showed that 62.5% of surveyed farms engaged in the production of wheat on their production areas use certified seeds of this crop and that these are mostly farms with a size of 50 to 100 ha. Certified soybean seeds are used by 52.3%, while certified alfalfa seeds are used by 75.6% of farms producing these crops, which have up to 50 ha or more than 50 ha of used agricultural land. On the other hand, only 4.4% of farms declared that they do not use certified seeds in wheat production, 11.2% of the total number of surveyed soybean producers do not use certified seeds, while 13.4% of surveyed farms base their alfalfa production on non-certified seeds. In terms of farm size, these are mainly farms with up to 10 ha, or less than 5 ha of used agricultural land. At the same time, the survey analyzed the reasons for using uncertified seeds. The high price of certified seed is a limiting factor for 61.8% of farms that produce wheat, 60.3% of soybean producers and 43.3% of surveyed farms that grow alfalfa. The second most significant limiting factor is the belief that seeds from own production of wheat (19.7%), soybeans (13.6%) and alfalfa (33.0%) are of better quality than certified seeds. From the obtained research results, it can be concluded that there is a need to educate agricultural producers about the importance of using certified seeds, which is reflected in long-term business, and not only through the analysis of one-year results, which in some seasons indicate greater savings by avoiding investments in certified seeds