295 research outputs found

    Additional Species of Fungi Isolated from the Antarctic Materials

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    From the Antarctic materials, the following fungi were isolated. Aspergillus repens, Asp. restrictus, Penicillium adametzi, Pen. canescens. Pen. charlesii, Pen. corylophilum, Pen. crustosum, Botryotrichum piluliferum, Chrysosporium pannorum, Ch. verrucosum, Dendryphiella salina, Monodictys austrina and Mucor mucedo. Among them, Dendryphiella salina was isolated from many samples and its relationship to the marine environments was discussed; a new species, Monodictys austrina, was also described

    Teleomorph and Anamorph Relationships in Marine Ascomycetes (Halosphaeriaceae)

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    Studies of the halosphaeriaceous fungi revealed six teleomorph-anamorph relationships: Corollospora pulchella - Clavariopsis bulbosa, Corollospora luteola - Sigmoidea luteola, Corollospora intermedia - Varicosporina sp., Halosphaeria mediosetigera - Trichocladium achrasporum, Halosphaeria cucullata – Periconia prolifica and Lindra obtusa - Anguillospora marina. A number of characters have been used in the taxonomy of the Halosphaeriaceae. Recently, particular attention has been devoted to ascospore appendage ontogeny. ln this paper we examine ascospore ontogeny, conidial development of anamorphs and the peridial structure of the ascocarps. The latter, along with ascospore appendage ontogeny, have been found to be stable characters and can be used in the separation of genera within the Halosphaeriaceae. In addition, the geographical distribution of several marine fungi was found to be related to their morphs as follows; those strains with only teleomorphs are distributed in the lower temperature regions, those with anamorphs only in the higher temperature regions while those with teleomorphs and anamorphs are distributed in the intermediate regions. Seasonal alternation of morphs was also observed in C. intermedia; the teleomorph occurring predominantly during the winter and the anamorph during spring through to the autumn

    Observations on Haemagogus janthinomys Dyar (Diptera: Culicidae) and other mosquito populations within tree holes in a gallery forest in the northwestern region of Sao Paulo state, Brazil

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    In 2000, an outbreak of sylvatic yellow fever possibly occurred in gallery forests of the Grande river in the Paraná basin in the northwestern region of São Paulo state. The aim of this study was to obtain information on the bionomics of Haemagogus and other mosquitoes inside tree holes in that area. Eighteen open tree holes were sampled for immature specimens. Adults were collected twice a month in the forest in Santa Albertina county from July 2000 to June 2001. The seasonal frequency of fourth instars was obtained by the Williams geometric mean (Mw), while the adult frequency was estimated either by hourly arithmetic or the Williams' means. Cole's index was applied to evaluate larval inter-specific associations. Among the ten mosquito species identified, the most abundant was Aedes terrens Walker followed by Sabethes tridentatus Cerqueira and Haemagogus janthinomys Dyar. Larval and adult abundance of these species was higher in summer than in winter. Although larval abundance of Hg. janthinomys peaked in the rainy season, correlation with rainfall was not significant. Six groups of larval associations were distinguished, one of which the most positively stable. The Hg. janthinomys and Ae. terrens association was significant, and Limatus durhamii Theobald was the species with most negative associations

    Estudos em monitoramento entomológico: mudanças na freqüência de mosquitos em habitats ripários da usina hidroelétrica de Igarapava, Sudeste do Brasil

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    Diversity of mosquito species was evaluated in different habitats before and after the Igarapava reservoir flooding in the Grande River, Southern Cerrado of Brazil. We aimed at verifying changes in these mosquito populations in consequence of the lake formation. Four habitats were selected as sampling stations: peridomiciliary habitat, pasture, "veredas" and gallery forest patch. Bimonthly collections were made with the Shannon trap and human bait, including diurnal, crepuscular and nocturnal period of mosquito activity. The Shannon Index results from the potential vectors were compared using Student t-test. Aedes scapularis, Anopheles darlingi and An. albitarsis senso latu seasonal abundance were described with moving average and compared using chi2 test. There were changes in the mosquito frequency in the habitats, except for the "veredas" that was 13 km away from the catchment area. The altering in mosquito species seasonal abundance suggests breeding places expansion. Diversity indexes can be used to monitor changes in mosquito vector population in environments where abrupt disturbance can alter disease transmission cycles.Avaliou-se a diversidade de mosquitos em diferentes habitats antes e depois da formação do reservatório de Igarapava no Rio Grande, Cerrado do Sudeste do Brasil, com objetivo de verificar alteração nessas populações de mosquitos. Quatro habitats foram selecionados como sítios de coleta: a) peridomicílio rural, b) pastagem, c) veredas e d) mata ciliar. Realizaram-se coletas bimestrais com isca humana e armadilha de Shannon, incluindo períodos de atividade culicídea diurna, crepuscular vespertina e noturna. Os resultados do Índice de Shannon para os potenciais vetores nos diferentes habitats foram comparados pelo teste t de Student. As abundâncias sazonais de Aedes scapularis, Anopheles darlingi e Anopheles albitarsis s.l., foram descritas com a média móvel e comparadas com o teste chi2. Houve alteração nas freqüências dos mosquitos nos habitats, com exceção das veredas, que estavam afastadas 13 km da área de influência do reservatório. A modificação nas abundâncias sazonais dos potenciais vetores sugere o incremento de criadouros após a formação do reservatório. Índices de diversidade são ferramentas úteis para monitorar populações de mosquitos vetores em ambientes cujas mudanças drásticas podem alterar ciclos de transmissão de doenças transmitidas por vetores

    A chegada da Forever 21 no Brasil representa um Ponto de Virada no mercado das Lojas Riachuelo?

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Comunicação, Departamento de Audiovisuais e Publicidade, 2014.Utilizando o conceito de Ponto de Virada, apresentado por Malcolm Gladwell (2009), o presente trabalho se propõe a estudar o mercado de lojas de departamento no Brasil com o recorte de duas marcas: as Lojas Riachuelo, de origem brasileira, e a Forever 21, empresa norteamericana que chegou ao país em março de 2014. A fim de estudar o Ponto de Virada que resultou no reposicionamento da marca Riachuelo e na chegada da Forever 21 no Brasil, utilizamos como base conceitos relacionados a tendências, branding, ponto de venda, entre outros. Também foi feito um levantamento histórico das duas empresas e uma pesquisa de campo em uma loja de cada marca. Percorrendo esse caminho, ao final do trabalho foi possível “desenhar” o Ponto de Virada investigado utilizando três fatores principais: o aumento no poder aquisitivo das classes sociais B e C, a expansão do consumo no Brasil e o crescimento do mercado de varejo do país

    Out of the rivers: are some aquatic hyphomycetes plant endophytes?

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    Ingoldian fungi, or aquatic hyphomycetes, are asexual microfungi, mostly ascomycetes, commonly occurring in running freshwater. They grow on dead plant material, such as leaves and twigs, and play a major role in nutrient flows in stream ecosystems (Bärlocher, 1992). They were discovered and first extensively studied by Ingold (1942) and were thus named "Ingoldian" fungi. Ingold described their abundant multicellular asexual spores of sigmoid or, more typically, tetraradiate shape (Fig. 1). He recognized that they probably arose from multiple convergent evolutions, by secondary adaptation to aquatic life, as recently confirmed by molecular markers (Belliveau & Bärlocher, 2005; Baschien et al., 2006). Because of their apparent lack of sexuality, Ingoldian species were placed in asexual genera, such as Tricladium or Tetracladium, based on conidial morphology and/or mode of conidiogenesis. Unexpectedly, several lines of evidence now suggest that some Ingoldian fungi are also plant endophytes, that is, they grow in plants without producing symptoms.[...

    One Fungus = One Name: DNA and fungal nomenclature twenty years after PCR

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    Some fungi with pleomorphic life-cycles still bear two names despite more than 20 years of molecular phylogenetics that have shown how to merge the two systems of classification, the asexual “Deuteromycota” and the sexual “Eumycota”. Mycologists have begun to flout nomenclatorial regulations and use just one name for one fungus. The International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN) must change to accommodate current practice or become irrelevant. The fundamental difference in the size of fungi and plants had a role in the origin of dual nomenclature and continues to hinder the development of an ICBN that fully accommodates microscopic fungi. A nomenclatorial crisis also looms due to environmental sequencing, which suggests that most fungi will have to be named without a physical specimen. Mycology may need to break from the ICBN and create a MycoCode to account for fungi known only from environmental nucleic acid sequence (i.e. ENAS fungi)