94 research outputs found


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    Tekanan darah merupakan faktor yang penting pada sistem sirkulasi. Perubahan atau peningkatan tekanan darah pada perawat dapat menimbulkan gangguan sirkulasi jantung yang memengaruhi kesehatan perawat. Hasil studi pendahuluan menunjukkan perawat di tiga shift kerja yang berbeda memiliki hasil tekanan darah yang berbeda, terutama perawat yang bekerja pada shift kerja malam mengalami tekanan darah prehipertensi. Tekanan darah pada perawat dapat dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor faktor pekerjaan (shift dan kelelahan kerja). Penelitian ini dilakukan pada perawat di Rumah Sakit X yang berlokasi di Provinsi Jawa Timur. Penelitian dilakukan pada Januari-Februari 2023. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis hubungan shift kerja dan kelelahan kerja dengan tekanan darah pada perawat. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional analitik dengan desain studi cross-sectional. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah perawat yang bekerja pada sistem kerja 3 shift sebanyak 137 orang. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan proportional random sampling dengan jumlah sampel 102 orang. Data diperoleh dengan mengukur kelelahan kerja menggunakan kuesioner IFRC, dan tekanan darah diukur setelah bekerja oleh perawat menggunakan sphygmomanometer digital. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji korelasi Spearman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata tekanan darah perawat yaitu prehipertensi. Terdapat hubungan yang kuat antara kelelahan kerja (r=0,659) dengan tekanan darah. Sedangkan shift kerja dengan tekanan darah memiliki hubungan yang lemah (r=0,259). Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah shift kerja malam dan kelelahan kerja tinggi dapat menyebabkan tekanan darah yang tinggi pada perawat di Rumah Sakit X

    Determination of Safe Benzene Concentration at Ciputat Gas Station

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    Benzene is a simple cyclic organic compounds whose concentrations are found usually low dilikungan. Benzene is often used in the industrial world, both home industry and the oil and gas industry. Benzene can enter into the body through the lungs, it can be through inhalation, gastrointestinal tract, and through the skin, If someone exposed to benzene at high concentrations, the levels of benzene into the lungs roughly half of the levels of benzene is absorbed, so that the incoming kealiran blood. This research is descriptive. The population in this study is a gas station worker Ciputat region totaling 10 people. The results of the study then analyzed quantitatively to determine the concentration secure benzene for workers obtained from the data concentration of benzene in the workplace, height workers, the weight of workers, heavy mice, respiration rate workers, time spent working, the surface area of the worker's body surface area the body oflaboratory mice, the highest dose of the toxin no effects in animal experiments (NOAEL), Km factors in animals (animal Km), Km factors in workers (Human Km), and the safe limit for workers toxin dose (SHD). The results of measurement of the concentration of benzene in petrol stations in the region Ciputat is 0,58mg I m3 (0.18 ppm), which means it is still below the Threshold Limit Value (TLV) according Permenakertrans 13 I MEN IX I 2011, the year 2011 is equal to 0, 5 ppm. In contrast to the NAB which have been set at 0.18 ppm, based on manual calculations for safe concentration limit of benzene obtained value of 0.02 ppm


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    ABSTRACT Dust exposure received by workers can affect workers’s pulmonary function and health condition affected by many factors. This observation conducted on construction. The purpose of this research was identify description about pulmonary function and smoking habit at construction workers. Researcher used cross sectional study. The sample of this research was total population of finishing workers as much as 18 workers who doing construction project in Surabaya . Measurement of dust concentration conducted on three poin, by source of the dust, where workers are working and the outmost point. Research used questionnaires, measurement and inspection. The result of pulmonary function showed that six workers had lung function disorder. Pulmonary function measurement at workers used FEV1 and FVC to be the parameter. The result of measurement on point A is 1.6865 mg/m3, on point B is 1.3227 mg/m3 and on point C is 1.0625 mg/m3. Many workers complained that they felt cough in the morning and suffered about eyes irritation. Based on the result of pulmonary function measurement, the conclution is 4 workers had light obstruction and 2 workers had light restriction. Based on measurement, the average of total dust in the project area is 1.3425 mg/m3. Lung function disorder caused by smoking habit. The workers could stop smoking habit and reduce amount. Keywords: pulmonary function, dust, smoking, constructio

    Quantitative Risk Assesment of Crystalline Silica Exposure in Ceramics Industry

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    Crystalline silica can be found in Ceramics Industry. Ceramics are basically made of clay, feldspar and silica sand. Ceramics manufacturing process starts from the processing of materials, forming, drying, burning and gazing. Crystalline silica consists of three types of quartz, tridymite and cristobalite which are distinguished by their forming temperature. Crystaline silica dust is very dangerous for health workers are exposed continuously it can cause a silicosis. Prevention and control efforts can be done one of them by conducting a risk analysis study on crystalline silica exposure. In this research will be discussed about the analysis of crystalline silica exposure into production workers in the ceramics industry. The purpose of this study was to assess the risk level of crystalline silica due to silicosis. Subjects in this study were 47 production workers with the exposure to crystalline silica between 0,007 – 0,4 mg / m 3 . From the result of risk analysis, it was found that 42,6% of workers had unsafe risk which was confirmed by radiology examination was 6,4% of workers with abnormal condition. Complaints experienced by workers include shortness of breath, cough and phlegm. Long term exposure to 5-20 years to the next tends to increase the risk of the effects caused by exposure to crystalline silica. Based on the results of this study it is recommended that decision makers take action to implement effective risk management strategies to prevent the long-term effects of crystalline silica exposure to the workplace

    Health Risk Characteristic Due to Air Pollution Exposure in Shoe Soles Workers (around Bubutan Road in Surabaya city)

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    Abstract: Risk characterization is end of the risk assessment process. Toxin agent can enter the human body by inhalation process, skin (dermis) and digestion process. The objectives of this research is to determine risk characterization of exposure to air pollutans on the health of sole services worker. This study was an observational study with cross sectional approach. 25 people of this sampel study were the total population. Independent variabels were age, weight, lenght of work in this sector, lenght of exposure time, number of working days. Dependent variabels were the concentration of CO, SO2 and NO2. Data were analyzed descriptively and the result of the data would be narrated and shown on the frequency table. Result the exposure assessment of carbon monoxide parameter on sole services workers were gotten the highest intake value was 0.2028 mg/kg/day and the lowest value was 0.0085 mg/kg/day, sulfur dioxide parameter on sole services worker were gotten the highest intake value was 0.0004028 mg/kg/day and the lowest value was 0.0000169 mg/kg/day, nitrogen dioxide parameter on sole services worker were gotten the highest intake value was 0.01238 mg/kg/day and the lowest value was 0.00051 mg/kg/day. Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that RQ < 1 showed that air quality is still safe. But, in fact is still founded the lamentation of the health disruption and the uncomfort air condition arround the survey area. Research of Refferences of Concentration (RfC) will be needed, especially for CO, SO2 and NO2 parameter fi t of the characteristic of Indonesian people and especially informal sector worker in Surabaya. Keywords: Risk Quotient, Exposure of CO, SO2 and NO2, Worker

    Observation of adverse effect on level ammonia through expression of CD8 lymphocyte in mice

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    Introduction: The production of ammonia has been increasing over the past few years. Unfortunately, the production does not follow the safety control of ammonia on workers. Indonesia still adopts chemical standard from other countries. Therefore, it requires an ammonia standard at the highest dose without effect or no observed adverse effect level (NOAEL) in the workplace. This research aims to determine standard at the highest dose of without effect through the expression of CD8 cells as well as analysis of histological alteration CD8 lymphocyte between exposed to ammonia group and control. Methods: The study was a laboratory experimental research with a post-test only control group design. The research used Rattus novergicus species as many as 24. NOAEL was determined by middle dose with a location between the smallest and the largest dose. The doses of ammonia were given through inhalation. The histological alteration of CD8 between ammonia in exposed and the control group were analyzed by using the Kruskal Wallis test. Results: NOAEL was found through CD8 located in group 3 with 0.0154 dose mg/kg body weight. There was a differential expression of CD8 lymphocyte cells in the white mice lung between exposed to ammonia group and control (p=0.042). Conclusion: The expression of CD8 lymphocyte cells in the white mice lung exposed to ammonia differs significantly with the number of the expression of CD8 lymphocyte cells in white mice lung at control group. NOAEL was 0.0154 mg/kg body weight of white mice

    Risk Assessment, Risk Management, and Risk Communication of Welding Work at PT Dok and Perkapalan Surabaya (Persero)

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    PT Dok dan Perkapalan Surabaya Is one of the manufacturing industry sectors in which operational activities can cause accidents and work-related illnesses such as the activities of joining the ship's hull parts, namely the welding process. The risk of welding work needs to be done risk management to determine the prevention of possible work accidents through Risk Assessment activities which are then communicated to all parties. The purpose of this study is to identify hazards, conduct risk assessments and study risk control on welding work. This research is a descriptive study with an observational approach. From the results of the risk assessment of the 3 stages with 7 job descriptions, the percentage of risk categories was obtained, namely high risk 43% and medium risk 57%, and there was no low risk category Control carried out as part of risk management went well but residual risk remained so need a strong commitment from human resources or management and awareness of the workers on the use of personal protective equipment in every work. Risk communication is carried out through coaching or training, conducting safety induction, safety talk, Safety campaigns such as the activity of installing banners, posters, conducting meetings of the Health and Safety Guidance Committee at the end of each month to discuss the problems that occur and make improvements


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    There are millions of workplace accidents in the world with the loss of hundreds of billions annually. One of the direct causes of accidents due to unsafe action. It stems from the lack of control by the management and the basic causes in the form of individual factors. This study is conducted to look at the factors correlated with unsafe action in the Department of Rolling Mill PT. X Sidoarjo. The research was conducted by observation using cross-sectional design and a quantitative approach. Questionnaires were administered to 70 respondents who were drawn using simple random sampling technique. The variables studied were safety inspection, knowledge, and unsafe action. Data was presented in the form of frequency distributions and cross-tabulations then statistically analyzed using Spearman correlation. The study was conducted using α of 0.05. The results showed that the respondents had a good knowledge, safety inspection in PT. X had been executed well, and had a lower category of unsafe action. There were a correlation between knowledge with unsafe action (p= 0.028; r= -0.262), and a correlation between safety inspection with unsafe action (p= 0.015; r= -0.288). It can be concluded that the higher knowledge and safety inspection, the unsafe action would be lower. Keywords: knowledge, safety inspection, unsafe actio

    Hubungan Stres dengan Risiko Penyakit Kardiovaskuler pada Perawat Rumah Sakit

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    Perawat merupakan profesi yang memiliki tingkat stres yang tinggi. Stres yang tinggi diduga berperan menimbulkan penyakit kardiovakuler. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisa hubungan stres kerja dengan risiko penyakit kardiovakuler. Rancangan penelitian cross sectional. Responden adalah seluruh perawat Rumah Sakit Islam Malang sebanyak 84 orang. Uji Chi Square digunakan untuk mengetahui hubungan tingkat stres kerja dengan risiko penyakit kardiovaskuler.Sebagian besar perawat memiliki stres yang tidak normal yaitu sebesar 72,6% atau 61 perawat. Sebagian besar memiliki risiko yang rendah yaitu sebanyak 90,5% atau 76 orang. Jumlah perawat yang memiliki stres tidak normal mempunyai risiko penyakit kardiovakuler yang lebih tinggi yaitu 11,5% dibandingkan perawat yang memiliki stres normal yaitu 4,3%. Hasil uji Chi Square nilai signifikansinya adalah 0,321 artinya lebih besar dari 0,05 sehingga dapat disimpulkan tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna antara tingkat stres kerja dengan risiko penyakit kardiovakuler

    Analysis of Factors Related to the Fatigue of Work on the Part of Production Workers at Pt. X Wonogiri

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    Work fatigue was feeling fatigued and discomfort the body related to work activities in a long time. The manifestation of a sense of weary marked with increasing concentration of blood lactic acid. Work fatigue is one of the problems for the health and safety of workers. PT. X is a manufacturer of traditional medicines (herbal) of high quality and cutting edge located in Wonogiri. Information from the company's clinics showed that each day approximately 10 people complaining of tired workers. This research aims to analyze the factors related to work fatigue using indicators increase in blood lactic acid concentration on production worker PT. X at the packaging. This research is quantitative research with cross sectional design research that was carried out in December to January 2014-2015. The research results obtained from 40 respondents, respondents overall increase blood concentration of lactic acid. Job factors i.e. time is working with great value relationships is highest at the onset of fatigue of working with indicator of the increase in the concentration of blood lactic acid, this is indicated by the value of the Sign. 0,061, through calculations with SPSS Regression logistic. The suggested recommendations in the management, namely providing facilities against worker like gymnastics with physical freshness for workers to maintain fitness nutritional, socialization work workers that reduces fatigue by giving sufficient caloric intake and socialization of ergonomics that reducing tiredness with attitude and an ergonomic way of working. Keywords: job Burnout, lactic acid, production worker