160 research outputs found

    Microparticle release in remote ischemic conditioning mechanism

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    Remote ischemic conditioning (RCond) induced by short periods of ischemia and reperfusion of an organ or tissue before myocardial reperfusion is an attractive strategy of cardioprotection in the context of acute myocardial infarction. Nonetheless, its mechanism remains unknown. A humoral factor appears to be involved, although its identity is currently unknown. We hypothesized that the circulating microparticles (MPs) are the link between the remote tissue and the heart. MPs from rats and healthy humans undergoing RCond were characterized. In rats, RCond was induced by 10 min of limb ischemia. In humans, RCond was induced by three cycles of 5-min inflation and 5-min deflation of a blood-pressure cuff. In the second part of the study, rats underwent 40 min myocardial ischemia followed by 2 h reperfusion. Infarct size was measured and compared among three groups of rats: 1) myocardial infarction alone (MI) (n = 6); 2) MI + RCond started 20 min after coronary ligation (n = 6); and 3) MI + injection of RCond-derived rat MPs (MI + MPs) (n = 5). MPs from endothelial cells (CD54(+) and CD146(+) for rats and humans, respectively) and procoagulant MPs (Annexin V(+)) markedly increased after RCond, both in rats and humans. RCond reduced infarct size (24.4 ± 5.9% in MI + RCond vs. 54.6 ± 4.7% in MI alone; P < 0.01). Infarct size did not decrease in MI + MPs compared with MI alone (50.2 ± 6.4% vs. 54.6 ± 4.7%, not significantly different). RCond increased endothelium-derived and procoagulant MPs in both rats and humans. However, MP release did not appear to be a biological vector of RCond in our model

    Circulating microparticles from patients with obstructive sleep apnea enhance vascular contraction: mandatory role of the endothelium

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    Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is characterized by repetitive apnea-hypopnea cycles during sleep associated with oxygen desaturation and sleep disruption. We evaluated the role of circulating microparticles (MPs) from patients with OSA in the regulation of vascular function. MPs from whole blood from patients with OSA or control subjects were injected i.v. into mice. Injection of MPs from patients with OSA induced ex vivo vascular hyperreactivity in aortas with functional endothelium but, in contrast, hyporeactivity in vessels without functional endothelium. Vascular hyperreactivity was blunted in the presence of a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor alone or combined with the cyclooxygenase inhibitor indomethacin. MPs from patients with OSA reduced endothelial nitric oxide synthase activity and nitric oxide production, increased aortic cyclooxygenase-1 and cyclooxygenase-2 expression, and increased thromboxane A(2) and prostacyclin production. Blockade of thromboxane A(2) receptor did not affect the serotonin response in arteries from OSA MP-treated mice. A superoxide dismutase mimetic reduced the vascular hyperreactivity induced by MPs from patients with OSA but had no effect on contraction in vessels from control and non-OSA MP-treated mice. These data provide evidence that circulating MPs from patients with OSA induce ex vivo vascular hyperreactivity with the obligatory role of the endothelium and subtle interactions between the nitric oxide and cyclooxygenase pathways and metabolites. These results highlight the participation of MPs in vascular dysfunction associated with OSA

    Nocturnal release of leukocyte-derived microparticles in males with obstructive sleep apnoea

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    Multiple pathophysiological mechanisms have been proposed to contribute to the increased cardiovascular morbidity in obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA), including autonomic dysfunction, inflammation, oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunction 1. Microparticles (MPs) are small membrane vesicles that are shed from circulating cells or from the components of the vessel wall in response to activation and apoptosis. There is growing evidence in support of a potential role of MPs in the field of cardiovascular diseases. Increased levels of MPs derived from various cell types are found in patients at risk of cardiovascular diseases 2. By modulating inflammation, coagulation, vasomotor reactivity and angiogenesis, MPs might directly contribute to cardiovascular diseases 2. Recent case–control studies suggest a potential involvement of MPs in OSA-associated cardiovascular morbidity 3–6. An increase in morning levels of MPs derived from activated leukocytes has been demonstrated in otherwise healthy male OSA patients with marked nocturnal desaturations 5. In vitro, nitric oxide (NO) production by endothelial cells incubated with MPs from OSA patients correlates negatively with circulating levels of activated leukocyte-derived MPs 5. Ex vivo, mice previously injected with MPs from OSA patients display endothelial dysfunction, reduced endothelial NO release and increased adhesion molecule expression 5

    Loss of endothelial endoglin promotes high-output heart failure through peripheral arteriovenous shunting driven by VEGF signaling

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    Rationale: ENG (endoglin) is a coreceptor for BMP (bone morphogenetic protein) 9/10 and is strongly expressed in endothelial cells. Mutations in ENG lead to the inherited vascular disorder hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia characterized by local telangiectases and larger arteriovenous malformations (AVMs); but how ENG functions to regulate the adult vasculature is not understood. Objective: The goal of the work was to determine how ENG maintains vessel caliber in adult life to prevent AVM formation and thereby protect heart function. Methods and Results: Genetic depletion of endothelial Eng in adult mice led to a significant reduction in mean aortic blood pressure. There was no evidence of hemorrhage, anemia, or AVMs in major organs to explain the reduced aortic pressure. However, large AVMs developed in the peripheral vasculature intimately associated with the pelvic cartilaginous symphysis—a noncapsulated cartilage with a naturally high endogenous expression of VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor). The increased blood flow through these peripheral AVMs explained the drop in aortic blood pressure and led to increased cardiac preload, and high stroke volumes, ultimately resulting in high-output heart failure. Development of pelvic AVMs in this region of high VEGF expression occurred because loss of ENG in endothelial cells leads to increased sensitivity to VEGF and a hyperproliferative response. Development of AVMs and associated progression to high-output heart failure in the absence of endothelial ENG was attenuated by targeting VEGF signaling with an anti-VEGFR2 (VEGF receptor 2) antibody. Conclusions: ENG promotes the normal balance of VEGF signaling in quiescent endothelial cells to maintain vessel caliber—an essential function in conditions of increased VEGF expression such as local hypoxia or inflammation. In the absence of endothelial ENG, increased sensitivity to VEGF drives abnormal endothelial proliferation in local regions of high VEGF expression, leading to AVM formation and a rapid injurious impact on heart function

    Living in several languages: Language, gender and identities

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    Living in several languages encompasses experiencing and constructing oneself differently in each language. The research study on which this article is based takes an intersectional approach to explore insider accounts of the place of language speaking in individuals’ constructions of self, family relationships and the wider context. Twenty-four research interviews and five published autobiographies were analysed using grounded theory, narrative and discursive analysis. A major finding was that learning a new language inducted individuals into somewhat ‘stereotyped’ gendered discourses and power relations within the new language, while also enabling them to view themselves differently in the context of their first language. This embodied process could be challenging and often required reflection and discursive work to negotiate the dissimilarities, discontinuities and contradictions between languages and cultures. However, the participants generally claimed that their linguistic multiplicity generated creativity. Women and men used their language differences differently to ‘perform their gender’. This was particularly evident in language use within families, which involved gendered differences in the choice of language for parenting – despite the fact that both men and women experience their first languages as conveying intimacy in their relationships with their children. The article argues that the notion of ‘mother tongue’ (rather than ‘first language’) is unhelpful in this process as well as in considering the implications of living in several languages for systemic therapy

    Modification of the GRACE Risk Score for Risk Prediction in Patients With Acute Coronary Syndromes

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    IMPORTANCE The Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events (GRACE) risk score, a guideline-recommended risk stratification tool for patients presenting with acute coronary syndromes (ACS), does not consider the extent of myocardial injury. OBJECTIVE To assess the incremental predictive value of a modified GRACE score incorporating high-sensitivity cardiac troponin (hs-cTn) T at presentation, a surrogate of the extent of myocardial injury. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS This retrospectively designed longitudinal cohort study examined 3 independent cohorts of 9803 patients with ACS enrolled from September 2009 to December 2017; 2 ACS derivation cohorts (Heidelberg ACS cohort and Newcastle STEMI cohort) and an ACS validation cohort (SPUM-ACS study). The Heidelberg ACS cohort included 2535 and the SPUM-ACS study 4288 consecutive patients presenting with a working diagnosis of ACS. The Newcastle STEMI cohort included 2980 consecutive patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction treated with primary percutaneous coronary intervention. Data were analyzed from March to June 2023. EXPOSURES In-hospital, 30-day, and 1-year mortality risk estimates derived from an updated risk score that incorporates continuous hs-cTn T at presentation (modified GRACE). MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES The predictive value of continuous hs-cTn T and modified GRACE risk score compared with the original GRACE risk score. Study end points were all-cause mortality during hospitalization and at 30 days and 1 year after the index event. RESULTS Of 9450 included patients, 7313 (77.4%) were male, and the mean (SD) age at presentation was 64.2 (12.6) years. Using continuous rather than binary hs-cTn T conferred improved discrimination and reclassification compared with the original GRACE score (in-hospital mortality: area under the receiver operating characteristic curve [AUC], 0.835 vs 0.741; continuous net reclassification improvement [NRI], 0.208; 30-day mortality: AUC, 0.828 vs 0.740; NRI, 0.312; 1-year mortality: AUC, 0.785 vs 0.778; NRI, 0.078) in the derivation cohort. These findings were confirmed in the validation cohort. In the pooled population of 9450 patients, modified GRACE risk score showed superior performance compared with the original GRACE risk score in terms of reclassification and discrimination for in-hospital mortality end point (AUC, 0.878 vs 0.780; NRI, 0.097), 30-day mortality end point (AUC, 0.858 vs 0.771; NRI, 0.08), and 1-year mortality end point (AUC, 0.813 vs 0.797; NRI, 0.056). CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE In this study, using continuous rather than binary hs-cTn T at presentation, a proxy of the extent of myocardial injury, in the GRACE risk score improved the mortality risk prediction in patients with ACS

    Increased microparticle production and impaired microvascular endothelial function in aldosterone-salt-treated rats: protective effects of polyphenols

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    We aimed to characterize circulating microparticles in association with arterial stiffness, inflammation and endothelial dysfunction in aldosterone-salt-induced hypertension in rats and to investigate the preventive effects of red wine polyphenols. Uninephrectomized male Sprague-Dawley rats were treated with aldosterone-salt (1 µg.h(-1)), with or without administration of either red wine polyphenols, Provinols™ (20 mg.kg(-1).day(-1)), or spironolactone (30 mg.kg(-1).day(-1)) for 4 weeks. Microparticles, arterial stiffness, nitric oxide (NO) spin trapping, and mesenteric arterial function were measured. Aldosterone-salt rats showed increased microparticle levels, including those originating from platelets, endothelium and erythrocytes. Hypertension resulted in enhanced aortic stiffness accompanied by increased circulating and aortic NO levels and an upregulation of aortic inducible NO-synthase, NFκB, superoxide anions and nitrotyrosine. Flow-induced dilatation was reduced in mesenteric arteries. These effects were prevented by spironolactone. Provinols™ did not reduce arterial stiffness or systolic hypertension but had effects similar to those of spironolactone on endothelial function assessed by flow-mediated vasodilatation, microparticle generation, aortic NO levels and oxidative stress and apoptosis in the vessel wall. Neither the contractile response nor endothelium-dependent relaxation in mesenteric arteries differed between groups. The in vivo effects of Provinols™ were not mediated by mineralocorticoid receptors or changes in shear stress. In conclusion, vascular remodelling and endothelial dysfunction in aldosterone-salt-mediated hypertension are associated with increased circulating microparticles. Polyphenols prevent the enhanced release of microparticles, macrovascular inflammation and oxidative stress, and microvascular endothelial dysfunction independently of blood pressure, shear stress and mineralocorticoid receptor activation in a model of hyperaldosteronism

    Transport of small anionic and neutral solutes through chitosan membranes: Dependence on cross-linking and chelation of divalent cations

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    Chitosan membranes were prepared by solvent casting and cross-linked with glutaraldehyde at several ratios under homogeneous conditions. The cross-linking degree, varying from 0 to 20%, is defined as the ratio between the total aldehyde groups and the amine groups of chitosan. Permeability experiments were conducted using a side-by-side diffusion cell to determine the flux of small molecules of similar size but with different chemical moieties, either ionized (benzoic acid, salicylic acid, and phthalic acid) or neutral (2-phenylethanol) at physiological pH. The permeability of the different model molecules revealed to be dependent on the affinity of those structurally similar molecules to chitosan. The permeability of the salicylate anion was significantly enhanced by the presence of metal cations commonly present in biological fluids, such as calcium and magnesium, but remained unchanged for the neutral 2-phenylethanol. This effect could be explained by the chelation of metal cations on the amine groups of chitosan, which increased the partition coefficient. The cross-linking degree was also correlated with the permeability and partition coefficient. The change in the permeation properties of chitosan to anionic solutes in the presence of these metallic cations is an important result and should be taken into consideration when trying to make in vitro predictions of the drug release from chitosan-based controlled release systems

    Role of the gap junctions in the contractile response to agonists in pulmonary artery from two rat models of pulmonary hypertension

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    International audienceBackground: Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is characterized by arterial vascular remodelling and alteration in vascular reactivity. Since gap junctions are formed with proteins named connexins (Cx) and contribute to vasoreactivity, we investigated both expression and role of Cx in the pulmonary arterial vasoreactivity in two rat models of PH. Methods: Intrapulmonary arteries (IPA) were isolated from normoxic rats (N), rats exposed to chronic hypoxia (CH) or treated with monocrotaline (MCT). RT-PCR, Western Blot and immunofluorescent labelling were used to study the Cx expression. The role of Cx in arterial reactivity was assessed by using isometric contraction and specific gap junction blockers. Contractile responses were induced by agonists already known to be involved in PH, namely serotonin, endothelin-1 and phenylephrine. Results: Cx 37, 40 and 43 were expressed in all rat models and Cx43 was increased in CH rats. In IPA from N rats only, the contraction to serotonin was decreased after treatment with 37-43Gap27, a specific Cx-mimetic peptide blocker of Cx 37 and 43. The contraction to endothelin-1 was unchanged after incubation with 40Gap27 (a specific blocker of Cx 40) or 37-43Gap27 in N, CH and MCT rats. In contrast, the contraction to phenylephrine was decreased by 40Gap27 or 37-43Gap27 in CH and MCT rats. Moreover, the contractile sensitivity to high potassium solutions was increased in CH rats and this hypersensitivity was reversed following 37-43Gap27 incubation. Conclusion: Altogether, Cx 37, 40 and 43 are differently expressed and involved in the vasoreactivity to various stimuli in IPA from different rat models. These data may help to understand alterations of pulmonary arterial reactivity observed in PH and to improve the development of innovative therapies according to PH aetiology