18 research outputs found

    Dostupnost a kvalita péče o duševní zdraví pro cizince v Praze

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    The topic of the present thesis is the accessibility and the quality of mental health care for foreigners in Prague. The theoretical part presents some of the principle topics from intercultural psychology that are related to mental health. Further, the phenomena associated with living abroad and with mental health of foreigners are discussed. Then follows a summary of the principle findings about a good practice in psychological and psychotherapeutic work with culturally and linguistically different clients. The theoretical part concludes with an overview of the present situation of the mental health care in the Czech Republic along with information about the regulations and options of mental health care for the foreign population. The empirical part presents a qualitative research which explores what experience have English and Russian-speaking foreigners with mental health services in Prague, and what are the main barriers that hinder their access to a good quality care. The sample was composed of two groups - clinical group (n=27) and non-clinical group (n=74). The data collection was mostly done via questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. The main findings from both groups identified eight principal barriers that adversely impact the accessibility and the quality of mental health care...Práce se zabývá tématem dostupnosti a kvality péče o duševní zdraví pro cizince, kteří žijí v Praze. Teoreticko-přehledová část rozebírá témata z oblasti interkulturní psychologie, která se vztahují k duševnímu zdraví. Zároveň jsou popsány některé typické fenomény, které souvisejí s duševním zdravím cizinců a s problematikou přistěhovalectví. Shrnuje také některé poznatky o dobré praxi psychologické a psychoterapeutické práce s kulturně a jazykově odlišnými klienty. V závěru je nastíněna současná situace péče o duševní zdraví v České republice a její souvislosti a důsledky pro péči pro cizince. Výzkumná část má formu kvalitativního výzkumu, jehož cílem bylo zmapovat, jaké jsou zkušenosti cizinců s péči o duševní zdraví v Praze, a s jakými překážkami se nejčastěji setkávají při jejich využívání. Výzkum byl zaměřen na anglicky a rusky hovořící populaci. Výzkumný vzorek sestával ze dvou skupin - klinické (clinical group; n=27) a neklinické (non- clinical group; n=74). Sběr dat probíhal především prostřednictvím dotazníků a polostrukturovaných rozhovorů. Výsledky z obou skupin identifikovaly osm základních bariér, které souvisejí s dostupností a kvalitou péče o duševní zdraví pro cizince. Zároveň byl sestaven seznam míst, kde cizinci mohou hledat dostupnou odbornou péči. Nejpodstatnější výstupy...Katedra psychologieDepartment of PsychologyFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    Sense of coherence, off-job crafting, and mental well-being: A path of positive health development

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    Our study examines the core concept of salutogenesis-sense of coherence (SOC)-in relation to off-job crafting (OJC) and mental well-being (MWB). The original salutogenic model of health mainly addresses the protective function of SOC against adversity. In our study, we focus on the recently proposed path of positive health development that captures how SOC can contribute to positive health and thriving. We present and test our theoretical assumptions about one such path, examining OJC as a possible mechanism how SOC translates into MWB. We tested our proposed model using cross-lagged panel model with three waves of panel data from Swiss and German employees (N = 2217). We compared our model to alternative nested models and conducted indirect effect analysis to test longitudinal mediation. Our hypothesized model fitted the data well and we found support for our main hypothesis that OJC partially mediates the relationship between SOC and MWB. Further, we identified positive reciprocal relationships between SOC and MWB, as well as between OJC and MWB. Overall, our study provides evidence that OJC is one mechanism underlying the recently postulated path of positive health development in the salutogenic model. For health promotion, this implies that promoting SOC and OJC may help to strengthen individual well-being and lead to positive feedback loops that foster personal development and thriving

    Helicopter Pilots’ Tasks, Subjective Workload, and the Role of External Visual Cues During Shipboard Landing

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    Helicopter shipboard landing is a cognitively complex task that is challenging both for pilots and their crew. Effective communication, accurate reading of the flight instruments, as well as monitoring of the external environment are crucial for a successful landing. In particular, the final phases of landing are critical as they imply high workload situations in an unstable environment with restricted space. In the present qualitative study, we interviewed ten helicopter pilots from the Italian Navy using an applied cognitive task analysis approach. We aimed to obtain a detailed description of the landing procedure, and to identify relevant factors that affect pilots’ workload, performance, and safety. Based on the content analysis of the interviews, we have identified six distinct phases of approaching and landing on a ship deck and four categories of factors that may significantly affect pilots’ performance and safety of the landing procedure. Consistent with previous studies, our findings suggest that external visual cueing is vital for a successful landing, in particular during the last phases of landing. Therefore, based on the pilots’ statements, we provide suggestions for possible improvements of external visual cues that have the potential to reduce pilots’ workload and improve the overall safety of landing operations

    Sense of coherence, off-job crafting, and mental well-being : A path of positive health development

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    Our study examines the core concept of salutogenesis-sense of coherence (SOC)-in relation to off-job crafting (OJC) and mental well-being (MWB). The original salutogenic model of health mainly addresses the protective function of SOC against adversity. In our study, we focus on the recently proposed path of positive health development that captures how SOC can contribute to positive health and thriving. We present and test our theoretical assumptions about one such path, examining OJC as a possible mechanism how SOC translates into MWB. We tested our proposed model using cross-lagged panel model with three waves of panel data from Swiss and German employees (N = 2217). We compared our model to alternative nested models and conducted indirect effect analysis to test longitudinal mediation. Our hypothesized model fitted the data well and we found support for our main hypothesis that OJC partially mediates the relationship between SOC and MWB. Further, we identified positive reciprocal relationships between SOC and MWB, as well as between OJC and MWB. Overall, our study provides evidence that OJC is one mechanism underlying the recently postulated path of positive health development in the salutogenic model. For health promotion, this implies that promoting SOC and OJC may help to strengthen individual well-being and lead to positive feedback loops that foster personal development and thriving.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    The Role of Off-Job Crafting in Burnout Prevention during COVID-19 Crisis: A Longitudinal Study

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    The COVID-19 pandemic and remote working challenge employees' possibilities to recover from work during their off-job time. We examined the relationship between off-job crafting and burnout across the COVID-19 crisis. We used a longitudinal research design, comprising one wave collected before the onset of the pandemic, in March 2019 (T1), and one wave collected during the first lockdown of the crisis in April 2020 (T2). We measured the six off-job crafting dimensions (Crafting for Detachment, Relaxation, Autonomy, Mastery, Meaning, and Affiliation) and burnout (fatigue/exhaustion) via a questionnaire among German and Swiss employees (N = 658; Age M = 47; 55% male). We found that both burnout levels and crafting for affiliation significantly decreased at T2 compared to T1. All off-job crafting dimensions and burnout correlated negatively cross-sectionally and longitudinally. Regression analyses showed that employees who crafted in their off-job time before and during the crisis experienced fewer burnout complaints during the crisis. Looking more closely at the subdimensions of off-job crafting, employees who crafted for detachment before and during, and for affiliation before the crisis, reported less burnout during the crisis. We conclude that off-job crafting may act as a buffer mechanism against burnout during the COVID-19 crisis

    Accessibility and Quality of Mental Health Care for Foreigners in Prague

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    The topic of the present thesis is the accessibility and the quality of mental health care for foreigners in Prague. The theoretical part presents some of the principle topics from intercultural psychology that are related to mental health. Further, the phenomena associated with living abroad and with mental health of foreigners are discussed. Then follows a summary of the principle findings about a good practice in psychological and psychotherapeutic work with culturally and linguistically different clients. The theoretical part concludes with an overview of the present situation of the mental health care in the Czech Republic along with information about the regulations and options of mental health care for the foreign population. The empirical part presents a qualitative research which explores what experience have English and Russian-speaking foreigners with mental health services in Prague, and what are the main barriers that hinder their access to a good quality care. The sample was composed of two groups - clinical group (n=27) and non-clinical group (n=74). The data collection was mostly done via questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. The main findings from both groups identified eight principal barriers that adversely impact the accessibility and the quality of mental health care..

    Interviewing in intercultural psychodiagnostics

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    The topic of the following work is the intercultural psychodiagnostics with a focus on the method of interviewing. The first part is a theoretical introduction to psychodiagnostics; briefly are described test methods and clinical methods with a deeper elaboration of the clinical interview. The next part focuses on the problem of using a clinical interview in the intercultural examination. Meaning a situation where the psychologist and the client do not share the same culture, do not have the same mother tongue, do not know the rules and habits of each others culture, etc. In the last part I have designed a survey which would evaluate the experiences of the czech clinical psychologists with intercultural psychodiagnostics

    Sense of coherence, off-job crafting, and mental well-being: A path of positive health development

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    Exploration off-job crafting as a possible path of positive health development in the salutogenic mode

    Adaptace škály Sense of National Coherence

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    Cílem tohoto příspěvku je nahlédnout na Sense of Coherence v současných podmínkách pandemie Covid-19, jejíž zvládání je do určité míry národním tématem. Antonovského smysl pro koherenci (Sense of Coherence, SOC) je považován za jednu z hlavních koncepcí psychické odolnosti. Tento koncept sloužil jako inspirace pro vytvoření teorie národní koherence – Sense of National Coherence (SONC), kterou se rozumí způsob, jakým lidé nahlíží na svůj národ v kontextu srozumitelnosti, smysluplnosti a ovladatelnosti, což jsou tří dimenze konceptu Sense of Coherence. Původní verze dotazníku SONC byla vytvořená na izraelském vzorku, kde se vysoký SONC ukázal jako potenciální bariéra při smiřovaní palestinsko-izraelského konfliktu. Data byla sbíraná před a po válce v Gaze. Původní verzi z angličtiny jsme převedli do českého jazyka a administrovali v čase třetí vlny pandemie Covid-19 na vzorku 499 respondentů. Příspěvek na konferenci představí základní psychometrické charakteristiky dotazníku a srovnání s původní izraelskou verzí. SONC je sebeposuzovací nástroj, který se skládá z 8 položek a využívá sedmi bodovou Likertovou škálu, jejíž verbalizace je vždy přizpůsobená znění položky. Konfirmační faktorová analýza potvrdila jednodimenzionální strukturu modelu (α = 0.693, ω = 0.711). Průměrný skór SONC byl 3.6 (SD = 0.82). Korelační analýza poukazuje na statisticky významný vztah mezi hladinami SONC a rokem narození (r = -0.305, p < 0.01). Dotazník má v tuto chvíli využití především v komparativních studiích sledujících faktory duševního zdraví v kontextu pandemie Covid-19 v různých populacích

    Staying healthy during COVID-19 crisis: well-being and salutogenic crafting among German and Swiss working population

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    The COVID-19 pandemic induced considerable changes regarding our working and private lives. This study aimed to examine the psychosocial effects of the COVID-19 crisis on German and Swiss employees. We analyzed the impact of the crisis on working and private life, well-being and health indicators. We tried to understand how the salutogenic behavior of crafting helps to overcome adversities during the COVID-19 pandemic and to maintain well-being and health. Therefore, we conducted a follow-up online survey from 9 to 22 April 2020 among 597 employees that had participated in the first wave of the survey in June 2019. This follow-up study design offered the opportunity to compare the situation of survey participants before and after the COVID-19 outbreak. This pre-post comparison was possible through the design of our study, which allowed us to link participants in an individual, yet anonymized way from t0 to t1. Results of the study showed that the situation concerning psychosocial factors at work and in private life and several well-being and health indicators was stable or even improved. Many study variables even remarkably improved among high crafters-a group of employees who tend to regularly craft their job and private life. Our findings indicate that employees are coping with the crisis surprisingly well. Moreover, there seem to exist beneficial, salutogenic behaviors (i.e. crafting) that allow people to better cope with crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic. These behaviors should be induced and promoted by interventions as they could be especially beneficial for low crafters