38 research outputs found

    Compression of fiber supercontinuum pulses to the Fourier-limit in a high-numerical-aperture focus

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    A multiphoton intrapulse interference phase scan (MIIPS) adaptively and automatically compensates the combined phase distortion from a fiber supercontinuum source, a spatial light modulator pulse shaper, and a high-NA microscope objective, allowing Fourier-transform-limited compression of the supercontinuum pulses at the focus of the objective. A second-harmonic-generation-based method is employed to independently validate the transform-limited compression. The compressed pulses at the focus of the objective have a tunable duration of 10.8–38.9 fs (FWHM), a central wavelength of ~1020 nm, an average power of 18–70 mW, and a repetition rate of 76 MHz, permitting the application of this source to nonlinear optical microscopy and coherently controlled microspectroscopy

    Progress in Cherenkov femtosecond fiber lasers

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    We review the recent developments in the field of ultrafast Cherenkov fiber lasers. Two essential properties of such laser systems – broad wavelength tunability and high efficiency of Cherenkov radiation wavelength conversion are discussed. The exceptional performance of the Cherenkov fiber laser systems are highlighted - dependent on the realization scheme, the Cherenkov lasers can generate the femtosecond output tunable across the entire visible and even the UV range, and for certain designs more than 40 % conversion efficiency from the pump to Cherenkov signal can be achieved. The femtosecond Cherenkov laser with all-fiber architecture is presented and discussed. Operating in the visible range, it delivers 100–200 fs wavelength-tunable pulses with multimilliwatt output power and exceptionally low noise figure an order of magnitude lower than the traditional wavelength tunable supercontinuum-based femtosecond sources. The applications for Cherenkov laser systems in practical biophotonics and biomedical applications, such as bio-imaging and microscopy, are discussed

    How long wavelengths can one extract from silica-core fibers?

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    The generation of wavelengths above 3 μm by nonlinear processes in short silica photonic crystal fibers is investigated numerically. It was found that wavelengths in the 3–3.5 μm range may be generated quite efficiently in centimeter-long fiber pieces when pumping with femtosecond pulses in the 1.55–2 μm range. Wavelengths in the range of 3.5–4 μm can in principle be generated, but these require shorter fiber lengths for efficient extraction. The results indicate that useful 3 μm sources may be fabricated with existing silica-based fiber technology

    Low-Noise Operation of All-Fiber Femtosecond Cherenkov Laser

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    We investigate the noise properties of a femtosecond all-fiber Cherenkov radiation source with emission wavelength 600 nm, based on an Yb-fiber laser and a highly nonlinear photonic crystal fiber. A relative intensity noise as low as 103 dBc/Hz, corresponding to 2.48% pulse-to-pulse fluctuation in energy, is observed at the Cherenkov radiation output power of 4.3 mW, or 150 pJ-pulse energy. This pulse-to-pulse fluctuation is at least 10.6-dB lower compared to spectrally sliced supercontinuum sources traditionally used for ultrafast fiber-based generation at visible wavelengths. Low noise makes all-fiber Cherenkov sources promising for biophotonics applications such as multiphoton microscopy, where minimum pulse-to-pulse energy fluctuation is required. We present the dependency of the noise figure on both the Cherenkov radiation output power and its spectrum

    All-fiber femtosecond Cherenkov radiation source

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    An all-fiber femtosecond source of spectrally isolated Cherenkov radiation is reported, to the best of our knowledge, for the first time. Using a monolithic, self-starting femtosecond Yb-doped fiber laser as the pump source and the combination of photonic crystal fibers as the wave-conversion medium, we demonstrate stable and tunable Cherenkov radiation at visible wavelengths 580–630 nm, with pulse duration of sub-160-fs, and the 3 dB spectral bandwidth not exceeding 36 nm. Such an all-fiber Cherenkov radiation source is promising for practical applications in biophotonics such as bioimaging and microscopy

    Nonlinearity-tailored fiber laser technology for low-noise, ultra-wideband tunable femtosecond light generation

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    Liu X, Laegsgaard J, Iegorov R, et al. Nonlinearity-tailored fiber laser technology for low-noise, ultra-wideband tunable femtosecond light generation. Photonics Research. 2017;5(6): 750

    Bright broadband coherent fiber sources emitting strongly blue-shifted resonant dispersive wave pulses

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    We predict and realize the targeted wavelength conversion from the 1550-nm band of a fs Er:fiber laser to an isolated band inside 370-850 nm, corresponding to a blue-shift of 700-1180 nm. The conversion utilizes resonant dispersive wave generation in widely available optical fibers with good efficiency (~7%). The converted band has a large pulse energy (~1 nJ), high spectral brightness (~1 mW/nm), and broad Gaussian-like spectrum compressible to clean transform-limited ~17 fs pulses. The corresponding coherent fiber sources open up portable applications of optical parametric oscillators and dual-output synchronized ultrafast lasers

    Stain-free histopathology by programmable supercontinuum pulses

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    The preparation, staining, visualization, and interpretation of histological images of tissue is well-accepted as the gold standard process for the diagnosis of disease. These methods were developed historically, and are used ubiquitously in pathology, despite being highly time and labor intensive. Here we introduce a unique optical imaging platform and methodology for label-free multimodal multiphoton microscopy that uses a novel photonic crystal fiber source to generate tailored chemical contrast based on programmable supercontinuum pulses. We demonstrate collection of optical signatures of the tumor microenvironment, including evidence of mesoscopic biological organization, tumor cell migration, and (lymph-)angiogenesis collected directly from fresh ex vivo mammary tissue. Acquisition of these optical signatures and other cellular or extracellular features, which are largely absent from histologically processed and stained tissue, combined with an adaptable platform for optical alignment-free programmable-contrast imaging, offers the potential to translate stain-free molecular histopathology into routine clinical use

    Multimodal multiphoton imaging for label-free monitoring of early gastric cancer

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    Background Early gastric cancer is associated with a much better prognosis than advanced disease, and strategies to improve prognosis is strictly dependent on earlier detection and accurate diagnosis. Therefore, a label-free, non-invasive imaging technique that allows the precise identification of morphologic changes in early gastric cancer would be of considerable clinical interest. Methods In this study, multiphoton microscopy (MPM) using two-photon excited fluorescence combined with second-harmonic generation was used for the identification of early gastric cancer. Results This microscope was able to directly reveal improved cellular detail and stromal changes during the development of early gastric cancer. Furthermore, two features were quantified from MPM images to assess the cell change in size and stromal collagen change as gastric lesion developed from normal to early cancer. Conclusions These results clearly show that multiphoton microscopy can be used to examine early gastric cancer at the cellular level without the need for exogenous contrast agents. This study would be helpful for early diagnosis and treatment of gastric cancer, and may provide the groundwork for further exploration into the application of multiphoton microscopy in clinical practice.Ope