13 research outputs found

    Investigation of the Water-retaining Capacity of the Carbohydrate Complex of Rye-wheat Dough with Addition of Polyfunctional Food Supplement “Magnetofооd”

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    Today in Ukraine the share of low-quality bakery products is near 20–25 %, because they often don\u27t correspond to quality standards and sanitary norms, because of being produced of flour with low bakery properties. That is why new raw material sources, functional ingredients and so on are searched for in bread technologies. For using new raw material and food supplement types, it is necessary to know their functional-technological properties (FTP) that allows to prognosticate the behavior of powder-like raw materials and food supplements in food masses at technological processing and storage of ready products.The water-retaining capacity (WRC) is one of main functional-technological parameters of carbohydrate-containing raw materials, because it favors the outcome, structural-mechanical properties and quality characteristics of ready products.The authors introduced “Magnetofood” polyfunctional food supplement for increasing WRC of rye-wheat dough. For grounding the mechanism of forming supramolecular groups in carbohydrate food systems: Magnetofood-polysacharide-water, there was studied the influence of “Magnetofood” food supplement on processes of hydration, swelling and water-retention by rye-wheat starch and rye-wheat flour.It was established, that introduction of “Magnetofood” food supplement in rye-wheat starch and flour in amounts: 0,10; 0,15; 0,20 % to the mass of starch or flour increases swelling and water-retaining capacity (WRC) of starch and flour: swelling in 1,3–1,5 and 1,5–2,25 times, respectively; WRC in 1,10–1,15 and 1,1–1,3 times, respectively.The rational dose of “Magnetofood” food supplement – 0,15 % to the mass of dry raw material was experimentally set. There was studied the influence of “Magnetofood” food supplement on rheological properties of water suspensions of rye-wheat starch and flour at different temperatures and different speeds of shift.It was established, that adding “Magnetofood” in amount 0,15 % favors increasing the effective viscosity of suspensions of experimental samples of starch and flour at temperatures: (23±2) ºС and (40±2) ºС comparing with control samples in average by 29,0 % – for starch and by 22,0 % – for flour at 23 °С and by 16,0 % – for starch and by 10,0 % – for flour at 40 °С.There was studied the dynamics of changing viscosity of colloid solutions of starch and flour, enriched with “Magnetofood” in amount 0,15 % to the mass of dry raw material in the keeping process at different temperatures and shift speed 9 s-1.There was established the increase of viscosity of suspensions of rye-wheat starch and flour in the process of infusion (especially at adding “Magnetofood”) that is connected with continuing hydration and swelling process.It was demonstrated, that the temperature increase of the colloid system from (23±20) ° С to (40±2) °С favors the increase of its viscosity – both at the initial moment and in infusion process during 30 min in average by 20,0–25,0 % at the expanse of the aforesaid processes. Moreover, adding “Magnetofood” accelerates and intensifies the processes of swelling and hydration of experimental samples of rye-wheat starch and flour comparing with control ones.The received experimental data may be used at elaborating the technology of rye-wheat bread, enriched with “Magnetofood” food supplement; and also at elaborating innovative technologies of carbohydrate food systems.The results of this study may be used at elaborating recipes and technologies of carbohydrate-containing food products for increasing their viscosity, water-retaining and stabilizing capacities

    Improving the Technique of Scrambled Desserts Using the Food Supplement “Magnetofood”

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    For improving the technology of scrambled dessert products, a food supplement, based on the nanopowder of oxides of two- and trivalent iron “Magnetofood” was introduced in the recipe composition. The object of the studies is base recipes: one of mousse “Cranberry” and sambuk “Apple”. For determining technological characteristics and quality parameters, conventional standard methods were used.It has been established, that introduction of the food supplement “Magnetofood” in amount 0,1 %, 0,15 %, 0,2 % of the recipe mixture mass improves consumption properties of scrambled desserts. The mean value of the organoleptic analysis increases by (1,25±0,1) points. The density also decreases by (29±1) kg/m3 for mousses, by (26±1) kg/m3 for sambuks, and scrambling duration – by ~ 3 minutes. At storing during 24 hours at h=(90±2) %, the microbial contamination of the surface of samples decreases – QMAFAnM in 10 times, yeasts – in 2 times, molds – in 2 times.It has been established, that introduction of the supplement “Magnetofood” favors the growth of the foam-creating ability in average: by (40±2) % for mousses, by (55±3) % for sambuks. The porosity increases by (14,3±0,7) % for mousses, by (12,7±0, 6) % for sambuks. The foam structure stability of scrambled desserts improves by (14±1,1) %. The food supplement “Magnetofood” also raises the effective viscosity by (32 ±1) Pa·s for mousses and by (41±2) Pa·s for sambuks and the mechanical strength of scrambled desserts in 1,23 times.The highest parameters were inherited to mousses and sambuks with supplement “Magnetofood” mass share 0,15 %.There have been experimentally substantiated scrambling technological parameters and regimes of recipe mixtures of berry-fruit mousses and sambuks, modified by the food supplement “Magnetofood”. The total scrambling duration is (14–16) minutes. The initial scrambling speed of the berry-fruit base is (2,0–2,2) s-1, at that the scrambling time is (5–6)·60s. Then the recipe mixture is scrambled at speed (3,3–3,5) s-1 during (3–4)·60s. Scrambling is finished at speed (2,0–2,2) s-1. The distinctive feature of the improved technology is premixing of the food supplement “Magnetofood” with gelatin, realized before the technological operation of soaking gelatin in cold water.The obtained experimental data may be used at developing innovative technologies of scrambled dessert products with the food supplement “Magnetofood”

    Research Into Technological Indicators of a Rye-wheat Dough Semi-finished Product with the Addition of the Polyfunctional Food Supplement "Magnetofооd"

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    We studied influence of the polyfunctional food supplement "Magnetofооd" on the technological parameters of rye-wheat dough semi-finished product and the finished product. A positive effect of the supplement "Magnetofооd" on the technological parameters of dough and the bread baked using it, is shown. It was established that adding the food supplement "Magnetofооd" in the amount of 0.15 % of the weight of flour reduces dough fermentation time by 13.0 on average %. The introduction of the food supplement "Magnetofооd" also increases the yield of a dough semi-finished product by 2.9 % on average and improves the yield of the finished product by 3.45 % on average. It was revealed that the multifunctional food supplement "Magnetofооd" enhances the quality of rye-wheat dough semi-finished product and the finished product due to its capacity of moisture retention and the inhibition of hydrolysis processes of the basic ingredients of dough.The obtained experimental data could be used to develop a technology of rye-wheat bread, enriched with the polyfunctional food supplement "Magnetofооd"

    Вплив харчової добавки "магнетофуд" на структурно-механічні властивості формового желейного мармеладу з різними структуроутворювачами

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    Development of resource- and energy-saving technologies for the production of high-quality jelly and pastille products with an extended shelf life is one of the most urgent challenges of the modern confectionery industry. It is proposed to use the "Magnetofood" mineral food supplement, which holds a high functional and technological potential and may independently form the structural and mechanical properties of jelly pastes, and also affect the gelling agents, entering into chemical and electrostatic interactions therewith. Therefore, the "Magnetofood" food supplement may influence several technological properties in the food jelly system at once: acting as a stabilizer, a thickener, a gelling agent, while improving the quality, consumer properties and extending the shelf life of molded fruit jelly products. The aim of the study is to improve the structural and mechanical properties of molded fruit jelly products by introducing the "Magnetofood" food supplement. Standard and generally accepted methods were used in the course of structural and mechanical studies (viscosity and thixotropic characteristics on the Reotest-2 rotation viscometer, strength characteristics on the AR-4/1 penetrometers). It has been established that the introduction of the "Magnetofood" food supplement into jelly pastes in the amount of 0.15 % of the total weight of raw material improves the consistency, structure, strength and form: the degree of structuring and viscosity of the jelly pastes increases over the entire shear stress range (1.5-40 s⁻¹) 2.9 times for pastes on agar and 1.85 times for pastes on pectin; the temperature effect on the effective viscosity of jelly pastes is slowed down by (50-75) Pa · s on average, destruction processes are also slowed down 1.1 times, and the recovery processes of the jelly structure after the mechanical effect ceases are accelerated by 3.8%, increasing its thixotropic ability by 7.5% in jelly pastes on agar and by 6.0% in jelly pastes on pectin; jelly strength on agar increases by (10-12)%, and by (7-9) % on pectin; the speed of structurization of jelly pastes on agar increases by a factor of 1.3-1.7, and by a factor of 1.1-1.6 on pectin.Однією з актуальних проблем сучасної кондитерської промисловості є розробка ресурсо- і енергозберігаючих технологій виробництва високоякісних мармеладо-пастильних виробів зі збільшеним терміном придатності. Пропонується використання мінеральної харчової добавки "Магнетофуд", яка володіє високим функціонально-технологічним потенціалом і може як самостійно формувати структурно-механічні властивості желейних мас, так і впливати на гелеутворювач, вступаючи з ним в хімічні і електростатичні взаємодії. Тому, харчова добавка "Магнетофуд" може впливати відразу на кілька технологічних властивостей в харчовій желейної системі: бути стабілізатором, загусником, драглеутворювачем, при цьому покращуючи якість, споживчі властивості і продовжуючи терміни зберігання формового желейного мармеладу. Метою дослідження є покращення структурно-механічних властивостей формового желейного мармеладу шляхом введення харчової добавки "Магнетофуд". Під час проведення структурно-механічних (в’язкостних і тиксотропних характеристик на ротаційному віскозиметрі Реотест-2, міцності на пенетрометри АР-4/1) досліджень були використані загальноприйняті та стандартні методики

    Specified parameters in designing porous materials using magnetic nanotechnologies

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    The research is devoted to solving the problem of regulating the porosity parameters during the manufacturing process under magnetic field conditions. The process of synthesizing magnetic nanocomponents based on a mixture of divalent and trivalent iron oxides was given. The use of nanocomponents allowed for improving the conditions for creating porous materials. A device with adjustable magnetic induction was developed to produce porous materials in a magnetic field. The study of the porous material’s structure with the nanopowder content in the magnetic field conditions showed a clear dependence of the structure on the magnetic parameters. When the content of nanocomponents increased to 0.3 %, and the magnetic field induction increased to 2.5 mT, the dispersion of pore sizes decreased by 8–10 times, the density of pores – increased by 15–20 times, and the average diameter of pores – decreased by 12–15 times. Mathematical dependencies that determine the porosity parameters for different values of the magnetic nanopowder content and the level of magnetic induction in the ring electromagnet were proposed. The obtained dependencies allowed for assigning the level of magnetic technological parameters to ensure the given porosity parameters. The developed methods of magnetic technology for creating porous materials can increase the quality and ensure the required porosity level

    Influence of the Polyfunctional Food Supplement “Magnetofооd” on the Quality of the Wheat-rye Bread “Kharkiv Rodnichok” in the Storage Process

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    The issues of preserving the quality of wheat-rye bread “Kharkiv Rodnichok”, enriched with the polyfunctional food supplement “Magnetofood”, in the process of storage are considered. The organoleptic analysis was carried out, physico-chemical, microbiological and structural-mechanical indices of the experimental samples of bread “Kharkiv Rodnichok” were compared with the control, which in complex most fully characterize the preservation of bread freshness during storage and the accompanying processes.Organoleptic analysis has revealed that the introduction of the food supplement “Magnetofood” slows down the processes of staling of wheat-rye bread “Kharkiv Rodnichok”. The difference in the degree of freshness of the samples – 2 points was noted after 12 hours.With the help of physico-chemical methods, a change in the quality indices in the process of staling of the experimental samples of bread “Kharkiv Rodnichok”, enriched with the food supplement “Magnetofood” was investigated. It was found that the most intense loss of moisture occurs in the first 24 hours of storage of bread: 12.5 % – in the control and 6.25 % – in the bread “Kharkiv Rodnichok” (2 times less).The swelling of the crumbs of bread “Kharkiv Rodnichok”, enriched with the food supplement “Magnetofood”, is, on average, 1.5 times higher than in the control; and crumbliness – on average 2.0 times lower.The structural-mechanical indices of the experimental samples of bread “Kharkiv Rodnichok” in the process of its storage were determined. It has been experimentally shown that in the process of storage, the compressibility and elasticity of the crumb of wheat-rye bread is reduced for all the samples, and for bread “Kharkiv Rodnichok” up to the end of storage by 6.5% (elasticity) and 2.5 times (compressibility) is lower than for the control.It is found that in comparison with the control, the specific volume in bread “Kharkiv Rodnichok” is higher by 27.0 %; and dimensional stability – by 30.5 %.It has been experimentally proved that the porosity of wheat-rye bread decreases with time: after 24 hours after baking – by 1.0 % and 0.5 %; after 72 hours – by 5.0 % and 2.75 % (for the control and bread “Kharkiv Rodnichok”, respectively).The microbiological parameters of the experimental samples of bread “Kharkiv Rodnichok” in comparison with the control are determined: after 72 hours QMAFAnM in bread “Kharkiv Rodnichok” is 4 times smaller in comparison with the control, and the number of Вас. subtilis spores after 10 days is 1.5 times lower.The information analysis showed that all known food nanoadditives have a narrow effect and do not show a complex effect on the quality of wheat-rye bread. In addition, synthetic nanoadditives often have a toxic effect on the human body.It has been experimentally found that “Magnetofood” can be used as a polyfunctional food supplement, which has a complex action: it has a beneficial biological effect on the human body; possesses sorption, complexing, emulsifying, moisture and fat-retaining properties; due to bacteriostatic and bactericidal action, it exhibits antimicrobial activity, which leads to improved quality, preservation of freshness and prolongation of the shelf life of bakery products. In addition, the food supplement Magnetofood” at the expense of Fe2+ can be recommended as an antioxidant and a source of easily digestible iron and antianemic agent. Thus, the introduction of the polyfunctional food supplement “Magnetofood” in wheat-rye bread increases its quality and shelf life.From this point of view, the results of the research are of interest not only for Ukraine, but also for the scientific world of other countrie

    SWOT Analysis of Innovative Products Containing Food Additive «Magnetofood»

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    The object of research is the methods of evaluating food products containing food additive «Magnetofood» considering the prospects for its introduction into production. One of the most problematic areas for the commercialization of food production technologies in the early stages of the innovation process is the complex evaluation of scientific and technological developments. In the evaluation of new food products, research is mainly carried out using qualimetric methods based on individual quality indicators, considering existing standards or specifications. However, the methods of qualimetrics evaluation of food quality do not allow to conclude on the potential of its commercialization. Thus, the evaluation of technological innovations using complex evaluation methods, including SWOT analysis, is promising.Used methods of content analysis, expert evaluation, comparative and dynamic analysis, average and relative values, integral evaluation during the research of the introducing prospects into the food industry enterprises activity the innovative products containing additive «Magnetofood». The researches results are the reasoning of a set of unit and integral indicators for SWOT analysis of innovative products containing food additive «Magnetofood». Indicators are calculated taking into account the significance and factors influence that reflect the products quality characteristics and consumers' interest in it, global trends and national peculiarities of the innovative technologies introduction into the nutrition field. Comparison of complex evaluation of the innovative products strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats to its production and implementation made it possible to conclude that there are great prospects for introduction of innovative products containing food additive «Magnetofood» into the activity of food industry enterprises.The developed system of SWOT analysis indicators provides an opportunity to carry out a complex evaluation of the prospects for the innovative technologies introduction in the food products production which will help to optimize the innovation policy of food industry enterprises