700 research outputs found

    Resisting Everything Except Temptation: Evidence and an Explanation for Domain-Specific Impulsivity

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    Why do people act self-controlled in some situations but not others? More specifically, why does it appear that an individual can be self-controlled in one domain (e.g., work) but impulsive in another (e.g., food)? This investigation tests a model that incorporates and explains both domain-specific and domain-general differences in impulsive behavior. Specifically, the model predicts that within-individual variation across domains is explained by subjective domain-specific appraisals of temptation and perceived harm, whereas domain-general impulsivity is explained by domain-general self-control strategies (e.g., pre-commitment) and resources (e.g., working memory). In Chapter 1, four studies test this model in adults. Studies 1 and 2 present the development and validation of a self-report questionnaire assessing impulsive behavior in six domains: work, interpersonal relationships, drugs, food, exercise, and finances. In Study 3, domain-specific appraisals of temptation and perceived harm are shown to explain within-individual variance in impulsive behavior, whereas domain-general self-control explains variance in domain-general impulsive behavior between individuals. Study 4 confirms that individuals in special interest groups (e.g., procrastinators) who are especially tempted in the target domain (e.g., work) are not likely to be more tempted in unrelated domains (e.g., food). Chapter 2 explores domain-specificity through the temporal discounting paradigm. Whereas self-report measures of impulsivity are sensitive to social desirability biases, choices in temporal discounting (sooner-smaller vs. later-larger rewards) are not as transparent. As predicted, temporal discounting is domain-specific, and domain-specificity in temptation partially explains domain-specificity in temporal discounting. Chapter 3 presents the development and validation of a domain-specific measure for children, motivated by the idea that some of the domains relevant for adults may not be relevant for children given that the average child presumably is either not attracted to certain temptations, does not perceive them as harmful, or does not frequently encounter them. For children, interpersonal and schoolwork impulsivity are shown to be correlated but distinct behavioral tendencies, demonstrating differentiated relationships with dimensions of childhood temperament, Big Five personality factors, and school outcomes. Collectively, these findings highlight the utility of a domain-specific approach, namely in terms of understanding psychological processes, improved prediction, and targeted interventions

    Safety of Acupuncture Practice in Japan: Patient Reactions, Therapist Negligence and Error Reduction Strategies

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    Evidence-based approach on the safety of acupuncture had been lagging behind both in the West and the East, but reliable data based on some prospective surveys were published after the late 1990s. In the present article, we, focusing on ‘Japanese acupuncture’, review relevant case reports and prospective surveys on adverse events in Japan, assess the safety of acupuncture practice in this country, and suggest a strategy for reducing the therapists’ error. Based on the prospective surveys, it seems reasonable to suppose that serious adverse events are rare in standard practice by adequately trained acupuncturists, regardless of countries or modes of practice. Almost all of adverse reactions commonly seen in acupuncture practice—such as fatigue, drowsiness, aggravation, minor bleeding, pain on insertion and subcutaneous hemorrhage—are mild and transient, although we should be cautious of secondary injury following drowsiness and needle fainting. After demonstrating that acupuncture is inherently safe, we have been focusing on how to reduce the risk of negligence in Japan, as well as educating acupuncturists more about safe depth of insertion and infection control. Incident reporting and feedback system is a useful strategy for reducing therapist errors such as forgotten needles. For the benefit of acupuncture patients in Japan, it is important to establish mandatory postgraduate clinical training and continued education system

    The Peruvian upwelling ecosystem: dynamics and interactions

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    Upwelling, Ecosystems, Fishery biology, Fishery oceanography, Conferences, Peru,

    The Peruvian anchoveta and its upwelling ecosystem: three decades of change

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    Clupeoid fisheries, Population dynamics, Upwelling, Peru, Engraulis ringens, Livestock Production/Industries,

    Use of complete SARS-CoV-2 genomes to estimate the Rt in Peru during March – April 2020

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    Understanding the current SARS-CoV-2 pandemics dynamics using a multidisciplinary approach is essential to improve evidence-based policies. In our study, we estimated the SARS-CoV-2 effective reproductive number (Rt) in Peru using information from 69 complete genomes sequenced by INS-Peru and available in the GISAID public database. The tendency of Rt within March and April 2020 was similar to independent epidemiological reports. The Rt value decreased (Rt<1) during the first weeks of the pandemics in Peru but increases (Rt>1) before the beginning of April. More genomic information from Peruvian samples, available in public databases, that also represent the broad geographic diversity of Peru will allow better estimations based on genetic data and will complement epidemiological information

    "Isolation and Genomic Analysis of an Intracellular Mycobacterium gordonae from a Free-Living Acanthamoeba sp. in a Hospital Environment in Lima, Peru "

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    "Mycobacterium gordonae is a nontuberculous mycobacterium found in diverse environments and is considered an opportunistic pathogen in immunocompromised patients. We report the draft genome sequence of a Mycobacterium gordonae strain isolated from a free-living amoeba found in a nosocomial environment in Lima, Peru.

    CD56-positive cells with or without synaptophysin expression are recognized in the pancreatic duct epithelium: a study with adult and fetal tissues and specimens from chronic pancreatitis.

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    We observed the distribution of CD56+ epithelial cells in the pancreatic duct system using 25 fetal, one infantile, 3 normal adult, 4 diabetic, and 8 chronically inflamed pancreatic tissue samples. In the early stage of gestation (12 to 17 weeks), CD56+ cells were commonly seen in the immature tubular structures. They were often continuous to pancreatic islets, and their distribution was similar to that of synaptophysin (Syn)+ cells, suggesting that they are precursors of islet neogenesis. Their number decreased in proportion to gestational age. Instead, from 24 weeks of gestation, luminal cell clusters that were common in interlobular ducts revealed CD56+. These cell clusters were unrelated to islet neogenesis and Syn expression. Similar CD56+ luminal cell clusters were also observed in cases of chronic pancreatitis, whereas they were scarce in normal adult and diabetic tissues. CD56+ cells were also occasionally seen in intralobular ducts, intercalated ducts, and centroacinar cells in cases of chronic pancreatitis. We conclude that there are two types of CD56+ epithelial cells in the pancreatic duct system: CD56+ endocrine cells are numerous during the early stage of gestation, when islet neogenesis appears, while CD56+ luminal cells may represent developmental and regenerative changes of pancreatic ducts.</p

    Diseño y simulación de un vehículo teleoperado para medición de gases tóxicos en espacios confinados en gran minería en la ciudad de Arequipa

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    La presente tesis titulada “DISEÑO Y SIMULACIÓN DE UN VEHICULO TELEOPERADO PARA MEDICIÓN DE GASES TÓXICOS EN ESPACIOS CONFINADOS EN GRAN MINERIA EN LA CIUDAD DE AREQUIPA” se compuso principalmente por un diseño mecánico, eléctrico, electrónico e informático. Se diseñó y se simulo de manera exitosa un vehículo teleoperado, el cual está compuesto por un circuito de control capaz de procesar y transmitir, de manera remota, hasta seis (06) datos de gases tóxicos que se pueden encontrar en espacios confinados en gran minería en la ciudad de Arequipa. Además, el vehículo teleoperado cuenta con un sistema de visión en primera persona para poder observar el recorrido que se está realizando y para determinar si existe algún obstáculo que superar. Como resultado de la presente tesis, se diseñó y se simuló un vehículo teleoperado para medición de gases tóxicos en espacios confinados en gran minería en la ciudad de Arequipa, con lo que se puede reducir la cantidad de problemas que puede generar la ausencia o el enriquecimiento de los gases tóxicos para el ser humano.Tesi

    Glad to be sad, and other examples of benign masochism

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    We provide systematic evidence for the range and importance of hedonic reversals as a major source of pleasure, and incorporate these findings into the theory of benign masochism. Twenty-nine different initially aversive activities are shown to produce pleasure (hedonic reversals) in substantial numbers of individuals from both college student and Mechanical Turk samples. Hedonic reversals group, by factor analysis, into sadness, oral irritation, fear, physical activity/exhaustion, pain, strong alcohol-related tastes, bitter tastes, and disgust. Liking for sad experiences (music, novels, movies, paintings) forms a coherent entity, and is related to enjoyment of crying in response to sad movies. For fear and oral irritation, individuals also enjoy the body's defensive reactions. Enjoyment of sadness is higher in females across domains. We explain these findings in terms of benign masochism, enjoyment of negative bodily reactions and feelings in the context of feeling safe, or pleasure at ``mind over body''. In accordance with benign masochism, for many people, the favored level of initially negative experiences is just below the level that cannot be tolerated