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    Unique lipid profile and its association with mastitis in human milk

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    本研究は、孊校絊食の副食で䜿甚した食品矀別䜿甚量を甚い、副食料理の食品パタヌンによる分析方法の確立を詊みた。察象は2019幎6月ず11月に岡山県内Kåž‚A共同調理堎から受配する小䞭孊校20校に提䟛した献立120皮ずした。提䟛献立に䜿甚した17食品矀の䜿甚重量から䞻成分分析を行ったずころ3因子が抜出され、䞻な2因子はひもの・根菜・緎補品の「和食材」、魚介類たたは肉類の「䞻菜食材」ずした。和食献立の掚進、日垞生掻に䞍足する食品矀や献立に地堎産物をずりいれるずいうK垂の献立䜜成方針に即した芁因が確認された。因子埗点を甚い提䟛献立を4矀に分類し、食猶ごず残菜率を比范したずころ、肉・和食、魚・和食の残菜率は肉・和食以倖より有意に高倀だった。本分析方法は、抜出された因子の寄䞎率が䜎いため、さらに怜蚎が必芁ではあるが、調理堎の副食料理の喫食状況を簡䟿に評䟡するひず぀の手法ずしお利甚できる可胜性が瀺唆された。This study aimed to establish an analysis method that relies on food patterns of side dishes using the amount of food from different food groups contained in school lunch side dishes. The analysis targeted 120 meals distributed to 20 elementary and junior high schools from Central Kitchen A in K City Okayama Prefecture in June and November 2019. When principal component analysis was conducted using the amount of food used (in grams) from 17 food groups in the delivered meals, two main factors were extracted: “Japanese ingredients” (dried fish, root vegetables, and fish-paste products) and “ingredients in main dishes” (seafood or meats). The following elements that are in line with K City’s menu planning policies were identified: promotion of Japanese-style meals; menu planning that takes into consideration food groups that tend to be deficient in everyday life;and incorporation of local produce. When the factor scores were used to categorize the delivered meals into four groups, and the plate waste per food container was compared, the plate waste for Japanese-style meat dishes and Japanese-style fish dishes was significantly higher than that for all other dishes with the exception of Japanese-style meat dishes. This analysis method requires further research due to the low factor contribution rate of the extracted factors. However, it may be possible to use this as a simple method for evaluating matters such as the consumption level of side dishes at each of the kitchens


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    本研究では、看護教育においお自己調敎孊習の掻甚性の瀺唆を埗るために、医療埓事者及び医療系孊生の自己調敎孊習に関する囜内の研究の珟状ず課題を明らかにするこずを目的ずした。医孊䞭倮雑誌 web を甚いお「自己調敎孊習」「Self-Regulated Learning」をキヌワヌドずし文献を怜玢した。論文の遞定条件は、医療埓事者及び医療系孊生を察象ずした文献ずした。その結果 81 件の文献があり、原著論文 24 件を分析した。自己調敎孊習ずの関連は個人芁因・環境芁因に倧別された。個人芁因は、〈属性〉、〈孊幎〉、〈詊隓成瞟〉、〈孊習到達床〉、〈孊習動機づけタむプ〉、〈過去や未来に察する個人の芋解〉、〈コンピテンシヌ〉、〈瀟䌚人基瀎力ず自己教育力〉、〈健康床・生掻習慣〉、〈自己効力感〉、環境芁因は、〈゜ヌシャルサポヌト〉、〈協同䜜業〉、〈教授方略〉ず自己調敎孊習ずの関連を明らにしおいた。今埌は各芁玠の関係を瀺すための瞊断的研究や環境芁因ずの関係の明確化が課題である。This study aimed to clarify the current status of and issues in domestic research on self-regulated learning of healthcare professionals and healthcare students to obtain suggestions for using self-regulated learning in nursing education. A literature search was conducted in the Central Journal of Medical Science database using “self-regulated learning” and “Self-Regulated Learning” as keywords. We selected articles targeting medical professionals and medical students. Of the 81 articles found, 24 were original papers, which were then analyzed. Consequently, the current status of domestic literature on self-regulated learning was broadly classified into individual and environmental factors. The individual factors were “attributes,” “grade level,” “test scores,” “achievement level,” “learning motivation type,” “personal views of the past and future,” “competencies,” “basic adult skills and self-education,” “health and lifestyle,” “self-fficacy,” while the environmental factors were “social support,” “cooperative work,” and “teaching strategies,” as well as self-regulated learning. The results clearly showed the relationship between these factors and self- regulated learning. Future studies should include longitudinal studies to clarify the relationship between these factors and environmental factors


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    保育者逊成を担う子ども孊科では、自然資本を瀟䌚基盀に据える発想を孊び、予想䞍可胜な時代に必芁な文理の壁を越えた人材育成を目指す「『雑草型』幌児教育人材育成」プロゞェクトを 2022 幎 4 月より始動した。自然資本の重芁性を幌児期の子ども達や保護者にも教え、䌝えられるこずを目指すずずもに、自然環境の埪環を孊ぶこずが、人ず瀟䌚ずの関係、人間関係の理解にも繋がるこずを䜓隓的に孊ぶためである。そのための具䜓的手法の぀ずしお、アメリカ発祥の䜓隓的か぀暪断的孊習手法である Edible Education を導入し、詊行的取組を行った報告である。In April 2022, the Department of Children\u27s Studies, which is responsible for fostering teachers, started the "\u27weed-type\u27 early childhood education human resource development" project, which aims to develop human resources who have learned the idea of placing natural capital as a social infrastructure and who transcend the barriers of the humanities and sciences necessary in unpredictable times. In addition to aiming to teach and convey the importance of natural capital to children and parents in early childhood, this is to learn experientially that learning about the circulation of the natural environment also leads to understanding the relationship between people and society and human relationships. As one of the specific methods for this purpose, we introduced Edible Education, an experiential and cross-sectional learning method originating in the United States, and reported on the trial efforts


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    This study aimed to clarify the relationship between the marital relationship, bonding, and depression during pregnancy. We asked 265 mothers and 257 fathers during pregnancy, who consented to participate, to respond to a mail questionnaire, consisting of basic information items, the Quality Marriage Index, Mother-Infant Bonding Questionnaire, and Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale. To clarify the association between the marital relationship, bonding, and depression, we analyzed the collected data using structural equation modelling. The marital relationship predicted mother-infant and father-infant bonding (p< 0.01 and p< 0.001), the marital relationship predicted depression in mothers and fathers (p< 0.01 and p< 0.001), and mother-infant and father-infant bonding did not predict depression in the mothers or fathers during pregnancy. The goodness-of-fit index values for the mothers and fathers were as follows: CFI: 0.977 and 0.976; and RMSEA: 0.041 and 0.042, respectively. The results revealed that the marital relationship predicts mother-infant and father-infant bonding, as well as depression in mothers and fathers during pregnancy, supporting the effectiveness of providing approaches for both mothers and fathers from the perspective of strengthening their marital relationships as a basis for promoting parent-infant bonding during this period. It was also suggested that support for married couples prevents depression in both mothers and fathers, in addition to promoting parent-infant bonding.本研究は、劊嚠期の倫婊関係ずボンディング、抑う぀の関連を明らかにするこずを目的ずした。265 人の母芪ず 257 人の父芪に察し、基瀎情報、Mother-Infant Bonding Questionnaire、Edinburgh PostnatalDepression Scale、および Quality Marriage Index の回答を郵送で䟝頌した。構造方皋匏モデリングを䜿甚しお䞉者の関係性を怜蚌した結果、劊嚠期の母芪・父芪の倫婊関係はボンディングず抑う぀を予枬し、䞡者のボンディングは抑う぀を予枬しないこずが明らかずなった。適合床指数は、母芪ず父芪の CFI でそれぞれ 0.977ず 0.976、RMSEA で 0.041 ず 0.042 であった。劊嚠期のボンディングを匷化するために、倫婊関係匷化の偎面から効果的なアプロヌチを、母芪父芪䞡方に察しお提䟛できる可胜性が明らかずなった


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    岡山県立倧孊では県が掚進しおいる「おかやた子育おカレッゞ」事業を受けお2010幎より孊内に地域子育お支揎拠点を開蚭した。保育者逊成カリキュラムではこの地域子育お支揎拠点に集う芪子ずの亀流を通しお孊生が実践的に孊ぶこずができるよう授業の工倫を重ねおきた。本研究では子育お支揎に぀いおより深く実践的に孊ぶために新蚭した科目「子育お支揎プロゞェクト研究 A」の抂芁ず 2021 幎床の詊行状況に぀いお怜蚌し報告を行った。受講生の事埌の感想からは子育お支揎の䟡倀や意矩に觊れおいるものが倚く芋られ実践の前に拠点の蚭立経緯などを理解したこずでより深い孊びに繋がったのではないかず掚察された。In 2010, Okayama Prefectural University established an on-campus child-rearing support center in response to the “Okayama Childcare College” Project promoted by the prefecture. In the training curriculum for nursery teacher, lessons have been designed so that the students can learn practically through exchanges with parents and children gathered at this center. In this study, we examine and report on the outline of the newly established “Child Rasing Support Project A,” course for more in-depth and practical study of child-rearing support, and the status of its trial in FY2021. The students’ opinions after the program revealed that they saw several points that touched upon the value and significance of child-rearing support, and it was thought that understanding the background of the establishment of the center before the course was implemented led to deeper learning

    りィリアム・T・ハリスの幌児教育思想 : アメリカ幌皚園運動における幌小接続の原点

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    本皿で取り䞊げるりィリアム・T・ハリスWilliam Torrey Harris, 1835-1909は、アメリカ教育史の䞭で優れた教育行政官ずしお䜍眮づけられおきた。圌は哲孊者でもあり、セントルむス・ヘヌゲル運動の䞭心人物であった。本皿では、ハリスによる進歩䞻矩教育ぞの圱響を幌児教育に焊点化しお考察するこずで、圌の教育思想のも぀「架け橋」的性栌ずしおの意矩を描出するこずを詊みた。圌の幌児教育思想は、幌皚園ず小孊校カリキュラムの接続ずいう芳点から、幌皚園のサブ・プラむマリヌ化の出発点ずなったこず、小孊校教育の準備教育ずしお、旧来のフレヌベル䞻矩に基づく幌皚園教育に改良を促したこずずいう二぀の点で、進歩䞻矩幌皚園のプロトタむプを提瀺したずいう意味合いにおいお、より積極的な評䟡を䞎えるこずができる。William T. Harris (1835-1909), the subject of this article, has been positioned as an outstanding educational administrator in the history of American education. He was also a philosopher and a central figure in the St.Louis Hegel movement. By focusing on early childhood education, this article describes the significance of Harris\u27 educational philosophy as a conceptual “bridge".From the perspective of connecting kindergarten and elementary school curriculum, his thought on early childhood education served as the starting point for sub-primary school, and as preparatory education for elementary school education, he urged improvements to kindergarten education based on the old Froebelism principle. In two respects, we can give a more positive evaluation for his contribution to a prototype of a progressive kindergart


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    本研究ノヌトでは、音楜孊習における「めあお」蚭定に関しお、事䟋を瀺し぀぀、音楜挔奏及び音楜教育の実践者・研究者の立堎から批刀的な怜蚎を加える。音楜科においおは、音楜に内圚する耇雑か぀課題ず䞍確実性を含有する課題ず向き合う必芁があり、時に「めあお」の蚭定が、探求的な問題発芋や解決を阻むこずがある点を指摘した。This case study critically analyzes the process and meaning of having set objectives in a music class at an elementary school from the perspective of practitioners and researchers of music performance and education. In music classes specifically, instructors often have to deal with complex issues that are inherent in music. This study demonstrates that setting objectives can stifle learners’ exploration and opportunities for problem identification and problem solving


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    本研究の目的は、今泉20112012に提瀺された「アルツハむマヌ映画」を題材に、映画の教材的意矩を怜蚎するこずである。「アルツハむマヌ映画」ずは、認知症の人が䞻圹又は脇圹で登堎する䜜品を指しおいる。今泉論文に瀺された䜜品のうち入手可胜な 15 本を研究察象ずした。認知症斜策の倉遷ず登堎人物の描写の傟向、登堎人物の属性ず圚宅介護の描写の傟向、登堎人物にみられる臚床的特城の傟向に぀いお怜蚎した。その結果、「アルツハむマヌ映画」の教材的意矩ずしお、①圓時の認知症斜策のトレンドを孊ぶツヌルずしお掻甚できる点、②認知症の人やその家族を远䜓隓するこずができる点、③認知症のさたざたな症状が芖芚的にむメヌゞしやすい点、があげられる


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