58 research outputs found

    PAX6 isoforms, along with reprogramming factors, differentially regulate the induction of cornea-specific genes

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    PAX6 is the key transcription factor involved in eye development in humans, but the differential functions of the two PAX6 isoforms, isoform-a and isoform-b, are largely unknown. To reveal their function in the corneal epithelium, PAX6 isoforms, along with reprogramming factors, were transduced into human non-ocular epithelial cells. Herein, we show that the two PAX6 isoforms differentially and cooperatively regulate the expression of genes specific to the structure and functions of the corneal epithelium, particularly keratin 3 (KRT3) and keratin 12 (KRT12). PAX6 isoform-a induced KRT3 expression by targeting its upstream region. KLF4 enhanced this induction. A combination of PAX6 isoform-b, KLF4 and OCT4 induced KRT12 expression. These new findings will contribute to furthering the understanding of the molecular basis of the corneal epithelium specific phenotype

    A Kerato-Epithelin (βig-h3) Mutation in Lattice Corneal Dystrophy Type IIIA

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    This report covers phase 2 of the IWMI-Tata Water Policy Research Program (ITP) for the period 2006-2010. The major areas of action: Research focusing on water sector issues concerning underprivileged communities and backward regions in the country; Idea-incubation for livelihoods enhancement efforts using water as a central input, supporting the Trust in their water sector partnerships; Dissemination and raising public awareness; Widening the network of research partners; Policy influencing

    PAX6-positive microglia evolve locally in hiPSC-derived ocular organoids

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    Microglia are the resident immune cells of the central nervous system (CNS). They govern the immunogenicity of the retina, which is considered to be part of the CNS; however, it is not known how microglia develop in the eye. Here, we studied human-induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) that had been expanded into a self-formed ectodermal autonomous multi-zone (SEAM) of cells that partially mimics human eye development. Our results indicated that microglia-like cells, which have characteristics of yolk-sac-like linage cells, naturally develop in 2D eye-like SEAM organoids, which lack any vascular components. These cells are unique in that they are paired box protein 6 (PAX6)-positive, yet they possess some characteristics of mesoderm. Collectively, the data support the notion of the existence of an isolated, locally developing immune system in the eye, which is independent of the body’s vasculature and general immune system

    Drug screening with zebrafish visual behavior identifies carvedilol as a potential treatment for an autosomal dominant form of retinitis pigmentosa

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    Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) is a mostly incurable inherited retinal degeneration affecting approximately 1 in 4000 individuals globally. The goal of this work was to identify drugs that can help patients suffering from the disease. To accomplish this, we screened drugs on a zebrafish autosomal dominant RP model. This model expresses a truncated human rhodopsin transgene (Q344X) causing significant rod degeneration by 7 days post-fertilization (dpf). Consequently, the larvae displayed a deficit in visual motor response (VMR) under scotopic condition. The diminished VMR was leveraged to screen an ENZO SCREEN-WELL REDOX library since oxidative stress is postulated to play a role in RP progression. Our screening identified a beta-blocker, carvedilol, that ameliorated the deficient VMR of the RP larvae and increased their rod number. Carvedilol may directly on rods as it affected the adrenergic pathway in the photoreceptor-like human Y79 cell line. Since carvedilol is an FDA-approved drug, our findings suggest that carvedilol can potentially be repurposed to treat autosomal dominant RP patients

    The Role of Mislocalized Phototransduction in Photoreceptor Cell Death of Retinitis Pigmentosa

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    Most of inherited retinal diseases such as retinitis pigmentosa (RP) cause photoreceptor cell death resulting in blindness. RP is a large family of diseases in which the photoreceptor cell death can be caused by a number of pathways. Among them, light exposure has been reported to induce photoreceptor cell death. However, the detailed mechanism by which photoreceptor cell death is caused by light exposure is unclear. In this study, we have shown that even a mild light exposure can induce ectopic phototransduction and result in the acceleration of rod photoreceptor cell death in some vertebrate models. In ovl, a zebrafish model of outer segment deficiency, photoreceptor cell death is associated with light exposure. The ovl larvae show ectopic accumulation of rhodopsin and knockdown of ectopic rhodopsin and transducin rescue rod photoreceptor cell death. However, knockdown of phosphodiesterase, the enzyme that mediates the next step of phototransduction, does not. So, ectopic phototransduction activated by light exposure, which leads to rod photoreceptor cell death, is through the action of transducin. Furthermore, we have demonstrated that forced activation of adenylyl cyclase in the inner segment leads to rod photoreceptor cell death. For further confirmation, we have also generated a transgenic fish which possesses a human rhodopsin mutation, Q344X. This fish and rd10 model mice show photoreceptor cell death caused by adenylyl cyclase. In short, our study indicates that in some RP, adenylyl cyclase is involved in photoreceptor cell death pathway; its inhibition is potentially a logical approach for a novel RP therapy

    Coordinated generation of multiple ocular-like cell lineages and fabrication of functional corneal epithelial cell sheets from human iPS cells

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    We describe a protocol for the generation of a functional and transplantable corneal epithelium derived from human induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells. When this protocol is followed, a proportion of iPS cells spontaneously form circular colonies, each of which is composed of four concentric zones. Cells in these zones have different morphologies and immunostaining characteristics, resembling neuroectoderm, neural crest, ocular-surface ectoderm, or surface ectoderm. We have named this 2D colony a 'SEAM' (self-formed ectodermal autonomous multizone), and previously demonstrated that cells within the SEAM have the potential to give rise to anlages of different ocular lineages, including retinal cells, lens cells, and ocular-surface ectoderm. To investigate the translational potential of the SEAM, cells within it that resemble ocular-surface epithelia can be isolated by pipetting and FACS sorting into a population of corneal epithelial-like progenitor cells. These can be expanded and differentiated to form an epithelial layer expressing K12 and PAX6, and able to recover function in an animal model of corneal epithelial dysfunction after surgical transplantation. The whole protocol, encompassing human iPS cell preparation, autonomous differentiation, purification, and subsequent differentiation, takes between 100 and 120 d, and is of potential use to researchers with an interest in eye development and/or ocular-surface regeneration. Experience with human iPS cell culture and sorting via FACS will be of benefit for researchers performing this protocol

    Discovery of Molecular Markers to Discriminate Corneal Endothelial Cells in the Human Body

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    The corneal endothelium is a monolayer of hexagonal corneal endothelial cells (CECs) on the inner surface of the cornea. CECs are critical in maintaining corneal transparency through their barrier and pump functions. CECs in vivo have a limited capacity in proliferation, and loss of a significant number of CECs results in corneal edema called bullous keratopathy which can lead to severe visual loss. Corneal transplantation is the most effective method to treat corneal endothelial dysfunction, where it suffers from donor shortage. Therefore, regeneration of CECs from other cell types attracts increasing interests, and specific markers of CECs are crucial to identify actual CECs. However, the currently used markers are far from satisfactory because of their non-specific expression in other cell types. Here, we explored molecular markers to discriminate CECs from other cell types in the human body by integrating the published RNA-seq data of CECs and the FANTOM5 atlas representing diverse range of cell types based on expression patterns. We identified five genes, CLRN1, MRGPRX3, HTR1D, GRIP1 and ZP4 as novel markers of CECs, and the specificities of these genes were successfully confirmed by independent experiments at both the RNA and protein levels. Notably none of them have been documented in the context of CEC function. These markers could be useful for the purification of actual CECs, and also available for the evaluation of the products derived from other cell types. Our results demonstrate an effective approach to identify molecular markers for CECs and open the door for the regeneration of CECs in vitro