36 research outputs found

    Inelastic Decay of Electrons in the Shockley-type Metal-Organic Interface States

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    We present a theoretical study of lifetimes of interface states (IS) on metal-organic interfaces PTCDA/Ag(111), NTCDA/Ag(111), PFP/Ag(111), and PTCDA/Ag(100), describing and explaining the recent experimental data. By means of unfolding the band structure of one of the interfaces under study onto the Ag(111) Brillouin zone we demonstrate, that the Brillouin zone folding upon organic monolayer deposition plays a minor role in the phase space for electron decay, and hence weakly affects the resulting lifetimes. The presence of the unoccupied molecular states below the IS gives a small contribution to the IS decay rate mostly determined by the change of the phase space of bulk states upon the energy shift of the IS. The calculated lifetimes follow the experimentally observed trends. In particular, we explain the trend of the unusual increase of the IS lifetimes with rising temperature.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    New generation of two-dimensional spintronic systems realized by coupling of Rashba and Dirac fermions

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    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.Intriguing phenomena and novel physics predicted for two-dimensional (2D) systems formed by electrons in Dirac or Rashba states motivate an active search for new materials or combinations of the already revealed ones. Being very promising ingredients in themselves, interplaying Dirac and Rashba systems can provide a base for next generation of spintronics devices, to a considerable extent, by mixing their striking properties or by improving technically significant characteristics of each other. Here, we demonstrate that in BiTeI@PbSb2Te4 composed of a BiTeI trilayer on top of the topological insulator (TI) PbSb2Te4 weakly- and strongly-coupled Dirac-Rashba hybrid systems are realized. The coupling strength depends on both interface hexagonal stacking and trilayer-stacking order. The weakly-coupled system can serve as a prototype to examine, e.g., plasmonic excitations, frictional drag, spin-polarized transport, and charge-spin separation effect in multilayer helical metals. In the strongly-coupled regime, within ~100 meV energy interval of the bulk TI projected bandgap a helical state substituting for the TI surface state appears. This new state is characterized by a larger momentum, similar velocity, and strong localization within BiTeI. We anticipate that our findings pave the way for designing a new type of spintronics devices based on Rashba-Dirac coupled systems.We acknowledges funding from the University of Basque Country UPV/EHU (IT-756-13), the Departamento de Educación del Gobierno Vasco, the Tomsk State University Academic D.I. Mendeleev Fund Program (grant No., the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness MINECO (Grant No. FIS2013-48286-C2-1-P), Saint Petersburg State University (project, and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Grant No. 15-02-02717).Peer Reviewe

    Variation of the character of spin-orbit interaction by Pt intercalation underneath graphene on Ir(111)

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    Under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0 (CC-BY).-- et al.The modification of the graphene spin structure is of interest for novel possibilities of application of graphene in spintronics. The most exciting of them demand not only high value of spin-orbit splitting of the graphene states, but non-Rashba behavior of the splitting and spatial modulation of the spin-orbit interaction. In this work we study the spin and electronic structure of graphene on Ir(111) with intercalated Pt monolayer. Pt interlayer does not change the 9.3×9.3 superlattice of graphene, while the spin structure of the Dirac cone becomes modified. It is shown that the Rashba splitting of the π state is reduced, while hybridization of the graphene and substrate states leads to a spin-dependent avoided-crossing effect near the Fermi level. Such a variation of spin-orbit interaction combined with the superlattice effects can induce a topological phase in graphene.The work was partially supported by grants of Saint Petersburg State University for scientific investigations (Grants No., No. and No. 11.37.634.2013) and Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) projects (No. 13-02-91327). We acknowledge the financial support of the University of Basque Country UPV/EHU (Grant No. GIC07-IT-756-13), the Departamento de Educacion del Gobierno Vasco, and the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (Grant No. FIS2010-19609-C02-01), the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness MINECO (Grant No. FIS2013-48286-C2-1-P), and the Tomsk State University Competitiveness Improvement Program.Peer Reviewe

    Variation of the character of spin-orbit interaction by Pt intercalation underneath graphene on Ir(111)

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    The modification of the graphene spin structure is of interest for novel possibilities of application of graphene in spintronics. The most exciting of them demand not only high value of spin-orbit splitting of the graphene states, but non-Rashba behavior of the splitting and spatial modulation of the spin-orbit interaction. In this work we study the spin and electronic structure of graphene on Ir(111) with intercalated Pt monolayer. Pt interlayer does not change the 9.3×9.3 superlattice of graphene, while the spin structure of the Dirac cone becomes modified. It is shown that the Rashba splitting of the π state is reduced, while hybridization of the graphene and substrate states leads to a spin-dependent avoided-crossing effect near the Fermi level. Such a variation of spin-orbit interaction combined with the superlattice effects can induce a topological phase in graphene

    Beta-adrenoceptor inhibitory mechanism and its role in the regulation of uterine activity in pregnant women and mothers (review)

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    This review presents information on the presence of beta-adrenoceptor inhibitory mechanism of uterine pregnancy and childbirth and prospects control the state of beta-adrenoceptor inhibitory mechanism in obstetric practice.В обзоре представлены сведения о наличии бета-адренорецепторного ингибирующего механизма сократительной деятельности маткибеременных и рожениц и перспективы управления состоянием бета-адренорецепторного ингибирующегомеханизмавакушерскойпрактике

    О возможной роли эндогенных модуляторов β-адрено- и М-холинореактивности в патогенезе бронхиальной астмы

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    Ability of blood sera from 19 asthmatic children and 56 asthmatic adults to modify reactivity of β-adrenoreceptors and M-cholinoreceptors in isolated smooth muscles of the uterus horns from nonpregnant rats (n = 234) and cow trachea (n = 36) have shown that asthma presence did not change serum myocyte-stimulating activity but reduced the sensitizing activity of β-adrenoreceptors and the blocking activity of M-cholinoreceptors and enhanced the blocking activity of β-adrenoreceptors. The similar changes were also seen in child urine and indicated the decreased level of the endogenous sensitizer of β-adrenoreceptors and the growing level of the endogenous blocker of β-adrenoreceptors in asthma patients and the decreased level of endogenous blocker of M-cholinoreceptors in certain asthmatics. These events could provide asthma occurrence.На продольных полосках рога матки небеременных крыс (n = 234) и циркулярных полосках трахеи коров (n = 34) при исследовании сыворотки крови 19 детей и 56 взрослых показано, что при бронхиальной астме (БА) не изменяется миоцитстимулирующая активность сыворотки, но снижается β-адреносенсибилизирующая активность, возрастает β-адреноблокирующая активность и снижается М-холиноблокирующая активность (у части пациентов она возрастает). Подобные изменения характерны и для мочи детей. Это указывает на то, что при БА снижается содержание эндогенного сенсибилизатора β-адренорецепторов (ЭСБАР), возрастает содержание эндогенного блокатора β-адренорецепторов (ЭББАР), и у части пациентов снижается содержание эндогенного блокатора М-холинорецепторов (ЭБМХР). Эти изменения могут способствовать формированию БА

    Influence of genital infections of matter on the physical development of children and their successful of learning from 1 to 8 class

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    It has been established that the presence of genital infections in the mother during pregnancy increases the risk of anemia, preeclampsia, placental insufficiency, weakness of labor, premature rupture of membranes and preterm delivery. Boys born to mothers with genital infections, compared with the control group of boys decreased length and weight at birth and at 1 year of age, decreased weight in 14 and 16 years of age, decreased body mass index - at birth, at 12 and 16 years. Girls bom to mothers with genital infections, compared with the control group of girls reduced length and weight at birth and at 14 years of age increased length and weight. Available maternal genital infections reduces the success of training boys for individual subjects and the average score during training 1 to grade 8, but usually not reduces the success of education for girls. Indirectly, this indicates a higher vulnerability of male fetuses with respect to various complications of pregnancy compared with female fetuses.Установлено, что наличие генитальных инфекций у матери во время беременности повышает риск развития анемии, преэкламлсии, плацентарной недостаточности, слабости родовой деятельности, преждевременного разрыва плодных оболочек и преждевременных родов. У мальчиков, рожденных от матерей с генитальными инфекциями, по сравнению с мальчиками контрольной группы снижены длина и масса тела при рождении и в 1 год, масса тела - в 14 и 16 лет, индекс массы тела - при рождении, в 12 и 16 лет. У девочек, рожденных от матерей с генитальными инфекциями, по сравнению с девочками контрольной группы снижены длина и масса тела при рождении, а в 14 лет повышены длина и масса тела. Наличие у матери генитальных инфекций снижает успешностъ обучения у мальчиков по отдельным дисциплинам и среднему баллу в период обучения с 1 по 8 класс, но, как правило, не снижает успешность обучения у девочек. Косвенно это указывает на более высокую уязвимость плодов мужского пола по отношению к различным осложнениям беременности по сравнению с плодами женского пола

    Radial Spin Texture of the Weyl Fermions in Chiral Tellurium

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    Trigonal tellurium, a small-gap semiconductor with pronounced magneto-electric and magneto-optical responses, is among the simplest realizations of a chiral crystal. We have studied by spin- and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy its unconventional electronic structure and unique spin texture. We identify Kramers–Weyl, composite, and accordionlike Weyl fermions, so far only predicted by theory, and show that the spin polarization is parallel to the wave vector along the lines in k space connecting high-symmetry points. Our results clarify the symmetries that enforce such spin texture in a chiral crystal, thus bringing new insight in the formation of a spin vectorial field more complex than the previously proposed hedgehog configuration. Our findings thus pave the way to a classification scheme for these exotic spin textures and their search in chiral crystals

    Erythrocytes and platelets as indicators of pregnancy and labor and condition of beta-adrenergic inhibitory mechanism. (Review)

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    This review presents the literature data, including those obtained by the review authors. They concern chemoreactivity of erythrocytes and platelets of nonpregnant, pregnant and parturient women and women with threat of preterm labor. Presented data about regarding adrenoreacMy of erythrocytes which have been assessed by various methods, as well as adrenoreactivity of platelets.В обзоре представлены данные литературы, в том числе полученные авторами обзора. Они касаются хемореактивности эритроцитов и тромбоцитов небеременных женщин, беременных, рожениц и женщин с угрозой преждевременных родов. Излагаются сведения в отношении адренореактивности эритроцитов, которую оценивали различными методами, а также в отношении адренореактивности тромбоцитов