103 research outputs found


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    In recent years, technology has become an increasingly important tool in education. The use of technology in primary education has become increasingly popular in recent years, and the iPad has emerged as one of the most versatile and powerful tools for enhancing learning. This paper will focus on the impact of one-to-one iPad use in primary schools on teaching the concept of energy in physics. A total of 25 students in the 3rd grade from a primary school in Greece participated in the study, using iPads during their physics lessons. This study’s results showed that iPads significantly improved the student’s understanding of energy in physics. The students who used iPads had a more profound understanding of the concept, showed greater engagement and motivation and demonstrated a deeper understanding of the material.  Article visualizations

    Enhancing the Application and Evaluation of a Discrete Trial Intervention Package for Eliciting First Words in Preverbal Preschoolers with ASD

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    This study evaluates the effectiveness of an intervention package including a discrete trial program (Rapid Motor Imitation Antecedent Training (Tsiouri and Greer, J Behav Educat 12:185–206, 2003) combined with parent education for eliciting first words in children with ASD who had little or no spoken language. Evaluation of the approach includes specific intervention targets and functional spoken language outcomes (Tager-Flusberg et al., J Speech Lang Hear Res 52:643–652, 2009). Results suggest that RMIA, with parent training, catalyzes development of verbal imitation and production for some children. Three of five participants acquired word production within the DTT framework and achieved milestones of early functional spoken language use (Tager-Flusberg et al., J Speech Lang Hear Res 52:643–652, 2009). The implications of these findings for understanding the role of discrete trial approaches to language intervention are discussed

    Improvement of source and wind field input of atmospheric dispersion model by assimilation of concentration measurements: Method and applications in idealized settings

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    AbstractThe problem of correcting the pollutant source emission rate and the wind velocity field inputs in a puff atmospheric dispersion model by data assimilation of concentration measurements has been considered. Variational approach to data assimilation has been used, in which the specified cost function is minimized with respect to source strength and/or wind field. The analyzed wind field satisfied the constraints derived from the conditions of mass conservation and linearized flow equations for perturbations from the first guess wind field. ‘Identical twin’ numerical experiments have been performed for the validation of the method. The first guess estimation errors of source emission rate and wind field were set to a factor of up to 10 and up to 6m/s respectively. The calculations results showed that in most studied cases an improvement of vector wind difference (VWD) error by about 0.7–1m/s could be achieved. The resulting normalized mean square error (NMSE) of concentration field was also reduced significantly


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    Η νόσος του Alzheimer (ΝΑ) είναι η πιο κοινή μορφή άνοιας, χαρακτηρίζεται από τη διαταραχή του αίματο-εγκεφαλικού φραγμού, τη μιτοχονδριακή δυσλειτουργία, το οξειδωτικό στρες, τη φλεγμονή των νευρικών κυττάρων άμεσα σχετιζόμενη με τη συσσώρευση/συσσωμάτωση του πεπτιδίου Αβ, την υπερφωσφορυλίωση της πρωτεΐνης tau και η δραστική μείωση των επίπεδων της ακετυλοχολίνης. Αυξανόμενος αριθμός μελετών υποστηρίζει μια ισχυρή συσχέτιση των καρδιαγγειακών παθήσεων (cardiovascular disease ή CVD) και της νόσου του Alzheimer. Αρκετοί παράγοντες, όπως η υποξία, η συσσώρευση/συσσωμάτωση του πεπτιδίου Αβ και το οξειδωτικό στρες έχουν προταθεί ως σημεία σύνδεσης μεταξύ της ΝΑ και των καρδιαγγειακών παθήσεων. Το ενδιαφέρον της επιστημονικής κοινότητας έχει στραφεί, είτε στην ενίσχυση της αντιοξειδωτικής άμυνας του οργανισμού, είτε στη ρύθμιση του μεταβολισμούκαι επεξεργασίας/processing της Προδρόμου πρωτεΐνης του αμυλοειδούς (ΑPP) προς το μη- αμυλοειδογενές μονοπάτι. Στα πλαίσια αυτά, αποφασίσαμε να διερευνήσουμε το πρότυπο έκφρασης της ΑPP με τη χρήση αντισωμάτων που αναγνωρίζουν κύριες περιοχές της (καρβοξυτελικό άκρο, αμινοτελικό άκρο και της πρωτεϊνικής αλληλουχίας του Αβ πεπτιδίου) και να το συσχετίσουμε με συνθήκες επαγωγής στρες. Τα αποτελέσματα μας δείχνουν την ύπαρξη APP θραυσμάτων τόσο σε καρδιακά κύτταρα θηλαστικού όσο και σε καρδιακό ιστό Χορδωτού. Επίσης, υποδεικνύουν ότι η επεξεργασίας/processing της Προδρόμου πρωτεΐνης του αμυλοειδούς είναι άμεσα εξαρτωμένη από το μέγεθος της οξειδωτικής καταπόνησης. Συγκεκριμένα, σε μια πρώτη σειρά πειραμάτων αποδείξαμε πως η επίδρασητων κυττάρων με τον οξειδωτικό παράγοντα H2O2 οδηγεί σε σημαντική αύξηση των θραυσμάτων μικρού μοριακού βάρους, που περιέχουν τον επίτοπο του Αβ πεπτιδίου. Επιπλέον, χρησιμοποιώντας τον ενεργοποιητή της PKC και του σηματοδοτικούμονοπατιού των ERK1/2, PMA, αποδείξαμε πως υπάρχει άμεση εμπλοκή της συγκεκριμένης MAP κινάσης στην επεξεργασίας της APP, προς το αμινοτελικό άκρο αλλά όχι το καρβοξυτελικό. Ακόμη, η ανάλυση της έκφρασης του γονιδίου APP με τους προαναφερθείς παράγοντες, Η2Ο2 και PMA, παρέμεινε αμετάβλητη. Τέλος, τα συμπεράσματα μας ενισχύθηκαν από ένα νέο κύκλο πειραμάτων, με αναστολείς των κινασών που ενεργοποιούνται από μιτογόνα (MAPKs). Παρατηρήσαμε πως η επεξεργασίας της ΑPP είναι εξαρτωμένη από την ενεργοποίηση του μονοπατιού ERK1/2, εφόσον επαγωγή του μονοπατιού έχει ως αποτέλεσμα αύξηση των θραυσμάτων μικρού μοριακού βάρους, ενώ η παρουσία του ειδικού αναστολέα, PD98059, αναστρέφει τη δημιουργία θραυσμάτωνAlzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia, is characterized by disruption of the blood-brain barrier, mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, inflammation of nerve cells directly associated with the accumulation/aggregation of Aβ peptide, the hyperphosphorylation of tau protein and the drastic decrease of acetylcholine. A growing number of studies support a strong association of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and Alzheimer's disease. Several factors such as hypoxia, aggregation of Aβ and oxidative stress have been proposed as the connection points between AD and cardiovascular disease. The interest of the scientific community has turned either to enhance the antioxidant defenses, or regulate the metabolism and processing of APP to the non-amyloidogenic pathway. In this context, we decided to investigate the expression pattern of APP, using antibodies against major regions of APP (C-terminus, N-terminus and the protein sequence of the Abeta peptide) and to associate it with stress inducing conditions. Our results show the existence of APP fragments in both mammalian cardiac cells and Vertebrate heart tissue. Also suggest that the processing of Amyloid Precursor Protein is directly dependent on the cellular redox status. More precisely, in a first series of experiments, we proved that incubating cardiac cells with the oxidizing agent H2O2 leads to a significant increase in low molecular weightfragments, which contain the epitope of the Abeta peptide. Moreover, using the activator of PKC and ERK1 / 2 signal pathway, PMA, we showed the involvement of 111 the specific MAP kinase into the APP processing, towards the N-terminal domain.Furthermore, the expression of APP gene remained unchanged in the presence of both agents, H2O2 and PMA. Finally, our conclusions were reinforced by a new round of studies, with inhibitors of Μitogen Activated Protein kinases (MAPKs). We showed that the APP processing is dependent on the activation of ERK 1 / 2, where induction of ERK1 / 2 signaling had an increase of low molecular weight fragments, while the presence of the selective phospo-ERK1/2 inhibitor, PD98059, abolished this fragmentation

    Interactions of Trivalent Lanthanide Cations with a New Hexadentate Di-Schiff Base: New Lanthanide(III) Complexes from (NE,N′E)-2,2′-(ethane-1,2-diylbis(oxy))bis(N-(pyridin-2-ylmethylene)ethanamine)

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    The novel lanthanide(III) complexes [Ln(NO3)2L](NO3)·3MeOH (Ln = La 1, Pr 2) and [Ln(NO3)3L](NO3)·2MeOH (Ln = Gd 3, Yb 4), where L = (NE,N′E)-2,2′-(ethane-1,2-diylbis(oxy))bis(N-(pyridin-2-ylmethylene)ethanamine), have been obtained by direct reaction of the Schiff base ligand and the corresponding hydrated lanthanide(III) nitrates in methanol. All complexes were characterized spectroscopically and thermogravimetrically. Complex 4 was also characterized with crystallographic studies: orthorhombic P212121, a = 10.6683(14), b = 13.4752(15), c = 19.3320(26) Å. In the molecular structure of 4, Yb(III) is surrounded by all donor atoms of the Schiff base (four nitrogen and two oxygen atoms) and four oxygen atoms belonging to two bidentate chelating nitrato ligands

    The Challenging Evaluation of Patients with Severe Psoriasis for Latent Tuberculosis: An Important Indication for IGRA

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    It is well-established that tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-α-antagonist regimens are advisable for the control of moderate to severe psoriasis; however the application of these agents is associated with increased risk of TB reactivation. Screening for latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) is indispensable prior to treatment inception in order to diminish the risk of active TB. Although tuberculin skin test (TST) still represents a useful tool for LTBI detection, it is difficult to be performed and read in patients with extensive psoriatic lesions. In this paper, we report the case of a 65-year-old male with severe psoriasis, who was evaluated by an interferon-gamma release assay (IGRA) for LTBI diagnosis prior to anti-TNF-α therapy. Furthermore, the physiological aspects of interferon-gamma release assays are discussed emphasizing the value of these novel immunodiagnostic tests (IGRAs) for presumable LTBI in all patients with extensive skin disorders

    Radiation source rate estimation through data assimilation of gamma dose rate measurements for operational nuclear emergency response systems

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    This paper presents an evaluation of an innovative data assimilation method that has been recently developed in NCSR Demokritos for estimating an unknown emission rate of radionuclides in the atmosphere, with real-scale experimental data. The efficient algorithm is based on the assimilation of gamma dose rate measured data in the Lagrangian atmospheric dispersion model DIPCOT and uses variational principles. The DIPCOT model is used in the framework of the nuclear emergency response system (ERS) RODOS. The evaluation is performed by computational simulations of dispersion of Ar-41 that was emitted routinely by the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation’s (ANSTO) previous research reactor, HIFAR, located in Sydney, Australia. In this paper the algorithm is evaluated against a more complicated Radiation source rate estimation through data assimilation 387 case than the others used in previous studies: There was only one monitoring station available each day and the site topography is characterised as moderately complex. Overall the estimated release rate approaches the real one to a very satisfactory degree as revealed by the statistical indicators of errors. © 2012 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd

    Brief Report: Using Individualized Orienting Cues to Facilitate First-Word Acquisition in Non-Responders with Autism

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    Though considerable progress has been made in developing techniques for improving the acquisition of expressive verbal communication in children with autism, research has documented that 10–25% still fail to develop speech. One possible technique that could be significant in facilitating responding for this nonverbal subgroup of children is the use of orienting cues. Using a multiple baseline design, this study examined whether individualized orienting cues could be identified, and whether their presentation would result in verbal expressive words. The results suggest that using individualized orienting cues can increase correct responding to verbal models as well as subsequent word use. Theoretical and applied implications of orienting cues as they relate to individualized programming for children with autism are discussed