310 research outputs found

    Subpicosecond time-resolved Raman studies of field-induced transient transport in an InxGa1−xAs-based p-i-n semiconductor nanostructure

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    Electron transient transport in an InxGa1−xAs-based (x=0.53) p-i-nnanostructure under the application of an electric field has been studied by time-resolvedRaman spectroscopy on a subpicosecond time scale and at T=300K. The experimental results reveal the time evolution of the electron distribution function and electron drift velocity with subpicosecond time resolution. These experimental results are compared with those of both InP-based and GaAs-based p-i-nnanostructures and provide a consistent understanding and better insight of electron transient transport phenomena in semiconductors

    Subpicosecond time-resolved Raman studies of LO phonons in GaN: Dependence on photoexcited carrier density

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    Subpicosecond time-resolved Raman spectroscopy has been used to measure the lifetime of the LO phonon mode in GaN for photoexcited electron-hole pair density ranging from1016to2×1019cm−3 . The lifetime has been found to decrease from 2.5ps , at low density, to0.35ps , at the highest density. The experimental findings should help resolve the recent controversy over the lifetime of LO phonon mode in GaN

    Observation of electronic Raman scattering from Mg-doped wurtzite GaN

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    Electronic Raman scattering experiments have been carried out on both molecular beam epitaxy and metal-organic chemical vapor deposition-grown Mg-doped wurtzite GaN samples. Aside from the expected Raman lines, a broad structure (full width at half maximum≅15 cm−1)observed at around 841 cm−1 is attributed to the electronic Raman scattering from neutral Mg impurities in Mg-doped GaN. Our experimental results demonstrate that the energy between the ground and first excited states of Mg impurities in wurtzite GaN is about one-half of its binding energy

    Observation of optical phonon instability induced by drifting electrons in semiconductor nanostructures

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    We have experimentally proven the Cerenkov generation of optical phonons by drifting electrons in a semiconductor. We observe an instability of the polar optical phonons in nanoscale semiconductors that occurs when electrons are accelerated to very high velocities by intense electric fields. The instability is observed when the electron drift velocity is larger than the phase velocity of optical phonons and rather resembles a “sonic boom” for optical phonons. The effect is demonstrated in p–i–nsemiconductor nanostructures by using subpicosecond Raman spectroscopy

    Grain Boundaries in Graphene on SiC(0001ˉ\bar{1}) Substrate

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    Grain boundaries in epitaxial graphene on the SiC(0001ˉ\bar{1}) substrate are studied using scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy. All investigated small-angle grain boundaries show pronounced out-of-plane buckling induced by the strain fields of constituent dislocations. The ensemble of observations allows to determine the critical misorientation angle of buckling transition θc=19± 2\theta_c = 19 \pm~2^\circ. Periodic structures are found among the flat large-angle grain boundaries. In particular, the observed θ=33±2\theta = 33\pm2^\circ highly ordered grain boundary is assigned to the previously proposed lowest formation energy structural motif composed of a continuous chain of edge-sharing alternating pentagons and heptagons. This periodic grain boundary defect is predicted to exhibit strong valley filtering of charge carriers thus promising the practical realization of all-electric valleytronic devices

    Incorporating connectivity into conservation planning for the optimal representation of multiple species and ecosystem services

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    Funding was provided by the Rainforest Trust foundation. Support was also provided by the Sabah Forest Department, Forest Research Centre, the South East Asia Rainforest Research Partnership, the U.N. Development Programme, the Universiti Malaysia Sabah (FRGS0414-STWN-1/2015), PACOS Trust, BC Initiative, the Natural Environment Research Council UK (grant NE/R009597/1), and the Universities of Aberdeen, Montana, and York. We are grateful to the numerous researchers that collected the data used in our analyses, as well as the local communities and government staff who manage forested areas across Sabah.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Dental management considerations for the patient with an acquired coagulopathy. Part 1: Coagulopathies from systemic disease

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    Current teaching suggests that many patients are at risk for prolonged bleeding during and following invasive dental procedures, due to an acquired coagulopathy from systemic disease and/or from medications. However, treatment standards for these patients often are the result of long-standing dogma with little or no scientific basis. The medical history is critical for the identification of patients potentially at risk for prolonged bleeding from dental treatment. Some time-honoured laboratory tests have little or no use in community dental practice. Loss of functioning hepatic, renal, or bone marrow tissue predisposes to acquired coagulopathies through different mechanisms, but the relationship to oral haemostasis is poorly understood. Given the lack of established, science-based standards, proper dental management requires an understanding of certain principles of pathophysiology for these medical conditions and a few standard laboratory tests. Making changes in anticoagulant drug regimens are often unwarranted and/or expensive, and can put patients at far greater risk for morbidity and mortality than the unlikely outcome of postoperative bleeding. It should be recognised that prolonged bleeding is a rare event following invasive dental procedures, and therefore the vast majority of patients with suspected acquired coagulopathies are best managed in the community practice setting

    Cardiac Myosin Binding Protein C and MAP-Kinase Activating Death Domain-Containing Gene Polymorphisms and Diastolic Heart Failure

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    OBJECTIVE: Myosin binding protein C (MYBPC3) plays a role in ventricular relaxation. The aim of the study was to investigate the association between cardiac myosin binding protein C (MYBPC3) gene polymorphisms and diastolic heart failure (DHF) in a human case-control study. METHODS: A total of 352 participants of 1752 consecutive patients from the National Taiwan University Hospital and its affiliated hospital were enrolled. 176 patients diagnosed with DHF confirmed by echocardiography were recruited. Controls were matched 1-to-1 by age, sex, hypertension, diabetes, renal function and medication use. We genotyped 12 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) according to HapMap Han Chinese Beijing databank across a 40 kb genetic region containing the MYBPC3 gene and the neighboring DNA sequences to capture 100% of haplotype variance in all SNPs with minor allele frequencies ≥ 5%. We also analyzed associations of these tagging SNPs and haplotypes with DHF and linkage disequilibrium (LD) structure of the MYBPC3 gene. RESULTS: In a single locus analysis, SNP rs2290149 was associated with DHF (allele-specific p = 0.004; permuted p = 0.031). The SNP with a minor allele frequency of 9.4%, had an odds ratio 2.14 (95% CI 1.25-3.66; p = 0.004) for the additive model and 2.06 for the autosomal dominant model (GG+GA : AA, 95% CI 1.17-3.63; p = 0.013), corresponding to a population attributable risk fraction of 12.02%. The haplotypes in a LD block of rs2290149 (C-C-G-C) was also significantly associated with DHF (odds ratio 2.10 (1.53-2.89); permuted p = 0.029). CONCLUSIONS: We identified a SNP (rs2290149) among the tagging SNP set that was significantly associated with early DHF in a Chinese population

    CVD-Enabled Graphene Manufacture and Technology.

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    Integrated manufacturing is arguably the most challenging task in the development of technology based on graphene and other 2D materials, particularly with regard to the industrial demand for “electronic-grade” large-area films. In order to control the structure and properties of these materials at the monolayer level, their nucleation, growth and interfacing needs to be understood to a level of unprecedented detail compared to existing thin film or bulk materials. Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) has emerged as the most versatile and promising technique to develop graphene and 2D material films into industrial device materials and this Perspective outlines recent progress, trends, and emerging CVD processing pathways. A key focus is the emerging understanding of the underlying growth mechanisms, in particular on the role of the required catalytic growth substrate, which brings together the latest progress in the fields of heterogeneous catalysis and classic crystal/thin-film growth.Funding from the ERC (Grant No. 279342, InSituNANO) and EPSRC (Grant No. EP/K016636/1, GRAPHTED) is acknowledged. R.S.W. acknowledges a research fellowship from St. John’s College, Cambridge.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from ACS via http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpclett.5b0105