332 research outputs found

    Правовий режим як критерій поділу права на галузі

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    Стаття присвячена проблемам поділу системи права на приватне та публічне. У статті аналізуються наявні наукові теорії розподілу права з використанням різних критеріїв, серед яких автор виокремлює правовий режим, як основа утворення галузей вітчизняного законодавства. Ключові слова: приватне право, публічне право, режим, правовий режим.Статья посвящена проблемам разделения системы права на частное и публичное. В статье анализируются имеющиеся научные теории распределения права с использованием разных критериев, среди которых автор выделяет правовой режим, как основа образования отраслей отечественного законодательства. Ключевые слова: частное право, публичное право, режим, правовой режим.The article is sacred to the problems of division of the system of right on private and public. In the article the present scientific theories of distribution are analysed rights with the use of different criteria, among which an author distinguishes the legal mode, as basis of formation of industries of domestic legislation. Key words: private right, public law, mode, legal mode

    Dissection of the Influenza A Virus Endocytic Routes Reveals Macropinocytosis as an Alternative Entry Pathway

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    Influenza A virus (IAV) enters host cells upon binding of its hemagglutinin glycoprotein to sialylated host cell receptors. Whereas dynamin-dependent, clathrin-mediated endocytosis (CME) is generally considered as the IAV infection pathway, some observations suggest the occurrence of an as yet uncharacterized alternative entry route. By manipulating entry parameters we established experimental conditions that allow the separate analysis of dynamin-dependent and -independent entry of IAV. Whereas entry of IAV in phosphate-buffered saline could be completely inhibited by dynasore, a specific inhibitor of dynamin, a dynasore-insensitive entry pathway became functional in the presence of fetal calf serum. This finding was confirmed with the use of small interfering RNAs targeting dynamin-2. In the presence of serum, both IAV entry pathways were operational. Under these conditions entry could be fully blocked by combined treatment with dynasore and the amiloride derivative EIPA, the hallmark inhibitor of macropinocytosis, whereas either drug alone had no effect. The sensitivity of the dynamin-independent entry pathway to inhibitors or dominant-negative mutants affecting actomyosin dynamics as well as to a number of specific inhibitors of growth factor receptor tyrosine kinases and downstream effectors thereof all point to the involvement of macropinocytosis in IAV entry. Consistently, IAV particles and soluble FITC-dextran were shown to co-localize in cells in the same vesicles. Thus, in addition to the classical dynamin-dependent, clathrin-mediated endocytosis pathway, IAV enters host cells by a dynamin-independent route that has all the characteristics of macropinocytosis

    Increased neutralization and IgG epitope identification after MVA-MERS-S booster vaccination against Middle East respiratory syndrome

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    Vaccine development is essential for pandemic preparedness. We previously conducted a Phase 1 clinical trial of the vector vaccine candidate MVA-MERS-S against the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV), expressing its full spike glycoprotein (MERS-CoV-S), as a homologous two-dose regimen (Days 0 and 28). Here, we evaluate a third vaccination with MVA-MERS-S in a subgroup of trial participants one year after primary immunization. A booster vaccination with MVA-MERS-S is safe and well-tolerated. Both binding and neutralizing anti-MERS-CoV antibody titers increase substantially in all participants and exceed maximum titers observed after primary immunization more than 10-fold. We identify four immunogenic IgG epitopes, located in the receptor-binding domain (RBD, n=1) and the S2 subunit (n=3) of MERS-CoV-S. The level of baseline anti-human coronavirus antibody titers does not impact the generation of anti-MERS-CoV antibody responses. Our data support the rationale of a booster vaccination with MVA-MERS-S and encourage further investigation in larger trials

    CD81 is dispensable for hepatitis C virus cell-to-cell transmission in hepatoma cells

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    Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infects cells by the direct uptake of cell-free virus following virus engagement with specific cell receptors such as CD81. Recent data have shown that HCV is also capable of direct cell-to-cell transmission, although the role of CD81 in this process is disputed. Here, we generated cell culture infectious strain JFH1 HCV (HCVcc) genomes carrying an alanine substitution of E2 residues W529 or D535 that are critical for binding to CD81 and infectivity. Co-cultivation of these cells with naïve cells expressing enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) resulted in a small number of cells co-expressing both EGFP and HCV NS5A, showing that the HCVcc mutants are capable of cell-to-cell spread. In contrast, no cell-to-cell transmission from JFH1ΔE1E2-transfected cells occurred, indicating that the HCV glycoproteins are essential for this process. The frequency of cell-to-cell transmission of JFH1W529A was unaffected by the presence of neutralizing antibodies that inhibit E2–CD81 interactions. By using cell lines that expressed little or no CD81 and that were refractive to infection with cell-free virus, we showed that the occurrence of viral cell-to-cell transmission is not influenced by the levels of CD81 on either donor or recipient cells. Thus, our results show that CD81 plays no role in the cell-to-cell spread of HCVcc and that this mode of transmission is shielded from neutralizing antibodies. These data suggest that therapeutic interventions targeting the entry of cell-free HCV may not be sufficient in controlling an ongoing chronic infection, but need to be complemented by additional strategies aimed at disrupting direct cell-to-cell viral transmission

    Lesson study in vocational education and training : the status quo in four European countries

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    This paper introduces the ERASMUS+ project LS4VET, which aims to develop a Lesson Study model for the VET sector with the goal to encourage innovation and change in vocational education by creating an open-online course to support collaborative professionalism for VET educators. The status quo of Lesson Study in the four partner countries Austria, Hungary, Malta, and the Netherlands is described and an outlook on the development of a Lesson Study model for VET is given.peer-reviewe

    Adaptation of Brucella melitensis Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing to the ISO 20776 Standard and Validation of the Method

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue Emerging Themes in Brucella and Brucellosis.Brucellosis, mainly caused by Brucella (B.) melitensis, is associated with a risk of chronification and relapses. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST) standards for B. melitensis are not available, and the agent is not yet listed in the EUCAST breakpoint tables. CLSI recommendations for B. melitensis exist, but they do not fulfill the requirements of the ISO 20776 standard regarding the culture medium and the incubation conditions. Under the third EU Health Programme, laboratories specializing in the diagnostics of highly pathogenic bacteria in their respective countries formed a working group within a Joint Action aiming to develop a suitable method for the AST of B. melitensis. Under the supervision of EUCAST representatives, this working group adapted the CLSI M45 document to the ISO 20776 standard after testing and validation. These adaptations included the comparison of various culture media, culture conditions and AST methods. A Standard Operation Procedure was derived and an interlaboratory validation was performed in order to evaluate the method. The results showed pros and cons for both of the two methods but also indicate that it is not necessary to abandon Mueller–Hinton without additives for the AST of B. melitensis.This research was funded by the EU Health Programme 2014–2020, through the Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency (CHAFEA, European Commission), the Joint Action EMERGE (CHAFEA n° 677 066) and the Joint Action SHARP (848096-SHARP JA).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Comparative Study of Human TLR 7/8 Stimulatory Trimer Compositions in Influenza A Viral Genomes

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    Background: Variation in the genomes of single-stranded RNA viruses affects their infectivity and pathogenicity in two ways. First, viral genome sequence variations lead to changes in viral protein sequences and activities. Second, viral genome sequence variation produces diversity at the level of nucleotide composition and diversity in the interactions between viral RNAs and host toll-like receptors (TLRs). A viral genome-typing method based on this type of diversity has not yet been established. Methodology/Principal Findings: In this study, we propose a novel genomic trait called the ‘‘TLR stimulatory trimer composition’ ’ (TSTC) and two quantitative indicators, Score S and Score N, named ‘‘TLR stimulatory scores’ ’ (TSS). Using the complete genome sequences of 10,994 influenza A viruses (IAV) and 251 influenza B viruses, we show that TSTC analysis reveals the diversity of Score S and Score N among the IAVs isolated from various hosts. In addition, we show that low values of Score S are correlated with high pathogenicity and pandemic potential in IAVs. Finally, we use Score S and Score N to construct a logistic regression model to recognize IAV strains that are highly pathogenic or have high pandemic potential. Conclusions/Significance: Results from the TSTC analysis indicate that there are large differences between human and avian IAV genomes (except for segment 3), as illustrated by Score S. Moreover, segments 1, 2, 3 and 4 may be majo