431 research outputs found

    Dalle rappresentazioni di genere, sessualità alle differenze/diseguaglianze di genere

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    At the base of the philosophical and anthropological reflection underlying gender and sexuality is the impossibility of defining exactly the two concepts and the boundaries that separate them. If it is true that in the vulgate the 'sex' is what is defined by biology, then by nature, for what it concerns the 'gender', this concept refers to categories of cultural and social type. Contemporary thought has entered a crisis in the difficulty of uniquely defending the poles of nature and culture, and this because the criteria of normativity that had always been adopted epistemologically in the past creak before the evidence of their historical-cultural relativity. As Foucault pointed out, gender is what more than any other category has been subjected to a process of naturalization / biologicization exploited for political purposes (in the broad sense that the term can assume in the Foucaultian theory of biopower). Western society, especially starting from the modernity inaugurated by the Enlightenment, has begun to expand to all forms of knowledge a scientific approach which is only fictitiously descriptive but which in fact imposed a pre-packaged vision of reality by disguising itself as de-historicized social mechanisms.À la base de la réflexion philosophique et anthropologique sous-jacente au genre et à la sexualité se trouve l’impossibilité de définir exactement les deux concepts et les frontières qui les séparent. Si est vrai que dans la vulgate, le «sexe» est ce qui est définit par la biologie, donc, par la nature, en ce qui concerne le «genre», il fait référence à des catégories de type culturelles et sociales.La pensée contemporaine est entrée dans une crise dans la difficulté de défendre uniquement les pôles de la nature et de la culture, et ça, parce que les critères de normativité qui avaient été adoptés épistémologiquement dans le passé craquent avant la preuve de leur relativité historico-culturelle.Comme Foucault a souligné, le genre est ce que plus entre toute autre catégorie a été soumis à un processus de naturalisation / biologisation exploité à des fins politiques (au sens large que le terme peut assumer dans la théorie foucaltienne du bio-pouvoir). La société occidentale, en particulier à partir de la modernité inaugurée par les Lumières, a commencé à étendre à toutes les formes de connaissance une approche scientifique seule à l'apparence descriptive, mais qui impose en fait une vision prédéfinie de la réalité en se faisant passer pour des mécanismes naturels dés-historisés du social.Alla base della riflessione filosofica e antropologica sottese al genere e alla sessualità vi è l'impossibilità di definire esattamente i due concetti e i confini che le separano. Se è vero che nella vulgata il 'sesso' è ciò che è definito dalla biologia, quindi dalla natura, per quanto riguarda il 'genere' esso rimanda a categorie di tipo culturale e sociale. Il pensiero contemporaneo è entrato in crisi nella difficoltà di difendere in maniera univoca i poli della natura e della cultura, e questo perché i criteri di normatività che erano sempre stati adottati epistemologicamente in passato scricchiolano di fronte all'evidenza della loro relatività storico-culturale. Come fece notare Foucault, il genere è ciò che più di ogni altra categoria è stato soggetto ad un processo di naturalizzazione/biologicizzazione strumentalizzato a finalità politiche (nel senso lato che può assumere il termine nella teoria foucaultiana del biopotere). La società occidentale, soprattutto a partire dalla modernità inaugurata dall'Illuminismo, ha iniziato ad espandere a tutte le forme di sapere un approccio scientifico solo fintamente descrittivo ma che difatti imponeva una visione preconfezionata della realtà spacciando per naturale meccanismi sociali destoricizzati

    La filosofia delle donne: Nascita e rinascita nel pensiero di HannahArendt e Maria Zambrano

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    The philosophical thoughts of Hannah Arendt and Maria Zambrano were analysed along the theme of the theme of birth and rebirth, connected with a new vision of human freedom, in opposition to the existentialist philosophies of 'male' type (Heidegger, Sartre) which have put the theme of mortality and necessity at the forefront.Les pensées de Hannah Arendt et Maria Zambrano ont été analysées autour du thème de la naissance et de la renaissance, en lien avec une nouvelle vision de la liberté humaine, en opposition aux philosophies existentialistes de type «masculin» (Heidegger, Sartre) qui ils ont mis le sujet de la mortalité et de la nécessité au premier plan.Sono stati analizzati i pensieri di Hannah Arendt e Maria Zambrano lungo il filo conduttore del tema della nascita e della rinascita, connesse con una nuova visione della libertà dell'uomo, in opposizione alle filosofie esistenzialistiche di stampo 'maschile' (Heidegger, Sartre) che hanno posto in primo piano il tema della mortalità e della necessità

    Gaio Giulio Cesare: fra mito e realtà storica

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    In the age of greatest crisis of a state perched on ancient systems of values, ​​that in fact were the prerogative of a narrow political circle no longer able to govern, Cesare appears as the man who reveals the way of no return taken by the Republic, by forcing extreme mechanisms of the system and stalling them with his protomonarchic experiment. Here, through ancient and modern literature and historical sources, one of the most mythologized figures of all times and the exegesis of the birth and construction of this myth is analysed.À l'ère de la plus grande crise d'un État perché sur d'anciens systèmes de valeurs qui étaient en fait l'apanage d'un cercle politique étroit qui ne pouvant plus gouverner, Cesare apparaît comme l'homme qui révèle le chemin du non-retour emprunté par la République, en forçant des mécanismes extrêmes du système et en les bloquant avec son expérience protomonarchique. Ici, à travers la littérature ancienne et moderne et les sources historiques, l’on analyse l’une des figures les plus mythologiques de tous les temps et l’exégèse de la naissance et de la construction de ce mythe.Nell'epoca di maggiore crisi di uno stato arroccato su antichi sistemi di valori che di fatto erano appannaggio di una stretta cerchia politica non più in grado di governare, Cesare appare come l'uomo che rivela la via di non ritorno imboccata dalla Repubblica, portando a forzatura estrema meccanismi del sistema e mettendoli in stallo con il suo esperimento protomonarchico. Qui viene analizzata attraverso la letteratura e le fonti storiografiche, antiche e moderne, una delle figure più mitizzate di tutti i tempi e l'esegesi della nascita e della costruzione di questo mito

    Entrainment of Voluntary Movement to Undetected Auditory Regularities

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    In physics “entrainment” refers to the synchronization of two coupled oscillators with similar fundamental frequencies. In behavioral science, entrainment refers to the tendency of humans to synchronize their movements with rhythmic stimuli. Here, we asked whether human subjects performing a tapping task would entrain their tapping to an undetected auditory rhythm surreptitiously introduced in the guise of ambient background noise in the room. Subjects performed two different tasks, one in which they tapped their finger at a steady rate of their own choosing and one in which they performed a single abrupt finger tap on each trial after a delay of their own choosing. In both cases we found that subjects tended to tap in phase with the inducing modulation, with some variability in the preferred phase across subjects, consistent with prior research. In the repetitive tapping task, if the frequency of the inducing stimulus was far from the subject’s own self-paced frequency, then entrainment was abolished, consistent with the properties of entrainment in physics. Thus, undetected ambient noise can influence self-generated movements. This suggests that uncued decisions to act are never completely endogenous, but are subject to subtle unnoticed influences from the sensory environment

    Redefinition of Stachytarpheta sprucei (Verbenaceae) reveals a remarkable geographic disjunction in tropical forests of South America

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    Stachytarpheta is the second largest genus of Verbenaceae, mainly distributed in xeric habitats of South America. The morphological revision of South American specimens clarified the taxonomic identity of three previously accepted species from informal group Gesnerioides: S. sprucei (from the Amazon Forest domain), S. alata, and S. tomentosa (from the Atlantic Forest domain). A new taxonomic arrangement is proposed here, with the synonymization of S. alata and S. tomentosa under S. sprucei. Consequently, the newly circumscribed S. sprucei evidences a remarkable geographic disjunction, with populations separated by the Caatinga, Cerrado, and Chaco domains (the South American dry diagonal). It inhabits inselbergs, tepuis, and savannas in the Amazon Forest domain, and top of inselbergs surrounded by forest in the Atlantic Forest domain. A detailed species description, taxonomic comments, a geographic distribution map, photos of living specimens, and an identification key to the species from the Gesnerioides group are included.Fil: Cardoso, Pedro Henrique. Universidade Federal Do Rio de Janeiro. Museu Nacional; BrasilFil: O'Leary, Nataly Cristina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Botánica Darwinion. Academia Nacional de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Instituto de Botánica Darwinion; ArgentinaFil: Neto, Luiz Menini. Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora; BrasilFil: Trovó, Marcelo. Universidade Federal Do Rio de Janeiro. Museu Nacional; Brasi

    Best Arm Identification for Stochastic Rising Bandits

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    Stochastic Rising Bandits is a setting in which the values of the expected rewards of the available options increase every time they are selected. This framework models a wide range of scenarios in which the available options are learning entities whose performance improves over time. In this paper, we focus on the Best Arm Identification (BAI) problem for the stochastic rested rising bandits. In this scenario, we are asked, given a fixed budget of rounds, to provide a recommendation about the best option at the end of the selection process. We propose two algorithms to tackle the above-mentioned setting, namely R-UCBE, which resorts to a UCB-like approach, and R-SR, which employs a successive reject procedure. We show that they provide guarantees on the probability of properly identifying the optimal option at the end of the learning process. Finally, we numerically validate the proposed algorithms in synthetic and realistic environments and compare them with the currently available BAI strategies

    Doenças genéticas raras e judicialização no Brasil

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    As doenças raras afetam uma pequena porcentagem da população, mas constituem um importante problema de saúde pública. A maioria delas tem etiologia genética e, uma pequena parcela dispõe de tratamento medicamentoso, geralmente de alto custo, capaz de interferir na sua progressão. Em 2014, foi instituída a Política Nacional de Atenção Integral às Pessoas com Doenças Raras no âmbito do Sistema Único de Saúde, por meio da Portaria no. 199, de 30 de janeiro de 2014. Esse estudo teórico apresenta uma breve descrição dos aspectos relacionados à complexidade quanto ao diagnóstico e tratamento das doenças genéticas raras. O diagnóstico geralmente é tardio ou até mesmo equivocado, devido à escassez de médicos geneticistas, sua localização concentrada em regiões específicas do Brasil e desconhecimento dos médicos generalistas sobre as doenças raras, o que contribue significativamente para o sub-diagnóstico das doenças genéticas raras. A judicialização da saúde foi a maneira encontrada por alguns pacientes para obtenção de tratamento medicamentoso, como ilustrado para Fenilcetonúria, Mucopolissacaridoses e doença de Fabry. Em suma, é consenso na literatura o impacto significativo das doenças genéticas raras na vida do paciente e seus familiares

    Flora da Serra do Cipó, Minas Gerais: Pontederiaceae

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    O estudo da família Pontederiaceae é parte do levantamento da Flora da Serra do Cipó, Minas Gerais, Brasil. Essa família está representada na área pelo gênero Pontederia, com apenas uma espécie, P. cordata. São apresentadas descrição e ilustrações da espécie, além de comentários sobre sua distribuição geográfica, fenologia e variabilidade morfológica.The study of the family Pontederiaceae is part of the project"Flora of Serra do Cipó, Minas Gerais, Brazil". In the area, the family is represented by the genus Pontederia, with only one species, P. cordata. A description and illustrations, as well as comments on the geographic distribution, phenology and morphological variability of the species are presented

    Effectiveness of different concentrations of ozonated water in the sanitization of fresh-cut green pepper

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    Green pepper is a popular vegetable in Brazil.  It is consumed mainly in raw salads or their complements, and therefore should be given special attention as to sanitization.  Sodium hypochlorite is currently the sanitizer most used for this purpose, but the formation of by-products is an inconvenience.  Thus, the search for techniques to minimize and/or replace this product in the fresh-cut industry has been increased.  Ozonated water can be an alternative because it is a potent sanitizer and does not create by-products.  The aim of this work was to define the most effective concentration of ozonated water in reducing microbial contamination of fresh-cut green pepper.  The raw material was purchased in a local trade of Campinas-SP, selected and minimally processed.  The sanitization consisted of immersion in tap water (T2) and ozonated water at concentrations of 1.6 mg/L (T3), 1.8 mg/L (T4) for one min.  The processing consisted of washing, manual cutting, taking up the stalk and the internal parts and slicing into strips (± 3 mm in thickness).  The control treatment (T1) was the product minimally processed without washing. The ozone concentration was measured by a commercially available kit (CHEMetrics, Vacu-vials, Ozone K-7402, Calverton, Va., U.S.A.).  It was performed physical-chemical (pH and soluble solids) and microbial analysis (mesophilic and psychrotrophic aerobic bacteria, total coliforms, Escherichia Coli, yeasts and molds, besides the presence of Salmonella spp.).  The average initial contamination of samples were 1.3×105 CFU/g to mesophilic aerobic bacteria, >1.1×103 CFU/g to total coliforms