105 research outputs found

    Network Resource Management For Cyber-Physical Production Systems Based On Quality of Experience

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    In today's industrial challenges, it can be observed that the trends point in the direction of agile, wireless connected robots where elements of intelligence and control are implemented in the edge cloud. This paper outlines the roles of three key participants in the value chain of an industrial process: the network provider, the robot operator, and the customer. It proposes a scheme where the Quality of Service (QoS) parameters of the robot are fed into the network to inform network resource management. A sanding process use case is simulated to demonstrate the relationship between QoS and Quality of Experience (QoE) for each participant, quantitatively

    Regionalizációs folyamatok Szerbiában

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    In Serbia the process of the regionalization, the power decentralization and the strengthening to self"government has become a central issue in the recent years. In this context, our aim is to give the general preview about the initial processes of Serbia’s regional development and decentralization. The research on the subject is justified by the accession of Serbia to the European Union. The main questions are: Where is currently the regional organization in Serbia? How and in that measure has the decentralization process been achieved? Is there a “bottom"up” initiative in Serbia or the country is trying to meet the expectations of the European Union? It should be noted that Serbia had the largest and most differential spatial structure of the former Yugoslavia, furthermore the war conditions gave special characteristics to the spatial backwardness and setback. Currently, the country’s development path is complicated and shows numerous sophisticated features in many segments of the economic progression

    Spectral functions of charmonium with 2+1 flavours of dynamical quarks

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    Finite temperature charmonium spectral functions in the pseudoscalar(PS) and vector(V) channels are studied in lattice QCD with 2+1 flavours of dynamical Wilson quarks, on fine isotropic lattices (with a lattice spacing of 0.057fm), with a non-physical pion mass of 545MeV. The highest temperature studied is approximately 1.4Tc. Up to this temperature no significant variation of the spectral function is seen in the PS channel. The V channel shows some temperature dependence, which seems to be consistent with a temperature dependent low frequency peak related to heavy quark transport, plus a temperature independent term at omega > 0. These results are in accord with previous calculations using the quenched approximation.Comment: Conference proceedings: The 32nd International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory - Lattice 2014 June 23-28, 2014 Columbia University, New York, New York This conference contribution draws heavily from the paper: arXiv:1401.5940 [hep-lat

    A user-friendly, high-throughput tool for the precise fluorescent quantification of deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates from biological samples

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    Cells maintain a fine-tuned, dynamic concentration balance in the pool of deoxyribonucleoside 5′-triphosphates (dNTPs). This balance is essential for physiological processes including cell cycle control or antiviral defense. Its perturbation results in increased mutation frequencies, replication arrest and may promote cancer development. An easily accessible and relatively high-throughput method would greatly accelerate the exploration of the diversified consequences of dNTP imbalances. The dNTP incorporation based, fluorescent TaqMan-like assay published by Wilson et al. has the aforementioned advantages over mass spectrometry, radioactive or chromatography based dNTP quantification methods. Nevertheless, the assay failed to produce reliable data in several biological samples. Therefore, we applied enzyme kinetics analysis on the fluorescent dNTP incorporation curves and found that the Taq polymerase exhibits a dNTP independent exonuclease activity that decouples signal generation from dNTP incorporation. Furthermore, we found that both polymerization and exonuclease activities are unpredictably inhibited by the sample matrix. To resolve these issues, we established a kinetics based data analysis method which identifies the signal generated by dNTP incorporation. We automated the analysis process in the nucleoTIDY software which enables even the inexperienced user to calculate the final and accurate dNTP amounts in a 96-well-plate setup within minutes

    Low-force transitions in single titin molecules reflect a memory of contractile history

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    Titin is a giant elastomeric muscle protein that has been suggested to function as a sensor of sarcomeric stress and strain, but the mechanisms by which it does so are unresolved. To gain insight into its mechanosensory function we manipulated single titin molecules with high-resolution optical tweezers. Discrete, step-wise transitions, with rates faster than canonical Ig domain unfolding occurred during stretch at forces as low as 5 pN. Multiple mechanisms and molecular regions (PEVK, proximal tandem-Ig, N2A) are likely to be involved. The pattern of transitions is sensitive to the history of contractile events. Monte-Carlo simulations of our experimental results predicted that structural transitions begin before the complete extension of the PEVK domain. High-resolution atomic force microscopy (AFM) supported this prediction. Addition of glutamate-rich PEVK domain fragments competitively inhibited the viscoelastic response in both single titin molecules and muscle fibers, indicating that PEVK domain interactions contribute significantly to sarcomere mechanics. Thus, under non-equilibrium conditions across the physiological force range, titin extends by a complex pattern of history-dependent discrete conformational transitions, which, by dynamically exposing ligand-binding sites, could set the stage for the biochemical sensing of the mechanical status of the sarcomere


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    Essential oils (EO), an important group of plant extracts, which are concentrated extracts of aromatic oily liquids from various plant materials obtained by steam distillation. Plant-derived EO is a useful means to improve efficiency of nutrient utilization in ruminants and reduce the impact of their production on the environment. In recent years, more research has been directed toward evaluating the potential of EO to improve performance in dairy cows but according to the results the effect of EO on milk production is not consistent. Therefore, the study evaluated the effects of supplementing a mixture of EO (oregano, thyme, citrus, cinnamon, ginger, curcuma, pepper and an organic carrier) in the diet of lactating Holstein Friesian dairy cows (n=46) in late lactation on the intake, milk yield and composition in a dairy farm experiment. The average DIM at the start of the experiment was 156 days. Experimental treatments consisted of a mixture of EO (2 g cow-1 day-1) inclusion in a total mixed ration. There was a 3-week long preliminary and a 7-week long experimental period in the trial. Milk production was recorded every day. Chemical analyses were made from the morning milked samples once a week. Supplementation of dairy cows with mixture of EO significantly (P<0.05) increased the dry matter intake (control: 26.9±1.49 kg DM day-1 vs. experimental: 27.3±0.95 kg DM day-1) but had no effect on milk production (control: 38.3±4.99 kg vs. experimental: 37.9±4.93 kg) and milk composition (fat, protein, lactose). Results show that an intake of 2 g cow-1 day-1 mixture of EO may increase the feed intake but does not influence milk yield and composition in late lactation.Esencijalna ulja (EO), važna skupina iz biljnih ekstrakata, kooncentrirani su ekstrakti aromatičnih uljnih tekućina iz različitih biljnih materijala dobivenih parnom destilacijom. Biljno esencijalno ulje je korisno sredstvo za poboljšanje djelotvornosti iskorištavanja hranjivih tvari preživača i smanjenje djelovanja njegove proizvodnje na okoliš. Zadnjih godina više je istraživanja usmjereno na procjenu potencijala esencijalnih ulja za poboljšanje djelotvornosti mliječnih krava ali prema rezultatima djelovanja esencijalnih ulja na proizvodnju mlijeka nije dosljedno. Stoga se u radu procjenjuje djelovanje dodavanja mješavine esencijalnih ulja (origano, majčina dušica, limun, cimet, đumbir, papar i organski nosač) u obroke Holštajn i Frizijskih mliječnih krava u kasnoj laktaciji (n=46) na unos hrane, prinos i sastav mlijeka u pokusu na mliječnoj farmi. Prosječan DIM na početku pokusa bio je 156 dana. Pokusni tretmani sastojali su se od dodavanja smjese esencijalnih ulja (2g/dan) u ukupnu smjesu obroka. Pokus se sastojao od 3 tjedna pripremnog i 7 tjedana pokusnog razdoblja. Proizvodnja mlijeka bilježila se svakog dana. Kemijske analize obavljene su iz jutrom pomuzenog mlijeka jednom tjedno. Dodavanje mliječnim kravama smjese aromatičnih ulja značajno (P<0,05) je povećalo unos suhe tvari (kontrola: 26,9+1,49 kg DM dnevno prema pokus: 27,3 +0,95 kg DM dnevno), ali nije djelovalo na proizvodnju mlijeka (kontrola: 38,3+4,99 kg prema pokus.37,9+4,93 kg) i sastav mlijeka (masnoća, bjelančevina, laktoza). Rezultati pokazuju da dnevni unos po kravi 2 g smjese aromatičnih ulja može povećati unos hrane, ali ne utječe na prinos i sastav mlijeka u kasnoj laktaciji