163 research outputs found

    3-Hydr­oxy-4-nitro­phenyl acetate

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    In the mol­ecule of the title compound, C8H7NO5, the acetate group is oriented with respect to the aromatic ring at a dihedral angle of 85.30 (3)°. An intra­molecular O—H⋯O hydrogen bond results in the formation of a non-planar six-membered ring, adopting an envelope conformation. In the crystal structure, inter­molecular C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds link the mol­ecules

    Facile one-spot synthesis of highly branched polycaprolactone

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    Reported is the first solvent-free (bulk) synthesis of degradable/bioresorbable, highly branched polymers via tin octanoate Sn(Oct2) catalysed controlled ring opening co-polymerisation (ROP) of mono and di-functional lactone monomers that proceed to near quantitative conversion. The successful isolation of solvent soluble, highly branched structures was shown to be dependent on both the concentration of the di-functional monomer and the overall reaction time. Comparison with analogous systems utilising controlled radical polymerisation (CRP) to form the highly/hyper branched polymers suggested significant experimental differences between the two chain growth methods. The maximum proportion of di-functional monomer without gelation ensuing was found to be 0.6 equivalents w.r.t. mono-functional monomer (c.f. 1 with CRP) and the onset of significant levels of branching occurred at approximately 90% conversion (c.f. ~70% with CRP). These differences and significant disparity in reaction times were attributed to (a) the coordination and insertion (C+I) propagation mechanism adopted by the Sn catalyst and (b) the presence of additional trans-esterification reactions at high conversion. Evidence is presented to support the conclusion that there are two mechanisms contributing to the overall branching process in the ROP system at high conversion. First, the C+I mechanism promotes growth of linear polymer until approximately 90% conversion, after which both the C+I and trans-esterification processes contribute to the interchain branching process. The branched nature of the molecular structures was supported by confirmation plots generated from static light scattering. This data demonstrated that the polymers synthesised exhibit varying degrees of branching, consistent with the di-functional monomer (4,4’-bioxepanyl-7,7’-dione - BOD) concentration in the feed. The degree of branching was calculated using 3 different methods and the results were shown to be independent of method. Finally, DSC analysis of the polymers demonstrated correlation between the degree of branching achieved and the observed Tm for the material where increased branching leads to a drop in the recorded Tm

    Kildesortering pÄ norske arbeidsplasser i dag : Hvilke faktorer pÄvirker de ansattes intensjon om Ä kildesortere pÄ arbeidsplassen?

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    Denne masterutredningen har hatt som formĂ„l Ă„ kartlegge kildesortering pĂ„ norske arbeidsplasser, og hvilke faktorer som pĂ„virker de ansattes intensjon om Ă„ kildesortere. Den stadig Ăžkende avfallsmengden utfordrer det grĂžnne skifte mot en mer sirkulĂŠr Ăžkonomi, men kan bedres ved Ă„ utnytte gjenbruks- og videresalgsverdien av avfall i flere fraksjoner. Det er derfor helt avgjĂžrende med gode lĂžsninger rundt kildesortering pĂ„ norske arbeidsplasser, ettersom store mengder av avfallet vi produserer i Norge kommer herfra. Med motivasjon rundt det Ă„ skrive en masteroppgave som kan bidra til ny innsikt og videre forskning rundt klima og miljĂž, har vi fokusert pĂ„ kildesortering pĂ„ arbeidsplassen, i tillegg til Ă„ studere hvilke faktorer som pĂ„virker slik adferd. Det er mange studier som ser pĂ„ kildesortering i den hjemlige konteksten, men kildesortering pĂ„ arbeidsplassen er et felt som det ikke er forsket mye pĂ„. Ved Ă„ kartlegge dagens intensjon rundt kildesortering pĂ„ arbeidsplassen kan vi dermed legge til rette for at resultatene kan brukes for Ă„ utvikle mer bĂŠrekraftige forretningsmodeller som i stĂžrre grad fokuserer pĂ„ sirkulĂŠr Ăžkonomi. Studien vĂ„r har en forklarende tilnĂŠrming ettersom vi sĂžker Ă„ forklare hvilke faktorer som pĂ„virker de ansatte pĂ„ norske arbeidsplasser sin intensjon om Ă„ kildesortere. For Ă„ svare pĂ„ dette utformet vi seks hypoteser som vi testet gjennom en spĂžrreundersĂžkelse. Her ble respondentene bedt om Ă„ svare pĂ„ en rekke pĂ„stander som ble utarbeidet med stĂžtte i tidligere forskning. Her ga deskriptiv sosial norm (kollegaers faktiske adferd), personlig norm (egen moralsk forpliktelse), oppfattet adferdskontroll (kontroll over adferden) og tilgjengelighet (avstand til avfallsbeholder) positiv signifikant assosiasjon pĂ„ intensjonen om Ă„ kildesortere. For injunktiv sosial norm (kollegaers tanker om adferden), hĂ„ndgripelighet (om en tydelig kan se konsekvenser/gevinster av en adferd) og holdning (holdning til kildesortering) fant vi ingen signifikant relasjon til intensjonen om Ă„ kildesortere pĂ„ arbeidsplassen. Videre viser andre funn at alder, bosted og bransje har en pĂ„virkning pĂ„ ansattes intensjon om Ă„ kildesortere pĂ„ arbeidsplassen. Selv om arbeidsplassene ikke kan Ăžke materialgjenvinningen alene, vil en korrekt mĂ„te Ă„ kildesortere pĂ„, legge til rette for at renovasjonsbransjen kan Ăžke materialgjenvinningen. Kildesortering blir da et lite, men viktig bidrag mot det grĂžnne skiftet. Å kartlegge norske arbeidsplassers tilrettelegging for kildesortering, samt hvilke faktorer som pĂ„virker de ansattes intensjon om Ă„ kildesortere, er derfor viktig for overgangen til sirkulĂŠr Ăžkonomi.nhhma

    "Amerikanism eller pöbeldĂ„d"? : Amerikansk lynchningspraktik i den svenskamerikanska pressen 1900–1922

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    This thesis investigates the notion, perception and mediation of whiteness in the Swedish-American immigrant newspapers coverage of lynchings of African-Americans between 1900–1922 and how the editors, of both the larger bourgeois and the smaller socialist and communist press, deployed it in the construction of the racial Swedish-American identity to mirror the contemporary American racial hierarchy.  A main departure point is that the Swedish-American identity, in part, was constructed in relation to other racialized groups in America but also to already existing groups in the American society such as the Anglo-Saxons, as the hegemon of what constituted whiteness, but also the descendants of African slaves as the polar opposite.  A crucial claim is that the Swedish-American immigrant group were socialized into the racial hierarchy of the contemporary American society by the Swedish-American newspapers. This was possible due to the Swedish-American bourgeois press normalized the victimization of the African-American community in regards to the practice of lynchings, both by how they reported on lynching cases but also by the very placement of news articles.  This study has shown that, with the exception of the communist press, the Swedish-American press participated in the practice of lynchings by reproducing and mediating different aspects of African-Americans Otherness and blackness to their readers by creating a color line between white and non-white Americans

    Control of 3D-printed Hand Prosthetic via Intra-body Fat Channel Communication

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    Intra-Body Communication (IBC) is a prospective technology where human tissue may be used as a signal medium in order to transmit useful data within the human body. Proposed applica- tions of this technology are prosthetics control or implanted device communication, potentially by establishing an Intra-Body Area Network (IBAN), which could further be enhanced by other IoT applications and 5G radio systems. Previous research at Uppsala University has shown the fat tissue to be a promising medium due to its low permittivity and loss tangent. This form of implementation is named Fat-IBC. This thesis aimed to produce a Fat-IBC enabled device, as a proof of concept. This project successfully produced and characterized phantom tissue, produced a basic demonstrator device in the form of a 3D-printed arm prosthetic, and integrated a wireless communication system into the arm prosthetic. The communication system was implemented using Arduino microcontrollers and XBee RF modules, based on the 802.15.4-based ZigBee protocol at 2.45 GHz. Muscle, fat, and skin phantom tissues were produced, with the muscle tissue being similar to other comparable tissue samples, while the fat and skin tissues deviated from such samples. A signal loss transmission test measured a -67 dB loss over 20 cm of fat tissue. Several potential issues with production and measurement were discussed. The arm demonstrator device was also tested by transmitting the control signal across phantom fat tissue, being fully functional through 10cm of tissue, and of limited function across 20cm of tissue

    Control of 3D-printed Hand Prosthetic via Intra-body Fat Channel Communication

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    Intra-Body Communication (IBC) is a prospective technology where human tissue may be used as a signal medium in order to transmit useful data within the human body. Proposed applica- tions of this technology are prosthetics control or implanted device communication, potentially by establishing an Intra-Body Area Network (IBAN), which could further be enhanced by other IoT applications and 5G radio systems. Previous research at Uppsala University has shown the fat tissue to be a promising medium due to its low permittivity and loss tangent. This form of implementation is named Fat-IBC. This thesis aimed to produce a Fat-IBC enabled device, as a proof of concept. This project successfully produced and characterized phantom tissue, produced a basic demonstrator device in the form of a 3D-printed arm prosthetic, and integrated a wireless communication system into the arm prosthetic. The communication system was implemented using Arduino microcontrollers and XBee RF modules, based on the 802.15.4-based ZigBee protocol at 2.45 GHz. Muscle, fat, and skin phantom tissues were produced, with the muscle tissue being similar to other comparable tissue samples, while the fat and skin tissues deviated from such samples. A signal loss transmission test measured a -67 dB loss over 20 cm of fat tissue. Several potential issues with production and measurement were discussed. The arm demonstrator device was also tested by transmitting the control signal across phantom fat tissue, being fully functional through 10cm of tissue, and of limited function across 20cm of tissue

    ”Brödet Ă€r en utomordentlig energikĂ€lla!” En studie av expertisen bakom kostrekommendationen för Brödkampanjen Ă„r 1976.

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    Under 1970-talet sÄg forskare inom nÀringsfysiologin en stigande trend av ökad konsumtion av fett- och sockerhaltiga produkter pÄ bekostnad av bland annat matbrödskonsumtion. I tid  av livsmedels- och energikriser föresprÄkade forskare en alternativ diet med ett större inslag av grönsaker och fullkornsprodukter dÄ det hade slagits fast att ett högt intag av fett och socker ledde till bland annat hjÀrt-kÀrlsjukdomar samt karies. Matbrödsproducenterna och Socialstyrelsen höll med experterna och detta ledde till ett samarbete mellan parterna som mynnande ut i Brödkampanjen med start Är 1976 dÀr den svenska befolkningen uppmanades att Àta mera bröd. Denna undersökning har visat pÄ hur experterna argumenterade för en ökad brödkonsumtion och varför just bröd var ett bra alternativt livsmedel genom att ta del av Socialstyrelsens arkivlÀmningar med intervjuer av experterna bakom kostrekommendationen
