431 research outputs found

    The Codex Colombino-Becker

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    This study is an interpretation of the historical events recorded in the Codex Colombino-Becker. Beginning with the earliest known appearances of the parts of this document, its owners are traced and a survey made of scholarly thought concerning its text. The physical dimensions and internal structure of the manuscript are described, and these form the basis for re-grouping the present seven fragments into three larger sections. All the scenes of the codex are described and discussed in detail. The events are found to be occurring within a broader context that is not expressed in the pictorial content of the manuscript, but which must be understood in order for the individual scenes to become meaningful. The discovery and analysis of this larger context has enabled much of the material in the codex to be integrated into a more coherent history in this study than has been possible heretofore. The text of the Colombino-Becker is basically an account of the major political events in 8 Deer's rise to prominence in the Mixteca, showing only his public and official activities that directly relate to his obtaining power. Ultimately he succeeded in gaining control of a wide area and founded a nascent empire, but his murder by 4 Wind before he could establish an hereditary empire caused his political achievements to be destroyed

    Einstellungen zu genetischen Untersuchungen bei Medizinstudierenden in den Jahren 2001, 2010 und 2016/17

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    Gegenstand: Seit der vollstĂ€ndigen EntschlĂŒsselung des menschlichen Genoms ist es mit geringem Aufwand möglich, Menschen ĂŒber das Vorliegen erblich (mit-)bedingter Erkrankungen - sogar vor deren Ausbruch - zu informieren. „Gentests“ sind jedoch umstritten. Neben Vorteilen wie der Ermöglichung prĂ€ventiver medizinischer Maßnahmen oder möglichst frĂŒhzeitiger Interventionen werden auch immense Nachteile fĂŒr das Individuum, wie z.B. eine hohe psychosoziale Belastung, deutlich. Die tatsĂ€chliche Inanspruchnahme genetischer Untersuchungen hĂ€ngt in erheblichem Maße von den persönlichen Einstellungen ab. Besonders große Bedeutung wird hierbei den behandelnden Ärzten zuteil, die Patienten hinsichtlich der Möglichkeiten und EinschrĂ€nkungen von genetischen Untersuchungen beraten. Ziel dieser Studie war es, die Einstellungen zu genetischen Untersuchungen bei angehenden Medizinern zu erfragen und die Ergebnisse ĂŒber mehrere Jahre hinweg miteinander zu vergleichen. ZusĂ€tzlich wurde der Einfluss verschiedener Determinanten auf die Einstellungen zu genetischen Untersuchungen erfasst. Untersuchungsmethoden: In drei unabhĂ€ngigen Fragebogenerhebungen wurden in den Jahren 2001 (N = 129), 2010 (N = 196) und 2016/17 (N = 134) Medizinstudierende zu ihren Einstellungen zu genetischen Untersuchungen befragt. HierfĂŒr wurde ein 13 Items umfassender Fragebogen genutzt, der aus einer finnischen Studie ĂŒbernommen wurde und positive und negative Aspekte sowie BefĂŒrchtungen und Vertrauen bzgl. genetischer Untersuchungen erfasst. ZusĂ€tzlich wurden die Variablen Religion, Politik, Geschlecht, Alter und Persönlichkeit erfasst. Ergebnisse: Medizinstudierende sind genetischen Untersuchungen gegenĂŒber sowohl kritisch als auch befĂŒrwortend eingestellt. Sie sehen tendenziell jedoch mehr positive Effekte. Die Berechnungen von ANOVAs ergaben, dass im Jahresverlauf positive Aspekte konstant bleiben, negative Aspekte und BefĂŒrchtungen abnehmen und das Vertrauen zunimmt. Regressionsanalysen ergaben, dass die Einstellungen zu genetischen Untersuchungen durch die Religion (religiöse Menschen sind Gentests gegenĂŒber kritischer eingestellt) und die Persönlichkeit (vertrĂ€gliche Menschen sind positiver eingestellt, emotional stabile haben mehr BefĂŒrchtungen), nicht jedoch durch die politische Orientierung, Geschlecht und Alter beeinflusst werden. Geschlecht und Alter bedingten ausschließlich den Einfluss der Persönlichkeit auf die Einstellungen zu genetischen Untersuchungen. Schlussfolgerung: Die Zunahme Gentests befĂŒrwortender Einstellungen von Medizinstudierenden wĂ€hrend der vergangenen 16 Jahre bei gleichzeitiger kritischer Auseinandersetzung mit der Thematik ist positiv zu bewerten. Nur so kann eine patientenorientierte, non-direktive Beratung bzgl. genetischer Untersuchungen gelingen. Um diese zu unterstĂŒtzen, sollten psychosoziale Aspekte humangenetischer Beratung ausnahmslos Gegenstand der universitĂ€ren Ausbildung Medizinstudierender sein.Purpose: Since the advent of whole-genome sequencing, little effort is necessary to individually inform people about the presence of hereditary diseases, even before symptoms appear. However varying opinions exist regarding the application of genetic testing. There are various recognizable advantages, such as enabling early medical interventions or preventive measures, as well as immense disadvantages e.g. high psychosocial strain. The actual use of genetic testing depends, to a considerable extent, on the personal attitudes of respective individuals. Of particular importance are the attending physicians, advising the patients on possibilities and limitations of genetic testing. The objective of this study was to investigate future physician’s attitudes towards genetic testing, and to observe potential changes in their attitudes over a certain period of time. Additionally, the influence of different determinants on the attitude towards genetic testing was examined. Methods: Medicine students were questioned on three independent measurements in 2001 (N = 129), 2010 (N = 196) and 2016/17 (N = 134) on their attitudes towards genetic testing. For this purpose a German version of a Finnish questionnaire consisting of 13 items covering approval, disapproval, concern and trust regarding genetic testing was used. Additionally religiosity, political opinion, sex, age and personality were determined. Results: In general medicine students show positive as well as negative attitudes regarding genetic testing. There is a tendency towards a slightly more positive opinion. ANOVA results indicate no changes in approval regarding genetic testing during the different measurements. In contrast to these results disapproval and concerns decreased whereas trust increased. Regression analysis demonstrated that people with a religious affiliation held a less favorable view of genetic testing. People with a higher level in Agreeableness demonstrate a higher level of approval whereas people with a higher level in Emotional Stability show more concerns regarding genetic testing. There was no influence in the categories of political opinion, sex and age. The effect of the personality on the attitudes towards genetic testing was influenced by sex and age. Conclusions: The increase of approving opinions of medicine students towards genetic testing during the last 16 years, despite simultaneous and critical debate regarding the same topic, can be evaluated as a positive development. It can help to ensure a patient-centered and non-directive genetic counseling. In support of this development, psychosocial aspects of genetic counseling should, without exception, be included in university education

    Im virtuellen 360°-Labor experimentieren - Ein didaktisch aufbereitetes Lernszenario in fĂŒnf Akten

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    An der Brandenburgischen Technischen UniversitĂ€t CottbusSenftenberg (BTU) wurde ein virtuelles 360°-Labor fĂŒr die Zellbiologie entwickelt, in welchem die Lernenden den gesamten Prozess der Zellkulturherstellung als ein komplexes Lernszenario in fĂŒnf Leveln durchlaufen. Das 360°-Labor im Onlinekontext flexibilisiert den Lernprozess. Dies begĂŒnstigt den nahtlosen Wissenstransfer in das reale Laborsetting. Bei dem hier vorgestellten 360°-Labor, als Browseranwendung ohne Nutzung einer VR-Brille, steht die didaktische Ausarbeitung zur FĂŒhrung durch die Lernanwendung im Fokus. Dies umfasst die Einbettung von Storytelling, die Navigation der Lernenden, Interaktionen sowie Feedback zum Lernfortschritt. Als Alleinstellungsmerkmal der Anwendung ist hervorzuheben, dass es sich um eine fotografische Abbildung genau des Labors handelt, in welchem spĂ€ter auch das Laborpraktikum stattfindet. Zudem wird sich nicht auf das Einblenden von Informationen oder die DurchfĂŒhrung einzelner Experimente beschrĂ€nkt, sondern es wurde ein umfassendes aufeinander aufbauendes Anwendungsszenario mit mehreren Handlungsschritten an unterschiedlichen Orten und GerĂ€ten im Labor entworfen. Studien zur Nutzung erstellter 360°-LernrĂ€ume belegen, dass das Lernen zu einem Erlebnis wird. Die stĂ€rkere Einbindung der Lernenden in das Geschehen steigert die Motivation, sich mit dem Lerngegenstand auseinanderzusetzen (Blaser, 2019; Klingauf et al., 2019). Allerdings blieb der Zuwachs des Lernerfolges aus, was auf die fehlende didaktische Gestaltung zurĂŒckgefĂŒhrt werden kann (Blaser, 2019; Hebbel-Seeger, 2018). An diesem Forschungsdefizit setzt das hier vorgestellte 360°-Labor an. (DIPF/Orig.

    Experimental determination of the Compton profile of C60 through binary encounter electron spectroscopy

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    The method of 0° electron spectroscopy was used to study binary encounter electrons resulting from hard collisions between 1.5 MeV/u C6+ ions and the electrons in a C60 vapor target. The Compton profile of C60 was then extracted from the electron spectra using an impulse approximation treatment. The experimental results are in excellent agreement with theoretical Compton profiles of C60. The C60 Compton profile is compared with that of atomic carbon, as well as those for graphite and diamond.Peer reviewe

    The translocator protein (TSPO) genetic polymorphism A147T is associated with worse survival in male glioblastoma patients

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    Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most common primary brain tumor in adults, with few available therapies and a five-year survival rate of 7.2%. Hence, strategies for improving GBM prognosis are urgently needed. The translocator protein 18kDa (TSPO) plays crucial roles in essential mito-chondria-based physiological processes and is a validated biomarker of neuroinflammation, which is implicated in GBM progression. The TSPO gene has a germline single nucleotide polymorphism, rs6971, which is the most common SNP in the Caucasian population. High TSPO gene expression is associated with reduced survival in GBM patients; however, the relation between the most fre-quent TSPO genetic variant and GBM pathogenesis is not known. The present study retrospectively analyzed the correlation of the TSPO polymorphic variant rs6971 with overall and progression-free survival in GBM patients using three independent cohorts. TSPO rs6971 polymorphism was signif-icantly associated with shorter overall survival and progression-free survival in male GBM patients but not in females in one large cohort of 441 patients. We observed similar trends in two other independent cohorts. These observations suggest that the TSPO rs6971 polymorphism could be a significant predictor of poor prognosis in GBM, with a potential for use as a prognosis biomarker in GBM patients. These results reveal for the first time a biological sex-specific relation between rs6971 TSPO polymorphism and GBM

    The reflexive potential of silence:Emotions, the ‘everyday’ and ethical international relations

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    This article argues on behalf of an autoethnographic methodology as one, but not the only, method suited to the excavation of the emotions of everyday international relations. I suggest, drawing on my own lived experiences of writing the Life in the United Kingdom Test specifically, and being ordered deported from the United Kingdom more broadly, that a reflexive practice informed by silence allows scholars to attend to the otherwise discounted and excluded forms of emotional knowledge. As my story unfolds, and the transformative potential of trauma is rehearsed, the possibility of excavating otherwise silenced emotions, guided by an affective empathy, comes to the fore. I suggest, building on my own lived experience, that as the researcher cum agent embraces this position, discounted and discarded stories are revisited. In so doing I present a piece of evocative autoethnography in and of itself while demonstrating the role that emotions can play in the construction of everyday practices of International Relations

    Contributions and silence in academic talk: exploring learner experiences of dialogic interaction

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    The benefits of dialogic interaction which engenders academic talk are greater understanding of concepts and ultimately higher educational standards. However, recent research suggests students, both home and international, face certain challenges in contributing to dialogic interaction in a higher education context. This article reports on a study which explored learner experiences of dialogic interaction and reasons for contributing or remaining silent. Data were gathered from a one-semester postgraduate module at a UK university through interviews, audio recordings of sessions, stimulated recall sessions and course assignments. Results suggest that sociocultural factors such as confidence in language, confidence in knowledge, previous educational experiences, and expectations of roles influenced the learners’ willingness to contribute to the academic talk

    Meaning between, in, and around words, gestures and postures: multimodal meaning making in children's classroom communication

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    The view of language from a social semiotic perspective is clear. Language is one of many semiotic resources we employ in our communicative practices. That is to say that while language is at times dominant, it always operates within a multimodal frame and furthermore, at times modes other than language are dominant. The proposed 2014 National Curriculum for the UK, on the other hand, values pupils' face-to-face classroom interaction in terms of standard spoken English (i.e. in terms of the mode of language alone). This paper offers examples demonstrating how embodied modes such as gesture, posture, facial expression, gaze and haptics work in conjunction with speech in children's collaborative construction of knowledge. In other words, what may have been previously conceived as gaps and silences - often interpreted as an absence of language - are in fact instantiations of the work of semiotic modes other than language. In order to consider this closely, this paper offers evidence from a multimodal micro-analysis of pupil-to-pupil, face-to-face interaction in one science lesson in a Year Five UK Primary classroom. It demonstrates how children's meaning-making is achieved through apt use of all available semiotic resources

    Vygotsky, Wittgenstein, and sociocultural theory

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    This paper considers the use made of Vygotsky’s work by many who take a sociocultural perspective and, in particular, by those who use his work to advance a particular view of second language acquisition and the ‘silent period’. It is argued that Vygotsky’s account as represented in Thought and Language (Vygotsky, 1986) needs to be thought of as consisting of two distinct aspects: first, the observations he made (or claimed to have made) and, second, the theoretical account he proposed to explain them. It is shown that some of Vygotsky’s observations are problematic but that, even if they are accepted, Vygotsky’s theoretical account suffers from fundamental difficulties. Thus the support claimed from Vygotsky in accounts of second language acquisition is misplaced, first because of those difficulties and, second, because many who claim support from Vygotsky, do not need or even use his theory but instead focus their attention on his empirical observations and assume incorrectly that if their own empirical observations match Vygotsky’s, then Vygotsky’s theory can be accepted. Wittgenstein’s later philosophy is shown to provide a perspective which dispels confusions about, and gives us a clearer insight into, the issues
