771 research outputs found

    Phenotypic Transition of the Collecting Duct Epithelium in Congenital Urinary Tract Obstruction

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    Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) has emerged in recent years as an important process in the development of organ fibrosis in many human diseases. Our previous experience in a nonhuman primate model of obstructive nephropathy suggested that EMT of collecting duct epithelium contributes to the development of interstitial fibrosis. In this study we demonstrate for the first time in humans that obstructed fetal collecting duct epithelium undergoes transition to mesenchymal phenotype, characterized by decreased expression of epithelial markers, de novo expression of mesenchymal markers with subsequent loss of cell-cell interaction, disruption of the basement membrane, and increased deposition of extracellular matrix into the expanded interstitium of the obstructed kidney. The results of this study therefore support the previous findings from animal studies and suggest that EMT of the collecting duct epithelium might contribute to the development of interstitial fibrosis in human fetal obstructive nephropathy

    Amplitudes at Weak Coupling as Polytopes in AdS_5

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    We show that one-loop scalar box functions can be interpreted as volumes of geodesic tetrahedra embedded in a copy of AdS_5 that has dual conformal space-time as boundary. When the tetrahedron is space-like, it lies in a totally geodesic hyperbolic three-space inside AdS_5, with its four vertices on the boundary. It is a classical result that the volume of such a tetrahedron is given by the Bloch-Wigner dilogarithm and this agrees with the standard physics formulae for such box functions. The combinations of box functions that arise in the n-particle one-loop MHV amplitude in N=4 super Yang-Mills correspond to the volume of a three-dimensional polytope without boundary, all of whose vertices are attached to a null polygon (which in other formulations is interpreted as a Wilson loop) at infinity.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    Local Spacetime Physics from the Grassmannian

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    A duality has recently been conjectured between all leading singularities of n-particle N^(k-2)MHV scattering amplitudes in N=4 SYM and the residues of a contour integral with a natural measure over the Grassmannian G(k,n). In this note we show that a simple contour deformation converts the sum of Grassmannian residues associated with the BCFW expansion of NMHV tree amplitudes to the CSW expansion of the same amplitude. We propose that for general k the same deformation yields the (k-2) parameter Risager expansion. We establish this equivalence for all MHV-bar amplitudes and show that the Risager degrees of freedom are non-trivially determined by the GL(k-2) "gauge" degrees of freedom in the Grassmannian. The Risager expansion is known to recursively construct the CSW expansion for all tree amplitudes, and given that the CSW expansion follows directly from the (super) Yang-Mills Lagrangian in light-cone gauge, this contour deformation allows us to directly see the emergence of local space-time physics from the Grassmannian.Comment: 22 pages, 13 figures; v2: minor updates, typos correcte

    Unification of Residues and Grassmannian Dualities

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    The conjectured duality relating all-loop leading singularities of n-particle N^(k-2)MHV scattering amplitudes in N=4 SYM to a simple contour integral over the Grassmannian G(k,n) makes all the symmetries of the theory manifest. Every residue is individually Yangian invariant, but does not have a local space-time interpretation--only a special sum over residues gives physical amplitudes. In this paper we show that the sum over residues giving tree amplitudes can be unified into a single algebraic variety, which we explicitly construct for all NMHV and N^2MHV amplitudes. Remarkably, this allows the contour integral to have a "particle interpretation" in the Grassmannian, where higher-point amplitudes can be constructed from lower-point ones by adding one particle at a time, with soft limits manifest. We move on to show that the connected prescription for tree amplitudes in Witten's twistor string theory also admits a Grassmannian particle interpretation, where the integral over the Grassmannian localizes over the Veronese map from G(2,n) to G(k,n). These apparently very different theories are related by a natural deformation with a parameter t that smoothly interpolates between them. For NMHV amplitudes, we use a simple residue theorem to prove t-independence of the result, thus establishing a novel kind of duality between these theories.Comment: 56 pages, 11 figures; v2: typos corrected, minor improvement

    Generic multiloop methods and application to N=4 super-Yang-Mills

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    We review some recent additions to the tool-chest of techniques for finding compact integrand representations of multiloop gauge-theory amplitudes - including non-planar contributions - applicable for N=4 super-Yang-Mills in four and higher dimensions, as well as for theories with less supersymmetry. We discuss a general organization of amplitudes in terms of purely cubic graphs, review the method of maximal cuts, as well as some special D-dimensional recursive cuts, and conclude by describing the efficient organization of amplitudes resulting from the conjectured duality between color and kinematic structures on constituent graphs.Comment: 42 pages, 18 figures, invited review for a special issue of Journal of Physics A devoted to "Scattering Amplitudes in Gauge Theories", v2 minor corrections, v3 added reference

    Study of in-medium ω\omega meson properties in Ap, pA and AA collisions

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    We propose to investigate the in-medium properties of vector ω\omega mesons at the normal nuclear density in Ap(pA) collisions and at higher density in AA collisions at the ITEP accelerator facility TWAC. Using of the inverse Ap kinematics will permit us to study the ω\omega meson production in a wide momentum interval included the not yet explored range of small meson momenta relative to the projectile nuclei where the mass modification effect in nuclear matter is expected to be the strongest. Momentum dependence of the in-medium ω\omega meson width will be studied in the traditional pA kinematics. We intend to use the electromagnetic calorimeter for reconstruction of the ω\omega meson invariant mass by detecting photons from the ωπ0γ3γ\omega \to \pi^{0}\gamma \to 3\gamma decay. The model calculations and simulations with RQMD generator show feasibility of the proposed experiment. Available now intensity of the ion beams provides a possibility to collect large statistics and make decisive conclusion about the ω\omega meson properties at density of normal nuclei. At the second stage of the investigation the ω\omega meson properties will be studied in AA collisions at higher density. Interpretation of these measurements will be based on the results obtained in Ap(pA) interactions. Further investigation of the in-medium properties of light unflavored and charmed mesons can be performed at ITEP and at GSI(FAIR) where higher ion energies will be accessible in near future.Comment: 26 pages, 10 figures, 2 table

    On the background in the γpω(π0γ)p\gamma p \to \omega(\pi^0\gamma) p reaction and mixed event simulation

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    In this paper we evaluate sources of background for the γpωp\gamma p \to \omega p, with the ω\omega detected through its π0γ\pi^0 \gamma decay channel, to compare with the experiment carried out at ELSA. We find background from γpπ0π0p\gamma p \to \pi^0 \pi^0 p followed by decay of a π0\pi^0 into two γ\gamma, recombining one π0\pi^0 and one γ\gamma, and from the γpπ0ηp\gamma p \to \pi^0 \eta p reaction with subsequent decay of the η\eta into two photons. This background accounts for the data at π0γ\pi^0 \gamma invariant masses beyond 700 MeV, but strength is missing at lower invariant masses which was attributed to photon misidentification events, which we simulate to get a good reproduction of the experimental background. Once this is done, we perform an event mixing simulation to reproduce the calculated background and we find that the method provides a good description of the background at low π0γ\pi^0 \gamma invariant masses but fakes the background at high invariant masses, making background events at low invariant masses, which are due to γ\gamma misidentification events, responsible for the background at high invariant masses which is due to the γpπ0π0p\gamma p \to \pi^0 \pi^0 p and γpπ0ηp\gamma p \to \pi^0 \eta p reactions.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Tree-Level Formalism

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    We review two novel techniques used to calculate tree-level scattering amplitudes efficiently: MHV diagrams, and on-shell recursion relations. For the MHV diagrams, we consider applications to tree-level amplitudes and focus in particular on the N=4 supersymmetric formulation. We also briefly describe the derivation of loop amplitudes using MHV diagrams. For the recursion relations, after presenting their general proof, we discuss several applications to massless theories with and without supersymmetry, to theories with massive particles, and to graviton amplitudes in General Relativity. This article is an invited review for a special issue of Journal of Physics A devoted to "Scattering Amplitudes in Gauge Theories".Comment: 40 pages, 8 figures, invited review for a special issue of Journal of Physics A devoted to "Scattering Amplitudes in Gauge Theories", R. Roiban(ed), M. Spradlin(ed), A. Volovich(ed); v2: minor corrections, references adde