15 research outputs found

    Assessing the Financial Situation of a Company Using Time Series Analysis

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    Bakalárska práca sa zameriava na zhodnotenie finančnej situácie zvoleného podniku pomocou štatistických metód. Z účtovných výkazov sú vypočítané vybrané finančné ukazovatele, ktoré sú základom pre štatistickú analýzu. Tá sa snaží pomocou štatistických metód analyzovať vývoj jednotlivých finančných ukazovateľov a na základe zistených hodnôt z minulých období stanoviť predikciu budúceho vývoja. Výsledkom práce je zhodnotenie prevedených analýz a odporúčané riešenia pre zlepšenie súčasnej finančnej situácie.The bachelor thesis aims to assess financial situation of the selected company using statistical methods. Selected financial indicators are calculated from the financial statements, they are the basic for statistical analysis. The statistical analysis uses statistical methods to analysis the evolution of financial indicators and on the basis of the values from the previous period to make the prediction for future developments. The result is evaluation of analysis and recommended solutions for improving the current financial situation.

    Business Plan – Travel Agency

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    Bakalárska práca sa zameriava na zostavenie podnikateľského zámeru pre cestovnú kanceláriu na Slovensku. Práca sa skladá z teoretickej časti, založenej na získaných teoretických poznatkoch, analýzy (SWOT analýza, Porterov model), preskúmania aktuálnych trendov pôsobiacich v oblasti cestovného ruchu a podnikania, a praktického vyhotovenia návrhu podnikateľského zámeru.This bachelor thesis is focused on drawing up a business plan for a travel agency in Slovak Republic. Thesis consists of theoretical part, based on acquired theoretical knowledge, analysis (SWOT analysis, Porter's model), review of current trends in the field of tourism and business, and practical preparation of the draft business plan.

    Design and Optimizatioin of Automatic Trading System for Forex

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    Diplomová práca sa zaoberá navrhnutím automatického obchodného systému určeného predovšetkým pre intra-denné obchodovanie na menových trhoch. Cieľom práce je vytvoriť ucelený teoretický základ, v praktickej časti práce poznatky využiť na vytvorenie vhodného automatického obchodného systému. V práci je kladený dôraz najmä na technickú analýzu menových trhov. Navrhnutý systém bude vhodne optimalizovaný pre maximalizáciu zisku a stability s aplikáciou na najlikvidnejších menových pároch.The master's thesis deals with the design of the proposed automatic trading system especially for daily trading on the currency markets. The aim of the thesis is to create a complex theoretical basis, in the practical part of the work to use the knowledge to create a suitable automatic trading system. The thesis focuses on the technical analysis of the currency markets. The proposed system will be optimally optimized to maximize profitability and stability with application to the most liquid currency pairs.

    Thermal characterization of fibrous aerogel blanket

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    Nowadays, the application of thermal insulation materials both by the existing and by new buildings is one of the most important actions in order to reduce the energy loss of buildings. Besides the use of the conventional insulations (plastic foams and wool materials) aerogel is one of the most promising thermal insulation material. Aerogels, one of the lightest solid materials available today, are manufactured through the combination of a polymer with a solvent forming a gel. For buildings the fibre reinforced ones are the mainly used types. It is produced by adding the liquid-solid solution to the fibrous batting. In this paper changes in the thermal performance of the aerogel blanket will be followed after thermal annealing. The samples will be put under isothermal heat treatments at 70 °C for 6 weeks, as well as they will be put under thermal treatment at higher temperatures (from 70 °C till 210 °C) for 1 day. The changes in the thermal conductivity will be followed by Holometrix Lambda heat flow meter, as well as, Differential Scanning Calorimetry results will be presented. From the measured values, thermal properties will be calculated. In this paper we will try to clarify the role played by thermal annealing in thermal diffusivity


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    Application of Phase Change Materials (PCMs) represents promising way for an increase of energy efficiency of industrial devices, reduction of energy demands for heating and cooling, waste heat recovery, solar energy storage and smart control of buildings interior climate. In this paper, the potential of diatomite as the bearer for the shape stable PCM was studied in order to develop material applicable in the mix composition of composite materials. Considering availability, endurance and compatibility of diatomite with the cement and lime based materials, preparation of diatomite/wax composite brings pozzolana active PCM with great promises at a reasonable cost. Prepared composite was analysed in detail using laser diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry. Also the pozzolanic activity was measured. The prepared two components composite exhibits high latent heat storage and particle size distribution compatible with cement and hydrated lime


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    Application of Phase Change Materials (PCMs) represents promising way for an increase of energy efficiency of industrial devices, reduction of energy demands for heating and cooling, waste heat recovery, solar energy storage and smart control of buildings interior climate. In this paper, the potential of diatomite as the bearer for the shape stable PCM was studied in order to develop material applicable in the mix composition of composite materials. Considering availability, endurance and compatibility of diatomite with the cement and lime based materials, preparation of diatomite/wax composite brings pozzolana active PCM with great promises at a reasonable cost. Prepared composite was analysed in detail using laser diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry. Also the pozzolanic activity was measured. The prepared two components composite exhibits high latent heat storage and particle size distribution compatible with cement and hydrated lime

    Applying the Machine Learning Method to Improve Calibration Quality of Time Domain Reflectometry Measuring Technique

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    The article presents the application of the time domain reflectometry (TDR) technique for measuring the moisture of porous building materials used in construction. The work is focused on using the potential of artificial intelligence to improve the quality of TDR measurements through a new approach to the interpretation of data obtained from the TDR readings. Machine learning is a data analysis technique, used nowadays in many scientific disciplines. The authors performed a measurement data analysis using the artificial intelligence algorithms to assess moisture of aerated concrete samples tested with a TDR multimeter using two non-invasive sensors which differ in thickness. Data analysis was carried out using supervised machine learning to analyse a series of reflectograms obtained during the measurement. For the data achieved by the classical and machine learning method interpretation, correlation analysis was conducted to confirm the potential of artificial intelligence to improve the quality of TDR measurement. The summary of the work discusses the obtained analytical results and highlights the effectiveness of moisture assessment using the Gaussian Process Regression method, which allowed achieving a level of 0.2 - 0.3% of the RMSE errors value, which is about 10 times lower than the traditional approach