26 research outputs found

    Chapter Tracce stratificate sulle murature storiche. Tra interpretazioni e ipotesi ricostruttive

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    The 43rd UID conference, held in Genova, takes up the theme of ‘Dialogues’ as practice and debate on many fundamental topics in our social life, especially in these complex and not yet resolved times. The city of Genova offers the opportunity to ponder on the value of comparison and on the possibilities for the community, naturally focused on the aspects that concern us, as professors, researchers, disseminators of knowledge, or on all the possibile meanings of the discipline of representation and its dialogue with ‘others’, which we have broadly catalogued in three macro areas: History, Semiotics, Science / Technology. Therefore, “dialogue” as a profitable exchange based on a common language, without which it is impossible to comprehend and understand one another; and the graphic sign that connotes the conference is the precise transcription of this concept: the title ‘translated’ into signs, derived from the visual alphabet designed for the visual identity of the UID since 2017. There are many topics which refer to three macro sessions: - Witnessing (signs and history) - Communicating (signs and semiotics) - Experimenting (signs and sciences) Thanks to the different points of view, an exceptional resource of our disciplinary area, we want to try to outline the prevailing theoretical-operational synergies, the collaborative lines of an instrumental nature, the recent updates of the repertoires of images that attest and nourish the relations among representation, history, semiotics, sciences

    Indagini Stratigrafiche e Sistemi Informativi Architettonici: il GIS della chiesa di S. Maria in Valle Porclaneta

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    The church of Santa Maria in Valle Porclaneta and its accessories are what remains of an ancient Benedictine monastery, built in the heart of Abruzzo region (Magliano dei Marsi, L'Aquila) at the end of the XII century. Even if literature, starting from the end of XIX century, has been often interested in this architectural manufactured, the process of historical-critical knowledge of the complex revealed itself difficult due to the absence of archaeological data, the shortage of the documents and, above all, the numerous interventions of restoration that, followed during all last century, have deeply modified the original compages of it. Due to the difficulties met, the overlap between the few documental data and the data derived from the direct investigation of the structures, performed with the aid of an Architectural Informative System, made possible to hypothesize a chronological reconstruction of the principal phases of life of the monastic complex.[it] La chiesa di Santa Maria in Valle Porclaneta e i suoi ambienti accessori sono quanto resta di un antico monastero benedettino, edificato nel cuore del territorio abruzzese (Magliano dei Marsi, L'Aquila) sul finire del XII secolo. Sebbene la letteratura, a partire dalla fine dell'Ottocento, si sia spesso occupata di questo manufatto, il processo di conoscenza storico-critica del complesso si è rivelato difficoltoso a causa dell'assenza di dati archeologici, della scarsità di fonti documentarie pervenute, e, soprattutto a causa del susseguirsi di numerosi interventi di restauro che, succedutisi senza soluzione di continuità per tutto il secolo scorso, ne hanno letteralmente stravolto la compagine originale. A fronte delle difficoltà incontrate, la sovrapposizione tra i pochi dati documentali e i dati derivati dall'indagine diretta delle strutture, eseguita con l'ausilio di un Sistema Informativo Architettonico ha consentito di ipotizzare una ricostruzione cronologica delle principali fasi di vita del complesso monastico

    Cultural Heritage and earthquakes: a multidisciplinary approach to restoration sites

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    [EN] This paper looks at a multidisciplinary approach to the restoration of sites hit by earthquakes, and illustrates how an integrated approach can successfully combine technical requirements with historical and cultural ones. The methodology presented in this study concerns the “Castello di Fossa” restoration project in central Italy, which was hit by an earthquake in 2009. Cooperation between the two teams working on the project led to the development of new ideas and the definition of an innovative role for the castle within the urban and rural landscape. The project looked at how to improve energetic and structural performance through the retrofitting of the building, whilst at the same time guaranteeing the conservation of its architectural values. Lastly, the results of this joint work undertaken by archaeologists, researchers from the National Research Centre (CNR ITC, L’Aquila) and the University of L’Aquila (DICEAA) and designers, are presented as well as the coherence of the reconstruction.Thanks to the architect Roberta Boccabella, the planner of the restoration project of the Fossa castle, for having made available to the team the architectural survey and the point clouds of the survey carried out with the laser scanner.Thanks to Alessandro Giannangeli and Gabriele Petrucci of ITC-CNR for having carried out, the former the photogrammetric survey of the building and postprocessed the acquired data; and the latter for having performed, starting from the basic material, the parametric model of the castle.Thanks to Serena Calcagni, for having carried out dynamical simulations of the buildings.De Vita, M.; Trizio, I.; Savini, F.; De Berardinis, P. (2018). Cultural Heritage and earthquakes: a multidisciplinary approach to restoration sites. VITRUVIO - International Journal of Architectural Technology and Sustainability. 3(2):79-88. doi:10.4995/vitruvio-ijats.2018.10978SWORD798832Balaras C.A., Argiriou A.A. (2002) Infrared thermography for building diagnostics, Energy Build. n. 34, 171-183. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0378-7788(01)00105-0Bianchini C., Nicastro S. (2018) The definition of the Level of Reliability: a contribution to the transparency of Historical-BIM processes. Dn. Building Information Modeling. Data & Semantics n. 2, 46-60.Brumana R., Della Torre S., Oreni D., Previtali M., Cantini L., Barazzetti L., Franchi A., Banfi F. (2017) HBIM challenge among the paradigm of complexity, tools and preservation: the Basilica di Collemaggio 8 years after the earthquake (L'Aquila). International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences-ISPRS Archives 42(2W5), 97-104. https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-archives-XLII-2-W5-97-2017Brumana R., Della Torre S., Previtali M., Barazzetti L., Cantini L., Oreni D., Banfi F. (2018), Generative HBIM modelling to embody complexity (LOD, LOG, LOA, LOI): surveying, preservation, site intervention - the Basilica di Collemaggio (L'Aquila). Applied Geomatics July 2018. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12518-018-0233-3Brusaporci S., Trizio I., Ruggieri G., Maiezza P., Tata A., Giannangeli A.(2018) AHBIM per l'analisi stratigrafica dell'architettura storica. Restauro Archeologico vol. 27, n. 1/2018, 112-131.Chiarizia G., Properzi P. (1995), Abruzzo dei castelli. Gli insediamenti fortificati abruzzesi dagli italici all'unità d'Italia. Carsa, Pescara.Chiarizia G., Latini M.L., Properzi P. (2002), Atlante dei castelli d'Abruzzo. Repertorio sistematico delle fortificazioni. Carsa, Pescara.Continenza R., Redi F., Savini F., Tata A., Trizio I. (2018) HBIM for the Archaeology of Standing Buildings: Case Study of the Church of San Cipriano in Castelvecchio Calvisio (L'Aquila, Italy). In: P. Fogliaroni, et al. (eds), Proceedings of Workshops and Posters at the 13th International Conference on Spatial Information Theory (COSIT 2017). Springer, Cham, 315-323. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-63946-8_49De Berardinis P., Bartolomucci C., Capannolo L., De Vita M., Laurini E., Marchionni C. (2018) Instruments for assessing historical built environments in emergency contexts: non-destructive techniques for sustainable recovery. Buildings 8(2), 27. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings8020027Della Torre S. (2017) Un bilancio del progetto BHIMM. In S Della Torre (ed.) Built heritage information modelling management/modellazione e gestione e delle informazioni per il patrimonio edilizio esistente. Sistema editoriale Ingenio, [WWW document]. URL https://www.ingenioweb.it/6974-un-bilancio-del-progetto-bhimm (accessed 13 November 2018).Garagnani S. (2015), Semantic Representation of Accurate Surveys for the Cultural Heritage: BIM Applied to the Existing Domain. In: S. Brusaporci (ed.), Handbook of Research on Emerging Digital Tools for Architectural Surveying, Modeling, and Representation, vol. I, 299-317. IGI Global, Hershey. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-4666-8379-2.ch009Italian Council of Ministers (2011) Directive 9 February 2011 of the Council of Ministers. Off. J. Ital. Repub. 47.Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism (2015) Guidelines for Energy Efficiency Improvements in the Cultural Heritage. MiBACT: Rome, Italy.Lo Turco M. (2016) Minimum content of representation in BIM environment: towards a Future National Standard. In T. Empler (ed.) 3D Modeling & BIM: applications and possible future developments. DEI, Roma, 163-171.Lucchi E., Pracchi V. (2013) Efficienza energetica e patrimonio costruito: La sfida del miglioramento delle prestazioni nell'edilizia storica. Maggioli Editore, Milano.Maierhofer C., Krankenhagen R., Myrach P., Meinhardt J., Kalisch U., Hennen C., Mecke R., Seidl T., Schiller, M. (2013) Monitoring of Cracks in Historic Concrete Structures Using Optical, Thermal and Acoustical Methods, in Built Heritage: Monitoring Conservation Management, Toniolo, L.; Boriani, M.; Guidi, G. (eds.). Springer: Switzerland, 625-632.Murphy M., McGovern E., Pavia S. (2009) Historic building information modelling (HBIM). Structural Survey vol. 27, n. 4, 311-327. https://doi.org/10.1108/02630800910985108Nicastro, S. (2016). L'applicazione del BIM come sistema informativo localizzato nel processo di conoscenza del Patrimonio Culturale. In T. Empler (Ed.), 3D Modeling & BIM: applications and possible future developments (pp. 173-183). Roma, IT: DEI.Proietti N., Capitani D., Di Tullio V., Olmi R., Priori S., Riminesi C., Sansonetti A., Tasso F., Rosina, E. (2013) MOdihMA at Sforza Castle in Milano: Innovative Techniques for MOisture Detection in Historical Masonry, in Built Heritage: Monitoring Conservation Management, Toniolo, L.; Boriani, M.; Guidi, G. (eds.). Springer: Switzerland, 1195-1202.Scandurra S., Pulcrano M., Tarantino C., Di Luggo A. (2017) H-BIM Modeling and Historical Reconstruction of Architectural Heritage. Dn n.1/2017, 6-18

    On the interoperability performance of HBIM models for structural conservation and upgrading of building aggregates in the Italian minor centres

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    The article deals with the definition and evaluation of a workflow to demonstrate that the parametric model of a historic building with a high level of digital maturity can be configured as a tool that fosters collaboration between the various professionals involved in the recovery and rehabilitation process of historic buildings. It also represents the starting point for developing structural models for quantitative analyses. The implementation of HBIM to the building aggregate called “La Giudea” in Santo Stefano di Sessanio (AQ), an artefact that is particularly representative of the historical building heritage of the small medieval village in the Abruzzo Inner Areas, has provided a model for managing the information deriving from the knowledge process. The model delivers to the use of the state of conservation, and it represents the base for the structural analysis of the asset and the identification of the measure and interventions for its preservation. The parametric model was developed in the design of strengthening and restoration works requiring interactions between digital environments. In such a framework, an investigation aimed at evaluating the interoperability of the digital model and particularly the vertical interoperability between different software packages has been explored

    AHBIM per l'analisi stratigrafica dell'architettura storica.

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    According to potentialities given by BIM (Building Information Modeling) procedures, in the last 10 years many experimentations have been conducted on BIM application to Architectural Heritage (AHBIM). BIM software are tools for information computing and management of buildings in the three-dimensional space. Aim of the paper is to study how BIM models can favor architectural stratigraphic analysis. A workflow for 3D modeling of Stratigraphic Units of the Masonry is proposed; this three-dimensional representation can aid the documentation and the analysis of the construction phases. The case study is the church of St. Vittorino near L’Aquila (4th-12th-18th centuries), characterized by important modification and stratification processes. The church has been surveyed by laser-scanning and digital photogrammetry, consequently a dedicated BIM model has been realized for Stratigraphic Units study

    Studies for the Historical-Critical Analysis of a Historical Center. The Case Study of Castel Camponeschi

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    [EN] Aim of the paper is the historical-critical study of Castel Camponeschi (aka Castello di Prata), a village at about 25 km from L’Aquila city (Italy), with peculiar urban characteristics –a herringbone pattern– probably founded in the thirteenth century and characterized by important phenomena of modification and stratification. The study roots on the direct analysis of the built heritage through the architectural surveying, realized at multiple scales from the urban settlement to the masonry structures. According to the morphology of the historic center, it could be traced to the process of new settlement foundation that characterized the territory –the border between the Papal State and the Frederic’s Empire first, and then the Angevin kingdom–. The analysis of the village requires both a correlation with the natural and anthropic historical context in which it is inserted and, a specific study of masonry equipments, characterized by the re-used of stone elements from the nearby Vestino-Roman town of Peltuinum.Trizio, I.; Brusaporci, S.; Continenza, R.; Maiezza, P.; Tata, A.; Ruggieri, A.; Giannageli, A. (2020). Studi per l’analisi storico-critica di un centro storico. Il caso di studio di Castel Camponeschi. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1449-1456. https://doi.org/10.4995/FORTMED2020.2020.11444OCS1449145

    Memory and Absence. The family house in two autobiographical graphic novels

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    In this contribution, which starts with an analysis of the already consolidated relationship between architecture and comics, then tries to look deeper into the role of the family home within two graphic novels. Based on some theories, the comic book itself is a suitable medium for investigating stories related to buildings because the comic book pages recall the sections and shapes of the buildings. Looking instead into the merits of the two stories analyzed, beyond the obvious similarities and the inevitable differences between them, what emerges strongly is that the houses around which the stories rotate provide the opportunity to reflect profoundly on memory and absence. The accuracy of the details with which the two cartoonists manage to characterize their respective houses represents a refined exercise of memory and results in the houses themselves becoming protagonists of these stories, in which their respective fathers are absent, and whose lives have been spent in a large part in building those houses

    Tra strumenti classici e geodatabase 3D: il piano di ricostruzione post sisma 2009 del centro storico di Bugnara (AQ)

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    ItIl contributo affronta le problematiche relative alla redazione del Piano di Ricostruzione di un centro storico minore dell’Abruzzo montano colpito dal sisma del 2009, illustrando una sperimentazione effettuata con l’uso dei GIS 3D finalizzati alla corretta lettura di alcuni fenomeni, all'interpretazione critica del tessuto urbano e della sua storia, alla prefigurazione di scenari urbani e dunque alla semplificazione del percorso di conoscenza e alla verifica del progetto di recupero urbano.EnThe contribution deals with the issue of reintegration of the Reconstruction Plan of a small center laying in the Abruzzo mountains hit by the 2009 earthquake. It explains an experiment carried out using 3D GIS procedures in order to give a proper interpretation of some phenomena, an in-deep study of the urban context and its history. It can lead also to the simulation of urban scenarios thus simplifying the knowledge process and urban redevelopment projects testing

    La "Carta di Londra" e il Patrimonio Architettonico: riflessioni circa una possibile implementazione

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    ItIl rapido sviluppo delle ICT e la crescente disponibilità di strumentazioni e software anche a basso costo ha consentito, ad una vasta piattaforma di utenti, di sperimentare le potenzialità offerte dalle tecnologie digitali a servizio del Patrimonio Culturale. La conseguente grande diffusione di rappresentazioni digitali ha portato, dopo un lungo percorso, nel 2009, alla stesura della “Carta di Londra” che ha l’obiettivo di stabilire dei principi metodologici generali per le applicazioni di visualizzazione digitale nel settore della ricerca e della comunicazione dei Beni Culturali. I “Principi di Siviglia” rappresentano una implementazione della Carta di Londra, specificamente riferita al campo dell’archeologia. L’esperienza condotta può rappresentare un interessante riferimento per il campo dell’architettura, per il quale, tuttavia, sembrano necessarie alcune riflessioni di ordine disciplinare e metodologico. Pertanto il contributo vuole offrirsi come base di riflessione sulla possibilità di declinare i principi della “Carta di Londra” al settore dell’architettura storica e, più in generale, sulle problematiche ed opportunità offerte dalle tecnologie e strumentazioni digitali nel rilievo, visualizzazione e rappresentazione dei Beni Architettonici.EnThe rapid development of ICT and the increasing availability of low cost tools and software for a wide platform of users have favored the studying of the possibilities given by digital technologies applied to Cultural Heritage. The consequent widespread use of digital representations of Cultural Heritage led in 2009, after a long process , the drafting of “The London Charter" which aims to establish general methodological principles for digital visualization in the research and communication field of Cultural Heritage. The “Principles of Seville” represent an implementation of the London Charter, specifically related to archaeology. The gained experience should be an interesting reference for the architectural field, for which, however, it seems necessary some disciplinary and methodological considerations. Therefore the paper want to be a base point to develop a consideration on the opportunity to decline the principles of “The London Charter” in the architectural heritage field and, more generally, on the issues and opportunities offered by advanced digital technologies and tools for architectural heritage surveying, visualization and representation