25 research outputs found


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    The existence of vendors (PKL) informal sector community is an urban economic reality and needs adequate consideration in the development process. In Surakarta city, vendors are organized, by relocating the Banjarsari street sellers into the market traders in “Pasar Klithikan Notoharjo”. Therefore, ther should be an attempt/ a strategy to enable the street sellers community adapting well in facing such change/movement so that such community will be empowered, escaped from the marginalization and proverty. The research method employed in this research was action research. The aspirations and obstacles the street sellers faces, particularly after the movement into the market trader, was collected through in-depth interview and Focused Group Discussion (FGD). Then, the information collected was used as the material for developing a model of street seller empowerment, particularly in adapting the street seller (informal sector) into market trader community (formal sector). Keywords : vendors, empowering, povert


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    The existence of vendors (PKL) informal sector community is an urban economic reality and needs adequate consideration in the development process. In Surakarta city, vendors are organized, by relocating the Banjarsari street sellers into the market traders in “Pasar Klithikan Notoharjo”. Therefore, ther should be an attempt/ a strategy to enable the street sellers community adapting well in facing such change/movement so that such community will be empowered, escaped from the marginalization and proverty. The research method employed in this research was action research. The aspirations and obstacles the street sellers faces, particularly after the movement into the market trader, was collected through in-depth interview and Focused Group Discussion (FGD). Then, the information collected was used as the material for developing a model of street seller empowerment, particularly in adapting the street seller (informal sector) into market trader community (formal sector). Keywords : vendors, empowering, povert

    The effectiveness of Hybrid Learning in Character Building of Integrated Islamic Elementary School Students during the COVID -19 Pandemic

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    In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic that has hit the world, it has an impact on various sectors, including the education sector so that the learning process continues in shaping the character of the nation's children. The government provides a distance education policy, but in reality there are many obstacles. Teachers can continue to carry out learning with a hybrid learning model, it is hoped that character building will still be instilled. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of hybrid learning in character building of students at Raudhatul Muttaqin Islamic Elementary School, Bekasi. The research method used is mixed methods with quantitative and qualitative analysis. Based on the results of data analysis, research findings indicate that character building is still instilled with parental guidance and reporting to school in the form of an electronic Learning Management System then validated by the teacher. Face-to-face effectiveness of 90.5%, online 70.6%, and adequate infrastructure 82% character building can still be applied even with hybrid learning. This shows the important role of parents at home is very high. Further research is needed so that the strengthening of character education can continue to be realized even with various approache


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    Revitalisasi total pasar tradisional bukti keberpihakan Pemkot terhadap nasib pasar tradisional. Ironisnya pembenahan fisik belum menuai hasil maksimal, artinya belum mampu mensejahterakan pedagangnya.Pasar cenderung sepi, pedagang harus memulai dari “nol” untuk meraih keberhasilan seperti saat pasar belum dibangun.Kondisi krisis saat terjadi pemindahan di pasar darurat dan ke pasar baru pasca revitalisasi menyebabkan pelanggan menghilang, ketahanan usaha melemah.Hal ini disebabkan ada aspek non fisik yang belum diperhatikan oleh Pemkot.Aspek tersebut adalah manajemen komunitas yang didalamnya terkandung unsur partsipasi, demokrasi, transparansi.Manajemen komunitas adalah implementasi konsep pemberdayaan berbasis rakyat/komunitas.Pembangunan yang dilakukan sudah bukan pembangunan berorienrasi pada rakyat, tetapi harus membangun bersama rakyat.Ini untuk menanggulangi ketidakpuasan, keraguan, kecurigaan, keapatisan komunitas terhadap pembangunan yang dilakukan Pemkot.Apabila pendekatan manajemen komunitas ini digunakan, maka pengembangan pasar tradisonal kedepan menjadi lebih tertatadan ketahanan usaha pedagang meningkat. Kata Kunci : manajemen, komunitas, ketahanan, usaha, pedagan


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    This article in order to make formulation development centers in the umbrella industry Juwiring, Klaten. Beside that,this article describe to determine the potential production and marketing, the method used is the Baseline Research in order to identify the umbrella craftsmen work ethic. This is achieved through the identifiation of the production process: preparation of raw materials, forming and fiishing products, until the craft industry marketing umbrella. Second, by conducting a structured FGD industry centers on the development of an umbrella in Juwiring Work Ethics in the umbrella industry Juwiring high enough. This can be seen from the hours of work that are not familiar with the starting time of dawn until the evening before bed. Even when there is an order-melting craftsmen until late into the night with the involvement of all members of the family labor. Regerasi umbrella industry in Juwiring less able to run smoothly because most of the craftsmen elderly and young workers are not interested to continue business as pengajin umbrella. They prefer to work as an employee or employee

    MODEL PEMBERDAYAAN MASYARAKAT DALAM PENGELOLAAN DAN PELESTARIAN RUTAN MANGROVE DI PANTAI PASURUAN JAWA TIMUR Publict Impowering Model in Maintaining and Conserving Mangrove Forest in Pasuruan Beach, East Java)

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    Hutan mangrove pantai Pasuruan telah terdegradasi baik Iuasan maupun diversitasnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui (1) faktor-faktor penyebab degradasi hutan mangrove di Pantai Pasuruan, (2) Persepsi penduduk pesisir terhadap hutan mangrove dan (3) menemukan model pemberdayaan masyarakat dalam pengelolaan dan pelestarian hutan mangrove di daerah penelitian. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut dilakukan tiga langkah penelitian, pertama wawancara mendalam dengan tokoh tokoh masyarakat untuk menentukan faktor penyebab kerusakan hutan mangrove, kedua wawancara dengan penduduk pesisir untuk mengetahui persepsi penduduk terhadap hutan mangrove dan ketiga dengan Focus Group Discussion (FGD) untuk mencari model pemberdayaan masyarakatdalam pengelolaandan pelestarian hutan mangrove di pantai Pasuruan. Sampel ditentukan di tiga wilayah yang mewakili pantai b~giantimur, bagian tengah dan bagian barat. Masing-masing wilayah diambil tiga desa dengan ketebalan hutan mangrove yang berbeda-beda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (I) Penebangan liar dan alih fungsi hutan mangrove menjadi tambak merupakan faktor utama degradasi hutan mangrove di daerah penelitian disebabkan oleh kemiskinan dan kebodohan (2) Sebagian besar penduduk memahami fungsi ekologis hutan mangrove tetapi kurang dalam "rasa memiliki", (3) model pemberdayaan masyarakat dalam pengelolaan dan pelestarian hutan mangrove yang paling baik di pantaiPasuruan adalah model"Sosio-eko-regulasi"yaitu keseluruhanpengambilan keputusan ditentukan oleh kelompok, peran pemerintah sebagai pendukung dana dan penguatan dalam bidang regulasi

    Eksklusifitas Siswa (Studi Fenomenologi Konstruksi Sosial Pola Eksklusifitas Siswa pada Kelas Unggulan di SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Sragen Tahun Ajaran 2011/2012)

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    Superior class (school) is designed to provide adequate learning service to the students with high academic competency. Consequently, this strategy cannot support the attempt of optimizing the rapid development of human resource. On the other hand, the superior class phenomenon also gives rise to exclusive behavior in which the students tend to make group and have intercourse with their superior classmates only. It is that makes the author interested in finding out how the exclusiveness pattern of behavior emerges in the superior students.The research strategy employed was phenomenological study. The respondent was selected using purposive sampling technique considering the compatibility between information and the problem studied. This study was based on constructivism paradigm under the heading of Social Definition paradigm. This Peter L. Berger\u27s constructivism idea stated that in constructivism idea, learning was based on the students\u27 understanding.The exclusiveness behavioral pattern in the superior students occurred in thought, appearance, space, facility pattern and intercourse. Meanwhile, the process of exclusiveness process establishment occurred since they were stated as passing the admission test in superior class. The factors supporting the establishment of exclusiveness pattern were school policy, parent and student because of the process of interpreting their status as the students of superior class

    The Development of River Ecotourism in the Production of Urban Economic Space

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    This study aims at explaining river ecotourism in the production of urban economic space in solving the economic problems of riverbank communities. This study uses a mixed method approach with a dominant qualitative, less prevalent quantitative scheme, mixed qualitative and quantitative methodology. Data was collected through in-depth interviews with 17 informants and survey/census on 40 respondents who are active in river ecotourism operations. The results show the formation of river ecotourism has changed the community's economy from a weak economy to a better one. The relationship between "duration of work in ecotourism operations" (variable X) and "level of income earned" (variable Y) has a correlation coefficient of 0.505> 0.320 at a significance level of 0.001 <0.005 indicating that the relationship between the two is "moderate". The sustainability of ecotourism must be carried out and become the concern of all parties including central, regional and village governments, as well as those involved in the formation of tourism space because river ecotourism opens indirectly the way for improving the economy of riverbank communities. This research is quite unique because it can turn ecosystem problems into an advantage